Esempio n. 1
        // Token: 0x06006644 RID: 26180 RVA: 0x001CBE1C File Offset: 0x001CA01C
        protected TextCollapsingProperties GetCollapsingProps(double wrappingWidth, LineProperties paraProperties)
            TextCollapsingProperties result;

            if (paraProperties.TextTrimming == TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis)
                result = new TextTrailingCharacterEllipsis(wrappingWidth, paraProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties);
                result = new TextTrailingWordEllipsis(wrappingWidth, paraProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties);
Esempio n. 2
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Get collapsing properties.
        //      wrappingWidth - wrapping width for collapsed line.
        //      paraProperties - paragraph properties.
        // Returns: Line collapsing properties.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected TextCollapsingProperties GetCollapsingProps(double wrappingWidth, LineProperties paraProperties)
            Debug.Assert(paraProperties.TextTrimming != TextTrimming.None, "Text trimming must be enabled.");
            TextCollapsingProperties collapsingProps;

            if (paraProperties.TextTrimming == TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis)
                collapsingProps = new TextTrailingCharacterEllipsis(wrappingWidth, paraProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties);
                collapsingProps = new TextTrailingWordEllipsis(wrappingWidth, paraProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties);

Esempio n. 3
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Get collapsing properties.
        //      wrappingWidth - wrapping width for collapsed line.
        //      paraProperties - paragraph properties.
        // Returns: Line collapsing properties.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected TextCollapsingProperties GetCollapsingProps(double wrappingWidth, LineProperties paraProperties)
            Debug.Assert(paraProperties.TextTrimming != TextTrimming.None, "Text trimming must be enabled.");
            TextCollapsingProperties collapsingProps;
            if (paraProperties.TextTrimming == TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis)
                collapsingProps = new TextTrailingCharacterEllipsis(wrappingWidth, paraProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties);
                collapsingProps = new TextTrailingWordEllipsis(wrappingWidth, paraProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties);

            return collapsingProps;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Constructor.
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 internal FirstLineProperties(LineProperties lp)
     _lp = lp;
     // properly set the local copy of hyphenator accordingly.
     Hyphenator = lp.Hyphenator;
Esempio n. 5
        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Create and format text line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dcp">First character position for the line.</param>
        /// <param name="formatWidth">Width to pass to LS formatter.</param>
        /// <param name="paragraphWidth">Line wrapping width.</param>
        /// <param name="lineProperties">Line's properties.</param>
        /// <param name="textRunCache">Run cache.</param>
        /// <param name="formatter">Text formatter.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// formatWidth/paragraphWidth is an attempt to work around bug 114719.
        /// Unfortunately, Line Services cannot guarantee that once a line
        /// has been measured, measuring the same content with the actual line
        /// width will produce the same line.
        /// For example, suppose we format dcp 0 with paragraphWidth = 100.
        /// Suppose this results in a line from dcp 0 - 10, with width = 95.
        /// We would expect that a call to FormatLine with dcp = 0,
        /// paragraphWidth = 95 would result in the same 10 char line.
        /// But in practice it might return a 9 char line.
        /// The workaround is to pass in an explicit formatting width across
        /// multiple calls, even if the paragraphWidth changes.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void Format(int dcp, double formatWidth, double paragraphWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, TextRunCache textRunCache, TextFormatter formatter)
            _lineProperties = lineProperties;
            _dcp = dcp;
            _paragraphWidth = paragraphWidth;

            // We must ignore TextAlignment here since formatWidth does not
            // necessarilly equal paragraphWidth.  We'll adjust on later calls.
            lineProperties.IgnoreTextAlignment = (lineProperties.TextAlignment != TextAlignment.Justify);
                _line = formatter.FormatLine(this, dcp, formatWidth, lineProperties, null, textRunCache);
                lineProperties.IgnoreTextAlignment = false;
Esempio n. 6
        // Helper for IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert, IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete.
        // Formats line until we hit a synchronization point, a position where we know
        // following lines could not be affected by the change.
        private void SyncLineMetrics(DirtyTextRange range, double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, TextBoxLine line,
            bool endOfParagraph, int lineIndex, int lineOffset)
            bool offsetSyncOk = (range.PositionsAdded == 0 || range.PositionsRemoved == 0);
            int lastCoveredCharOffset = range.StartIndex + Math.Max(range.PositionsAdded, range.PositionsRemoved);

            // Keep updating lines until we find a synchronized position.
            while (!endOfParagraph &&
                   (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count ||
                    !offsetSyncOk ||
                    lineOffset != _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset))
                if (lineIndex < _lineMetrics.Count &&
                    lineOffset >= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset)
                    // If the current line offset starts past the current line metric offset,
                    // remove the metric.  This happens when the previous line
                    // frees up enough space to completely consume the following line.
                    // We can't simply replace the record without potentially missing our
                    // [....] position.
                    _lineMetrics.RemoveAt(lineIndex); // 
                    RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, 1);
                    using (line)
                        line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter);

                        LineRecord record = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line);

                        if (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count ||
                            lineOffset + line.Length <= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset)
                            // The new line preceeds the old line, insert a new record.

                            _lineMetrics.Insert(lineIndex, record);
                            // We expect to be colliding with the old line directly.
                            // If we extend past it, we're in danger of needlessly
                            // re-formatting the entire doc (ie, we miss the real
                            // [....] position and don't stop until EndOfParagraph).
                            Invariant.Assert(lineOffset < _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset);

                            _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = record;

                            // If this line ends past the invalidated region, and it
                            // has a hard line break, it's safe to synchronize on the next
                            // line metric with a matching start offset.
                            offsetSyncOk |= lastCoveredCharOffset <= record.EndOffset && line.HasLineBreak;

                        lineOffset += line.Length;
                        endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph;

            // Remove any trailing lines that got absorbed into the new last line.
            if (endOfParagraph && lineIndex < _lineMetrics.Count)
                int count = _lineMetrics.Count - lineIndex;
                _lineMetrics.RemoveRange(lineIndex, count);
                RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, count);
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Constructor.
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 internal FirstLineProperties(LineProperties lp)
     _lp = lp;
     // properly set the local copy of hyphenator accordingly.
     Hyphenator = lp.Hyphenator;
Esempio n. 8
 // Calculate line advance distance. This functionality will go away
 // when TextFormatter will be able to handle line height/stacking.
 //      lineHeight - calculated line height
 // Returns: Line advance distance..
 private double CalcLineAdvance(double lineHeight, LineProperties lineProperties)
     return lineProperties.CalcLineAdvance(lineHeight);
Esempio n. 9
 // Get line properties
 //      firstLine - is it for the first line?
 // Returns: Line properties for first/following lines.
 private TextParagraphProperties GetLineProperties(bool firstLine, LineProperties lineProperties)
     return GetLineProperties(firstLine, false, lineProperties);
Esempio n. 10
        // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change (rather than
        // a constraint change).
        // Returns the full content size, omitting any unanalyzed content
        // at the document end (due to pending background layout).
        private Size IncrementalMeasure(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties)
            Invariant.Assert(_dirtyList != null);
            Invariant.Assert(_dirtyList.Length > 0); // We only allocate _dirtyList when it has content.

            Size desiredSize = _contentSize;
            DirtyTextRange range = _dirtyList[0];

            // Background layout may be running, in which case we need to
            // "clip" the scope of this incremental edit.  We want to ignore
            // changes that extend past the area of the document we're already
            // tracking.
            if (range.StartIndex > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset)
                return desiredSize;

            // Merge the dirty list into a single superset DirtyTextRange.

            int previousOffset = range.StartIndex;
            int positionsAdded = range.PositionsAdded;
            int positionsRemoved = range.PositionsRemoved;

            for (int i = 1; i < _dirtyList.Length; i++)
                range = _dirtyList[i];

                if (range.StartIndex > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset)

                int rangeDistance = range.StartIndex - previousOffset;
                positionsAdded += rangeDistance + range.PositionsAdded;
                positionsRemoved += rangeDistance + range.PositionsRemoved;

                previousOffset = range.StartIndex;

            range = new DirtyTextRange(_dirtyList[0].StartIndex, positionsAdded, positionsRemoved);

            if (range.PositionsAdded >= range.PositionsRemoved)
                IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert(constraintWidth, lineProperties, range, ref desiredSize);
            else if (range.PositionsAdded < range.PositionsRemoved)
                IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete(constraintWidth, lineProperties, range, ref desiredSize);

            return desiredSize;
Esempio n. 11
        // Performs one iteration of background measure.
        // Background measure always works at the end of the current
        // line metrics array -- invalidations to prevoiusly examined
        // content is handled by incremental layout, synchronously.
        // Returns the full content size, omitting any unanalyzed content
        // at the document end.
        private Size FullMeasureTick(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties)
            Size desiredSize;
            TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this);
            int lineOffset;
            bool endOfParagraph;

            // Find the next position for this iteration.

            if (_lineMetrics.Count == 0)
                desiredSize = new Size();
                lineOffset = 0;
                desiredSize = _contentSize;
                lineOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset;

            // Calculate a stop time.
            // We limit work to just a few milliseconds per iteration
            // to avoid blocking the thread.
            DateTime stopTime;

            if ((ScrollBarVisibility)((Control)_host).GetValue(ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty) == ScrollBarVisibility.Auto)
                // Workaround for bug 1766924.
                // When VerticalScrollBarVisiblity == Auto, there's a problem with
                // our interaction with ScrollViewer.  Disable background layout to
                // mitigate the problem until we can take a real fix in
                stopTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
                stopTime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(_maxMeasureTimeMs);

            // Format lines until we hit the end of document or run out of time.

                using (line)
                    line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter);

                    // This is a loop invariant, but has negligable cost.
                    _lineHeight = lineProperties.CalcLineAdvance(line.Height);

                    _lineMetrics.Add(new LineRecord(lineOffset, line));

                    // Desired width is always max of calculated line widths. 
                    // Desired height is sum of all line heights.
                    desiredSize.Width = Math.Max(desiredSize.Width, line.Width);
                    desiredSize.Height += _lineHeight;

                    lineOffset += line.Length;
                    endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph;
            while (!endOfParagraph && DateTime.Now < stopTime);

            if (!endOfParagraph)
                // Ran out of time.  Defer to background layout.
                SetFlags(true, Flags.BackgroundLayoutPending);
                this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(OnBackgroundMeasure), null);
                // Finished the entire document.  Stop background layout.
                SetFlags(false, Flags.BackgroundLayoutPending);

            return desiredSize;
Esempio n. 12
        // Returns a formatted TextBoxLine at the specified index.
        // Caller must Dispose the TextBoxLine.
        // This method is expensive.
        private TextBoxLine GetFormattedLine(int lineIndex, out LineProperties lineProperties)
            TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this);
            LineRecord metrics = _lineMetrics[lineIndex];
            lineProperties = GetLineProperties();

            Control hostControl = (Control)_host;
            TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode = TextOptions.GetTextFormattingMode(hostControl);
            TextFormatter formatter = TextFormatter.FromCurrentDispatcher(textFormattingMode);

            double width = GetWrappingWidth(this.RenderSize.Width);
            double formatWidth = GetWrappingWidth(_previousConstraint.Width);

            line.Format(metrics.Offset, formatWidth, width, lineProperties, new TextRunCache(), formatter);
            Invariant.Assert(metrics.Length == line.Length, "Line is out of [....] with metrics!");

            return line;
Esempio n. 13
        internal override void ValidateVisual(PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited)
            // Query paragraph details 
            PTS.FSSUBTRACKDETAILS subtrackDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubtrackDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle.Value, out subtrackDetails)); 
            // Draw border and background info.
            MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Paragraph.Element); 
            if (ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)

            uint fswdir = PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir((FlowDirection)Paragraph.Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty)); 
            Brush backgroundBrush = (Brush)Paragraph.Element.GetValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty);
            TextProperties textProperties = new TextProperties(Paragraph.Element, StaticTextPointer.Null, false /* inline objects */, false /* get background */);

            // There might be possibility to get empty sub-track, skip the sub-track in such case.
            if (subtrackDetails.cParas != 0) 
                PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION [] arrayParaDesc; 
                PtsHelper.ParaListFromSubtrack(PtsContext, _paraHandle.Value, ref subtrackDetails, out arrayParaDesc); 

                using(DrawingContext ctx = _visual.RenderOpen()) 
                    _visual.DrawBackgroundAndBorderIntoContext(ctx, backgroundBrush, mbp.BorderBrush, mbp.Border, _rect.FromTextDpi(), IsFirstChunk, IsLastChunk);

                        // Get list of paragraphs 
                    ListMarkerLine listMarkerLine = new ListMarkerLine(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this);
                    int indexFirstParaInSubtrack = 0; 
                    for(int index = 0; index < subtrackDetails.cParas; index++)
                        List list = Paragraph.Element as List;

                        BaseParaClient listItemParaClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[index].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;

                        if(index == 0) 
                            indexFirstParaInSubtrack = list.GetListItemIndex(listItemParaClient.Paragraph.Element as ListItem);

                            int dvBaseline = listItemParaClient.GetFirstTextLineBaseline(); 

                            if(PageFlowDirection != ThisFlowDirection) 
                                ctx.PushTransform(new MatrixTransform(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(2 * listItemParaClient.Rect.u + listItemParaClient.Rect.du), 0.0));

                            int adjustedIndex;
                            if (int.MaxValue - index < indexFirstParaInSubtrack)
                                adjustedIndex = int.MaxValue;
                                adjustedIndex = indexFirstParaInSubtrack + index; 
                            LineProperties lineProps = new LineProperties(Paragraph.Element, Paragraph.StructuralCache.FormattingOwner, textProperties, new MarkerProperties(list, adjustedIndex));
                            listMarkerLine.FormatAndDrawVisual(ctx, lineProps, listItemParaClient.Rect.u, dvBaseline);
                            if(PageFlowDirection != ThisFlowDirection)

                // Render list of paragraphs 
                PtsHelper.UpdateParaListVisuals(PtsContext, _visual.Children, fskupdInherited, arrayParaDesc);

Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and format text line. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx"> 
        /// DrawingContext for text line. 
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="lineProps"> 
        /// LineProperties of text line
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ur">
        /// Horizontal draw location 
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vrBaseline"> 
        /// Vertical baseline draw location 
        /// </param>
        internal void FormatAndDrawVisual(DrawingContext ctx, LineProperties lineProps, int ur, int vrBaseline) 
            System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextLine line;
            bool mirror = (lineProps.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft);
            _host.Context = this;
                // Create line object 
                line = _host.TextFormatter.FormatLine(_host, 0, 0, lineProps.FirstLineProps, null, new TextRunCache());

                Point drawLocation = new Point(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(ur), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(vrBaseline) - line.Baseline);
                line.Draw(ctx, drawLocation, (mirror ? InvertAxes.Horizontal : InvertAxes.None));
                // clear the context
                _host.Context = null;
Esempio n. 15
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Create appropriate line object.
 // a) SimpleLine, if the content is represented by a string.
 // b) ComplexLine, if the content is represented by a TextContainer.
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 private Line CreateLine(LineProperties lineProperties)
     Line line;
     if (_complexContent == null)
         line = new SimpleLine(this, Text, lineProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties);
         line = new ComplexLine(this);
     return line;
Esempio n. 16
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Refetch and cache line properties, if needed.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private LineProperties GetLineProperties()
            // For default text properties always set background to null.
            // REASON: If element associated with the text run is TextBlock element, ignore background
            //         brush, because it is handled outside as FrameworkElement's background.

            TextProperties defaultTextProperties = new TextProperties(this, this.IsTypographyDefaultValue);

            // Do not allow hyphenation for plain Text so always pass null for IHyphenate.
            // Pass page width and height as double.MaxValue when creating LineProperties, since TextBlock does not restrict
            // TextIndent or LineHeight
            LineProperties lineProperties = new LineProperties(this, this, defaultTextProperties, null);

            bool isHyphenationEnabled = (bool) this.GetValue(IsHyphenationEnabledProperty);
                lineProperties.Hyphenator = EnsureHyphenator();

            return lineProperties;

Esempio n. 17
        // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change.
        private void IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, DirtyTextRange range, ref Size desiredSize)
            int delta = range.PositionsAdded - range.PositionsRemoved;
            Invariant.Assert(delta >= 0);
            int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(range.StartIndex, LogicalDirection.Forward);

            if (delta > 0)
                // Increment of the offsets of all following lines.
                for (int i = lineIndex + 1; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++)
                    _lineMetrics[i].Offset += delta;

            TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this);
            int lineOffset;
            bool endOfParagraph = false;

            // We need to re-format the previous line, because if someone inserted
            // a hard break, the first directly affected line might now be shorter
            // and mergeable with its predecessor.
            if (lineIndex > 0) // 
                FormatFirstIncrementalLine(lineIndex - 1, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, out lineOffset, out endOfParagraph);
                lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset;

            // Format the line directly affected by the change.
            // If endOfParagraph == true, then the line was absorbed into its
            // predessor (because its new content is thinner, or because the
            // TextWrapping property changed).
            if (!endOfParagraph)
                using (line)
                    line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter);

                    _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line);

                    lineOffset += line.Length;
                    endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph;

            // Recalc the following lines not directly affected as needed.
            SyncLineMetrics(range, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, endOfParagraph, lineIndex, lineOffset);

            desiredSize = BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize();
Esempio n. 18
 private TextParagraphProperties GetLineProperties(bool firstLine, bool showParagraphEllipsis, LineProperties lineProperties)
     firstLine = firstLine && lineProperties.HasFirstLineProperties;
     if (!showParagraphEllipsis)
         return firstLine ? lineProperties.FirstLineProps : lineProperties;
         return lineProperties.GetParaEllipsisLineProps(firstLine);
Esempio n. 19
        // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change.
        private void IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, DirtyTextRange range, ref Size desiredSize)
            int delta = range.PositionsAdded - range.PositionsRemoved;
            Invariant.Assert(delta < 0);

            int firstLineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(range.StartIndex);

            // Clip the scope of the affected lines to the region of the document
            // we've already inspected.  Clipping happens when background layout
            // has not yet completed but an incremental update happens.
            int endOffset = range.StartIndex + -delta - 1;
            if (endOffset > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset)
                endOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset;
                if (range.StartIndex == endOffset)
                    // Nothing left to do until background layout runs.

            int lastLineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(endOffset);

            // Increment the offsets of all following lines.
            for (int i = lastLineIndex + 1; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++)
                _lineMetrics[i].Offset += delta;

            TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this);
            int lineIndex = firstLineIndex;
            int lineOffset;
            bool endOfParagraph;

            // We need to re-format the previous line, because if someone inserted
            // a hard break, the first directly affected line might now be shorter
            // and mergeable with its predecessor.
            if (lineIndex > 0) // 
                FormatFirstIncrementalLine(lineIndex - 1, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, out lineOffset, out endOfParagraph);
                lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset;
                endOfParagraph = false;


            // Update the first affected line.  If it's completely covered, remove it entirely below.
            if (!endOfParagraph &&
                (range.StartIndex > lineOffset || range.StartIndex + -delta < _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset))
                // Only part of the line is covered, reformat it.
                using (line)
                    line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter);

                    _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line);

                    lineOffset += line.Length;
                    endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph;

            // Remove all the following lines that are completely covered.
            _lineMetrics.RemoveRange(lineIndex, lastLineIndex - lineIndex + 1);
            RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, lastLineIndex - lineIndex + 1);

            // Recalc the following lines not directly affected as needed.
            SyncLineMetrics(range, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, endOfParagraph, lineIndex, lineOffset);

            desiredSize = BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize();
Esempio n. 20
        // Helper for IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert, IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete.
        // Formats the line preceding the first directly affected line after a TextContainer change.
        // In general this line might grow as content in the following line is absorbed.
        private void FormatFirstIncrementalLine(int lineIndex, double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, TextBoxLine line,
            out int lineOffset, out bool endOfParagraph)
            int originalEndOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset;
            lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset;

            using (line)
                line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter);

                _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line);

                lineOffset += line.Length;
                endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph;

            // Don't clear the cached Visual unless something changed.
            if (originalEndOffset != _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset)
 // Token: 0x06008A92 RID: 35474 RVA: 0x00257536 File Offset: 0x00255736
 internal FirstLineProperties(LineProperties lp)
     this._lp        = lp;
     this.Hyphenator = lp.Hyphenator;