Esempio n. 1
        public void UpdateReferences(bool closingFlag)
            // we just need to ask Block Manager for the new Values for each header
            // there are 2 distinct cases here
            //    1. local file data is mapped . loaded and might have been changed in size and position
            //    2. local file data is not  loaded and might have been changed only in position (not in size)

            foreach (IZipIOBlock block in _blockManager)
                ZipIOLocalFileBlock   localFileBlock   = block as ZipIOLocalFileBlock;
                ZipIORawDataFileBlock rawDataFileBlock = block as ZipIORawDataFileBlock;

                if (localFileBlock != null)
                    // this is case 1 data is mapped and loaded, so we only need to find the matching
                    // Centraldirectory record and update it

                    ZipIOCentralDirectoryFileHeader centralDirFileHeader =

                    if (centralDirFileHeader.UpdateIfNeeded(localFileBlock))
                        //update was required let's mark ourselves as dirty
                        _dirtyFlag = true;
                //check whether we deal with raw data block and it was moved
                else if (rawDataFileBlock != null)
                    long diskImageShift = rawDataFileBlock.DiskImageShift;
                    if (diskImageShift != 0)
                        //this is case #2 data isn't loaded based on the shift in the RawData Block
                        // we need to move all overlapping central directory references
                        foreach (ZipIOCentralDirectoryFileHeader centralDirFileHeader in CentralDirectoryDictionary.Values)
                            // check whether central dir header points into the region of a moved RawDataBlock
                            if (rawDataFileBlock.DiskImageContains(centralDirFileHeader.OffsetOfLocalHeader))
                                _dirtyFlag = true;
Esempio n. 2
        //  Internal Methods
        internal static ZipIORawDataFileBlock Assign(ZipIOBlockManager blockManager, long offset, long size)
            if (size <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size");

            if (offset < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");

            ZipIORawDataFileBlock block = new ZipIORawDataFileBlock(blockManager);

            block._persistedOffset = offset;
            block._offset          = offset;
            block._size            = size;

Esempio n. 3
        internal void SplitIntoPrefixSuffix(IZipIOBlock block,
                                            out ZipIORawDataFileBlock prefixBlock, out ZipIORawDataFileBlock suffixBlock)
            // assert that current's block cache isn't loaded, if it is
            // we probably missed an opportunity to used this cache in order to parse the new block
            // and it might be based on the overriden data on disk
            // This block can only be in cached state as a part of single BlockManager.Save execution.
            // It can NOT be in cached state prior to BlockManager.Save function entry or after
            // BlockManager.Save execution completed
            Debug.Assert(_cachePrefixStream == null);

            // Assert that block is containe inside the current raw block

                prefixBlock = null;
                suffixBlock = null;
                if (block.Offset > _persistedOffset)
                    // we have a new non empty prefix;
                    long newBlockOffset = _persistedOffset;
                    long newBlockSize   = block.Offset - _persistedOffset;

                    prefixBlock = Assign(_blockManager, newBlockOffset, newBlockSize);

                if (block.Offset + block.Size < _persistedOffset + _size)
                    // we have a new non empty suffix;
                    long newBlockOffset = block.Offset + block.Size;
                    long newBlockSize   = _persistedOffset + _size - newBlockOffset;

                    suffixBlock = Assign(_blockManager, newBlockOffset, newBlockSize);
        internal void SplitIntoPrefixSuffix(IZipIOBlock block,
                                        out ZipIORawDataFileBlock prefixBlock, out ZipIORawDataFileBlock suffixBlock) 
            // assert that current's block cache isn't loaded, if it is 
            // we probably missed an opportunity to used this cache in order to parse the new block 
            // and it might be based on the overriden data on disk
            // This block can only be in cached state as a part of single BlockManager.Save execution. 
            // It can NOT be in cached state prior to BlockManager.Save function entry or after
            // BlockManager.Save execution completed
            Debug.Assert(_cachePrefixStream == null);
            // Assert that block is containe inside the current raw block
                prefixBlock = null;
                suffixBlock = null;
                if (block.Offset > _persistedOffset)
                    // we have a new non empty prefix;
                    long newBlockOffset = _persistedOffset; 
                    long newBlockSize = block.Offset - _persistedOffset; 

                    prefixBlock = Assign(_blockManager, newBlockOffset , newBlockSize); 

                if (block.Offset + block.Size < _persistedOffset + _size)
                    // we have a new non empty suffix;
                    long newBlockOffset = block.Offset + block.Size; 
                    long newBlockSize = _persistedOffset + _size - newBlockOffset; 

                    suffixBlock = Assign(_blockManager, newBlockOffset, newBlockSize); 
        //  Internal Methods
        internal static ZipIORawDataFileBlock Assign(ZipIOBlockManager blockManager, long offset, long size)
            if (size <= 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("size"); 

            if (offset < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset");
            ZipIORawDataFileBlock block = new ZipIORawDataFileBlock(blockManager);
            block._persistedOffset = offset; 
            block._offset = offset;
            block._size = size;

            return block; 