Esempio n. 1
         *  Wrapper class managing all of the Logging, timings and email sending
         *  for accessing stock details and stock levels
        public void Enrich()
            sqlLog = new MnS_SQL_Logger();
            dtS = DateTime.Now;
            hshJSONErrors = new HashSet<string>();
            hshNullErrors = new HashSet<string>();

            sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, "Starting");


            // Where there any JSON errors that need reporting?
            string strErrors = logArrayToDB("M&S Errors. ", "The following entries in the M&S JSON Service have changed:"
                                , hshJSONErrors
                                , "\nUpdate Failed"
                                , sqlLog);

            // Were there any null fields that need reporting?
            string strWarnings = logArrayToDB("M&S Warnings. ", "The following entries contained null values:\n"
                                , hshNullErrors
                                , "\nUpdate succeeded with skipped items"
                                , sqlLog);

            string strTimings = "Timings:\nSQL Fetch:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsFetch)
                                + " \nSQL Update:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsUpdate)
                                + " \nSQL Fetch Parent:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsParent)
                                + " \nAccess MnS Stock Details Webservice:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService)
                                + " \nAccess MnS Stock Details Webservice 404:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404)
                                + " \nXML:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsXML);

            sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, "Timings. " + strTimings);

            string strProcessed = "\nRecord Counts\nProcessed:" + recordsProcessed
                                + " \nNot found in M&S service 404 errors:" + fetchError404
                                + " \nNot found in M&S service 400 errors:" + productsMissing
                                + " \nUpdated:" + successfulUpdates;

            sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, "Ended. " + strProcessed);

            // Send an email summarising the job
            if (strErrors.Equals(""))
                sendEmail("M&S MCFP " + CLASS_NAME, "Batch ran successfully with the following output\n"
                        + strProcessed + "\n"
                        + strTimings + "\n"
                        + strWarnings);
                sendEmail("M&S MCFP " + CLASS_NAME , "Batch Failed\n\n"
                        + strErrors + "\n"
                        + strProcessed + "\n"
                        + strTimings + "\n"
                        + strWarnings);
         * Iterate through every one of the 67,000 products,fetch the product details and propogate the database
         * The 67,000 products have been presented to us by M&S and are hard coded in the database
        public void Enrich()
            MnS_SQL_Logger sqlLog = new MnS_SQL_Logger();
            DateTime dtS = DateTime.Now;
            HashSet<string> hshJSONErrors = new HashSet<string>();
            HashSet<string> hshNullErrors = new HashSet<string>();

            sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, "Starting");
            // SQL Connection for updating the product table
            using (SqlConnection conDB = new SqlConnection(MS.DHC.Configuration.Database.WorkerConnection))
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT, P.ProductExternalID, C.TCode FROM Catalogue c"
                                                                    + " join Product P on P.asin = c.asin"
                                                                    + " where MnSCatalogueReference = 'MS.DHC.13.0'"
                                                                    + " and c.asin > '' and P.ProductExternalID > ''"
                                                                    + " and SKU > ''", conDB))
                using (SqlDataReader rdrCatProducts = command.ExecuteReader())
                    DateTime dtf = DateTime.Now;
                    TimeSpan span = dtf - dtS;
                    int ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                    elapasedTimeMillsecsFetch = elapasedTimeMillsecsFetch + ms;

                    while (rdrCatProducts.Read())
                         * Single External Product ID
                         * Access the M&S Product REST service in order to flesh out the latest product details in our database
                         * TODO - drop MS.DHC.Amazon.Mapping.BatchResult

                        DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now;
                        int intID = rdrCatProducts.GetInt32(0);
                        string ProductExternalID = rdrCatProducts.GetString(1);
                        string strTCode = rdrCatProducts.GetString(2);

                        string strUrl = "" + ProductExternalID + "?apikey=nIXc5NLAXfUGuxnviQJAODHKdBIh9Lsp";
                        WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(strUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
                        WebResponse response = null;

                            response = request.GetResponse();
                        // TODO break is for 404 errors only - handle all the real errors
                        catch (System.Net.WebException e)
                            DateTime dtMiss = DateTime.Now;
                            span = dtMiss - dt1;
                            ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                            elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404 = elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404 + ms;

                        Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
                        string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();

                        JObject jo = JObject.Parse(responseFromServer);
                        // a 400 error means the item is missing - ignore
                        string strStatus = (string)jo["status"];
                        if (strStatus == "400")
                            DateTime dtMf = DateTime.Now;
                            span = dtMf - dt1;
                            ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                            elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404 = elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404 + ms;
                            DateTime dtM = DateTime.Now;
                            span = dtM - dt1;
                            ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                            elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService = elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService + ms;
                                string strProductID = (string)jo["product"]["id"];
                                string strDescription = (string)jo["product"]["description"];
                                if (strDescription == null)
                                    strDescription = strDescription.Replace("'", "''");
                                string strMFPartNumber = (string)jo["product"]["mfPartNumber"];
                                strMFPartNumber = checkNullString("[product][mfPartNumber]", hshNullErrors, strMFPartNumber);
                                string strSKU = (string)jo["product"]["skus"][0]["id"];
                                strSKU = checkNullString("[product][skus][0][id]", hshNullErrors, strSKU);

                                dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(responseFromServer, new Object());
                                IEnumerable<dynamic> attributes = data.product.attributes;

                                string strAdditionalFeatureValue = "";
                                string strDeliveryInformationPanel = "";
                                string strCareInstruction = "";
                                if (attributes != null)
                                    // get the addition features attribute
                                    var additionalFeatures = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => == "AdditionalFeatures");
                                    strAdditionalFeatureValue = null;
                                    if (additionalFeatures != null) strAdditionalFeatureValue = additionalFeatures.value.Value;
                                    strAdditionalFeatureValue = checkNullString("[product][AdditionalFeatures][value]", hshNullErrors, strAdditionalFeatureValue);

                                    var deliveryInformationPanel = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => == "DeliveryInformationPanel");
                                    strDeliveryInformationPanel = null;
                                    if (deliveryInformationPanel != null) strDeliveryInformationPanel = deliveryInformationPanel.value.Value; ;
                                    strDeliveryInformationPanel = checkNullString("[product][DeliveryInformationPanel][value]", hshNullErrors, strDeliveryInformationPanel);

                                    var careInstruction = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => == "CareInstruction");
                                    strCareInstruction = null;
                                    if (careInstruction != null) strCareInstruction = careInstruction.value.Value; ;
                                    strCareInstruction = checkNullString("[product][CareInstruction][value]", hshNullErrors, strCareInstruction);

                                    //string strAdditionalFeatures = (string)jo["product"]["attributes"][0]["AdditionalFeatures"]["value"];

                                DateTime dtX = DateTime.Now;
                                span = dtX - dtM;
                                ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                                elapasedTimeMillsecsXML = elapasedTimeMillsecsXML + ms;

                                // Fetch the Parent ID - necessitates reading the Product table to find the ID
                                string strParentPartNumber = (string)jo["product"]["parentProductId"];
                                strParentPartNumber = checkNullString("[product][parentProductId]", hshNullErrors, strParentPartNumber);
                                int intParentID = -1;  // Denote not found
                                using (SqlConnection con2DB = new SqlConnection(MS.DHC.Configuration.Database.WorkerConnection))
                                    using (SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("Select ID from product " +
                                                                        "where ProductExternalID = '" + strParentPartNumber + "';", con2DB))
                                    using (SqlDataReader rdrProduct = command2.ExecuteReader())
                                        while (rdrProduct.Read())
                                            intParentID = rdrProduct.GetInt32(0);

                                DateTime dtP = DateTime.Now;
                                span = dtP - dtX;
                                ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                                elapasedTimeMillsecsParent = elapasedTimeMillsecsParent + ms;

                                // Fetch the List Price
                                strFieldBeingProcessed = "minPrice";
                                string strListPrice = (string)jo["product"]["price"]["minPrice"];
                                strListPrice = checkNullString("[product][price][minPrice][value]", hshNullErrors, strListPrice);
                                // safety first - check if numberic
                                double dblListprice = -1;  // Denote not found
                                double dblOut;
                                bool isNum = double.TryParse(strListPrice, out dblOut);
                                if (isNum) dblListprice = dblOut;

                                string strPreviousPrice;
                                double dblPreviousPrice = -1;  // Denote not found
                                    // Fetch the Previous Price
                                    strFieldBeingProcessed = "wasPrice";
                                    strPreviousPrice = (string)jo["product"]["wasPrice"]["Value"];
                                    strPreviousPrice = checkNullString("[product][wasPrice][value]", hshNullErrors, strPreviousPrice);
                                    // safety first - check if numberic
                                    dblPreviousPrice = -1;  // Denote not found
                                    isNum = double.TryParse(strPreviousPrice, out dblOut);
                                    if (isNum) dblPreviousPrice = dblOut;
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    registerBadField(strFieldBeingProcessed, hshJSONErrors);
                                    dblPreviousPrice = -2;

                                /*                        // Columns I cannot find or am guessing
                                                        string strTitle = (string)jo["product"]["name"];// Logical Guess
                                                        string strMechant = (string)jo["product"]["merchant"];// Can't find
                                                        string strHREF = (string)jo["product"]["HREF"];// Can't find. Lot's of thumbnails. Presume this is a link to web
                                                        string strListing = (string)jo["product"]["Listing"];// Can't find
                                                        string strPromotion = (string)jo["product"]["promotions"];// Not sure because plural also in SKU collection
                                                        string strReturns = (string)jo["product"]["Returns"];// This might be FusePump
                                                        string strReturnPolicy = (string)jo["product"]["ReturnsPolicy"];// This might be FusePump
                                                        string strSafety = (string)jo["product"]["SafetyInformation"];// This might be FusePump
                                                        string strStoreCollection = (string)jo["product"]["StoreCollection"];// This might be DeliveryInformationPanel
                                                        string strDeliveryAvailable = (string)jo["product"]["DeliveryAvailable"];// DeliveryInformationPanel present?
                                                        string strTCode = (string)jo["product"]["TCode"];// Can't find*/
                                // Update the table with the new information that we have
                                using (SqlConnection con3DB = new SqlConnection(MS.DHC.Configuration.Database.WorkerConnection))
                                    SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand();
                                    sqlComm = con3DB.CreateCommand();
                                    string strSQL = "UPDATE product SET " +
                                                            "description = '" + strDescription + "'"
                                                            + ", SKU = '" + strSKU + "'"
                                                            + ", TCode = '" + strTCode + "'"
                                                            + ", Price = " + dblListprice
                                                            + ", PreviousPrice = " + dblPreviousPrice;

                                    /*                            if (additionalFeatureValue != null)
                                                                    strSQL = strSQL + ", additionalFeatureValue = '" + additionalFeatureValue + "'";
                                    if (strDeliveryInformationPanel != null)
                                        // Delivery available is a boolean!
                                        //                                strSQL = strSQL + ", DeliveryAvailable = '" + strDeliveryInformationPanel + "'";
                                    if (strCareInstruction != null)
                                        strSQL = strSQL + ", CareInstructions = '" + strCareInstruction + "'";

                                    strSQL = strSQL + ", Parent = " + intParentID +
                                                      " where ID = '" + intID + "'";
                                    sqlComm.CommandText = strSQL;

                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        throw new Exception("oops!");

                                    DateTime dtU = DateTime.Now;
                                    span = dtU - dtP;
                                    ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                                    elapasedTimeMillsecsUpdate = elapasedTimeMillsecsUpdate + ms;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                // Whoops! JSON element not found. Log and report to the job output log
                                registerBadField(strFieldBeingProcessed, hshJSONErrors);
                // Close the database

                // Where there any JSON errors that need reporting?
                string strErrors = logArrayToDB("M&S Errors. ", "The following entries in the M&S JSON Service have changed:"
                                    , hshJSONErrors
                                    , "\nUpdate Failed"
                                    , sqlLog);

                // Were there any null fields that need reporting?
                string strWarnings = logArrayToDB("M&S Warnings. ", "The following entries contained null values:\n"
                                    , hshNullErrors
                                    , "\nUpdate succeeded with skipped items"
                                    , sqlLog);

                string strTimings = "Timings:\nSQL Fetch:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsFetch)
                                    + " \nSQL Update:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsUpdate)
                                    + " \nSQL Fetch Parent:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsParent)
                                    + " \nAccess MnS Stock Details Webservice:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService)
                                    + " \nAccess MnS Stock Details Webservice 404:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404)
                                    + " \nXML:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsXML);

                sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, "Timings. " + strTimings);

                string strProcessed = "\nRecord Counts\nProcessed:" + recordsProcessed
                                    + " \nNot found in M&S service 404 errors:" + products404
                                    + " \nNot found in M&S service 400 errors:" + productsMissing
                                    + " \nUpdated:" + successfulUpdates;

                sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, "Ended. " + strProcessed);

                // Send an email summarising the job
                if (strErrors.Equals(""))
                    sendEmail("M&S MCFP Update Stock Details", "Batch ran successfully with the following output\n\n"
                            + strProcessed + "\n"
                            + strTimings + "\n"
                            + strWarnings);
                    sendEmail("M&S MCFP Update Stock Details", "Batch Failed\n\n"
                            + strErrors + "\n"
                            + strProcessed + "\n"
                            + strTimings + "\n"
                            + strWarnings);
 // If the array contains entries then something has gone wrong with the job
 // Dump and report to the SQL Event Log
 private string logArrayToDB(string strClass, string strPreceeding, HashSet<string> hshTable, string strFollowing, MnS_SQL_Logger sqlLog)
     string strMessage = "";
     if (hshTable.Count > 0)
         strMessage = strPreceeding;
         string[] array1 = hshTable.ToArray();
         for (int i = 0; i < hshTable.Count; i++)
             if (i > 0)
                 strMessage = strMessage + "\n";
             strMessage = strMessage + "    " + array1[i];
         strMessage = strMessage + strFollowing;
         sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, strClass + strMessage);
     return strMessage;
         * Iterate through every one of the live 68,000 products,fetch the stock level
        public void Enrich()
            // Grab an SQL Logger
            MnS_SQL_Logger sqlLog = new MnS_SQL_Logger();
            sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, "Starting");
            HashSet<string> hshJSONErrors = new HashSet<string>();
            HashSet<string> hshNullErrors = new HashSet<string>();

            DateTime dtS = DateTime.Now;
            // SQL Connection for updating the product table
            using (SqlConnection conDB = new SqlConnection(MS.DHC.Configuration.Database.WorkerConnection))
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SKU, P.ID FROM Catalogue C "
                                                                    + " join product P on P.asin = C.asin"
                                                                    + " where MnSCatalogueReference = 'MS.DHC.13.0'"
                                                                    + " and C.asin > '' "
                                                                    + " and P.ProductExternalID > '' "
                                                                    + " and SKU > ''", conDB))
                using (SqlDataReader rdrCatProducts = command.ExecuteReader())
                    DateTime dtf = DateTime.Now;
                    TimeSpan span = dtf - dtS;
                    int ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                    elapasedTimeMillsecsFetch = elapasedTimeMillsecsFetch + ms;

                    while (rdrCatProducts.Read())
                         * Single SKU
                         * Access the M&S Product REST service to get current stock level

                        DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now;
                        string strSKU = rdrCatProducts.GetString(0);
                        int intID = rdrCatProducts.GetInt32(1);

                        string strUrl = "" + strSKU + "?apikey=nIXc5NLAXfUGuxnviQJAODHKdBIh9Lsp";
                        WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(strUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
                        WebResponse response = null;

                            response = request.GetResponse();
                        // TODO break is for 404 errors only - handle all the real errors
                        catch (System.Net.WebException e)
                            DateTime dtMf = DateTime.Now;
                            span = dtMf - dt1;
                            ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                            elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404 = elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404 + ms;
                        DateTime dtM = DateTime.Now;
                        span = dtM - dt1;
                        //ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                        //elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService = elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService + ms;

                        Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
                        string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();

                        // get the stock level
                        JObject jo = JObject.Parse(responseFromServer);

                        DateTime dtX = DateTime.Now;
                        span = dtX - dtM;
                        ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                        elapasedTimeMillsecsXML = elapasedTimeMillsecsXML + ms;

                        // a 400 error means the item is missing - ignore
                        string strStatus = (string)jo["status"];
                        if (strStatus == "400")
                            DateTime dtMf = DateTime.Now;
                            span = dtMf - dt1;
                            ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                            elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404 = elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404 + ms;
                            DateTime dtOK = DateTime.Now;
                            span = dtOK - dt1;
                            ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                            elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService = elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService + ms;

                            string strFieldBeingProcessed = "[product][skus][0][quantity]";
                            catch (Exception e)
                                // Whoops! JSON element not found. Log and report to the job output log
                                registerBadField(strFieldBeingProcessed, hshJSONErrors);
                            string strStockLevel = (string)jo["inventory"]["skus"][0]["quantity"];
                            strStockLevel = checkNullString(strFieldBeingProcessed, hshNullErrors, strStockLevel);
                            double dblStockLevel = -1;  // Denote not found
                            double dblOut;
                            bool isNum = double.TryParse(strStockLevel, out dblOut);
                            if (isNum)
                                dblStockLevel = dblOut;
                                // Update the table with the new information that we have
                                using (SqlConnection con3DB = new SqlConnection(MS.DHC.Configuration.Database.WorkerConnection))
                                    SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand();
                                    sqlComm = con3DB.CreateCommand();
                                    string strSQL = "UPDATE product SET "
                                                            + "Stock = '" + dblStockLevel + "'"
                                                            + " where ID = '" + intID + "'";
                                    sqlComm.CommandText = strSQL;

                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        throw new Exception("oops!");

                                DateTime dtU = DateTime.Now;
                                span = dtU - dtX;
                                ms = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds;
                                elapasedTimeMillsecsUpdate = elapasedTimeMillsecsUpdate + ms;
                // Close the database

                // Where there any JSON errors that need reporting?
                logArrayToDB("M&S Errors. ", "The following entries in the M&S JSON Service have changed:"
                                    , hshJSONErrors
                                    , ". Update Failed"
                                    , sqlLog);

                // Were there any null fields that need reporting?
                logArrayToDB("M&S Warnings. ", "The following entries contained null values:"
                                    , hshNullErrors
                                    , ". Update succeeded with skipped items"
                                    , sqlLog);

                string strTimings = "Timings:\nSQL Fetch:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsFetch)
                                    + " \nSQL Update:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsUpdate)
                                    + " \nAccess MnS Stock Details Webservice:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService)
                                    + " \nAccess MnS Stock Details Webservice 404:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsMnSService404)
                                    + " \nXML:" + formatTime(elapasedTimeMillsecsXML);

                sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, "Timings. " + strTimings);

                string strMessage = "Processed:" + recordsProcessed
                                + "\nM&S 400 errors:" + productsMissing
                                + "\nUpdated:" + successfulUpdates
                                + "\nFailed Updates (404) + " +  failedUpdates
                                + "\nValid Stock Level:" + validStockLevel;

                sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, "Ended. " + strMessage);
 // If the array contains entries then something has gone wrong with the job
 // Dump and report to the SQL Event Log
 private void logArrayToDB(string strClass, string strPreceeding, HashSet<string> hshTable, string strFollowing, MnS_SQL_Logger sqlLog)
     string strMessage = strPreceeding;
     if (hshTable.Count > 0)
         String[] array1 = new String[hshTable.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < hshTable.Count; i++)
             if (i > 0)
                 strMessage = strMessage + ", ";
             strMessage = strMessage + array1[i];
         strMessage = strMessage + strFollowing;
         sqlLog.logMessage(CLASS_NAME, strClass + strMessage);