Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The actual execution of editing a vehicle.
        /// Resolve and check for business logic constraints before equalising values and letting the user know it was successful.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">List of user-defined inputs</param>
        protected override void Execute(List <string> args)
            PropertyInfo[] vehicleProperties = typeof(Vehicle).GetProperties();

            Vehicle       existingVehicle = ResolveVehicle(args);
            List <string> trimmedArgs     = TrimArguments(args);

            DefaultArguments(ref trimmedArgs, vehicleProperties, existingVehicle);

            Vehicle validatedVehicle = CreateNewVehicle(trimmedArgs);

            // Ensure vehicle isn't being rented
            Fleet   fleet   = repository.Get();
            Vehicle vehicle = fleet.GetVehicle(validatedVehicle.vehicleRego);

            if (fleet.IsVehicleRented(vehicle.vehicleRego))
                throw new VehicleCurrentlyRentingException(string.Format("{0} is currently being rented and cannot be edited.",

            ValidateConstraints(existingVehicle, validatedVehicle);
            EqualiseVehicles(existingVehicle, validatedVehicle);

            Console.WriteLine("Successfully edited vehicle {0} {1} {2} (Registration = {3}).", validatedVehicle.year, validatedVehicle.make,
                              validatedVehicle.model, validatedVehicle.vehicleRego);
Esempio n. 2
        // This method creates the rental data table for displaying rentals
        public static void RentalsToTable(Fleet fleet, DataTable Name)
            // String array containing all fields
            string[] Fields = { "Registration", "CustomerID", "DailyRate" };

            // Add columns to rentals datatable
            foreach (string field in Fields)
                Name.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(field));

            // list which will contain all the lines
            List <string> totalLines = new List <string>();

            // Loop through dictionary and store all values into total lines, including dailyRate
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in fleet.Rentals)
                totalLines.Add(kvp.Key + "," + kvp.Value.ToString() + "," + fleet.GetVehicle(kvp.Key).dailyRate.ToString("C"));
            // implement loop to add data lines to the row data
            for (int row = 0; row < totalLines.Count; row++)
                string[] dataWords = totalLines[row].Split(',');

                DataRow dataRow     = Name.NewRow();
                int     columnIndex = 0;
                foreach (string Field in Fields)
                    dataRow[Field] = dataWords[columnIndex++];
                // add row to datatable
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Hard resolve vehicle from fleet, with an exception throwing if it cannot be resolveds
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">List of user-defined inputs</param>
        /// <returns>Vehicle if can be resolved from arguments</returns>
        private Vehicle ResolveVehicle(List <string> args)
            Fleet fleet = repository.Get();

            string vehicleRego = args[Index_To_Remove];

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Rents a vehicle based on user input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">List of user-input arguments</param>
        protected override void Execute(List <string> args)
            // Setup variables
            int             customerID      = int.Parse(args[0]);
            string          vehicleRego     = args[1];
            int             days            = int.Parse(args[2]);
            FleetRepository fleetRepository = (FleetRepository)repository;
            Fleet           fleet           = fleetRepository.Get();
            CRM             crm             = crmRepository.Get();

            // Resolve
            Vehicle  vehicle  = fleet.GetVehicle(vehicleRego);
            Customer customer = crm.GetCustomer(customerID);

            // Inform user of cost with lots of details
            Console.WriteLine("Rent {0} to {1} {2} (ID: {3}) for {4} days.", vehicle.vehicleRego, customer.firstName, customer.lastName, customer.ID,
            Console.WriteLine("This vehicle has a daily cost of ${0}, bringing the total to ${1:0.00}.", vehicle.dailyRate,
                              (vehicle.dailyRate * days));

            // Make user confirm rental at price
            string input = "";

                Console.Write("Confirm you want to go ahead with this rental (y/n): ");
                input = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower();
                if (input == "y")
                if (input == "n")
            } while (input != "y" || input != "n");

            // Let user know it was successful
            fleet.RentVehicle(vehicle.vehicleRego, customer.ID);
            Console.WriteLine("Successfully rented a {0} {1} {2} to {3} {4} (ID: {5})", vehicle.year, vehicle.make, vehicle.model,
                              customer.firstName, customer.lastName, customer.ID);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a vehicle from the fleet using user input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">List of user-input arguments</param>
        protected override void Execute(List <string> args)
            Fleet fleet = repository.Get();

            string vehicleRego = args[Index_To_Use];

            // Disallow deleting vehicles being rented
            Vehicle vehicle = fleet.GetVehicle(vehicleRego);

            if (fleet.IsVehicleRented(vehicle.vehicleRego))
                throw new VehicleCurrentlyRentingException(string.Format("{0} is currently being rented and cannot be deleted.",


            Console.WriteLine("Successfully removed a {0} {1} {2} with registration {3} from the MRRC fleet.", vehicle.year, vehicle.make,
                              vehicle.model, vehicle.vehicleRego);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a vehicle from user input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">List of user-input arguments</param>
        protected override void Execute(List <string> args)
            // Setup variables
            Fleet  fleet       = repository.Get();
            string vehicleRego = args[0];

            fleet.GetVehicle(vehicleRego); // Call this to verify vehicle exists (will throw exception)

            // Disallow returning vehicles not being rented
            if (!fleet.IsVehicleRented(vehicleRego))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Vehicle {0} is not currently being rented. No need to return it.", vehicleRego));


            // Let user know that it has been successful
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Successfully returned vehicle {0} to the fleet. It can now be rented to other customers.",