Esempio n. 1
        static void RotationalDynamics()
            //Giant block o' pre-defined variables
            float rotation = 0; // rad
            float angularVelocity = 0f; // rad/s
            float angularAcceleration = 0; // rad/(s^2)
            float momentOfInertia = .11809f; // kg*(m^2)
            float time = 0; // s
            float deltaTime = .01f; // s
            int reportingFrequency = 10; // timesteps
            Vector3D position =; // m
            Vector3D linearVelocity =; // m/s
            Vector3D linearAcceleration =; // m/(s^2)
            Vector3D massOneLocalPosition = new Vector3D(-.28f, 0f); //m
            Vector3D massTwoLocalPosition = new Vector3D(.07f, 0f); //m

            //Collect user input
            Console.Write("Input the magnitude of the force in Newtons: ");
            Vector3D force = new Vector3D(); // N
            force.SetRectGivenMagHeadPitch(Convert.ToSingle(Console.ReadLine()), 30); //Set the rectangular coordinates of the force vector
            Console.Write("Input the number of seconds the force will be applied for: ");
            float forceDuration = Convert.ToSingle(Console.ReadLine()); // s
            linearAcceleration = force * (1 / 6.1f);
            float torque = massOneLocalPosition.X * force.Y - massOneLocalPosition.Y * force.X; // N*m
            angularAcceleration = torque / momentOfInertia;
            Vector3D massOneRotated =; // m
            Vector3D massTwoRotated =; // m
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("..\\..\\rotationalDynamics.csv"))
                while (time <= forceDuration)
                    for (int i = 0; i < reportingFrequency && time <= forceDuration; i++)
                        //increment time
                        time += deltaTime;
                        //update position & rotation
                        position += linearVelocity * deltaTime;
                        rotation += angularVelocity * deltaTime;
                        //update velocities
                        linearVelocity += linearAcceleration * deltaTime;
                        angularVelocity += angularAcceleration * deltaTime;
                        //calculate mass positions relative to center of mass
                        massOneRotated = massOneLocalPosition.RotationAroundZ(Vector3D.Rad2Deg(rotation));
                        massTwoRotated = massTwoLocalPosition.RotationAroundZ(Vector3D.Rad2Deg(rotation));
                        //recalculate torque
                        torque = massOneRotated.X * force.Y - massOneRotated.Y * force.X;
                        //update angularAcceleration
                        angularAcceleration = torque / momentOfInertia;
                        //write data to file
                        writer.WriteLine(rotation + "," + position.X + "," + position.Y + "," +
                                        (position.X + massOneRotated.X) + "," + (position.Y + massOneRotated.Y) + "," +
                                        (position.X + massTwoRotated.X) + "," + (position.Y + massTwoRotated.Y));
                    //Display positions
                    Console.WriteLine("Angle: " + rotation);
                    Console.WriteLine("Center Mass: " + position);
                    Console.WriteLine("Smaller Mass: " + (massOneRotated + position));
                    Console.WriteLine("Larger Mass: " + (massTwoRotated + position));