public ControlContainer(MMI.EBuLa.Tools.XMLLoader XMLConf, int side) { InitializeComponent(); m_XMLConf = XMLConf; try { //m_parent = gotParent; m_widget = new ICE3Control(XMLConf, this); P_Display.Controls.Add(m_widget); if (m_XMLConf.Inverse) { m_widget.Inverse = true; } else { m_widget.Inverse = false; } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Fehler beim Erstellen des Widgets! ("+e.Message+")"); } try { pB_EBuLa.Image = new Bitmap(BACKGROUND_IMAGE); } catch(Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Fehler! Das Hintergrundbild \""+BACKGROUND_IMAGE+"\" konnte nicht geladen werden!"); } if (side == 1) net = new Network(ref m_widget, "(links)"); else if (side == 2) net = new Network(ref m_widget, "(rechts)"); else return; if (t == null) { t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(net.Connect)); t.IsBackground = true; t.Priority = m_XMLConf.thread_prio; t.Start(); Thread.Sleep(1); } /* MMI.EBuLa.Network ebula_net = null; m_widget_ebula = new MMI.EBuLa.EbulaControl(m_XMLConf, ref ebula_net); m_widget_ebula.Visible = false; P_Display.Controls.Add(m_widget_ebula); /*if (m_XMLConf.Inverse) { m_widget_ebula.Inverse(); }*/ }
public ET42XState(ref MMI.EBuLa.Tools.XMLLoader conf, ref SoundInterface sound) { HBL_Druck = 5f; HL_Druck = 5f; //störungmgr.Add(new Störung(ENUMStörung.S02_Trennschütz)); störungmgr.Add(new Störung(ENUMStörung.S01_ZUSIKomm)); localconf = conf; fis = new FIS(ref conf, ref sound); }
public EBuLaTools(ref XMLLoader Conf) { InitializeComponent(); m_conf = Conf; backup_conf = m_conf; LoadConfiguration(); }
public DavidControl(MMI.EBuLa.Tools.XMLLoader conf, ControlContainer cc) { if (!conf.DoubleBuffer) { //This turns off internal double buffering of all custom GDI+ drawing this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = false; } else { USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = true; } InitializeComponent(); m_conf = conf; = cc; localstate = new DavidState(); localstate.ICEtype = ICETYPE.ICE1; localstate.Type = TYPE.David2; localstate.DISPLAY = CURRENT_DISPLAY.D2_B; olddisplay = CURRENT_DISPLAY.D1_I; //SetButtons(); vtime = DateTime.Now; InitC_druck(); int interval = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((1d/(double)FramesPerSecond)*1000d)); timer1.Interval = interval; timer1.Enabled = true; switch (m_conf.Sound) { case 1: sound = new APISound(); break; case 2: sound = new DxSound(); break; default: sound = new NullSound(); break; } Button_SW_Pressed(this, new EventArgs()); }
public ICE3Control(MMI.EBuLa.Tools.XMLLoader conf, ControlContainer cc) { if (!conf.DoubleBuffer) { //This turns off internal double buffering of all custom GDI+ drawing this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = false; } else USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = true; InitializeComponent(); schw.Initialize(); tür.Initialize(); m_conf = conf; = cc; localstate = new ICE3State(); localstate.ICEtype1 = ICE3TYPE.ICE403; localstate.ICEtype2 = ICE3TYPE.NONE; //localstate.Type = TYPE.David2; if (localstate.Type == TYPE.David1) { localstate.DISPLAY = CURRENT_DISPLAY.D1_Grundb; } else { localstate.DISPLAY = CURRENT_DISPLAY.D2_Zustand; } //olddisplay = CURRENT_DISPLAY.D1_Grundb; switch (m_conf.Sound) { case 1: sound = new APISound(); break; case 2: sound = new DxSound(); break; default: sound = new NullSound(); break; } //SetButtons(); vtime = DateTime.Now; InitC_druck(); threadDelegate_Türen = new ThreadStart(SetUpTüren); int interval = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((1d/(double)FramesPerSecond)*1000d)); timer1.Interval = interval; timer1.Enabled = true; Button_SW_Pressed(this, new EventArgs()); }
public DIAGNOSEControl(MMI.EBuLa.Tools.XMLLoader conf, ref MMI.MMIBR185.BR185Control mmi) { if (!conf.DoubleBuffer) { //This turns off internal double buffering of all custom GDI+ drawing this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = false; } else USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = true; InitializeComponent(); center = new Point(468+80, 30+80); uhrAußenList = (new ISphere(468+80, 30+80, 74)).PointList(); uhrInnenklList = (new ISphere(468+80, 30+80, 69)).PointList(); uhrInnengrList = (new ISphere(468+80, 30+80, 62)).PointList(); uhrminList = (new ISphere(468+80, 30+80, 60)).PointList(); uhrstdList = (new ISphere(468+80, 30+80, 47)).PointList(); uhrsecList = (new ISphere(468+80, 30+80, 60)).PointList(); uhrrestList = (new ISphere(468+80, 30+80, 10)).PointList(); m_conf = conf; mmi_widget = mmi; localstate = new MMI.DIAGNOSE.DIAGNOSEState(); localstate.Energie = conf.Energie; something_changed = true; // NOTBREMSE und E-BREMSE fehlen vtime = DateTime.Now; zugkraft_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MoveZugkraft)); int interval = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((1d/(double)conf.FramesPerSecondLow)*1000d)); timer1.Interval = interval; timer1.Enabled = true; switch (m_conf.Sound) { case 1: Sound = new APISound(); break; case 2: Sound = new DxSound(); break; default: Sound = new NullSound(); break; } Button_SW_Pressed(this, new EventArgs()); mmi_widget.PREVENT_DRAW = true; /* try { // Now setup our D3D stuff Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.PresentParameters presentParams = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.PresentParameters(); presentParams.Windowed=true; presentParams.SwapEffect = Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.SwapEffect.Discard; device = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device(0, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.DeviceType.Hardware, this, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, presentParams); } catch (Exception) {} */ }
public EbulaControl(MMI.EBuLa.Tools.XMLLoader XMLConf, bool isDAVID) { //This turns off internal double buffering of all custom GDI+ drawing this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); // Dieser Aufruf ist für den Windows Form-Designer erforderlich. InitializeComponent(); try { InitSpeedBar(); // Setze Virtuelle Zeit auf Reale Zeit vtime = new DateTime(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks); // Zeitmesser (basiert auf RealZeit) vdifftime = new DateTime(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks); vtimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); vtimer.Enabled = true; vtimer.Interval = 950; vtimer.SynchronizingObject = this; vtimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(this.vtimer_Elapsed); g = this.CreateGraphics(); verspaetung = 0; B_GNT.Enabled = false; control = new Control(verspaetung, XMLConf); control.use_DB = XMLConf.UseDB; //control.LoadTrainDEBUG(); control.Route = new Route("", ""); control.Route.Position = -1; control.vtime = vtime; m_conf = XMLConf; if (XMLConf.Sound == 0) { Sound = new NullSound(); control.sound = false; } else { switch (XMLConf.Sound) { case 1: Sound = new APISound(); break; case 2: Sound = new DxSound(); break; } control.sound = true; } net = new Network(isDAVID); if (net != null) { net.setControl(ref control); if (t == null) { t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(net.Connect)); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); Thread.Sleep(0); } } L_TOP.Location = new Point(260, L_TOP.Location.Y); L_DOWN.Location = new Point(260, L_DOWN.Location.Y); fsdwason = true; SetButtons(false); if (control.sound) Sound.PlaySound(); UpdateControl(); this.Focus(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Fehler beim Erstellen der EBuLa Anzeige! ("+e.Message.ToString()+")"); } }
public ET42XControl(MMI.EBuLa.Tools.XMLLoader conf, ref Network net) { if (!conf.DoubleBuffer) { //This turns off internal double buffering of all custom GDI+ drawing this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = false; } else USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = true; InitializeComponent(); m_net = net; uhrAußen = new ISphere(508+60, 41+60, 57); uhrInnengr = new ISphere(508+60, 41+60, 45); uhrInnenkl = new ISphere(508+60, 41+60, 52); uhrsec = new ISphere(508+60, 41+60, 43); uhrmin = new ISphere(508+60, 41+60, 43); uhrstd = new ISphere(508+60, 41+60, 28); uhrrest = new ISphere(508+60, 41+60, 7); center = new Point(508+60, 41+60); m_conf = conf; // NOTBREMSE und E-BREMSE fehlen switch (m_conf.Sound) { case 1: Sound = new APISound(); break; case 2: Sound = new DxSound(); break; default: Sound = new NullSound(); break; } localstate = new MMI.ET42X.ET42XState(ref conf, ref Sound); SetButtons(); localstate.Energie = conf.Energie; vtime = DateTime.Now; zugkraft_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MoveZugkraft)); int interval = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((1d/(double)conf.FramesPerSecondLow)*1000d)); timer1.Interval = interval; timer1.Enabled = true; Button_SW_Pressed(this, new EventArgs()); /*if (localstate.ET42Xtype1 == ET42XTYPE.ET423) localstate.FISType = FIS_TYPE.FIS;*/ timer2.Enabled = true; if (vtime.DayOfYear > 100 && vtime.DayOfYear < 300) localstate.Kuehlung = true; else localstate.Kuehlung = false; }
public VT612Control(MMI.EBuLa.Tools.XMLLoader conf) { if (!conf.DoubleBuffer) { //This turns off internal double buffering of all custom GDI+ drawing this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = false; } else USE_DOUBLE_BUFFER = true; InitializeComponent(); uhrAußen = new ISphere(468+80, 41+80, 74); uhrInnengr = new ISphere(468+80, 41+80, 62); uhrInnenkl = new ISphere(468+80, 41+80, 69); uhrsec = new ISphere(468+80, 41+80, 60); uhrmin = new ISphere(468+80, 41+80, 60); uhrstd = new ISphere(468+80, 41+80, 47); uhrrest = new ISphere(468+80, 41+80, 10); center = new Point(468+80, 41+80); m_conf = conf; localstate = new MMI.VT612.VT612State(); // NOTBREMSE und E-BREMSE fehlen SetButtons(); vtime = DateTime.Now; zugkraft_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MoveZugkraft)); int interval = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((1d/(double)conf.FramesPerSecondLow)*1000d)); timer1.Interval = interval; timer1.Enabled = true; }