Esempio n. 1
        public override void Use(Player p, string message)
            switch (message.ToLower())
            case "":
                Player.Message(p, "Command Categories:");
                Player.Message(p, "  %aBuilding Chat Economy Games Info Moderation Other World");
                Player.Message(p, "Other Categories:");
                Player.Message(p, "  %aRanks Colors Shortcuts Commands");
                Player.Message(p, "To view help for a category, type %T/help CategoryName");
                Player.Message(p, "To see detailed help for a command, type %T/help CommandName");
                Player.Message(p, "To see your stats, type %T/whois");
                Player.Message(p, "To see loaded maps, type %T/maps");
                Player.Message(p, "To view your personal world options, use %T/OS");
                Player.Message(p, "To join a map, type %T/goto WorldName");
                Player.Message(p, "To send private messages, type %T@PlayerName Message");

            case "ranks":
                PrintRanks(p); break;

            case "colours":
            case "colors":
                Player.Message(p, "&fTo use a color, put a '%' and then put the color code.");
                Player.Message(p, "Colors Available:");
                Player.Message(p, "0 - &0Black %S| 1 - &1Navy %S| 2 - &2Green %S| 3 - &3Teal");
                Player.Message(p, "4 - &4Maroon %S| 5 - &5Purple %S| 6 - &6Gold %S| 7 - &7Silver");
                Player.Message(p, "8 - &8Gray %S| 9 - &9Blue %S| a - &aLime %S| b - &bAqua");
                Player.Message(p, "c - &cRed %S| d - &dPink %S| e - &eYellow %S| f - &fWhite");
                CmdCustomColors.ListHandler(p, null, true);

                if (CmdCommands.DoCommand(p, message))
                if (ParseCommand(p, message) || ParseBlock(p, message) || ParsePlugin(p, message))
                Player.Message(p, "Could not find command, plugin or block specified.");
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Use(Player p, string message)
            switch (message.ToLower())
            case "":
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Command Categories:");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "  %aBuilding Chat Economy Games Info Moderation Other World");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Other Categories:");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "  %aRanks Colors Shortcuts Commands");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "To view help for a category, type %T/help CategoryName");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "To see detailed help for a command, type %T/help CommandName");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "To see your stats, type %T/whois");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "To see loaded maps, type %T/maps");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "To view your personal world options, use %T/OS");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "To join a map, type %T/goto WorldName");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "To send private messages, type %T@PlayerName Message");

            case "ranks":
                message = "";
                foreach (Group grp in Group.GroupList)
                    if (grp.Permission < LevelPermission.Nobody)     // Note that -1 means max undo.  Undo anything and everything.
                        Player.SendMessage(p, grp.color + + " - &bCmd: " + grp.maxBlocks + " - &2Undo: " + ((grp.maxUndo != -1) ? grp.maxUndo.ToString() : "max") + " - &cPerm: " + (int)grp.Permission);

            case "build":
            case "building":
                PrintHelpForGroup(p, "build", "Building"); break;

            case "chat":
                PrintHelpForGroup(p, "chat", "Chat"); break;

            case "eco":
            case "economy":
                PrintHelpForGroup(p, "eco", "Economy"); break;

            case "mod":
            case "moderation":
                PrintHelpForGroup(p, "mod", "Moderation"); break;

            case "info":
            case "information":
                PrintHelpForGroup(p, "info", "Information"); break;

            case "game":
            case "games":
                PrintHelpForGroup(p, "game", "Game"); break;

            case "other":
            case "others":
                PrintHelpForGroup(p, "other", "Other");  break;

            case "maps":
            case "world":
                PrintHelpForGroup(p, "world", "World"); break;

            case "short":
            case "shortcut":
            case "shortcuts":
            case "short 1":
            case "shortcut 1":
            case "shortcuts 1":
            case "short 2":
            case "shortcut 2":
            case "shortcuts 2":
                PrintShortcuts(p, message); break;

            case "colours":
            case "colors":
                Player.SendMessage(p, "&fTo use a color, put a '%' and then put the color code.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Colors Available:");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "0 - &0Black %S| 1 - &1Navy %S| 2 - &2Green %S| 3 - &3Teal");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "4 - &4Maroon %S| 5 - &5Purple %S| 6 - &6Gold %S| 7 - &7Silver");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "8 - &8Gray %S| 9 - &9Blue %S| a - &aLime %S| b - &bAqua");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "c - &cRed %S| d - &dPink %S| e - &eYellow %S| f - &fWhite");
                CmdCustomColors.ListHandler(p, null, true);

            case "old":
            case "oldmenu":
            case "commands":
            case "command":
                Group pGroup = p != null ? : Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Nobody);
                PrintRankCommands(p, pGroup, true); break;

            case "commandsall":
            case "commandall":
                PrintAllCommands(p); break;

                if (ParseCommand(p, message) || ParseBlock(p, message) || ParsePlugin(p, message))
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find command, plugin or block specified.");