Esempio n. 1
        // MatrixF64 fo float Array 1D
        public float[] ArrConverMatrixF64ToFloat1D(MatrixF64 M)
            float[] fArrayFloat = new float[M.Rows() * M.Columns()];

            for (int i = 0; i < fArrayFloat.Length; i++)
                fArrayFloat[i] = (float)M.Entries[i];

            return fArrayFloat;
Esempio n. 2
        public MatrixF64(MatrixF64 other)
            this.totalRows = 0;
            this.totalColumns = 0;
            this.entries = null;

            if (null == other)

                   (null == other.entries)
                || (0 == other.totalRows)
                || (0 == other.totalColumns)

            int totalEntries = (other.totalRows * other.totalColumns);

            if (other.entries.Length != totalEntries)

            this.totalRows = other.totalRows;
            this.totalColumns = other.totalColumns;
            this.entries = new double[totalEntries];

            for (int k = 0; k < totalEntries; k++)
                this.entries[k] = other.entries[k];
Esempio n. 3
        CModel TopoModelFile; // Create topological model file

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructor - new
        public CFEM_CALC(CModel model, bool bDebugging)
            // Load Topological model
            TopoModelFile = new CModel();
            TopoModelFile = model;

            // Generate FEM model data from Topological model
            // Prepare solver data
            // Fill local and global matrices of FEM elements

            FEMModel = new CGenex(TopoModelFile);

            // Temp - display matrices

            if (bDebugging)
                for (int i = 0; i < FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers.Length; i++)
                    // Member ID
                    Console.WriteLine("Member ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].ID + "\n");
                    // kij_0 - local stiffeness matrix       6 x  6
                    Console.WriteLine("Local stiffeness matrix k" + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "0 - Dimensions: 6 x 6 \n");
                    // A  Tranformation Rotation Matrixes    6 x  6
                    Console.WriteLine("Tranformation rotation matrix A - Dimensions: 6 x 6 \n");
                    // B  Transfer Matrixes                  6 x  6
                    Console.WriteLine("Transfer matrix B - Dimensions: 6 x 6 \n");
                    // Kij - global matrix of member         12 x 12
                    Console.WriteLine("Global stiffeness matrix K" + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "0 - Dimensions: 12 x 12 \n");
                    // Element Load Vectors                  2 x 6
                    Console.WriteLine("Member load vector - primary end forces in LCS at start node ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + " - Dimensions: 6 x 1 \n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Member load vector - primary end forces in LCS at end node ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + " - Dimensions: 6 x 1 \n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Member load vector - primary end forces in GCS at start node ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + " - Dimensions: 6 x 1 \n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Member load vector - primary end forces in GCS at end node ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + " - Dimensions: 6 x 1 \n");

            // Set Global Code Number of Nodes / Nastavit globalne kodove cisla uzlov
            // Save indexes of nodes and DOF which are free and represent vector of uknown variables in solution
            SetNodesGlobCodeNo(); // Nastavi DOF v uzloch a ich globalne kodove cisla, konecne CodeNo urci velkost matice konstrukcie

            // Fill members of structure global vector of displacement
            // Now we know number of not restrained DOF, so we can allocate array size
            m_fDisp_Vector_CN = new int[m_iCodeNo, 3]; // 1st - global DOF code number, 2nd - Node index, 3rd - local code number of DOF in NODE

            // Save it as array of arrays n x 2 (1st value is index - node index (0 - n-1) , 2nd value is DOF index (0-5)
            // n - total number of nodes in model

            // Right side of Equation System

            // Global Stiffeness Matrix of Structure - Allocate Memory (Matrix Size)
            m_M_K_Structure = new CMatrix(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Stiffeness Matrix

            // Global Stiffeness Matrix    m_iCodeNo x  m_iCodeNo
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Global stiffeness matrix - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x " + m_iCodeNo + "\n");

            // Auxiliary temporary transformation from 2D to 1D array / from float do double
            // Pomocne prevody medzi jednorozmernym, dvojrozmernym polom a triedou Matrix,
            // bude nutne zladit a urcit jeden format v akom budeme pracovat s datami a potom zmazat

            CArray objArray = new CArray();
            // Convert Size
            float[] m_M_K_fTemp1D = objArray.ArrTranf2Dto1D(m_M_K_Structure.m_fArrMembers);
            // Convert Type
            double[] m_M_K_dTemp1D = objArray.ArrConverFloatToDouble1D(m_M_K_fTemp1D);

            MatrixF64 objMatrix = new MatrixF64(m_iCodeNo, m_iCodeNo, m_M_K_dTemp1D);
            // Print Created Matrix of MatrixF64 Class
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Global stiffeness matrix in F64 Class - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x " + m_iCodeNo + "\n");
            // Get Inverse Global Stiffeness Matrix
            MatrixF64 objMatrixInv = objMatrix.Inverse();
            // Print Inverse Matrix
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Inverse global stiffeness matrix - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x " + m_iCodeNo + "\n");
            // Convert Type
            float[] m_M_K_Inv_fTemp1D = objArray.ArrConverMatrixF64ToFloat1D(objMatrixInv);
            // Inverse Global Stiffeness Matrix of Structure - Allocate Memory (Matrix Size)
            CMatrix m_M_K_Structure_Inv = new CMatrix(m_iCodeNo);
            m_M_K_Structure_Inv.m_fArrMembers = objArray.ArrTranf1Dto2D(m_M_K_Inv_fTemp1D);

            // Left side of Equation System

            // Global Load Vector - Allocate Memory (Vector Size)
            m_V_Load = new CVector(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Load Vector

            // Display Global Load Vector
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Global load vector - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x 1 \n");

            // Solution - calculation of unknown displacement of nodes in GCS - system of linear equations
            // Start Solver

            // Global Displacement Vector - Allocate Memory (Vector Size)
            m_V_Displ = new CVector(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Displacement Vector
            m_V_Displ = VectorF.fMultiplyMatrVectr(m_M_K_Structure_Inv, m_V_Load);

            // End Solver

            // Display Global Displacement Vector - solution result
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Global displacement vector - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x 1 \n");

            // Set displacements and rotations of DOF in GCS to appropriate node DOF acc. to global code numbers
            for (int i = 0; i < m_iCodeNo; i++)
                // Check if DOF is default (free - ) or has some initial value (settlement; soil consolidation etc.)
                // See default values - float.PositiveInfinity
                if (FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] == float.PositiveInfinity)
                    FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] = m_V_Displ.FVectorItems[i]; // set calculated
                else // some real initial value exists
                    FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] += m_V_Displ.FVectorItems[i]; // add calculated (to sum)

            // Set default zero displacements or rotations in GCS to fixed DOF
            for (int i = 0; i < FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[i].m_VDisp.FVectorItems.Length; j++) // Check each DOF of all nodes
                    if (FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[i].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[j] == float.PositiveInfinity) // Check that default infinity value wasn't changed
                        FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[i].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[j] = 0; // Set zero

            // Get final end forces at element in global coordinate system GCS
            if (bDebugging)
                for (int i = 0; i < FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers.Length; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node End Forces in GCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node End Forces in GCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node End Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node End Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node Internal Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node Internal Forces in LCS");

            // Calculate IF in x-places

            int inum_cut = 11;
            int inum_segm = 10;
Esempio n. 4
        // Consructor - old
        public CFEM_CALC()
            // Geometry
            float fGeom_a = 4f,
                  fGeom_b = 5f,
                  fGeom_c = 3.5f;     // Unit [m]

            // Material
            CMaterial m_Mat = new CMaterial();

            // Cross-section
            CCrSc m_CrSc = new CCrSc_3_00(0, 8, 300, 125, 16.2f, 10.8f, 10.8f, 6.5f, 241.6f); // I 300 section // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            m_CrSc.FI_t = 5.69e-07f;
            m_CrSc.FI_y = 9.79e-05f;
            m_CrSc.FI_z = 4.49e-06f;
            m_CrSc.FA_g = 6.90e-03f;
            m_CrSc.FA_vy = 4.01e-03f;
            m_CrSc.FA_vz = 2.89e-03f;

            // Define Nodes Properties

            for (int i = 0; i < iNNoTot; i++)
                // Create auxiliary Node object
                CFemNode CNode_i = new CFemNode(iNodeDOFNo);

                // Fill array object item with auxliary Node
                m_NodeArray[i] = CNode_i;

            // Node 1
            m_NodeArray[0].ID = 1;
            m_NodeArray[0].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUX] = fGeom_a;
            m_NodeArray[0].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUY] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[0].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUZ] = 0f;

            // Node 2
            m_NodeArray[1].ID = 2;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUX] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUY] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUZ] = 0f;

            // Node 3
            m_NodeArray[2].ID = 5;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUX] = fGeom_a;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUY] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUZ] = -fGeom_c;

            // Node 4
            m_NodeArray[3].ID = 3;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUX] = fGeom_a;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUY] = -fGeom_b;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUZ] = 0f;

            // Set Nodal Supports (for restraint set 0f)
            // Node 1

            // Node 2
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[0] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[1] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[2] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[3] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[4] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[5] = 0f;

            // Node 3
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[0] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[1] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[2] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[3] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[4] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[5] = 0f;

            // Node 4
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[0] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[1] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[2] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[3] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[4] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[5] = 0f;

            // Set Global Code Numbers

            int m_iCodeNo = 0; // Number of unrestrained degrees of freedom - finally gives size of structure global matrix

            foreach (CFemNode i_CNode in m_NodeArray) // Each Node
                for (int i = 0; i < iNodeDOFNo; i++)     // Each DOF
                    if (i_CNode.m_VDisp.FVectorItems[i] != 0)  // Perform for not restrained DOF
                        i_CNode.m_ArrNCodeNo[i] = m_iCodeNo; // Set global code number of degree of freedom (DOF)


            // Fill members of structure global vector of displacement
            // Now we know number of not restrained DOF, so we can allocate array size
            m_fDisp_Vector_CN = new int[m_iCodeNo,3]; // 1st - global DOF code number, 2nd - Node index, 3rd - local code number of DOF in NODE


            // Set Nodal Loads (acting directly in nodes)

            // !!!!!! No kind of these loads actually

            // Define FEM 1D elements

            for (int i = 0; i < iElemNoTot; i++)
                // Create auxiliary Element object
                CE_1D CElement_i = new CE_1D();
                // Fill array object item
                m_ELemArray[i] = CElement_i;

                // Create auxiliary Element Load Object
                CLoad CLoad_i = new CLoad();
                // Fill array object item
                m_ELoadArray[i] = CLoad_i;

            // Member 1 [0] Nodes 1 - 2 ([0] [1])
            m_ELemArray[0].NodeStart = m_NodeArray[0];
            m_ELemArray[0].NodeEnd = m_NodeArray[1];
            // Element  Type
            m_ELemArray[0].m_eSuppType3D = EElemSuppType3D.e3DEl_000000_000000;
            // Element Material
            m_ELemArray[0].m_Mat = m_Mat;
            // Element Corss-section
            m_ELemArray[0].m_CrSc = m_CrSc;
            // Fill Basic Element Data
            // Load of Element only due to Element Transversal Forces
            m_ELoadArray[0].GetEndLoad_g(m_ELemArray[0], m_fq);
            // Output
            // kij_0 - local stiffeness matrix       6 x  6
            // A  Tranformation Rotation Matrixes    6 x  6
            // B  Transfer Matrixes                  6 x  6
            // Kij - global matrix of member        12 x 12
            // Element Load Vector                   2 x  6

            #region MATRIX TEST
            // TEST
            float[,] farrk11 = new float[6, 6];
            float[,] farrk12 = new float[6, 6];
            float[,] farrk21 = new float[6, 6];
            float[,] farrk22 = new float[6, 6];

            // Fill array
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    farrk11[i, j] = ((i+1)*10)+1 + j;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    farrk12[i, j] = ((i + 1) * 10) + 1 + j;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    farrk21[i, j] = ((i + 1) * 10) + 1 + j;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    farrk22[i, j] = ((i + 1) * 10) + 1 + j;

            float[,][,] farrK = new float[2, 2][,]
                    {{farrk11, farrk12},
                    {farrk21, farrk22}};

            Console.WriteLine(m_ELemArray[0].CM.Print2DMatrix(farrK, 2, 6));

            // Member 2 [1] Nodes 1 - 3 ([0] [2])
            m_ELemArray[1].NodeStart = m_NodeArray[0];
            m_ELemArray[1].NodeEnd = m_NodeArray[2];
            // Element  Type
            m_ELemArray[1].m_eSuppType3D = EElemSuppType3D.e3DEl_000000_000000;
            // Element Material
            m_ELemArray[1].m_Mat = m_Mat;
            // Element Corss-section
            m_ELemArray[1].m_CrSc = m_CrSc;
            // Fill Basic Element Data
            // Load of Element only due to Element Transversal Forces
            m_ELoadArray[1].GetEndLoad_F(m_ELemArray[1], 0f, 0f, m_fF);
            // Output
            // kij_0 - local stiffeness matrix       6 x  6
            // A  Tranformation Rotation Matrixes    6 x  6
            // B  Transfer Matrixes                  6 x  6
            // Kij - global matrix of member        12 x 12
            // Element Load Vector                   2 x  6

            // Member 3 [2] Nodes 1 - 4 ([0] [3])
            m_ELemArray[2].NodeStart = m_NodeArray[0];
            m_ELemArray[2].NodeEnd = m_NodeArray[3];
            // Element  Type
            m_ELemArray[2].m_eSuppType3D = EElemSuppType3D.e3DEl_000000_000___;
            // Element Material
            m_ELemArray[2].m_Mat = m_Mat;
            // Element Corss-section
            m_ELemArray[2].m_CrSc = m_CrSc;
            // Fill Basic Element Data
            // Load of Element only due to Element Transversal Forces
            m_ELoadArray[2].GetEndLoad_M(m_ELemArray[2], m_fM, 0f, 0f);
            // Output
            // kij_0 - local stiffeness matrix       6 x  6
            // A  Tranformation Rotation Matrixes    6 x  6
            // B  Transfer Matrixes                  6 x  6
            // Kij - global matrix of member        12 x 12
            // Element Load Vector                   2 x  6

            // Nodal loads (sum nodal loads and nodal loads due to element loads)
            m_NodeArray[2].m_sLoad.s_fFZ += -55000; // Add local nodal load to element ends loads due to intermediate load

            // Set Global Code Number of Nodes / Nastavit globalne kodove cisla uzlov
            // Save indexes of nodes and DOF which are free and represent vector of uknown variables in solution
            // Save it as array of arrays n x 2 (1st value is index - node index (0 - n-1) , 2nd value is DOF index (0-5)
            // n - total number of nodes in model
            SetNodesGlobCodeNoOld(); // Nastavi DOF v uzlov globalne kodove cisla ???

            // Right side of Equation System

            // Global Stiffeness Matrix of Structure - Allocate Memory (Matrix Size)
            m_M_K_Structure = new CMatrix(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Stiffeness Matrix

            // Global Stiffeness Matrix    m_iCodeNo x  m_iCodeNo

            // Auxialiary temporary transformation from 2D to 1D array / from float do double
            // Pomocne prevody medzi jednorozmernym, dvojroymernym polom a triedom Matrix,
            // bude nutne zladit a format v akom budeme pracovat s datami a potom zmazat

            CArray objArray = new CArray();
            // Convert Size
            float[] m_M_K_fTemp1D = objArray.ArrTranf2Dto1D(m_M_K_Structure.m_fArrMembers);
            // Convert Type
            double[] m_M_K_dTemp1D = objArray.ArrConverFloatToDouble1D(m_M_K_fTemp1D);

            MatrixF64 objMatrix = new MatrixF64(6, 6, m_M_K_dTemp1D);
            // Print Created Matrix of MatrixF64 Class
            // Get Inverse Global Stiffeness Matrix
            MatrixF64 objMatrixInv =  objMatrix.Inverse();
            // Print Inverse Matrix
            // Convert Type
            float[] m_M_K_Inv_fTemp1D = objArray.ArrConverMatrixF64ToFloat1D(objMatrixInv);
            // Inverse Global Stiffeness Matrix of Structure - Allocate Memory (Matrix Size)
            CMatrix m_M_K_Structure_Inv = new CMatrix(m_iCodeNo);
            m_M_K_Structure_Inv.m_fArrMembers = objArray.ArrTranf1Dto2D(m_M_K_Inv_fTemp1D);

            // Left side of Equation System

            // Global Load Vector - Allocate Memory (Vector Size)
            m_V_Load = new CVector(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Load Vector

            // Display Global Load Vector

            // Solution - calculation of unknown displacement of nodes in GCS - system of linear equations
            // Start Solver

            // Global Displacement Vector - Allocate Memory (Vector Size)
            m_V_Displ = new CVector(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Displacement Vector
            m_V_Displ = VectorF.fMultiplyMatrVectr(m_M_K_Structure_Inv, m_V_Load);

            // End Solver

            // Display Global Displacemnt Vector - solution result
            //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            //Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            // Set displacements and rotations of DOF in GCS to appropriate node DOF acc. to global code numbers
            for (int i = 0; i < m_iCodeNo; i++)
                // Check if DOF is default (free - ) or has some initial value (settlement; soil consolidation etc.)
                // See Fill_NDisp_InitStr() for default values - float.PositiveInfinity
                if (m_NodeArray[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] == float.PositiveInfinity)
                    m_NodeArray[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] = m_V_Displ.FVectorItems[i]; // set calculated
                else // some real initial value exists
                    m_NodeArray[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] += m_V_Displ.FVectorItems[i]; // add calculated (to sum)

                // Get final end forces at element in global coordinate system GCS

                for (int i = 0; i < iElemNoTot; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node End Forces in GCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node End Forces in GCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node End Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node End Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node Internal Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node Internal Forces in LCS");
Esempio n. 5
        public static void Test()
            System.Console.WriteLine(String.Empty.PadRight(78, '#'));
            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of MatrixF64");
            System.Console.WriteLine(String.Empty.PadRight(78, '#'));

            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of matrix initialization:");

            // A 5x3 matrix (5 rows x 3 columns) with
            // 64-bit floating-point entries:
            MatrixF64 m =
                new MatrixF64
                5, 3,
                 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, // row 0
                 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, // row 1
                 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, // row 2
                 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, // row 3
                12.0, 13.0, 14.0  // row 4
            // [  0,  1,  2 ]  // row 0
            // [  3,  4,  5 ]  // row 1
            // [  6,  7,  8 ]  // row 2
            // [  9, 10, 11 ]  // row 3
            // [ 12, 13, 14 ]  // row 4

            // An 8x2 matrix (8 rows x 2 columns) with all 16
            // 64-bit floating-point entries set to zero:
            MatrixF64 z = MatrixF64.Zero(8, 2);
            // [ 0, 0 ]  // row 0
            // [ 0, 0 ]  // row 1
            // [ 0, 0 ]  // row 2
            // [ 0, 0 ]  // row 3
            // [ 0, 0 ]  // row 4
            // [ 0, 0 ]  // row 5
            // [ 0, 0 ]  // row 6
            // [ 0, 0 ]  // row 7

            // Examples of matrix addition, subtraction, and multiplication:

            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of matrix addition, subtraction, and multiplication:");

            MatrixF64 a =
                new MatrixF64
                3, 5,
                 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, // row 0
                 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, // row 1
                10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0  // row 2

            MatrixF64 b =
                new MatrixF64
                3, 5,
                 4.0, -3.0, 2.0, -1.0, 0.0, // row 0
                -9.0, 8.0, -7.0, 6.0, -5.0, // row 1
                14.0, -13.0, 12.0, -11.0, 10.0  // row 2

            MatrixF64 c =
                new MatrixF64
                5, 3,
                 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, // row 0
                 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, // row 1
                 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, // row 2
                 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, // row 3
                12.0, 13.0, 14.0  // row 4

            MatrixF64 result = new MatrixF64();

            result = a + b;
            // [  4, -2,  4,  2,  4 ]
            // [ -4, 14,  0, 14,  4 ]
            // [ 24, -2, 24,  2, 24 ]

            result = a - b;
            // [ -4,  4,  0,  4,  4 ]
            // [ 14, -2, 14,  2, 14 ]
            // [ -4, 24,  0, 24,  4 ]

            result = -a;
            // [   0,  -1,  -2,  -3,  -4 ]
            // [  -5,  -6,  -7,  -8,  -9 ]
            // [ -10, -11, -12, -13, -14 ]

            result = 3.0 * a;
            // [  0,  3,  6,  9, 12 ]
            // [ 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 ]
            // [ 30, 33, 36, 39, 42 ]

            result = a * c; // (3x5) * (5x3) = (3x3)
            // [  90, 100, 110 ]
            // [ 240, 275, 310 ]
            // [ 390, 450, 510 ]

            result = c * a; // (5x3) * (3x5) = (5x5)
            // [  25,  28,  31,  34,  37 ]
            // [  70,  82,  94, 106, 118 ]
            // [ 115, 136, 157, 178, 199 ]
            // [ 160, 190, 220, 250, 280 ]
            // [ 205, 244, 283, 322, 361 ]

            // Examples of multiplying by an identity matrix:

            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of multiplying by an identity matrix:");

            MatrixF64 identity3x3 = MatrixF64.Identity(3);
            // [ 1, 0, 0 ]
            // [ 0, 1, 0 ]
            // [ 0, 0, 1 ]

            MatrixF64 s3x3 =
                new MatrixF64
                3, 3,
                0.0, 1.0, 2.0, // row 0
                3.0, 4.0, 5.0, // row 1
                6.0, 7.0, 8.0  // row 2

            result = s3x3 * identity3x3;
            // [ 0, 1, 2 ]
            // [ 3, 4, 5 ]
            // [ 6, 7, 8 ]
            // (i.e., the same as s3x3)

            result = identity3x3 * s3x3;
            // [ 0, 1, 2 ]
            // [ 3, 4, 5 ]
            // [ 6, 7, 8 ]
            // (i.e., the same as s3x3)

            // Example of LU factoring and back-substitution:

            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of LU factoring and back-substitution:");

            MatrixF64 a3x3 =
                new MatrixF64
                    3, 3,
                    0.0, 1.0, 2.0, // row 0
                    3.0, 4.0, 5.0, // row 1
                    6.0, 7.0, 8.0  // row 2

            int[] rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix = null;
            bool rowInterchangeParityIsOdd = false;
            MatrixF64 a3x3LU = null;
                ref a3x3LU,
                ref rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix,
                ref rowInterchangeParityIsOdd

            // [     6,     7,     8 ]
            // [     0,     1,     2 ]
            // [   0.5,   0.5, 1e-19 ]
            // The matrix above is a combination of the L and U
            // matrices. The L matrix is 0 above the diagonal,
            // 1 on the diagonal, and the shown values below the
            // diagonal.  The U matrix is 0 below the diagonal,
            // and the shown values on and above the diagonal.
            // This LU factoring is of a ROW-PERMUTED version
            // of the original matrix.

            // The following L and U matrices are manually formed
            // by inspecting the LU factoring matrix above.
            MatrixF64 L3x3 =
                new MatrixF64
                    3, 3,
                    1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // row 0
                    0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // row 1
                    0.5, 0.5, 1.0  // row 2

            MatrixF64 U3x3 =
                new MatrixF64
                    3, 3,
                    6.0, 7.0, 8.0, // row 0
                    0.0, 1.0, 2.0, // row 1
                    0.0, 0.0, 0.0  // row 2

            // The product (L)*(U) produces a ROW-PERMUTED version
            // of the original matrix:
            result = L3x3 * U3x3;
            // [ 6, 7, 8 ]
            // [ 0, 1, 2 ]
            // [ 3, 4, 5 ]

            VectorF64 b3x1 = new VectorF64(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
            VectorF64 x3x1 = null;

                ref x3x1

            // Solution vector
            // ( -0.66666667,           1,           0 )
            // Both the given b3x1 and this x3x1 are relative to the
            // original matrix, a3x3.  The a3x3LU for a ROW-PERMUTED
            // version of a3x3, but LUBacksubstitution accepts a
            // non-permuted product vector (e.g., b3x1) and produces
            // a non-permuted solution vector (e.g., x3x1).

            // Check solution by multiplying the original matrix a3x3
            // by the solution vector x3x1, to get a product vector.
            VectorF64 checkb3x1 = a3x3 * x3x1;
            // ( 1, 2, 3 )
            // This matches the b3x1 vector we specified above, so
            // the solution is valid.

            // Examples of matrix determinants:

            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of matrix determinants:");

            MatrixF64 d2x2 =
                new MatrixF64
                2, 2,
                 2.0, 5.0, // row 0
                -4.0, -7.0  // row 1
            double detd2x2 = d2x2.Determinant();
            // detd2x2 = 6

            MatrixF64 d3x3 =
                new MatrixF64
                3, 3,
                 2.0, 5.0, 7.0, // row 0
                -4.0, -1.0, 6.0, // row 1
                 9.0, 8.0, 3.0  // row 2
            double detd3x3 = d3x3.Determinant();
            // detd3x3 = 67

            MatrixF64 d4x4 =
                new MatrixF64
                4, 4,
                  7.0, -5.0, 2.0, 4.0, // row 0
                  3.0, 2.0, 6.0, 3.0, // row 1
                 -9.0, 8.0, -3.0, 2.0, // row 2
                  5.0, 3.0, 2.0, 5.0  // row 3
            double detd4x4 = d4x4.Determinant();
            // detd4x4 = 1457

            // Examples of matrix inverses:

            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of matrix inverses:");

            MatrixF64 m2x2 =
                new MatrixF64
                2, 2,
                 2.0, 5.0, // row 0
                -4.0, -7.0  // row 1
            MatrixF64 inversem2x2 = m2x2.Inverse();
            // [  -1.1666667, -0.83333333 ]
            // [  0.66666667,  0.33333333 ]

            MatrixF64 prodinvm2x2andm2x2 = inversem2x2 * m2x2;
            // [             1, 8.8817842e-16 ]
            // [             0,             1 ]
            // This product is very close to a
            // 2x2 identity matrix, as it should be.

            MatrixF64 prodm2x2andinvm2x2 = m2x2 * inversem2x2;
            // [ 1, 0 ]
            // [ 0, 1 ]
            // This product is the 2x2 identity matrix,
            // as it should be.

            MatrixF64 m3x3 =
                new MatrixF64
                3, 3,
                 2.0, 5.0, 7.0, // row 0
                -4.0, -1.0, 6.0, // row 1
                 9.0, 8.0, 3.0  // row 2
            MatrixF64 inversem3x3 = m3x3.Inverse();
            // [ -0.76119403,   0.6119403,  0.55223881 ]
            // [  0.98507463, -0.85074627, -0.59701493 ]
            // [ -0.34328358,  0.43283582,  0.26865672 ]

            MatrixF64 prodinvm3x3andm3x3 = inversem3x3 * m3x3;
            // [             1,             0, 4.4408921e-16 ]
            // [             0,             1,             0 ]
            // [             0,             0,             1 ]
            // This product is very close to a 3x3 identity matrix,
            // as it should be.

            MatrixF64 prodm3x3andinvm3x3 = m3x3 * inversem3x3;
            // [              1, -4.4408921e-16,  4.4408921e-16 ]
            // [              0,              1,  -2.220446e-16 ]
            // [ -4.4408921e-16,              0,              1 ]
            // This product is very close to a 3x3 identity matrix,
            // as it should be.

            // Examples of a product of a matrix and a vector:

            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of a product of a matrix and a vector:");

            MatrixF64 t3x3 =
                new MatrixF64
                3, 3,
                 2.0, 5.0, 7.0, // row 0
                -4.0, -1.0, 6.0, // row 1
                 9.0, 8.0, 3.0  // row 2

            VectorF64 p3x1 = new VectorF64(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);

            VectorF64 q3x1 = t3x3 * p3x1;
            // ( 33, 12, 34 )

            // The multiplicative product of the inverse
            // of the matrix and the result vector computed
            // above should produce the original vector.
            MatrixF64 inverset3x3 = t3x3.Inverse();

            VectorF64 prodinvt3x3andq3x1 = inverset3x3 * q3x1;
            // ( 1, 2, 3 )
            // This vector is equal to the original vector,
            // as expected.

            // Example of using a homogeneous matrix to
            // translate a homogeneous vector:

            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of using a homogeneous matrix to translate a homogeneous vector:");

            // Forming a homogeneous matrix that represents
            // a translation:

            VectorF64 homogeneousTranslationVector4x1 =
                new VectorF64(10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 1.0);

            MatrixF64 translation4x4 =

            // [  1,  0,  0, 10 ]
            // [  0,  1,  0, 20 ]
            // [  0,  0,  1, 30 ]
            // [  0,  0,  0,  1 ]

            // Using the homogeneous matrix to translate
            // a homogeneous vector:

            VectorF64 homogeneousVector =
                new VectorF64(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 1.0);

            VectorF64 translatedVector =
                translation4x4 * homogeneousVector;

            // ( 15, 26, 37,  1 )
            // The relevant vector components (5,6,7)
            // were translated by (10,20,30) by the
            // homogeneous translation matrix.

            // Example of using a homogeneous matrix
            // to rotate a homogeneous vector:

            System.Console.WriteLine("Test of using a homogeneous matrix to rotate a homogeneous vector:");

            // Forming a homogeneous rotation matrix that
            // rotates a positive component along coordinate
            // axis 0 to a positive component along
            // cooridnate axis 1, in 3-dimensional space.
            // (The homogeneous matrix must be (3+1)=4
            // rows by (3+1)=4 columns.)

            MatrixF64 rotation4x4 =
                MatrixF64.Rab(4, 0, 1, (0.5 * Math.PI));

            // [ 6.12e-17,       -1,        0,        0 ]
            // [        1, 6.12e-17,        0,        0 ]
            // [        0,        0,        1,        0 ]
            // [        0,        0,        0,        1 ]
            // (The entries '6.12e-17' are negligible.)
            // The upper-left 3x3 part of the matrix represents
            // a counterclockwise rotation of a quarter-turn
            // such that a positive component along axis 0
            // would be rotated to a positive component along
            // axis 1, in 3-dimensional space.

            // Using the homogeneous rotation matrix to
            // rotate a homogeneous vector:

            VectorF64 homogeneousVector2 =
                new VectorF64(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 1.0);

            VectorF64 rotatedVector =
                rotation4x4 * homogeneousVector2;

            // ( -6,  5,  7,  1 )
            // The relevant vector components (5,6,7) were
            // rotated to (-6,5,7), which is consistent with
            // a counterclockwise quarter-turn rotation
            // with a rotation plane parallel to axes 0 and 1.

            System.Console.WriteLine(String.Empty.PadRight(78, '#'));
Esempio n. 6
        public static void LUBacksubstitution(
            MatrixF64 LUFactorsMatrix,
            int[] rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix,
            VectorF64 givenProductVector,
            ref VectorF64 solutionVector
            // This implementation is based on pseudo-code appearing in
            // ''Introduction to Algorithms'' (Cormen; Lieserson; Rivest;
            // 24th printing, 2000; MIT Press; ISBN 0-262-03141-8).
            // See the section named ''Overview of LUP decomposition'', in
            // chapter 31 (''Matrix Operations'').  The implementation here
            // follows the ''LUP-Solve'' pseudo-code appearing in a
            // section named ''forward and back substitution''.

            solutionVector = null;

            if (null == LUFactorsMatrix)
                return; // No matrix specified.

            if (null == rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix)
                return; // No permutation specified.

            if (null == givenProductVector)
                return; // No product vector specified.

                   (null == LUFactorsMatrix.entries)
                || (LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows <= 0)
                || (LUFactorsMatrix.totalColumns <= 0)
                return; // Matrix is empty.

            if (LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows !=
                return; // Matrix is not square.

            if (givenProductVector.Dimensions() !=
                return; // Product vector size not equal to matrix row count.

            // Copy the product vector in to the result.
            solutionVector = new VectorF64(givenProductVector);

            // (See LUP-Solve, lines 2-3)
            for (int i = 0; i < LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows; i++)
                double sum =
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    sum -= (LUFactorsMatrix[i, j] * solutionVector[j]);
                solutionVector[i] = sum;

            // (See LUP-Solve, lines 4-5)
            for (int i = (LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows - 1); i >= 0; i--)
                double sum = solutionVector[i];
                    int j = (i + 1);
                    j < LUFactorsMatrix.totalColumns;
                    sum -= (LUFactorsMatrix[i, j] * solutionVector[j]);
                double diagonalElement = LUFactorsMatrix[i, i];
                if (diagonalElement != 0.0)
                    solutionVector[i] = (sum / diagonalElement);
Esempio n. 7
        public static void FindLUFactorsOfARowPermutedVersionOfAnOriginalMatrix(
            MatrixF64 originalMatrix,
            ref MatrixF64 LUFactorsMatrix,
            ref int[] rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix,
            ref bool rowExchangeParityIsOdd
            // ''LU factoring'' involves factoring a square matrix (M) in to a
            // lower-triangular matrix (L), and an upper-triangular matrix (U),
            // such that (L)*(U) = (M).
            // However, the specified matrix (originalMatrix) might not be
            // optimal for direct LU factoring, due to the locations of extreme
            // values in the matrix.  Therefore, this function instead implicitly
            // factors a row-permuted version of originalMatrix, where the
            // permutation of rows is determined by the values in the specified
            // matrix.  The specific row permutation selected by this function is
            // returned in an array of row indices (rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix).
            // The resulting (L) and (U) factors are merged in to a single
            // output matrix (LUFactorsMatrix).  Therefore:
            // (L part of LUFactorsMatrix) * (U part of LUFactorsMatrix)
            //   = (originalMatrix with rows permuted according to
            //           rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix).
            // Although factoring a row-permuted version of originalMatrix
            // makes it more difficult to interpret the results of this function,
            // the resulting LU factoring is likely to be more accurate.  In a
            // sense, this function indicates (via rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix)
            // how to permute the rows of originalMatrix to be able to produce
            // the most accurate LU factoring directly, and this function produces
            // that factoring (via the LUFactorsMatrix output).
            // When using the (L) and (U) matrices (merged in to LUFactorsMatrix)
            // to solve a system of equations, it is necessary to permute the rows
            // of the solution vector of the system of equations according to
            // rowPermutation.
            // The output matrix (LUFactorsMatrix) is a combination of
            // the (L) and (U) matrices:
            // To form the (L) matrix from (LUFactorsMatrix):
            //      assume (0) for entries above the diagonal,
            //      assume (1) for entries on    the diagonal,
            //      and use (LUFactorsMatrix) entries below the diagonal.
            // To form the (U) matrix from (LUFactorsMatrix):
            //      assume (0) for entries below the diagonal,
            //      and use (LUFactorsMatrix) entries on and above the diagonal.
            // The output array (rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix) indicates how the
            // rows of the original matrix have implicitly (not actually) been
            // permuted.
            // The output boolean (rowExchangeParityIsOdd) indicates if the parity
            // of the permutation of rows is odd.
            // This implementation is partly based on pseudo-code appearing in
            // ''Introduction to Algorithms'' (Cormen; Lieserson; Rivest;
            // 24th printing, 2000; MIT Press; ISBN 0-262-03141-8).
            // See the section named ''Overview of LUP decomposition'', in
            // chapter 31 (''Matrix Operations'').  The implementation here follows
            // the ''LUP-Decomposition'' pseudo-code appearing in a section named
            // ''Computing an LUP decomposition''.
            // This implementation also uses ideas found in the implementation of
            // ''ludcmp'' in the book ''Numerical recipes in C : The art of
            // scientific computing'' (Press; Teukolsky; Vetterling; Flannery;
            // second edition; 1996 reprinting; Cambridge University Press).
            // The overall loop structure here resembles that of ''ludcmp''.
            // The idea of determining and caching row scale factors in advance of
            // finding pivots is used here.  The method in ''ludcmp'' to avoid zero
            // pivot values has been modified here to handle excessively-small
            // pivot values, too.  HOWEVER, the row permutation indices produced by
            // the following implementation is a true permutation of
            // {0,1,...,(totalRows-1)}, whereas ''ludcmp'' (and ''lubksb'')
            // interpret their ''permutation indices'' as swaps to perform
            // (roughly, for each (i), swap b[ i ] and b[ indx[i] ]).  So, the
            // following implementation of LU-factoring is not directly compatible
            // with ''ludcmp'' or ''lubksb''.  Also, the following procedure
            // does not destroy the original matrix (unlike ''ludcmp'').

            double singularMatrixIfMaxRowElementIsLessThanThis = (1.0e-19);
            double forcePivotsToHaveAtLeastThisAbsoluteValue = (1.0e-19);

            LUFactorsMatrix = null;
            rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix = null;
            rowExchangeParityIsOdd = false;

            if (null == originalMatrix)
                return; // No matrix specified.

                   (originalMatrix.totalRows <= 0)
                || (originalMatrix.totalColumns <= 0)
                || (null == originalMatrix.entries)
                return; // Matrix is empty.

            if (originalMatrix.totalRows != originalMatrix.totalColumns)
                return; // Matrix is not square.

            // Duplicate the original matrix
            LUFactorsMatrix = new MatrixF64(originalMatrix);

            // (Lines 2-3 of LUP-Decomposition)
            // Initialize the row permutation array to the identity
            // permutation.
            rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix = new int[LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows];
            for (int i = 0; i < LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows; i++)
                rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix[i] = i;

            // For each row, determine the largest absolute value of
            // the row elements, and use the reciprocal as the scale for
            // that row.
            VectorF64 rowScales = VectorF64.Zero(LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows);
            for (int i = 0; i < LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows; i++)
                double largestElementAbsoluteValueInRow = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < LUFactorsMatrix.totalColumns; j++)
                    double absoluteElementValue =
                        Math.Abs(LUFactorsMatrix[i, j]);

                    if (absoluteElementValue >
                        largestElementAbsoluteValueInRow =
                if (largestElementAbsoluteValueInRow <
                    return; // Matrix is singular
                rowScales[i] = (1.0 / largestElementAbsoluteValueInRow);

            // (Lines 4-18 of LUP-Decomposition)
            // Go through the columns of the matrix.
            for (int j = 0; j < LUFactorsMatrix.totalColumns; j++)
                // (Lines 17-18 of LUP-Decomposition)
                // (or equation (2.3.12) of NR)
                for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
                    double sum = LUFactorsMatrix[i, j];
                    for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
                        sum -= (LUFactorsMatrix[i, k] * LUFactorsMatrix[k, j]);
                    LUFactorsMatrix[i, j] = sum;

                // Go through all remaining rows and find the best pivot.
                double largestScaledSum = 0.0;
                int rowIndexOfLargestScaledSum = j;
                for (int i = j; i < LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows; i++)
                    // (equation (2.3.13) of NR)
                    double sum = LUFactorsMatrix[i, j];
                    for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
                        sum -= (LUFactorsMatrix[i, k] * LUFactorsMatrix[k, j]);
                    LUFactorsMatrix[i, j] = sum;

                    double scaledSum = rowScales[i] * Math.Abs(sum);
                    if (scaledSum >= largestScaledSum)
                        largestScaledSum = scaledSum;
                        rowIndexOfLargestScaledSum = i;

                // If indeed we found a better pivot, then exchange rows.
                if (j != rowIndexOfLargestScaledSum)
                    // (Line 12 of LUP-Decomposition)
                    // Exchange the row permutation indices
                    int tempRowIndex = rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix[j];
                    rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix[j] =
                    rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix[rowIndexOfLargestScaledSum] =

                    // (Lines 13-14 of LUP-Decomposition)
                    // Exchange the elements of the rows
                    for (int k = 0; k < LUFactorsMatrix.totalColumns; k++)
                        double temp = LUFactorsMatrix[rowIndexOfLargestScaledSum, k];
                        LUFactorsMatrix[rowIndexOfLargestScaledSum, k] =
                            LUFactorsMatrix[j, k];
                        LUFactorsMatrix[j, k] = temp;

                    // Exchange the row scale factors
                    double scaleFactor =
                    rowScales[rowIndexOfLargestScaledSum] = rowScales[j];
                    rowScales[j] = scaleFactor;

                    // Invert the overall row exchange parity
                    rowExchangeParityIsOdd = (!(rowExchangeParityIsOdd));

                // Force the pivot element to have at least a certain
                // absolute value.
                if (Math.Abs(LUFactorsMatrix[j, j]) <
                    if (LUFactorsMatrix[j, j] < 0.0)
                        LUFactorsMatrix[j, j] =
                        LUFactorsMatrix[j, j] =

                // If not the final column, then divide all column elements
                // below the diagonal by the pivot element, matrixLU[j,j].
                // (Lines 15-16 of LUP-Decomposition)
                if (j != (LUFactorsMatrix.totalColumns - 1))
                    double reciprocalOfPivot = (1.0 / LUFactorsMatrix[j, j]);
                    for (int i = (j + 1); i < LUFactorsMatrix.totalRows; i++)
                        LUFactorsMatrix[i, j] *= reciprocalOfPivot;
Esempio n. 8
        public static bool EqualsWithinTolerance(
            MatrixF64 a,
            MatrixF64 b,
            double tolerance
            if ((null == a) || (null == b))
                return (false);

                   (null == a.entries)
                || (null == b.entries)
                || (a.totalRows != b.totalRows)
                || (a.totalColumns != b.totalColumns)
                return (false);

            for (int i = 0; i < a.totalRows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < a.totalColumns; j++)
                    double absoluteDifference =
                        Math.Abs(a[i, j] - b[i, j]);
                    if (absoluteDifference > tolerance)
                        return (false);
            return (true);
Esempio n. 9
        public MatrixF64 TranslateByAHomogeneousVector(VectorF64 v)
            // This function assumes a square matrix that represents a
            // homogeneous transformation (with a final row that is all
            // zero except for a final entry of one), and the specification
            // of a homogeneous vector (with a final component of one).
            // All but the final component of the vector will contribute
            // to the final column vector of the matrix.
            if (null == v)
                return (MatrixF64.Zero(1, 1)); // Vector is not specified.

                   (this.totalRows <= 0)
                || (this.totalColumns <= 0)
                || (null == this.entries)
                return (MatrixF64.Zero(1, 1)); // Matrix is empty.

            if (v.Dimensions() != this.totalRows)
                // The vector size is not equal to the matrix total rows.
                return (MatrixF64.Zero(this.totalRows, this.totalColumns));

            // Add all but the final component of the specified vector
            // to the final column of this matrix.  The final entry
            // of the final column of the matrix will remain one (1).
            MatrixF64 result = new MatrixF64(this);

            for (int i = 0; i < (result.totalRows - 1); i++)
                result[i, (result.totalColumns - 1)] += v[i];

            return (result);
Esempio n. 10
        public MatrixF64 SnapToNearestInteger(double tolerance)
            // example tolerance: 1.0e-5

            MatrixF64 result = new MatrixF64(this);

            for (int i = 0; i < result.totalRows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < result.totalColumns; j++)
                    double doubleValue = result[i, j];
                    // double only has 53 bits for mantissa, so we'll
                    // conservatively limit our snap attempts to values
                    // less than 2^50 = 1125899906842624.
                    long maxSnapValue = 1125899906842624;
                    if (Math.Abs(doubleValue) <= maxSnapValue)
                        long longValue = (long)(doubleValue + 0.5);
                        if (doubleValue < (-0.5))
                            // The interval [-(N).499,-(N-1).501] should be
                            // shifted so that truncation produces -(N).
                            longValue = (long)(doubleValue - 0.5);
                        double absoluteDifference =
                            Math.Abs(doubleValue - (double)longValue);
                        if (absoluteDifference < tolerance)
                            result[i, j] = (double)longValue;
            return (result);
Esempio n. 11
        public MatrixF64 Inverse()
                   (this.totalRows <= 0)
                || (this.totalColumns <= 0)
                || (null == this.entries)
                return (MatrixF64.Zero(1, 1)); // Matrix is empty.

            if (this.totalRows != this.totalColumns)
                // Matrix is not square
                return (MatrixF64.Zero(1, 1));

            // Simple cases
            if (1 == this.totalRows) { return (this.Inverse1x1()); }
            if (2 == this.totalRows) { return (this.Inverse2x2()); }
            if (3 == this.totalRows) { return (this.Inverse3x3()); }
            if (4 == this.totalRows) { return (this.Inverse4x4()); }

            int[] rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix = null;
            bool rowExchangeParityIsOdd = false;
            MatrixF64 originalMatrix = new MatrixF64(this);
            MatrixF64 LUFactorsMatrix = null;

                ref LUFactorsMatrix,
                ref rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix,
                ref rowExchangeParityIsOdd

            if ((null == LUFactorsMatrix)
                || (null == rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix))
                return (MatrixF64.Zero(this.totalRows, this.totalColumns));

            VectorF64 columnVector = VectorF64.Zero(totalRows);
            VectorF64 solutionVector = VectorF64.Zero(totalRows);
            MatrixF64 inverse =
                MatrixF64.Zero(this.totalRows, this.totalColumns);
            for (int j = 0; j < inverse.totalColumns; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < inverse.totalRows; i++)
                    columnVector[i] = 0.0;
                columnVector[j] = 1.0;

                    ref solutionVector
                if (null != solutionVector)
                    for (int i = 0; i < inverse.totalRows; i++)
                        inverse[i, j] = solutionVector[i];

            return (inverse);
Esempio n. 12
        public double Determinant()
                   (this.totalRows <= 0)
                || (this.totalColumns <= 0)
                || (null == this.entries)
                return (0.0); // Matrix is empty.

            if (this.totalRows != this.totalColumns)
                // Matrix is not square
                return (0.0);

            // Simple cases
            if (1 == this.totalRows) { return (this.Determinant1x1()); }
            if (2 == this.totalRows) { return (this.Determinant2x2()); }
            if (3 == this.totalRows) { return (this.Determinant3x3()); }
            if (4 == this.totalRows) { return (this.Determinant4x4()); }

            int[] rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix = null;
            bool rowExchangeParityIsOdd = false;
            MatrixF64 originalMatrix = new MatrixF64(this);
            MatrixF64 LUFactorsMatrix = null;

                ref LUFactorsMatrix,
                ref rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix,
                ref rowExchangeParityIsOdd

            if ((null == LUFactorsMatrix)
                || (null == rowPermutationOfOriginalMatrix))
                return (0.0);

            double determinant = 1.0;
            if (true == rowExchangeParityIsOdd)
                determinant = (-1.0);
            for (int j = 0; j < LUFactorsMatrix.totalColumns; j++)
                determinant *= LUFactorsMatrix[j, j];
            return (determinant);
Esempio n. 13
 public static MatrixF64 Zero(int rows, int columns)
     MatrixF64 zero = new MatrixF64(rows, columns);
     // The constructor above sets all entries to zero.
     return (zero);