Esempio n. 1
        public clsCorrelation(clsBinningOptions binningOptions)
            mBinningOptions         = binningOptions;
            NoiseThresholdIntensity = 0;

            mCoefficients = new[] { 76.180091729471457, -86.505320329416776,
                                    24.014098240830911, -1.231739572450155,
                                    0.001208650973866179, -0.000005395239384953 };
Esempio n. 2
        private float CompareSpectra(
            clsMSSpectrum fragSpectrum1,
            clsMSSpectrum fragSpectrum2,
            clsBinningOptions binningOptions,
            bool considerOffsetBinnedData = true)
            // Compares the two spectra and returns a similarity score (ranging from 0 to 1)
            // Perfect match is 1; no similarity is 0
            // Note that both the standard binned data and the offset binned data are compared
            // If considerOffsetBinnedData = True, then the larger of the two scores is returned
            // similarity scores is returned
            // If an error, returns -1

            var binnedSpectrum1 = new clsBinnedData();
            var binnedSpectrum2 = new clsBinnedData();

                var dataComparer = new clsCorrelation(binningOptions);

                const clsCorrelation.cmCorrelationMethodConstants eCorrelationMethod = clsCorrelation.cmCorrelationMethodConstants.Pearson;

                // Bin the data in the first spectrum
                var success = CompareSpectraBinData(dataComparer, fragSpectrum1, binnedSpectrum1);
                if (!success)

                // Bin the data in the second spectrum
                success = CompareSpectraBinData(dataComparer, fragSpectrum2, binnedSpectrum2);
                if (!success)

                // Now compare the binned spectra
                // Similarity will be 0 if either instance of BinnedIntensities has fewer than 5 data points
                var similarity1 = dataComparer.Correlate(binnedSpectrum1.BinnedIntensities, binnedSpectrum2.BinnedIntensities, eCorrelationMethod);

                if (!considerOffsetBinnedData)

                var similarity2 = dataComparer.Correlate(binnedSpectrum1.BinnedIntensitiesOffset, binnedSpectrum2.BinnedIntensitiesOffset, eCorrelationMethod);
                return(Math.Max(similarity1, similarity2));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ReportError("CompareSpectra: " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 3
        private float CompareFragSpectraForParentIons(
            clsScanList scanList,
            clsSpectraCache spectraCache,
            int parentIonIndex1,
            int parentIonIndex2,
            clsBinningOptions binningOptions,
            MASICPeakFinder.clsBaselineNoiseOptions noiseThresholdOptions,
            DataInput.clsDataImport dataImportUtilities)
            // Compare the fragmentation spectra for the two parent ions
            // Returns the highest similarity score (ranging from 0 to 1)
            // Returns 0 if no similarity or no spectra to compare
            // Returns -1 if an error

            float highestSimilarityScore;

                if (scanList.ParentIons[parentIonIndex1].CustomSICPeak || scanList.ParentIons[parentIonIndex2].CustomSICPeak)
                    // Custom SIC values do not have fragmentation spectra; nothing to compare
                    highestSimilarityScore = 0;
                else if (scanList.ParentIons[parentIonIndex1].MRMDaughterMZ > 0 || scanList.ParentIons[parentIonIndex2].MRMDaughterMZ > 0)
                    // MRM Spectra should not be compared
                    highestSimilarityScore = 0;
                    highestSimilarityScore = 0;
                    foreach (var fragSpectrumIndex1 in scanList.ParentIons[parentIonIndex1].FragScanIndices)
                        if (!spectraCache.GetSpectrum(scanList.FragScans[fragSpectrumIndex1].ScanNumber, out var spectrum1, false))

                        // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
                        if (!clsMASIC.DISCARD_LOW_INTENSITY_MSMS_DATA_ON_LOAD)
#pragma warning disable 162
                        // ReSharper disable HeuristicUnreachableCode
                            dataImportUtilities.DiscardDataBelowNoiseThreshold(spectrum1, scanList.FragScans[fragSpectrumIndex1].BaselineNoiseStats.NoiseLevel, 0, 0, noiseThresholdOptions);
                        // ReSharper restore HeuristicUnreachableCode
#pragma warning restore 162

                        foreach (var fragSpectrumIndex2 in scanList.ParentIons[parentIonIndex2].FragScanIndices)
                            if (!spectraCache.GetSpectrum(scanList.FragScans[fragSpectrumIndex2].ScanNumber, out var spectrum2, false))

                            // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
                            if (!clsMASIC.DISCARD_LOW_INTENSITY_MSMS_DATA_ON_LOAD)
#pragma warning disable 162
                            // ReSharper disable HeuristicUnreachableCode
                                dataImportUtilities.DiscardDataBelowNoiseThreshold(spectrum2, scanList.FragScans[fragSpectrumIndex2].BaselineNoiseStats.NoiseLevel, 0, 0, noiseThresholdOptions);
                            // ReSharper restore HeuristicUnreachableCode
#pragma warning restore 162

                            var similarityScore = CompareSpectra(spectrum1, spectrum2, binningOptions);

                            if (similarityScore > highestSimilarityScore)
                                highestSimilarityScore = similarityScore;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ReportError("Error in CompareFragSpectraForParentIons", ex);
