public MapForm(GameRecords m, View2 view, byte playingWidth, byte playingHeight) { InitializeComponent(); model = m; map = new MapCustomControl(model, view); map.Parent = this; }
public Amusements(Coordinates c, GameRecords m, int prize, int fee, int capacity, int runningTime, string name, bool hasEntranceExit, Color color, int typeId, int workingPrice, int attractiveness) : base(m, c, prize, typeId) { this.zIndex = 0; this.originalFee = fee; this.currFee = fee; this.capacity = capacity; this.WorkingCost = workingPrice; this.attractiveness = attractiveness; this.fixedRunningTime = runningTime; this.maxWaitingTime = (int)(runningTime*1.5); = name; this.hasSeparatedEnterExit = hasEntranceExit; this.color = color; //this.typeId = typeId; peopleInList = new List<Person>(capacity); model.LastBuiltAmus = this; if(hasEntranceExit) model.mustBeEnter = true; this.Id = model.amusList.GetFreeID(); model.amusList.Add(this); model.maps.AddAmus(this); model.CheckCheapestFee(this.CurrFee); // mimoProvoz = true; // zacatek = true; }
public AmusementsForm(GameRecords model, DockPanel parent, ToolStripMenuItem amusement) { InitializeComponent(); dockP = parent; buyForm = new AmusementBuyForm(model,parent); this.amusItem = amusement; }
public MainForm(SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext sc) { //todo: odstranit button1 model = (GameRecords)si.GetValue("model", typeof(GameRecords)); view = (View2)si.GetValue("view", typeof(View2)); view.form = this; playingHeight = si.GetByte("height"); playingWidth = si.GetByte("width"); InitializeComponent(); InitializeTasks(); timerTicks = 0; IsMdiContainer = true; accessoriesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false; amusform = new AmusementsForm(model, mainDockPanel, amusementsToolStripMenuItem); pathform = new PathForm(model, pathToolStripMenuItem); accform = new AccessoriesForm(model, accessoriesToolStripMenuItem); mapform = new MapForm(model, view, playingWidth, playingHeight); PrepareFormsStartAppearance(model.currOfferedAmus, model.currOfferedPaths, model.currOfferedOthers, model.images); amusform.Show(mainDockPanel); pathform.Show(mainDockPanel); view.form = this; mapform.InitializeAfterDeserialization(model, view); timer.Enabled = true; MyUpdate(); this.Refresh(); }
public AmusementBuyForm(GameRecords m, DockPanel parent) { InitializeComponent(); this.dockPanel = parent; model = m; color = Color.Yellow; this.Hide(); }
public void InitializeAfterDeserialization(GameRecords m, View2 v) { this.model = m; this.view = v; this.Width = (model.playingWidth + 2) * MainForm.sizeOfSquare + 1; this.Height = (model.playingHeight + 2) * MainForm.sizeOfSquare + 1; borderRects = InitializeBorderRects(model.playingWidth + 2, model.playingHeight + 2); }
// GameRecords model; public GateDetailForm(GameRecords model, Gate gate, Image im) { InitializeComponent(); this.a = gate; this.gate = gate; this.model = model; this.pictureBox.BackgroundImage = im; this.Text =; gate.isClicked = true; MyUpdate(); }
public MapCustomControl(GameRecords model, View2 view) { InitializeComponent(); borderRects = InitializeBorderRects(model.playingWidth + 2, model.playingHeight + 2); this.Width = (model.playingWidth + 2) * MainForm.sizeOfSquare + 1; this.Height = (model.playingHeight + 2) * MainForm.sizeOfSquare + 1; SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); this.model = model; this.view = view; }
public SpecialEffects(GameRecords model, List<LaterShownItem> laterRevealedObjectsList) { this.model = model; propagateOn = false; researchOn = false; contentmentAward = false; propagation = 0; this.laterRevealedObjects = new ConcurrentQueue<LaterShownItem>(laterRevealedObjectsList); LaterShownItem l; this.laterRevealedObjects.TryDequeue(out l); timeToShowNewItem = l.timeToShow; followingItemToReveal = l.item; }
public AmusementDetailForm(GameRecords model, Amusements a, Image im, View2 view) { InitializeComponent(); exit_button.Parent = panel1; entrance_button.Parent = panel1; exit_button.Tag = new AmusementExitPathFactory(a); entrance_button.Tag = new AmusementEnterPathFactory(a); this.model = model; this.view = view; this.pictureBox.BackgroundImage = im; this.a = a; this.Text =; a.isClicked = true; MyUpdate(); }
public MainForm(byte playingWidth, byte playingHeight, StartForm startForm) { InitializeComponent(); InitializeTasks(); IsMdiContainer = true; this.playingHeight = playingHeight; this.playingWidth = playingWidth; this.startForm = startForm; model = new GameRecords(playingHeight, playingWidth, startForm.initialAmusementsFilename, startForm.initialPathsFilename, startForm.initialAccessoriesFilename, startForm.revealingRulesFilename); amusform = new AmusementsForm(model, mainDockPanel, amusementsToolStripMenuItem); pathform = new PathForm(model, pathToolStripMenuItem); accform = new AccessoriesForm(model, accessoriesToolStripMenuItem); view = new View2(model, this); mapform = new MapForm(model, view, playingWidth, playingHeight); amusform.Show(mainDockPanel); pathform.Show(mainDockPanel); accessoriesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false; mapform.Show(mainDockPanel); timer.Enabled = true; }
public StonePath(GameRecords m, Coordinates c, int prize, string name, int typeId) : base(m, c, prize, name, typeId) { }
public AmusementEnterPath(GameRecords m, Coordinates c, Amusements a, bool tangible = true) : base(m, c, a, typeId: 1, tangible: tangible) { model.mustBeEnter = false; a.entrance = this; }
//not call base(m,c) because dont want to add to maps public AmusementPath(GameRecords m, Coordinates c, Amusements a, int typeId, bool tangible = true) : base(m, prize: 0, typeId: typeId, tangible: tangible) { this.coord = c; this.amusement = a; model.maps.AddEntranceExit(this); }
public void InitializeAfterDeserialization(GameRecords m, View2 v) { model = m; ((MapCustomControl)map).InitializeAfterDeserialization(m, v); }
/// <summary> /// Represents the current playing map, includes maps of paths and amusements, provides algorithms for navigation. /// </summary> /// <param name="width">The internal width of the map.</param> /// <param name="height">The internal height of the map.</param> /// <param name="m"></param> public Map(byte width, byte height, GameRecords m) { this.internalWidthMap = width; this.internalHeightMap = height; this.gameRec = m; //---initialize helpPath auxPathMap = new DirectionItem[width][]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { auxPathMap[i] = new DirectionItem[height]; } //---initialize pathMap pathMap = new Path[width][]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) pathMap[i] = new Path[height]; //---initialize amusementMap amusementMap = new Amusements[width][]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) amusementMap[i] = new Amusements[height]; }
protected static bool CheckFreeLocation(byte x, byte y, GameRecords model, byte width, byte height, bool hasSeparatedEntranceAndExit = true) { if (x + width > model.playingWidth + 1 || y + height > model.playingHeight + 1) return false; for (byte i = x; i < x + width; i++) { for (byte j = y; j < y + height; j++) { if (!model.maps.isFree(i, j)) return false; } } #warning overit, ze to opravdu overuje spravne if (hasSeparatedEntranceAndExit) { bool free = false; if (x - 1 > 0) for (byte i = y; i < y + height; i++) if (model.maps.isFree((byte)(x - 1), i)) { if (free) return free; else free = true; } if (x < model.playingWidth) for (byte i = y; i < y + height; i++) if (model.maps.isFree((byte)(x + 1), i)) { if (free) return free; else free = true; } if (y - 1 > 0) for (byte i = x; i < x + width; i++) if (model.maps.isFree(i, (byte)(y - 1))) { if (free) return free; else free = true; } if (y < model.playingWidth) for (byte i = y; i < y + height; i++) if (model.maps.isFree(i, (byte)(y + 1))) { if (free) return free; else free = true; } return free; } return true; }
public AmusementExitPath(GameRecords m, Coordinates c, Amusements a, bool tangible = true) : base(m, c, a, typeId: 2, tangible: tangible) { a.exit = this; }
public Map(SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext sc) { gameRec = (GameRecords)si.GetValue("gameRec", typeof(GameRecords)); amusementMap = (Amusements[][])si.GetValue("amusementMap", typeof(Amusements[][])); pathMap = (Path[][])si.GetValue("pathMap", typeof(Path[][])); //todo: Bylo by rychlejsi, kdybych si vytvorila seznam a teprve ten pak prochazela? internalWidthMap = gameRec.internalWidth; internalHeightMap = gameRec.internalHeight; auxPathMap = new DirectionItem[internalWidthMap][]; for (int i = 0; i < internalWidthMap; i++) { auxPathMap[i] = new DirectionItem[internalHeightMap]; } lastAddedAmusLock = new object(); pathRWLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion); amusRWLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion); pathChanged = true; // due to calling UpdateDirection() lastAddedAmus = new ConcurrentQueue<Amusements>(); }
protected Path(GameRecords m, int prize, int typeId, bool tangible = true) : base(m, prize, typeId, tangible) { this.zIndex = 10; signpostAmus = new Direction[m.maxAmusementsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < signpostAmus.Length; i++) signpostAmus[i] =; }
public Direction[] signpostAmus; //rozcestnik #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Path(GameRecords m, Coordinates c, int prize, string name, int typeId) : base(m, c, prize, typeId) { = name; this.typeId = typeId; signpostAmus = new Direction[m.maxAmusementsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < signpostAmus.Length; i++) signpostAmus[i] =; model.maps.AddPath(this); }
public abstract MapObjects Build(byte x, byte y, GameRecords model);
protected MapObjects(GameRecords m, int prize, int typeID, bool tangible=true) { this.model = m; this.prize = prize; this.tangible = tangible; model.MoneyAdd(-this.prize); this.internTypeID = typeID; }
public MapObjects(GameRecords m,Coordinates coord, int prize, int typeID, bool tangible=true) : this(m, prize, typeID, tangible) { this.coord = coord; this.internTypeID = typeID; }
public override MapObjects Build(byte x, byte y, GameRecords model) { return new StonePath(model, new Coordinates(x, y), prize, name, internTypeId); }
public override bool CanBeBuild(byte x, byte y, GameRecords model) { return true; }
public override MapObjects Build(byte x, byte y, GameRecords model) { return new AmusementEnterPath(model, new Coordinates(x, y), a); }
public Person(GameRecords m, int x, int y) : base(m, prize: 0, typeID: -1) { this.contentment = 100; this.zIndex = 1; = m.persList.GetFreeId(); this.status = Status.initialWalking; = rand.Next(Person.minMoney,Person.maxMoney); this.patience = rand.Next(Person.minPatience, Person.maxPatience); this.maxAcceptablePriceCoef = rand.Next(1000,3000) / 1000.0; this.realX = x; this.realY = y; this.visible = true; this.color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(rand.Next(255), rand.Next(255), rand.Next(255)); m.persList.Add(this); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="x">The intern x-coordinate of the playing map.</param> /// <param name="y">The intern x-coordinate of the playing map.</param> /// <returns>true if all conditions of building are satisfied, otherwise false.</returns> public abstract bool CanBeBuild(byte x, byte y, GameRecords model);
public AccessoriesForm(GameRecords m, ToolStripMenuItem accItem) { InitializeComponent(); model = m; this.accItem = accItem; }