/// <summary> /// This method is called when GetHostAddresses operation has completed. /// </summary> /// <param name="op">Asynchronous operation.</param> /// <param name="index">Index in 'm_pHostEntries' where to store lookup result.</param> private void GetHostAddressesCompleted(GetHostAddressesAsyncOP op,int index) { lock(m_pLock){ try{ if(op.Error != null){ // We wanted any of the host names to resolve: // *) We have already one resolved host name. // *) We have more names to resolve, so next may succeed. if(m_ResolveAny && (m_ResolvedCount > 0 || m_pIpLookupQueue.Count > 1)){ } else{ m_pException = op.Error; } } else{ m_pHostEntries[index] = new HostEntry(op.HostNameOrIP,op.Addresses,null); m_ResolvedCount++; } m_pIpLookupQueue.Remove(index); if(m_pIpLookupQueue.Count == 0){ // We wanted resolve any, so some host names may not be resolved and are null, remove them from response. if(m_ResolveAny){ List<HostEntry> retVal = new List<HostEntry>(); foreach(HostEntry host in m_pHostEntries){ if(host != null){ retVal.Add(host); } } m_pHostEntries = retVal.ToArray(); } SetState(AsyncOP_State.Completed); } } catch(Exception x){ m_pException = x; SetState(AsyncOP_State.Completed); } } op.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Starts looking up MX records for specified domain. /// </summary> /// <param name="dnsClient">DNS client.</param> /// <param name="domain">Domain name.</param> /// <param name="domainIsCName">If true domain name is CNAME(alias).</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is riased when <b>dnsClient</b> or <b>domain</b> is null reference.</exception> private void LookupMX(Dns_Client dnsClient,string domain,bool domainIsCName) { if(dnsClient == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("dnsClient"); } if(domain == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("domain"); } // Try to get MX records. DNS_ClientTransaction transaction_MX = dnsClient.CreateTransaction(DNS_QType.MX,domain,2000); transaction_MX.StateChanged += delegate(object s1,EventArgs<DNS_ClientTransaction> e1){ try{ if(e1.Value.State == DNS_ClientTransactionState.Completed){ // No errors. if(e1.Value.Response.ResponseCode == DNS_RCode.NO_ERROR){ List<DNS_rr_MX> mxRecords = new List<DNS_rr_MX>(); foreach(DNS_rr_MX mx in e1.Value.Response.GetMXRecords()){ // Skip invalid MX records. if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(mx.Host)){ } else{ mxRecords.Add(mx); } } // Use MX records. if(mxRecords.Count > 0){ m_pHosts = new HostEntry[mxRecords.Count]; // Create name to index map, so we can map asynchronous A/AAAA lookup results back to MX priority index. Dictionary<string,int> name_to_index_map = new Dictionary<string,int>(); List<string> lookupQueue = new List<string>(); // Process MX records. for(int i=0;i<m_pHosts.Length;i++){ DNS_rr_MX mx = mxRecords[i]; IPAddress[] ips = Get_A_or_AAAA_FromResponse(mx.Host,e1.Value.Response); // No A or AAAA records in addtional answers section for MX, we need todo new query for that. if(ips.Length == 0){ name_to_index_map[mx.Host] = i; lookupQueue.Add(mx.Host); } else{ m_pHosts[i] = new HostEntry(mx.Host,ips,null); } } // We have MX records which A or AAAA records not provided in DNS response, lookup them. if(lookupQueue.Count > 0){ GetHostsAddressesAsyncOP op = new GetHostsAddressesAsyncOP(lookupQueue.ToArray(),true); // This event is raised when lookup completes asynchronously. op.CompletedAsync += delegate(object s2,EventArgs<GetHostsAddressesAsyncOP> e2){ LookupCompleted(op,name_to_index_map); }; // Lookup completed synchronously. if(!dnsClient.GetHostsAddressesAsync(op)){ LookupCompleted(op,name_to_index_map); } } // All MX records resolved. else{ SetState(AsyncOP_State.Completed); } } // Use CNAME as initial domain name. else if(e1.Value.Response.GetCNAMERecords().Length > 0){ if(domainIsCName){ m_pException = new Exception("CNAME to CNAME loop dedected."); SetState(AsyncOP_State.Completed); } else{ LookupMX(dnsClient,e1.Value.Response.GetCNAMERecords()[0].Alias,true); } } // Use domain name as MX. else{ m_pHosts = new HostEntry[1]; // Create name to index map, so we can map asynchronous A/AAAA lookup results back to MX priority index. Dictionary<string,int> name_to_index_map = new Dictionary<string,int>(); name_to_index_map.Add(domain,0); GetHostsAddressesAsyncOP op = new GetHostsAddressesAsyncOP(new string[]{domain}); // This event is raised when lookup completes asynchronously. op.CompletedAsync += delegate(object s2,EventArgs<GetHostsAddressesAsyncOP> e2){ LookupCompleted(op,name_to_index_map); }; // Lookup completed synchronously. if(!dnsClient.GetHostsAddressesAsync(op)){ LookupCompleted(op,name_to_index_map); } } } // DNS server returned error, just return error. else{ m_pException = new DNS_ClientException(e1.Value.Response.ResponseCode); SetState(AsyncOP_State.Completed); } } transaction_MX.Timeout += delegate(object s2,EventArgs e2){ m_pException = new IOException("DNS transaction timeout, no response from DNS server."); SetState(AsyncOP_State.Completed); }; } catch(Exception x){ m_pException = x; SetState(AsyncOP_State.Completed); } }; transaction_MX.Start(); }