Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts connecting to best target.
        /// </summary>
        private void BeginConnect()
            // No tagets, abort relay.
            if (m_pTargets.Count == 0)
                LogText("No relay target(s) for '" + m_pRelayItem.To + "', aborting.");
                Dispose(new Exception("No relay target(s) for '" + m_pRelayItem.To + "', aborting."));

            // If maximum connections to specified target exceeded and there are more targets, try to get limit free target.
            if (m_pServer.MaxConnectionsPerIP > 0)
                // For DNS or load-balnced smart host relay, search free target if any.
                if (m_pServer.RelayMode == Relay_Mode.Dns || m_pServer.SmartHostsBalanceMode == BalanceMode.LoadBalance)
                    foreach (Relay_Target t in m_pTargets)
                        // We found free target, stop searching.
                        if (m_pServer.TryAddIpUsage(m_pTargets[0].Target.Address))
                            m_pActiveTarget = t;
                // Smart host fail-over mode, just check if it's free.
                    // Smart host IP limit not reached.
                    if (m_pServer.TryAddIpUsage(m_pTargets[0].Target.Address))
                        m_pActiveTarget = m_pTargets[0];
            // Just get first target.
                m_pActiveTarget = m_pTargets[0];

            // If all targets has exeeded maximum allowed connection per IP address, end relay session,
            // next relay cycle will try to relay again.
            if (m_pActiveTarget == null)
                LogText("All targets has exeeded maximum allowed connection per IP address, skip relay.");
                Dispose(new Exception("All targets has exeeded maximum allowed connection per IP address, skip relay."));

            m_pSmtpClient.BeginConnect(new IPEndPoint(m_pLocalBindInfo.IP, 0), m_pActiveTarget.Target, false, new AsyncCallback(this.ConnectCallback), null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts connecting to best target.
        /// </summary>
        private void BeginConnect()
            // No tagets, abort relay.
            if (m_pTargets.Count == 0)
                LogText("No relay target(s) for '" + m_pRelayItem.To + "', aborting.");
                Dispose(new Exception("No relay target(s) for '" + m_pRelayItem.To + "', aborting."));


            // Maximum connections per IP limited.
            if (m_pServer.MaxConnectionsPerIP > 0)
                // For DNS or load-balnced smart host relay, search free target if any.
                if (m_pServer.RelayMode == Relay_Mode.Dns || m_pServer.SmartHostsBalanceMode == BalanceMode.LoadBalance)
                    foreach (Relay_Target t in m_pTargets)
                        // Get local IP binding for remote IP.
                        m_pLocalBindInfo = m_pServer.GetLocalBinding(t.Target.Address);

                        // We have suitable local IP binding for the target.
                        if (m_pLocalBindInfo != null)
                            // We found free target, stop searching.
                            if (m_pServer.TryAddIpUsage(t.Target.Address))
                                m_pActiveTarget = t;

                            // Connection per IP limit reached.
                                LogText("Skipping relay target (" + t.HostName + "->" + t.Target.Address + "), maximum connections to the specified IP has reached.");
                        // No suitable local IP binding, try next target.
                            LogText("Skipping relay target (" + t.HostName + "->" + t.Target.Address + "), no suitable local IPv4/IPv6 binding.");
                // Smart host fail-over mode, just check if it's free.
                    // Get local IP binding for remote IP.
                    m_pLocalBindInfo = m_pServer.GetLocalBinding(m_pTargets[0].Target.Address);

                    // We have suitable local IP binding for the target.
                    if (m_pLocalBindInfo != null)
                        // Smart host IP limit not reached.
                        if (m_pServer.TryAddIpUsage(m_pTargets[0].Target.Address))
                            m_pActiveTarget = m_pTargets[0];
                        // Connection per IP limit reached.
                            LogText("Skipping relay target (" + m_pTargets[0].HostName + "->" + m_pTargets[0].Target.Address + "), maximum connections to the specified IP has reached.");
                    // No suitable local IP binding, try next target.
                        LogText("Skipping relay target (" + m_pTargets[0].HostName + "->" + m_pTargets[0].Target.Address + "), no suitable local IPv4/IPv6 binding.");
            // Just get first target.
                // Get local IP binding for remote IP.
                m_pLocalBindInfo = m_pServer.GetLocalBinding(m_pTargets[0].Target.Address);

                // We have suitable local IP binding for the target.
                if (m_pLocalBindInfo != null)
                    m_pActiveTarget = m_pTargets[0];
                // No suitable local IP binding, try next target.
                    LogText("Skipping relay target (" + m_pTargets[0].HostName + "->" + m_pTargets[0].Target.Address + "), no suitable local IPv4/IPv6 binding.");

            // We don't have suitable local IP end point for relay target.
            // This may heppen for example: if remote server supports only IPv6 and we don't have local IPv6 local end point.
            if (m_pLocalBindInfo == null)
                LogText("No suitable IPv4/IPv6 local IP endpoint for relay target.");
                Dispose(new Exception("No suitable IPv4/IPv6 local IP endpoint for relay target."));


            // If all targets has exeeded maximum allowed connection per IP address, end relay session,
            // next relay cycle will try to relay again.
            if (m_pActiveTarget == null)
                LogText("All targets has exeeded maximum allowed connection per IP address, skip relay.");
                Dispose(new Exception("All targets has exeeded maximum allowed connection per IP address, skip relay."));


            // Set SMTP host name.
            m_pSmtpClient.LocalHostName = m_pLocalBindInfo.HostName;

            // Start connecting to remote end point.
            TCP_Client.ConnectAsyncOP connectOP = new TCP_Client.ConnectAsyncOP(new IPEndPoint(m_pLocalBindInfo.IP, 0), m_pActiveTarget.Target, false, null);
            connectOP.CompletedAsync += delegate(object s, EventArgs <TCP_Client.ConnectAsyncOP> e){
            if (!m_pSmtpClient.ConnectAsync(connectOP))