Lucene.Net.Search CachingCollector.Replay in C# (CSharp): 4 esempi trovati. Questi sono i migliori esempi reali in C# (CSharp) per Lucene.Net.Search.CachingCollector.Replay, estratti da progetti open source. Li puoi valutare, per aiutarci a migliorare la qualità dei nostri esempi.
Replays the cached doc IDs (and scores) to the given Collector. If this instance does not cache scores, then Scorer is not set on {@code other.setScorer} as well as scores are not replayed.
/// if this collector is not cached (i.e., if the RAM limits were too
/// low for the number of documents + scores to cache).
/// if the given Collect's does not support out-of-order collection,
/// while the collector passed to the ctor does.