SetMergedSegmentWarmer() public method

public SetMergedSegmentWarmer ( IndexReaderWarmer mergeSegmentWarmer ) : IndexWriterConfig
mergeSegmentWarmer IndexReaderWarmer
return IndexWriterConfig
Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// create a new index writer config with random defaults using the specified random </summary>
        public static IndexWriterConfig NewIndexWriterConfig(Random r, LuceneVersion v, Analyzer a)
            IndexWriterConfig c = new IndexWriterConfig(v, a);
            if (VERBOSE)
                // Even though TestRuleSetupAndRestoreClassEnv calls
                // InfoStream.setDefault, we do it again here so that
                // the PrintStreamInfoStream.messageID increments so
                // that when there are separate instances of
                // IndexWriter created we see "IW 0", "IW 1", "IW 2",
                // ... instead of just always "IW 0":
                c.InfoStream = new TestRuleSetupAndRestoreClassEnv.ThreadNameFixingPrintStreamInfoStream(Console.Out);

            if (r.NextBoolean())
                c.SetMergeScheduler(new SerialMergeScheduler());
            else if (Rarely(r))
                int maxThreadCount = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 1, 4);
                int maxMergeCount = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), maxThreadCount, maxThreadCount + 4);
                ConcurrentMergeScheduler cms = new ConcurrentMergeScheduler();
                cms.SetMaxMergesAndThreads(maxMergeCount, maxThreadCount);
            if (r.NextBoolean())
                if (Rarely(r))
                    // crazy value
                    c.SetMaxBufferedDocs(TestUtil.NextInt(r, 2, 15));
                    // reasonable value
                    c.SetMaxBufferedDocs(TestUtil.NextInt(r, 16, 1000));
            if (r.NextBoolean())
                if (Rarely(r))
                    // crazy value
                    c.SetTermIndexInterval(r.NextBoolean() ? TestUtil.NextInt(r, 1, 31) : TestUtil.NextInt(r, 129, 1000));
                    // reasonable value
                    c.SetTermIndexInterval(TestUtil.NextInt(r, 32, 128));
            if (r.NextBoolean())
                int maxNumThreadStates = Rarely(r) ? TestUtil.NextInt(r, 5, 20) : TestUtil.NextInt(r, 1, 4); // reasonable value -  crazy value

                if (Rarely(r))
                    // Retrieve the package-private setIndexerThreadPool
                    // method:
                    MethodInfo setIndexerThreadPoolMethod = typeof(IndexWriterConfig).GetMethod("SetIndexerThreadPool", new Type[] { typeof(DocumentsWriterPerThreadPool) });
                    Type clazz = typeof(RandomDocumentsWriterPerThreadPool);
                    ConstructorInfo ctor = clazz.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(int), typeof(Random) });
                    //ctor.Accessible = true;
                    // random thread pool
                    setIndexerThreadPoolMethod.Invoke(c, new[] { ctor.Invoke(new object[] { maxNumThreadStates, r }) });
                    // random thread pool


            if (Rarely(r))
                c.SetMergedSegmentWarmer(new SimpleMergedSegmentWarmer(c.InfoStream));
            c.SetReaderTermsIndexDivisor(TestUtil.NextInt(r, 1, 4));
            return c;
Esempio n. 2
        // Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<SegmentCoreReaders, bool?>());

        public virtual void RunTest(string testName)

            DateTime t0 = DateTime.UtcNow;

            Random        random  = new Random(Random().Next());
            LineFileDocs  docs    = new LineFileDocs(random, DefaultCodecSupportsDocValues());
            DirectoryInfo tempDir = CreateTempDir(testName);

            Dir = GetDirectory(NewMockFSDirectory(tempDir)); // some subclasses rely on this being MDW
            if (Dir is BaseDirectoryWrapper)
                ((BaseDirectoryWrapper)Dir).CheckIndexOnClose = false; // don't double-checkIndex, we do it ourselves.
            MockAnalyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(Random());

            analyzer.MaxTokenLength = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 1, IndexWriter.MAX_TERM_LENGTH);
            IndexWriterConfig conf = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer).SetInfoStream(new FailOnNonBulkMergesInfoStream());

            if (LuceneTestCase.TEST_NIGHTLY)
                // newIWConfig makes smallish max seg size, which
                // results in tons and tons of segments for this test
                // when run nightly:
                MergePolicy mp = conf.MergePolicy;
                if (mp is TieredMergePolicy)
                    ((TieredMergePolicy)mp).MaxMergedSegmentMB = 5000.0;
                else if (mp is LogByteSizeMergePolicy)
                    ((LogByteSizeMergePolicy)mp).MaxMergeMB = 1000.0;
                else if (mp is LogMergePolicy)
                    ((LogMergePolicy)mp).MaxMergeDocs = 100000;

            conf.SetMergedSegmentWarmer(new IndexReaderWarmerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this));

            if (VERBOSE)
                conf.InfoStream = new PrintStreamInfoStreamAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, Console.Out);
            Writer = new IndexWriter(Dir, conf);

            //TaskScheduler es = Random().NextBoolean() ? null : Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new NamedThreadFactory(testName));
            TaskScheduler es = null;


            int NUM_INDEX_THREADS = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 2, 4);

            int RUN_TIME_SEC = LuceneTestCase.TEST_NIGHTLY ? 300 : RANDOM_MULTIPLIER;

            ISet <string>   delIDs     = new ConcurrentHashSet <string>(new HashSet <string>());
            ISet <string>   delPackIDs = new ConcurrentHashSet <string>(new HashSet <string>());
            IList <SubDocs> allSubDocs = new SynchronizedCollection <SubDocs>();

            DateTime stopTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(RUN_TIME_SEC);

            ThreadClass[] indexThreads = LaunchIndexingThreads(docs, NUM_INDEX_THREADS, stopTime, delIDs, delPackIDs, allSubDocs);

            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: DONE start " + NUM_INDEX_THREADS + " indexing threads [" + (DateTime.UtcNow - t0).TotalMilliseconds + " ms]");

            // Let index build up a bit

            DoSearching(es, stopTime);

            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: all searching done [" + (DateTime.UtcNow - t0).TotalMilliseconds + " ms]");

            for (int thread = 0; thread < indexThreads.Length; thread++)

            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: done join indexing threads [" + (DateTime.UtcNow - t0).TotalMilliseconds + " ms]; addCount=" + AddCount + " delCount=" + DelCount);

            IndexSearcher s = FinalSearcher;

            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: finalSearcher=" + s);


            bool doFail = false;

            // Verify: make sure delIDs are in fact deleted:
            foreach (string id in delIDs)
                TopDocs hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("docid", id)), 1);
                if (hits.TotalHits != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("doc id=" + id + " is supposed to be deleted, but got " + hits.TotalHits + " hits; first docID=" + hits.ScoreDocs[0].Doc);
                    doFail = true;

            // Verify: make sure delPackIDs are in fact deleted:
            foreach (string id in delPackIDs)
                TopDocs hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("packID", id)), 1);
                if (hits.TotalHits != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("packID=" + id + " is supposed to be deleted, but got " + hits.TotalHits + " matches");
                    doFail = true;

            // Verify: make sure each group of sub-docs are still in docID order:
            foreach (SubDocs subDocs in allSubDocs.ToList())
                TopDocs hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("packID", subDocs.PackID)), 20);
                if (!subDocs.Deleted)
                    // We sort by relevance but the scores should be identical so sort falls back to by docID:
                    if (hits.TotalHits != subDocs.SubIDs.Count)
                        Console.WriteLine("packID=" + subDocs.PackID + ": expected " + subDocs.SubIDs.Count + " hits but got " + hits.TotalHits);
                        doFail = true;
                        int lastDocID  = -1;
                        int startDocID = -1;
                        foreach (ScoreDoc scoreDoc in hits.ScoreDocs)
                            int docID = scoreDoc.Doc;
                            if (lastDocID != -1)
                                Assert.AreEqual(1 + lastDocID, docID);
                                startDocID = docID;
                            lastDocID = docID;
                            Document doc = s.Doc(docID);
                            Assert.AreEqual(subDocs.PackID, doc.Get("packID"));

                        lastDocID = startDocID - 1;
                        foreach (string subID in subDocs.SubIDs)
                            hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("docid", subID)), 1);
                            Assert.AreEqual(1, hits.TotalHits);
                            int docID = hits.ScoreDocs[0].Doc;
                            if (lastDocID != -1)
                                Assert.AreEqual(1 + lastDocID, docID);
                            lastDocID = docID;
                    // Pack was deleted -- make sure its docs are
                    // deleted.  We can't verify packID is deleted
                    // because we can re-use packID for update:
                    foreach (string subID in subDocs.SubIDs)
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("docid", subID)), 1).TotalHits);

            // Verify: make sure all not-deleted docs are in fact
            // not deleted:
            int endID = Convert.ToInt32(docs.NextDoc().Get("docid"));


            for (int id = 0; id < endID; id++)
                string stringID = "" + id;
                if (!delIDs.Contains(stringID))
                    TopDocs hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("docid", stringID)), 1);
                    if (hits.TotalHits != 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("doc id=" + stringID + " is not supposed to be deleted, but got hitCount=" + hits.TotalHits + "; delIDs=" + delIDs);
                        doFail = true;

            Assert.AreEqual(AddCount.Get() - DelCount.Get(), s.IndexReader.NumDocs, "index=" + Writer.SegString() + " addCount=" + AddCount + " delCount=" + DelCount);


            Assert.AreEqual(AddCount.Get() - DelCount.Get(), Writer.NumDocs(), "index=" + Writer.SegString() + " addCount=" + AddCount + " delCount=" + DelCount);


            // Cannot shutdown until after writer is closed because
            // writer has merged segment warmer that uses IS to run
            // searches, and that IS may be using this es!

            /*if (es != null)
             * {
             * es.shutdown();
             * es.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
             * }*/

            System.IO.Directory.Delete(tempDir.FullName, true);

            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: done [" + (DateTime.UtcNow - t0).TotalMilliseconds + " ms]");
Esempio n. 3
        public virtual void RunTest(string testName)
            m_failed.Value    = (false);
            m_addCount.Value  = 0;
            m_delCount.Value  = 0;
            m_packCount.Value = 0;

            long t0 = J2N.Time.NanoTime() / J2N.Time.MillisecondsPerNanosecond; // LUCENENET: Use NanoTime() rather than CurrentTimeMilliseconds() for more accurate/reliable results

            Random random = new J2N.Randomizer(Random.NextInt64());

            using LineFileDocs docs = new LineFileDocs(random, DefaultCodecSupportsDocValues);
            DirectoryInfo tempDir = CreateTempDir(testName);

            m_dir = GetDirectory(NewMockFSDirectory(tempDir)); // some subclasses rely on this being MDW
            if (m_dir is BaseDirectoryWrapper baseDirectoryWrapper)
                baseDirectoryWrapper.CheckIndexOnDispose = false; // don't double-checkIndex, we do it ourselves.
            MockAnalyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(LuceneTestCase.Random);

            analyzer.MaxTokenLength = TestUtil.NextInt32(LuceneTestCase.Random, 1, IndexWriter.MAX_TERM_LENGTH);
            IndexWriterConfig conf = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer).SetInfoStream(new FailOnNonBulkMergesInfoStream());

            if (LuceneTestCase.TestNightly)
                // newIWConfig makes smallish max seg size, which
                // results in tons and tons of segments for this test
                // when run nightly:
                MergePolicy mp = conf.MergePolicy;
                if (mp is TieredMergePolicy tieredMergePolicy)
                    //tieredMergePolicy.MaxMergedSegmentMB = 5000.0;
                    tieredMergePolicy.MaxMergedSegmentMB = 2500.0; // LUCENENET specific - reduced each number by 50% to keep testing time under 1 hour
                else if (mp is LogByteSizeMergePolicy logByteSizeMergePolicy)
                    //logByteSizeMergePolicy.MaxMergeMB = 1000.0;
                    logByteSizeMergePolicy.MaxMergeMB = 500.0; // LUCENENET specific - reduced each number by 50% to keep testing time under 1 hour
                else if (mp is LogMergePolicy logMergePolicy)
                    //logMergePolicy.MaxMergeDocs = 100000;
                    logMergePolicy.MaxMergeDocs = 50000; // LUCENENET specific - reduced each number by 50% to keep testing time under 1 hour

            conf.SetMergedSegmentWarmer(new IndexReaderWarmerAnonymousClass(this));

            if (Verbose)
                conf.SetInfoStream(new PrintStreamInfoStreamAnonymousClass(Console.Out));
            m_writer = new IndexWriter(m_dir, conf);

            TaskScheduler es = LuceneTestCase.Random.NextBoolean() ? null : TaskScheduler.Default;


            int NUM_INDEX_THREADS = TestUtil.NextInt32(LuceneTestCase.Random, 2, 4);

            //int RUN_TIME_SEC = LuceneTestCase.TestNightly ? 300 : RandomMultiplier;
            // LUCENENET specific - lowered from 300 to 150 to reduce total time on Nightly
            // build to less than 1 hour.
            int RUN_TIME_SEC = LuceneTestCase.TestNightly ? 150 : RandomMultiplier;

            ISet <string>             delIDs     = new ConcurrentHashSet <string>();
            ISet <string>             delPackIDs = new ConcurrentHashSet <string>();
            ConcurrentQueue <SubDocs> allSubDocs = new ConcurrentQueue <SubDocs>();

            long stopTime = (J2N.Time.NanoTime() / J2N.Time.MillisecondsPerNanosecond) + (RUN_TIME_SEC * 1000); // LUCENENET: Use NanoTime() rather than CurrentTimeMilliseconds() for more accurate/reliable results

            ThreadJob[] indexThreads = LaunchIndexingThreads(docs, NUM_INDEX_THREADS, stopTime, delIDs, delPackIDs, allSubDocs);

            if (Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: DONE start " + NUM_INDEX_THREADS + " indexing threads [" + ((J2N.Time.NanoTime() / J2N.Time.MillisecondsPerNanosecond) - t0) + " ms]"); // LUCENENET: Use NanoTime() rather than CurrentTimeMilliseconds() for more accurate/reliable results

            // Let index build up a bit

            DoSearching(es, stopTime);

            if (Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: all searching done [" + ((J2N.Time.NanoTime() / J2N.Time.MillisecondsPerNanosecond) - t0) + " ms]"); // LUCENENET: Use NanoTime() rather than CurrentTimeMilliseconds() for more accurate/reliable results

            for (int thread = 0; thread < indexThreads.Length; thread++)

            if (Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: done join indexing threads [" + ((J2N.Time.NanoTime() / J2N.Time.MillisecondsPerNanosecond) - t0) + " ms]; addCount=" + m_addCount + " delCount=" + m_delCount); // LUCENENET: Use NanoTime() rather than CurrentTimeMilliseconds() for more accurate/reliable results

            IndexSearcher s = GetFinalSearcher();

            if (Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: finalSearcher=" + s);


            bool doFail = false;

            // Verify: make sure delIDs are in fact deleted:
            foreach (string id in delIDs)
                TopDocs hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("docid", id)), 1);
                if (hits.TotalHits != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("doc id=" + id + " is supposed to be deleted, but got " + hits.TotalHits + " hits; first docID=" + hits.ScoreDocs[0].Doc);
                    doFail = true;

            // Verify: make sure delPackIDs are in fact deleted:
            foreach (string id in delPackIDs)
                TopDocs hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("packID", id)), 1);
                if (hits.TotalHits != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("packID=" + id + " is supposed to be deleted, but got " + hits.TotalHits + " matches");
                    doFail = true;

            // Verify: make sure each group of sub-docs are still in docID order:
            foreach (SubDocs subDocs in allSubDocs)
                TopDocs hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("packID", subDocs.PackID)), 20);
                if (!subDocs.Deleted)
                    // We sort by relevance but the scores should be identical so sort falls back to by docID:
                    if (hits.TotalHits != subDocs.SubIDs.Count)
                        Console.WriteLine("packID=" + subDocs.PackID + ": expected " + subDocs.SubIDs.Count + " hits but got " + hits.TotalHits);
                        doFail = true;
                        int lastDocID  = -1;
                        int startDocID = -1;
                        foreach (ScoreDoc scoreDoc in hits.ScoreDocs)
                            int docID = scoreDoc.Doc;
                            if (lastDocID != -1)
                                assertEquals(1 + lastDocID, docID);
                                startDocID = docID;
                            lastDocID = docID;
                            Document doc = s.Doc(docID);
                            assertEquals(subDocs.PackID, doc.Get("packID"));

                        lastDocID = startDocID - 1;
                        foreach (string subID in subDocs.SubIDs)
                            hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("docid", subID)), 1);
                            assertEquals(1, hits.TotalHits);
                            int docID = hits.ScoreDocs[0].Doc;
                            if (lastDocID != -1)
                                assertEquals(1 + lastDocID, docID);
                            lastDocID = docID;
                    // Pack was deleted -- make sure its docs are
                    // deleted.  We can't verify packID is deleted
                    // because we can re-use packID for update:
                    foreach (string subID in subDocs.SubIDs)
                        assertEquals(0, s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("docid", subID)), 1).TotalHits);

            // Verify: make sure all not-deleted docs are in fact
            // not deleted:
            int endID = Convert.ToInt32(docs.NextDoc().Get("docid"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


            for (int id = 0; id < endID; id++)
                string stringID = id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (!delIDs.Contains(stringID))
                    TopDocs hits = s.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("docid", stringID)), 1);
                    if (hits.TotalHits != 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("doc id=" + stringID + " is not supposed to be deleted, but got hitCount=" + hits.TotalHits + "; delIDs=" + Collections.ToString(delIDs));
                        doFail = true;

            assertEquals("index=" + m_writer.SegString() + " addCount=" + m_addCount + " delCount=" + m_delCount, m_addCount - m_delCount, s.IndexReader.NumDocs);


            assertEquals("index=" + m_writer.SegString() + " addCount=" + m_addCount + " delCount=" + m_delCount, m_addCount - m_delCount, m_writer.NumDocs);


            // Cannot shutdown until after writer is closed because
            // writer has merged segment warmer that uses IS to run
            // searches, and that IS may be using this es!

            /*if (es != null)
             * {
             * es.shutdown();
             * es.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
             * }*/

            //System.IO.Directory.Delete(tempDir.FullName, true);

            if (Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: done [" + ((J2N.Time.NanoTime() / J2N.Time.MillisecondsPerNanosecond) - t0) + " ms]"); // LUCENENET: Use NanoTime() rather than CurrentTimeMilliseconds() for more accurate/reliable results