Expert: represents a single commit into an index as seen by the {@link IndexDeletionPolicy} or {@link IndexReader}.

Changes to the content of an index are made visible only after the writer who made that change commits by writing a new segments file (segments_N). This point in time, when the action of writing of a new segments file to the directory is completed, is an index commit.

Each index commit point has a unique segments file associated with it. The segments file associated with a later index commit point would have a larger N.

WARNING: This API is a new and experimental and may suddenly change.

Inheritance: IndexCommitPoint
        public virtual void OnCommit(IList<IndexCommit> commits)
			lock (this)
				lastCommit = commits[commits.Count - 1];
 public virtual void OnInit(List<IndexCommitPoint> commits)
     lock (this)
         lastCommit = (IndexCommit)(commits[commits.Count - 1]);
		public virtual void  OnCommit(System.Collections.IList commits)
			lock (this)
				lastCommit = (IndexCommit) commits[commits.Count - 1];
Esempio n. 4
		public override IndexReader Reopen(IndexCommit commit)
			IndexReader r = in_Renamed.Reopen(commit);
			if (r != in_Renamed)
				return new DirectoryOwningReader(r, ref_Renamed);
			return this;
 protected internal virtual void CheckMaxDoc(IndexCommit commit, int expectedMaxDoc)
     IndexReader reader = DirectoryReader.Open(commit);
         Assert.AreEqual(expectedMaxDoc, reader.MaxDoc);
        public virtual void TestMultiThreadedSnapshotting()
            Directory dir = NewDirectory();
            IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, GetConfig(Random(), DeletionPolicy));
            SnapshotDeletionPolicy sdp = (SnapshotDeletionPolicy)writer.Config.DelPolicy;

            ThreadClass[] threads = new ThreadClass[10];
            IndexCommit[] snapshots = new IndexCommit[threads.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; i++)
                int finalI = i;
                threads[i] = new ThreadAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, writer, sdp, snapshots, finalI);
                threads[i].Name = "t" + i;

            foreach (ThreadClass t in threads)

            foreach (ThreadClass t in threads)

            // Do one last commit, so that after we release all snapshots, we stay w/ one commit
            writer.AddDocument(new Document());

            for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; i++)
            Assert.AreEqual(1, DirectoryReader.ListCommits(dir).Count);
 protected internal virtual void CheckSnapshotExists(Directory dir, IndexCommit c)
     string segFileName = c.SegmentsFileName;
     Assert.IsTrue(SlowFileExists(dir, segFileName), "segments file not found in directory: " + segFileName);
        internal static DirectoryIndexReader Open(Directory directory, bool closeDirectory, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, IndexCommit commit, bool readOnly)
            SegmentInfos.FindSegmentsFile finder = new AnonymousClassFindSegmentsFile(closeDirectory, deletionPolicy, directory, readOnly);

            if (commit == null)
                return (DirectoryIndexReader) finder.Run();
                if (directory != commit.GetDirectory())
                    throw new System.IO.IOException("the specified commit does not match the specified Directory");
                // this can and will directly throw IOException if the specified commit point has been deleted
                return (DirectoryIndexReader)finder.DoBody(commit.GetSegmentsFileName());
Esempio n. 9
			public System.Object Run(IndexCommit commit)
				if (commit != null)
					if (directory != commit.GetDirectory())
						throw new System.IO.IOException("the specified commit does not match the specified Directory");
					return DoBody(commit.GetSegmentsFileName());
				System.String segmentFileName = null;
				long lastGen = - 1;
				long gen = 0;
				int genLookaheadCount = 0;
				System.IO.IOException exc = null;
				bool retry = false;
				int method = 0;
				// Loop until we succeed in calling doBody() without
				// hitting an IOException.  An IOException most likely
				// means a commit was in process and has finished, in
				// the time it took us to load the now-old infos files
				// (and segments files).  It's also possible it's a
				// true error (corrupt index).  To distinguish these,
				// on each retry we must see "forward progress" on
				// which generation we are trying to load.  If we
				// don't, then the original error is real and we throw
				// it.
				// We have three methods for determining the current
				// generation.  We try the first two in parallel, and
				// fall back to the third when necessary.
				while (true)
					if (0 == method)
						// Method 1: list the directory and use the highest
						// segments_N file.  This method works well as long
						// as there is no stale caching on the directory
						// contents (NOTE: NFS clients often have such stale
						// caching):
						System.String[] files = null;
						long genA = - 1;
						files = directory.ListAll();
						if (files != null)
							genA = Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.GetCurrentSegmentGeneration(files);
						Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("directory listing genA=" + genA);
						// Method 2: open segments.gen and read its
						// contents.  Then we take the larger of the two
						// gen's.  This way, if either approach is hitting
						// a stale cache (NFS) we have a better chance of
						// getting the right generation.
						long genB = - 1;
						for (int i = 0; i < Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.defaultGenFileRetryCount; i++)
							IndexInput genInput = null;
								genInput = directory.OpenInput(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS_GEN);
							catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e)
								Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("segments.gen open: FileNotFoundException " + e);
							catch (System.IO.IOException e)
								Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("segments.gen open: IOException " + e);
							if (genInput != null)
									int version = genInput.ReadInt();
									if (version == Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.FORMAT_LOCKLESS)
										long gen0 = genInput.ReadLong();
										long gen1 = genInput.ReadLong();
										Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("fallback check: " + gen0 + "; " + gen1);
										if (gen0 == gen1)
											// The file is consistent.
											genB = gen0;
								catch (System.IO.IOException err2)
									// will retry
								System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new System.TimeSpan((System.Int64) 10000 * Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.defaultGenFileRetryPauseMsec));
							catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException ie)
								// In 3.0 we will change this to throw
								// InterruptedException instead
								throw new System.SystemException(ie.Message, ie);
						Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS_GEN + " check: genB=" + genB);
						// Pick the larger of the two gen's:
						if (genA > genB)
							gen = genA;
							gen = genB;
						if (gen == - 1)
							// Neither approach found a generation
							System.String s;
							if (files != null)
								s = "";
								for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
									s += (" " + files[i]);
								s = " null";
							throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("no segments* file found in " + directory + ": files:" + s);
					// Third method (fallback if first & second methods
					// are not reliable): since both directory cache and
					// file contents cache seem to be stale, just
					// advance the generation.
					if (1 == method || (0 == method && lastGen == gen && retry))
						method = 1;
						if (genLookaheadCount < Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.defaultGenLookaheadCount)
							Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("look ahead increment gen to " + gen);
					if (lastGen == gen)
						// This means we're about to try the same
						// segments_N last tried.  This is allowed,
						// exactly once, because writer could have been in
						// the process of writing segments_N last time.
						if (retry)
							// OK, we've tried the same segments_N file
							// twice in a row, so this must be a real
							// error.  We throw the original exception we
							// got.
							throw exc;
							retry = true;
					else if (0 == method)
						// Segment file has advanced since our last loop, so
						// reset retry:
						retry = false;
					lastGen = gen;
					segmentFileName = IndexFileNames.FileNameFromGeneration(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS, "", gen);
						System.Object v = DoBody(segmentFileName);
						if (exc != null)
							Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("success on " + segmentFileName);
						return v;
					catch (System.IO.IOException err)
						// Save the original root cause:
						if (exc == null)
							exc = err;
						Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("primary Exception on '" + segmentFileName + "': " + err + "'; will retry: retry=" + retry + "; gen = " + gen);
						if (!retry && gen > 1)
							// This is our first time trying this segments
							// file (because retry is false), and, there is
							// possibly a segments_(N-1) (because gen > 1).
							// So, check if the segments_(N-1) exists and
							// try it if so:
							System.String prevSegmentFileName = IndexFileNames.FileNameFromGeneration(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS, "", gen - 1);
							bool prevExists;
							prevExists = directory.FileExists(prevSegmentFileName);
							if (prevExists)
								Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("fallback to prior segment file '" + prevSegmentFileName + "'");
									System.Object v = DoBody(prevSegmentFileName);
									if (exc != null)
										Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("success on fallback " + prevSegmentFileName);
									return v;
								catch (System.IO.IOException err2)
									Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Message("secondary Exception on '" + prevSegmentFileName + "': " + err2 + "'; will retry");
Esempio n. 10
 internal static IndexReader Open(Directory directory, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, IndexCommit commit, bool readOnly, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
     return (IndexReader) new AnonymousClassFindSegmentsFile(readOnly, deletionPolicy, termInfosIndexDivisor, directory).Run(commit);
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes a snapshotted commit. Once this method returns, the snapshot
 /// information is persisted in the directory.
 /// </summary>
 /// <seealso cref= SnapshotDeletionPolicy#release </seealso>
 public override void Release(IndexCommit commit)
     lock (this)
         bool success = false;
             success = true;
             if (!success)
                 catch (Exception e)
                     // Suppress so we keep throwing original exception
Esempio n. 12
		public static IndexReader Open(IndexCommit commit)
			return Open(commit.GetDirectory(), null, commit, false, DEFAULT_TERMS_INDEX_DIVISOR);
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Expert: allows to open a certain commit point. The default is null which
 /// opens the latest commit point.
 /// <p>Only takes effect when IndexWriter is first created.
 /// </summary>
 public IndexWriterConfig SetIndexCommit(IndexCommit commit)
     this.Commit = commit;
     return this;
Esempio n. 14
        private IndexReader DoReopenNoWriter(bool openReadOnly, IndexCommit commit)
            lock (this)
                if (commit == null)
                    if (hasChanges)
                        // We have changes, which means we are not readOnly:
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(readOnly == false);
                        // and we hold the write lock:
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(writeLock != null);
                        // so no other writer holds the write lock, which
                        // means no changes could have been done to the index:

                        if (openReadOnly)
                            return Clone(openReadOnly);
                            return this;
                    else if (IsCurrent())
                        if (openReadOnly != readOnly)
                            // Just fallback to clone
                            return Clone(openReadOnly);
                            return this;
                    if (internalDirectory != commit.Directory)
                        throw new System.IO.IOException("the specified commit does not match the specified Directory");
                    if (segmentInfos != null && commit.SegmentsFileName.Equals(segmentInfos.GetCurrentSegmentFileName()))
                        if (readOnly != openReadOnly)
                            // Just fallback to clone
                            return Clone(openReadOnly);
                            return this;

                return (IndexReader)new AnonymousFindSegmentsFile(internalDirectory, openReadOnly, this).Run(commit);
Esempio n. 15
 protected internal override sealed DirectoryReader DoOpenIfChanged(IndexCommit commit)
     return WrapDirectoryReader(@in.DoOpenIfChanged(commit));
Esempio n. 16
        internal virtual IndexReader DoReopen(bool openReadOnly, IndexCommit commit)

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(commit == null || openReadOnly);

            // If we were obtained by writer.getReader(), re-ask the
            // writer to get a new reader.
            if (writer != null)
                return DoReopenFromWriter(openReadOnly, commit);
                return DoReopenNoWriter(openReadOnly, commit);
Esempio n. 17
        private IndexReader DoReopenFromWriter(bool openReadOnly, IndexCommit commit)

            if (!openReadOnly)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("a reader obtained from IndexWriter.getReader() can only be reopened with openReadOnly=true (got false)");

            if (commit != null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("a reader obtained from IndexWriter.getReader() cannot currently accept a commit");

            // TODO: right now we *always* make a new reader; in
            // the future we could have write make some effort to
            // detect that no changes have occurred
            return writer.GetReader();
Esempio n. 18
 public override IndexReader Reopen(IndexCommit commit)
     return DoReopen(true, commit);
 private void CopyFiles(Directory dir, IndexCommit cp)
     // While we hold the snapshot, and nomatter how long
     // we take to do the backup, the IndexWriter will
     // never delete the files in the snapshot:
     ICollection<string> files = cp.FileNames;
     foreach (String fileName in files)
         // NOTE: in a real backup you would not use
         // readFile; you would need to use something else
         // that copies the file to a backup location.  this
         // could even be a spawned shell process (eg "tar",
         // "zip") that takes the list of files and builds a
         // backup.
         ReadFile(dir, fileName);
Esempio n. 20
		/// <summary>Expert: returns an IndexReader reading the index in
		/// the given Directory, using a specific commit and with
		/// a custom {@link IndexDeletionPolicy}.  You should pass
		/// readOnly=true, since it gives much better concurrent
		/// performance, unless you intend to do write operations
		/// (delete documents or change norms) with the reader.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="commit">the specific {@link IndexCommit} to open;
		/// see {@link IndexReader#listCommits} to list all commits
		/// in a directory
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="deletionPolicy">a custom deletion policy (only used
		/// if you use this reader to perform deletes or to set
		/// norms); see {@link IndexWriter} for details.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="readOnly">true if no changes (deletions, norms) will be made with this IndexReader
		/// </param>
		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
		public static IndexReader Open(IndexCommit commit, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, bool readOnly)
			return Open(commit.GetDirectory(), deletionPolicy, commit, readOnly, DEFAULT_TERMS_INDEX_DIVISOR);
 public ThreadAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(TestSnapshotDeletionPolicy outerInstance, IndexWriter writer, SnapshotDeletionPolicy sdp, IndexCommit[] snapshots, int finalI)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.Writer = writer;
     this.Sdp = sdp;
     this.Snapshots = snapshots;
     this.FinalI = finalI;
Esempio n. 22
		private static IndexReader Open(Directory directory, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, IndexCommit commit, bool readOnly, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
			return DirectoryReader.Open(directory, deletionPolicy, commit, readOnly, termInfosIndexDivisor);
Esempio n. 23
		/// <summary> Expert: constructs an IndexWriter with a custom {@link
		/// IndexDeletionPolicy} and {@link IndexingChain}, 
		/// for the index in <code>d</code>.
		/// Text will be analyzed with <code>a</code>.  If
		/// <code>create</code> is true, then a new, empty index
		/// will be created in <code>d</code>, replacing the index
		/// already there, if any.
		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: autoCommit (see <a
		/// href="#autoCommit">above</a>) is set to false with this
		/// constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="d">the index directory
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="a">the analyzer to use
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="create"><code>true</code> to create the index or overwrite
		/// the existing one; <code>false</code> to append to the existing
		/// index
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="deletionPolicy">see <a href="#deletionPolicy">above</a>
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="mfl">whether or not to limit field lengths, value is in number of terms/tokens.  See {@link Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength}.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="indexingChain">the {@link DocConsumer} chain to be used to 
		/// process documents
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="commit">which commit to open
		/// </param>
		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
		/// <throws>  LockObtainFailedException if another writer </throws>
		/// <summary>  has this index open (<code>write.lock</code> could not
		/// be obtained)
		/// </summary>
		/// <throws>  IOException if the directory cannot be read/written to, or </throws>
		/// <summary>  if it does not exist and <code>create</code> is
		/// <code>false</code> or if there is any other low-level
		/// IO error
		/// </summary>
		internal IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit commit)
			Init(d, a, create, false, deletionPolicy, false, mfl.GetLimit(), indexingChain, commit);
 internal MyCommitPoint(SnapshotDeletionPolicy enclosingInstance, IndexCommit cp)
     this.cp = cp;
Esempio n. 25
		/// <summary>Expert: returns an IndexReader reading the index in the given
		/// {@link IndexCommit}.  You should pass readOnly=true, since it
		/// gives much better concurrent performance, unless you
		/// intend to do write operations (delete documents or
		/// change norms) with the reader.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="commit">the commit point to open
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="readOnly">true if no changes (deletions, norms) will be made with this IndexReader
		/// </param>
		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
		public static IndexReader Open(IndexCommit commit, bool readOnly)
			return Open(commit.GetDirectory(), null, commit, readOnly, DEFAULT_TERMS_INDEX_DIVISOR);
Esempio n. 26
		/// <summary> Expert: constructs an IndexWriter on specific commit
		/// point, with a custom {@link IndexDeletionPolicy}, for
		/// the index in <code>d</code>.  Text will be analyzed
		/// with <code>a</code>.
		/// <p/> This is only meaningful if you've used a {@link
		/// IndexDeletionPolicy} in that past that keeps more than
		/// just the last commit.
		/// <p/>This operation is similar to {@link #Rollback()},
		/// except that method can only rollback what's been done
		/// with the current instance of IndexWriter since its last
		/// commit, whereas this method can rollback to an
		/// arbitrary commit point from the past, assuming the
		/// {@link IndexDeletionPolicy} has preserved past
		/// commits.
		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: autoCommit (see <a
		/// href="#autoCommit">above</a>) is set to false with this
		/// constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="d">the index directory
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="a">the analyzer to use
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="deletionPolicy">see <a href="#deletionPolicy">above</a>
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="mfl">whether or not to limit field lengths, value is in number of terms/tokens.  See {@link Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength}.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="commit">which commit to open
		/// </param>
		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
		/// <throws>  LockObtainFailedException if another writer </throws>
		/// <summary>  has this index open (<code>write.lock</code> could not
		/// be obtained)
		/// </summary>
		/// <throws>  IOException if the directory cannot be read/written to, or </throws>
		/// <summary>  if it does not exist and <code>create</code> is
		/// <code>false</code> or if there is any other low-level
		/// IO error
		/// </summary>
		public IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl, IndexCommit commit)
			Init(d, a, false, false, deletionPolicy, false, mfl.GetLimit(), null, commit);
Esempio n. 27
		/// <summary>Expert: returns an IndexReader reading the index in
		/// the given Directory, using a specific commit and with
		/// a custom {@link IndexDeletionPolicy}.  You should pass
		/// readOnly=true, since it gives much better concurrent
		/// performance, unless you intend to do write operations
		/// (delete documents or change norms) with the reader.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="commit">the specific {@link IndexCommit} to open;
		/// see {@link IndexReader#listCommits} to list all commits
		/// in a directory
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="deletionPolicy">a custom deletion policy (only used
		/// if you use this reader to perform deletes or to set
		/// norms); see {@link IndexWriter} for details.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="readOnly">true if no changes (deletions, norms) will be made with this IndexReader
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="termInfosIndexDivisor">Subsambles which indexed
		/// terms are loaded into RAM. This has the same effect as {@link
		/// IndexWriter#setTermIndexInterval} except that setting
		/// must be done at indexing time while this setting can be
		/// set per reader.  When set to N, then one in every
		/// N*termIndexInterval terms in the index is loaded into
		/// memory.  By setting this to a value > 1 you can reduce
		/// memory usage, at the expense of higher latency when
		/// loading a TermInfo.  The default value is 1.  Set this
		/// to -1 to skip loading the terms index entirely.
		/// </param>
		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
		public static IndexReader Open(IndexCommit commit, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, bool readOnly, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
			return Open(commit.GetDirectory(), deletionPolicy, commit, readOnly, termInfosIndexDivisor);
Esempio n. 28
		private void  Init(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool closeDir, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, bool autoCommit, int maxFieldLength, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit commit)
			if (IndexReader.IndexExists(d))
				Init(d, a, false, closeDir, deletionPolicy, autoCommit, maxFieldLength, indexingChain, commit);
				Init(d, a, true, closeDir, deletionPolicy, autoCommit, maxFieldLength, indexingChain, commit);
Esempio n. 29
		/// <summary>Expert: reopen this reader on a specific commit point.
		/// This always returns a readOnly reader.  If the
		/// specified commit point matches what this reader is
		/// already on, and this reader is already readOnly, then
		/// this same instance is returned; if it is not already
		/// readOnly, a readOnly clone is returned. 
		/// </summary>
		public virtual IndexReader Reopen(IndexCommit commit)
			lock (this)
				throw new System.NotSupportedException("This reader does not support reopen(IndexCommit).");
Esempio n. 30
		private void  Init(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, bool closeDir, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, bool autoCommit, int maxFieldLength, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit commit)
			this.closeDir = closeDir;
			directory = d;
			analyzer = a;
			this.maxFieldLength = maxFieldLength;
			if (indexingChain == null)
				indexingChain = DocumentsWriter.DefaultIndexingChain;
			if (create)
				// Clear the write lock in case it's leftover:
			Lock writeLock = directory.MakeLock(WRITE_LOCK_NAME);
			if (!writeLock.Obtain(writeLockTimeout))
			// obtain write lock
				throw new LockObtainFailedException("Index locked for write: " + writeLock);
			this.writeLock = writeLock; // save it

            bool success = false;
				if (create)
					// Try to read first.  This is to allow create
					// against an index that's currently open for
					// searching.  In this case we write the next
					// segments_N file with no segments:
					bool doCommit;
						doCommit = false;
					catch (System.IO.IOException e)
						// Likely this means it's a fresh directory
						doCommit = true;
					if (autoCommit || doCommit)
						// Always commit if autoCommit=true, else only
						// commit if there is no segments file in this dir
						// already.
						SupportClass.CollectionsHelper.AddAllIfNotContains(synced, segmentInfos.Files(directory, true));
						// Record that we have a change (zero out all
						// segments) pending:
					if (commit != null)
						// Swap out all segments, but, keep metadata in
						// SegmentInfos, like version & generation, to
						// preserve write-once.  This is important if
						// readers are open against the future commit
						// points.
						if (commit.GetDirectory() != directory)
							throw new System.ArgumentException("IndexCommit's directory doesn't match my directory");
						SegmentInfos oldInfos = new SegmentInfos();
						oldInfos.Read(directory, commit.GetSegmentsFileName());
						if (infoStream != null)
							Message("init: loaded commit \"" + commit.GetSegmentsFileName() + "\"");
					// We assume that this segments_N was previously
					// properly sync'd:
					SupportClass.CollectionsHelper.AddAllIfNotContains(synced, segmentInfos.Files(directory, true));
				this.autoCommit = autoCommit;
				docWriter = new DocumentsWriter(directory, this, indexingChain);
				// Default deleter (for backwards compatibility) is
				// KeepOnlyLastCommitDeleter:
				deleter = new IndexFileDeleter(directory, deletionPolicy == null?new KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy():deletionPolicy, segmentInfos, infoStream, docWriter,synced);
				if (deleter.startingCommitDeleted)
				// Deletion policy deleted the "head" commit point.
				// We have to mark ourself as changed so that if we
				// are closed w/o any further changes we write a new
				// segments_N file.
				if (infoStream != null)
					Message("init: create=" + create);

                success = true;
                if (!success)
                    if (infoStream != null)
                        Message("init: hit exception on init; releasing write lock");
                    catch (Exception t)
                        // don't mask the original exception
                    writeLock = null;