/// <summary>
        /// This method is used as a way to map out connection names for the HDL.  It also verifies there is never more than one input to a wire group.
        /// *****NOTE: This is NOT where we actually link wires to gates, this is ONLY for determining input and output naming of wire groups
        /// For the most part we only care about inputs with this, because inputs are what can conflict and what we will use to determine naming
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="circuit">The circuit you want to process</param>
        /// <returns>The same circuit with parsed wiregroup inputs</returns>
        public static LogicalCircuit FindWireGroupInputs(LogicalCircuit circuit)
            //We run through pins first, as they tend to define how HDL is written in many cases
            foreach (var pin in circuit.circuits)
                if (pin.GetType() == typeof(Pin))                          //We only continue if we find a pin here
                    Pin    temp        = (Pin)pin;                         //Load the pin
                    Coords pinLocation = new Coords(temp.Symbol.Location); //Load the pins location
                    if (temp.Type == PinType.Input)
                        pinLocation.x = pinLocation.x + temp.rightOffset.OffsetX;//Correct the location for offset.
                        pinLocation.y = pinLocation.y + temp.rightOffset.OffsetY;
                        for (int i = 0; i < circuit.wireGroups.Count; i++)
                            if (circuit.wireGroups[i].coords.Exists(x => x.x == pinLocation.x && x.y == pinLocation.y)) //Read through wiregroups to see if the pin connects to them
                                circuit.wireGroups[i].inputList.Add(temp.Name);                                         //If they do add them to the input list.
                                //As a note, this input list **SHOULD** only ever have ONE(1) item in it, if there is more than one the project is invalid.(or we messed up parsing)
                                circuit.outputNames.Add(temp.Name);                                                     //Save the name
                    else if (temp.Type == PinType.Output)//This is the same as the input section, with a different offset, AND there CAN be more than one output
                        pinLocation.x = pinLocation.x + temp.leftOffset.OffsetX;
                        pinLocation.y = pinLocation.y + temp.leftOffset.OffsetY;
                        for (int i = 0; i < circuit.wireGroups.Count; i++)
                            if (circuit.wireGroups[i].coords.Exists(x => x.x == pinLocation.x && x.y == pinLocation.y))
            foreach (var gate in circuit.gates)                                              //Iterate through gates to find outputs(Or inputs)
                Coords pinLocation = new Coords(gate.Symbol.Location);                       //Load the location
                pinLocation.x = pinLocation.x + gate.RightPinOffset[gate.GetSize()].OffsetX; //Correct for offset based on size.
                pinLocation.y = pinLocation.y + gate.RightPinOffset[gate.GetSize()].OffsetY;

                for (int i = 0; i < circuit.wireGroups.Count; i++)//Run through each wiregroup
                    if (circuit.wireGroups[i].coords.Exists(x => x.x == pinLocation.x && x.y == pinLocation.y))
                        var name = CheckUnusedName(gate.HDLGateNotation, circuit);
                        gate.OutputName = name;
            foreach (var group in circuit.wireGroups)//Check each group to make sure there isnt more than one input
                if (group.inputList.Count > 1)
                    throw new Exception("WireGroup Source Count Exception: There cannot be more than one data source on a wire group!");
 /// <summary>
 /// This function maps circuitsymbols to their associated circuit.
 /// If a symbol does not have an associated circuit it is a gate.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="circuits">All circuits in a group</param>
 /// <param name="symbols">All symbols</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The logical circuit parent of the circuits.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List <CircuitBase> ConnectSymbolsToCircuits(List <CircuitBase> circuits, List <CircuitSymbol> symbols, LogicalCircuit parent)
     foreach (var symbol in symbols)
         int index = circuits.FindIndex(x => x.Id == symbol.CircuitId);
         if (index != -1)
             circuits[index].Symbol = symbol;
         else if (symbol.CircuitId == parent.Id)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to write the HDL for this gate
        /// NOTE: There is a CUSTOM implementation of this method for the NOT gate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groups">The wiregroups in the logicalcircuit this gate exists in.</param>
        /// <param name="circuit">The logical circuit this gate exists in</param>
        /// <returns>The HDL string of this gate</returns>
        public string WriteGateHDL(List <WireGroup> groups, LogicalCircuit circuit)
            int    size               = GetSize();
            string output             = "";
            string tempName           = "";
            string overrideOutputName = "";

            bool   gateConnectsToOutput = false;                            //This is used to determine if we connect to the output pin, which overrides wiregroup naming conventions
            Coords outputCoords         = new Coords(Symbol.Location);      //Find the location of this gate

            outputCoords.x = outputCoords.x + RightPinOffset[size].OffsetX; //Set location to output pin of gate
            outputCoords.y = outputCoords.y + RightPinOffset[size].OffsetY;
            foreach (var group in groups)                                   //Find the wiregroup connected to the outpu
                if (ConnectsToRightWireGroup(group))
                    if (group.outputList.Count > 0)
                        gateConnectsToOutput = true;
                        overrideOutputName   = group.outputList[0];
                        tempName             = overrideOutputName;
            if (!gateConnectsToOutput)
                tempName = OutputName;

            //This block created a linked set of the base HDL gate, which allows us to support logiccircuits multi-input(up to 18, but we support as many as there is in theory)
            Dictionary <int, string> inputs = FindConnectedGroups(groups);

            if (inputs.Count == size)
                if (size > 2)                 //If there is more than two outputs we must nest with the built-in HDL gate type
                    if (gateConnectsToOutput) //This causes a naming override
                        tempName = Converter.CheckUnusedName(overrideOutputName, circuit);
                        tempName = Converter.CheckUnusedName(OutputName, circuit);

                    output += "\t" + HDLGateNotation + "(a=" + inputs[0] + ", b=" + inputs[1] + ", out=" + tempName + ");" + Environment.NewLine;//Write the initial gate
                    for (int i = 2; i < inputs.Count; i++)
                        if (i == (inputs.Count - 1))
                            output += "\t" + HDLGateNotation + "(a=" + tempName + ", b=" + inputs[i];//Create another which connects one more input and the output of the previous gate.

                            if (gateConnectsToOutput)
                                tempName = overrideOutputName;
                                tempName = OutputName;
                            output += ", out=" + tempName + ");" + Environment.NewLine;
                            output += "\t" + HDLGateNotation + "(a=" + tempName + ", b=" + inputs[i];//On the last nest we connect output.
                            if (gateConnectsToOutput)
                                tempName = Converter.CheckUnusedName(overrideOutputName, circuit);
                                tempName = Converter.CheckUnusedName(OutputName, circuit);

                            output += ", out=" + tempName + ");" + Environment.NewLine;
                else//If this size is two, we can write one line
                    return("\t" + HDLGateNotation + "(a=" + inputs[0] + ", b=" + inputs[1] + ", out=" + tempName + ");" + Environment.NewLine);
                throw new Exception("Invalid Input Count Error: " + inputs.Count + " inputs were provided but the gate reports a size of " + size);