Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChartCore"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view">The view.</param>
 /// <param name="updater">The updater.</param>
 protected ChartCore(IChartView view, ChartUpdater updater)
     View = view;
     Updater = updater;
     DrawMargin = new CoreRectangle();
     DrawMargin.SetHeight += view.SetDrawMarginHeight;
     DrawMargin.SetWidth += view.SetDrawMarginWidth;
     DrawMargin.SetTop += view.SetDrawMarginTop;
     DrawMargin.SetLeft += view.SetDrawMarginLeft;
        public override void DrawOrMove(ChartPoint previousDrawn, ChartPoint current, int index, ChartCore chart)
            var previosPbv = previousDrawn == null
                ? null
                : (HorizontalBezierPointView) previousDrawn.View;

            var y = chart.DrawMargin.Top + chart.DrawMargin.Height;

            Container.Segments.Insert(index, Segment);

            ValidArea = new CoreRectangle(current.ChartLocation.X - 7.5, current.ChartLocation.Y - 7.5, 15, 15);

            if (IsNew)
                if (previosPbv != null && !previosPbv.IsNew)
                    Segment.Point1 = previosPbv.Segment.Point3;
                    Segment.Point2 = previosPbv.Segment.Point3;
                    Segment.Point3 = previosPbv.Segment.Point3;

                    if (DataLabel != null)
                        Canvas.SetTop(DataLabel, Canvas.GetTop(previosPbv.DataLabel));
                        Canvas.SetLeft(DataLabel, Canvas.GetLeft(previosPbv.DataLabel));

                    if (Shape != null)
                        Canvas.SetTop(Shape, Canvas.GetTop(previosPbv.Shape));
                        Canvas.SetLeft(Shape, Canvas.GetLeft(previosPbv.Shape));
                    Segment.Point1 = new Point(Data.Point1.X, y);
                    Segment.Point2 = new Point(Data.Point2.X, y);
                    Segment.Point3 = new Point(Data.Point3.X, y);

                    if (DataLabel != null)
                        Canvas.SetTop(DataLabel, y);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(DataLabel, current.ChartLocation.X - DataLabel.ActualWidth*.5);

                    if (Shape != null)
                        Canvas.SetTop(Shape, y);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(Shape, current.ChartLocation.X - Shape.Width*.5);

            #region No Animated

            if (chart.View.DisableAnimations)
                Segment.Point1 = Data.Point1.AsPoint();
                Segment.Point2 = Data.Point2.AsPoint();
                Segment.Point3 = Data.Point3.AsPoint();

                if (HoverShape != null)
                    Canvas.SetLeft(HoverShape, current.ChartLocation.X - HoverShape.Width*.5);
                    Canvas.SetTop(HoverShape, current.ChartLocation.Y - HoverShape.Height*.5);

                if (Shape != null)
                    Canvas.SetLeft(Shape, current.ChartLocation.X - Shape.Width*.5);
                    Canvas.SetTop(Shape, current.ChartLocation.Y - Shape.Height*.5);

                if (DataLabel != null)
                    var xl = CorrectXLabel(current.ChartLocation.X - DataLabel.ActualWidth * .5, chart);
                    var yl = CorrectYLabel(current.ChartLocation.Y - DataLabel.ActualHeight * .5, chart);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(DataLabel, xl);
                    Canvas.SetTop(DataLabel, yl);


                new PointAnimation(Segment.Point1, Data.Point1.AsPoint(), chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));
                new PointAnimation(Segment.Point2, Data.Point2.AsPoint(), chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));
                new PointAnimation(Segment.Point3, Data.Point3.AsPoint(), chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));

            if (Shape != null)
                if (double.IsNaN(Canvas.GetLeft(Shape)))
                    Canvas.SetLeft(Shape, current.ChartLocation.X - Shape.Width * .5);
                    Canvas.SetTop(Shape, current.ChartLocation.Y - Shape.Height * .5);
                        new DoubleAnimation(current.ChartLocation.X - Shape.Width*.5, chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));
                        new DoubleAnimation(current.ChartLocation.Y - Shape.Height * .5, chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));

            if (DataLabel != null)

                var xl = CorrectXLabel(current.ChartLocation.X - DataLabel.ActualWidth*.5, chart);
                var yl = CorrectYLabel(current.ChartLocation.Y - DataLabel.ActualHeight*.5, chart);

                    new DoubleAnimation(xl, chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));
                    new DoubleAnimation(yl, chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));

            if (HoverShape != null)
                Canvas.SetLeft(HoverShape, current.ChartLocation.X - HoverShape.Width*.5);
                Canvas.SetTop(HoverShape, current.ChartLocation.Y - HoverShape.Height*.5);
Esempio n. 3
        public override void PrepareAxes()
            PivotZoomingAxis = AxisOrientation.None;
            View.Zoom = ZoomingOptions.None;

            if (View.Series.Any(x => !(x.Model is IPieSeries)))
                throw new LiveChartsException(
                    "There is a invalid series in the series collection, " +
                    "verify that all the series implement IPieSeries.");

            foreach (var xi in AxisX)
                xi.S = 1;
                xi.MinLimit = View.Series.Select(x => x.Values.Limit1.Min)
                xi.MaxLimit = View.Series.Select(x => x.Values.Limit1.Max)

                if (Math.Abs(xi.MinLimit - xi.MaxLimit) < xi.S * .01)
                    xi.MinLimit -= xi.S;
                    xi.MaxLimit += xi.S;

            foreach (var yi in AxisY)
                //yi.CalculateSeparator(this, AxisTags.X);
                yi.MinLimit = View.Series.Select(x => x.Values.Limit2.Min)
                yi.MaxLimit = View.Series.Select(x => x.Values.Limit2.Max)

                if (Math.Abs(yi.MinLimit - yi.MaxLimit) < yi.S * .01)
                    yi.MinLimit -= yi.S;
                    yi.MaxLimit += yi.S;

            StackPoints(View.Series, AxisOrientation.Y, 0);

            var curSize = new CoreRectangle(0, 0, ControlSize.Width, ControlSize.Height);

            curSize = PlaceLegend(curSize);

            DrawMargin.Top = curSize.Top;
            DrawMargin.Left = curSize.Left;
            DrawMargin.Width = curSize.Width;
            DrawMargin.Height = curSize.Height;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Places the legend.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawMargin">The draw margin.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
        public CoreRectangle PlaceLegend(CoreRectangle drawMargin)
            var legendSize = View.LoadLegend();

            const int padding = 10;

            switch (View.LegendLocation)
                case LegendLocation.None:
                case LegendLocation.Top:
                    drawMargin.Top += legendSize.Height;
                    drawMargin.Height -= legendSize.Height;
                    View.ShowLegend(new CorePoint(ControlSize.Width * .5 - legendSize.Width * .5, 0));
                case LegendLocation.Bottom:
                    var bot = new CorePoint(ControlSize.Width*.5 - legendSize.Width*.5,
                        ControlSize.Height - legendSize.Height);
                    drawMargin.Height -= legendSize.Height;
                    View.ShowLegend(new CorePoint(bot.X, ControlSize.Height - legendSize.Height));
                case LegendLocation.Left:
                    drawMargin.Left = drawMargin.Left + legendSize.Width;
                    View.ShowLegend(new CorePoint(0, ControlSize.Height*.5 - legendSize.Height*.5));
                case LegendLocation.Right:
                    drawMargin.Width -= legendSize.Width + padding;
                    View.ShowLegend(new CorePoint(ControlSize.Width - legendSize.Width,
                        ControlSize.Height*.5 - legendSize.Height*.5));
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            return drawMargin;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the components and margin.
        /// </summary>
        public void CalculateComponentsAndMargin()
            var curSize = new CoreRectangle(0, 0, ControlSize.Width, ControlSize.Height);

            curSize = PlaceLegend(curSize);

            const double padding = 4;

            for (int index = 0; index < AxisY.Count; index++)
                var yi = AxisY[index];
                var titleSize = yi.View.UpdateTitle(this, -90d);
                var biggest = yi.PrepareChart(AxisOrientation.Y, this);

                var x = curSize.Left;

                if (yi.Position == AxisPosition.LeftBottom)
                    curSize.Left += titleSize.Height + biggest.Width + padding;
                    curSize.Width -= (titleSize.Height + biggest.Width + padding);
                    yi.Tab = curSize.Left;
                    yi.View.SetTitleLeft(x + curSize.Width - titleSize.Height);
                    curSize.Width -= (titleSize.Height + biggest.Width + padding);
                    yi.Tab = curSize.Left + curSize.Width;

                var uw = yi.EvaluatesUnitWidth ? ChartFunctions.GetUnitWidth(AxisOrientation.Y, this, index)/2 : 0;

                var topE = biggest.Top - uw;
                if (topE> curSize.Top)
                    var dif = topE - curSize.Top;
                    curSize.Top += dif;
                    curSize.Height -= dif;

                var botE = biggest.Bottom - uw;
                if (botE > ControlSize.Height - (curSize.Top + curSize.Height))
                    var dif = botE - (ControlSize.Height - (curSize.Top + curSize.Height));
                    curSize.Height -= dif;

            for (var index = 0; index < AxisX.Count; index++)
                var xi = AxisX[index];
                var titleSize = xi.View.UpdateTitle(this);
                var biggest = xi.PrepareChart(AxisOrientation.X, this);
                var top = curSize.Top;

                if (xi.Position == AxisPosition.LeftBottom)
                    xi.View.SetTitleTop(top + curSize.Height - titleSize.Height);
                    curSize.Height -= (titleSize.Height + biggest.Height);
                    xi.Tab = curSize.Top + curSize.Height;
                    curSize.Top += titleSize.Height + biggest.Height;
                    curSize.Height -= (titleSize.Height + biggest.Height);
                    xi.Tab = curSize.Top;

                //Notice the unit width is not exact at this point...
                var uw = xi.EvaluatesUnitWidth ? ChartFunctions.GetUnitWidth(AxisOrientation.X, this, index)/2 : 0;

                var leftE = biggest.Left - uw > 0 ? biggest.Left - uw : 0;
                if (leftE > curSize.Left)
                    var dif = leftE - curSize.Left;
                    curSize.Left += dif;
                    curSize.Width -= dif;
                    foreach (var correctedAxis in AxisY
                        .Where(correctedAxis => correctedAxis.Position == AxisPosition.LeftBottom))
                        correctedAxis.Tab += dif;

                var rightE = biggest.Right - uw > 0 ? biggest.Right - uw : 0;
                if (rightE > ControlSize.Width - (curSize.Left + curSize.Width))
                    var dif = rightE - (ControlSize.Width - (curSize.Left + curSize.Width));
                    curSize.Width -= dif;
                    foreach (var correctedAxis in AxisY
                        .Where(correctedAxis => correctedAxis.Position == AxisPosition.RightTop))
                        correctedAxis.Tab -= dif;

            DrawMargin.Top = curSize.Top;
            DrawMargin.Left = curSize.Left;
            DrawMargin.Width = curSize.Width;
            DrawMargin.Height = curSize.Height;

            for (var index = 0; index < AxisY.Count; index++)
                var yi = AxisY[index];
                yi.UpdateSeparators(AxisOrientation.Y, this, index);
                yi.View.SetTitleTop(curSize.Top + curSize.Height*.5 + yi.View.GetLabelSize().Width*.5);

            for (var index = 0; index < AxisX.Count; index++)
                var xi = AxisX[index];
                xi.UpdateSeparators(AxisOrientation.X, this, index);
                xi.View.SetTitleLeft(curSize.Left + curSize.Width*.5 - xi.View.GetLabelSize().Width*.5);