public WaterBase(Vector3 origin, float height, Vector2 size, String baseTextureKey, String waveTextureKey, int xRowTextures, int yRowTextures, string effectKey, int waveDensity, Game1 game) : base(game) { = game; this.origin = origin; this.size = size; this.baseTextureKey = baseTextureKey; this.waveTextureKey = waveTextureKey; this.xRowTextures = xRowTextures; this.yRowTextures = yRowTextures; this.graphicsDevice = game.GraphicsDevice; this.content = game.Content; this.effectKey = effectKey; this.waveDensity = waveDensity; vertices = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[4]; camera = (Camera.Camera)game.Services.GetService(typeof(Camera.Camera)); level = (States.Level)game.Services.GetService(typeof(States.Level)); baseEffect = new AlphaTestEffect(graphicsDevice); randy = new Random(); LoadContent(); //Calculates were the corner vectors of the quad are qoing to be CalcVertices(); FillVertices(); LoadWaves(); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { camera = (Camera.Camera)game.Services.GetService(typeof(Camera.Camera)); graphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque; // Set our effect to use the specified texture and camera matrices. level = (States.Level)game.Services.GetService(typeof(States.Level)); //Set the parameters of the effects baseEffect.Texture = baseTexture; baseEffect.World = level.World; baseEffect.View = camera.viewMatrix; baseEffect.Projection = camera.projectionMatrix; baseEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].Apply(); graphicsDevice.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, vertices, 0, 2); graphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend; //Draw the waves for (int i = 0; i < waves.Length; i++) { waves[i].Draw(gameTime, camera, level); } base.Draw(gameTime); }
public void BurningField(Vector3 flamePos, GameTime gametime, Game game, Level level) { ground[(int)flamePos.X, (int)flamePos.Z].BurnValue -= 2; player = (LittleFlame)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(LittleFlame)); int burnSize = (int)player.FlameSize / 75; switch (ground[(int)flamePos.X, (int)flamePos.Z].Grounds) { case (int)Ground.GroundTypes.GRASS: UpdateGrass(flamePos, burnSize, false, false, normalGrassSizeMod, 1, 0.5); break; case (int)Ground.GroundTypes.GRASSFLOWERS: UpdateGrass(flamePos, burnSize, false, true, normalGrassSizeMod, 1, 0.5); break; case (int)Ground.GroundTypes.DRYGRASS: UpdateGrass(flamePos, burnSize, true, false, dryGrassSizeMod, 0.5, 0); break; case (int)Ground.GroundTypes.DRYGRASSFLOWERS: UpdateGrass(flamePos, burnSize, true, true, dryGrassSizeMod, 0.5, 0); break; case (int)Ground.GroundTypes.SAND: NonWalkableTerrain(sandSizeMod); break; case (int)Ground.GroundTypes.MUD: NonWalkableTerrain(sandSizeMod); break; case (int)Ground.GroundTypes.ROCK: NonWalkableTerrain(rockSizeMod); break; case (int)Ground.GroundTypes.ASH: NonWalkableTerrain(ashSizeMod); break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// Terrain Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="game">This game</param> /// <param name="heightmapKey">The key of the heightmapKey</param> /// <param name="graphicsdevice"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> public Terrain(Game1 game, string heightmapKey, string texturemapKey, Level level) : base(game) { = game; this.heightMapKey = heightmapKey; this.textureMapKey = texturemapKey; this.graphicsDevice = game.GraphicsDevice;; this.content = game.Content; this.level = level; }