Esempio n. 1
 protected void AddToToc(SplitPath path)
     if (_options.UpdateToc)
Esempio n. 2
 ## Initializing Page Specific Parameters
 ## There are a few built-in parameters that the theme can use. They are
 ## updated before processing each document by the method below. Refer to
 ## the documentation of the [PageParams](../CSWeave.Theme/PageParams.html)
 ## class for more information about the parameters.
 private void InitParams(SplitPath inputFile, SplitPath outputFile)
     _params.Filename       = outputFile.FileNameWithoutExtension;
     _params.Root           = outputFile.RelativeFileRoot;
     _params.CurrentSection = _params.Toc.Flattened.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                                                                   e.File == inputFile.FilePath);
Esempio n. 3
         ### Helper Functions
         ###The rest of the code in this class consist of helper functions which are
         ###called by the main generation methods. The function below copies an input
         ###file to the output directory.
        private void CopyFile(SplitPath inputFile)
            var outputFile = _options.OutputPath + inputFile;

            ConsoleOut("Copying file '{0}' to '{1}'",
                       inputFile.FilePath, outputFile.FilePath);
            DirHelpers.Copy(!inputFile, outputFile.DirectoryName, true);
Esempio n. 4
         ### Output Path for a File
         ###For each input file we need to construct the output path. We take the base
         ###path from command line options and join it with the relative file path of
         ###the input file changing the extension simultaneously. We also check that the
         ###output directory exists, and create it when needed.
        protected SplitPath CreateOutputPath(SplitPath codeFile, string extension)
            var outputFile = _options.OutputPath + codeFile.ChangeExtension(extension);

            ConsoleOut("Generating {0} from file '{1}' into file '{2}'",
                       extension, codeFile.FilePath, outputFile.FilePath);
Esempio n. 5
        ## Generating HTML from Markdown File
        ## Converting markdown file to HTML is somewhat simpler task. We perform
        ## mostly the same steps as with C# files, except that we don't need to
        ## iterate through a block list. We can convert the whole markdown file
        ## to HTML in one go.
        public void FromMarkdown(SplitPath inputFile, SplitPath outputFile)
            InitParams(inputFile, outputFile);
            var markdown = File.ReadAllText(!inputFile);
            var template = ParseFrontMatter(markdown, !inputFile);

            _params.Contents = Markdown.ToHtml(markdown, _pipeline);
            using (var writer = File.CreateText(!outputFile))
                writer.Write(_theme.RenderPage(template, _params));
Esempio n. 6
         * Now we can enumerate the input files.
        protected IEnumerable <SplitPath> InputFiles()
            var filtRegexes = FilterRegexes();
            var files       = from file in DirHelpers.Dir(_options.InputPath.BasePath, "*",
                              let relPath = SplitPath.Split(_options.InputPath.BasePath, file)
                                            where filtRegexes.Any(re => re.IsMatch(relPath.FilePath))
                                            select relPath;

         * The mirror operation of defining an ID is making a token clickable by
         * surrounding it with an `<a>` tag. The target of the link is in the `href`
         * attribute, which is determined by the function below. The link consists
         * of the relative file path and the ID inside the file. The file path is
         * always used, even if the link target is inside the same file.
        private string GetHrefForSymbol(ISymbol symbol)
            var sref    = symbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.First();
            var reffile = SplitPath.Split(_options.InputPath.BasePath,
            var inputfile = SplitPath.Split(_options.InputPath.BasePath,

                                reffile.ChangeExtension("html").FilePath).Replace('\\', '/') +
                   "#" + GetSymbolId(symbol));
Esempio n. 8
         * And then we can gather the C# source files. Most of the heavy lifting is
         * delegated to the MSBuildHelper class. In addition to the file path we
         * return also the Document object that contains syntactic and semantic
         * information that the Roslyn compiler attaches to the source file.
        protected IEnumerable <Tuple <SplitPath, Document> > CSharpDocumentsInSolution(
            SolutionFile solutionFile)
            var workspace   = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
            var solution    = workspace.OpenSolutionAsync(_options.Solution).Result;
            var filtRegexes = FilterRegexes();

            return(from proj in MSBuildHelpers.LoadProjectsInSolution(solution, solutionFile)
                   from doc in proj.Documents
                   let relPath = SplitPath.Split(_options.InputPath.BasePath, doc.FilePath)
                                 where filtRegexes.Any(re => re.IsMatch(relPath.FilePath))
                                 select Tuple.Create(relPath, doc));
Esempio n. 9
        ## Adding New Sections
        ## Instead of adding a new entry to TOC while the documentation is being
        ## generated, we add it to a temporary list. This list is concatenated
        ## to the TOC before it is saved. If there is no file associated to the
        ## TOC (in which case the temporary list is null), then we don't need to
        ## do anything.
        public void AddToToc(SplitPath path)
            if (_addedSections == null)
            var section = FindSectionForFile(path.FilePath, Toc.Contents) ??
                          _addedSections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.File == path.FilePath);

            if (section == null)
                _addedSections.Add(new Section()
                    Page = path.FileNameWithoutExtension,
                    File = path.FilePath,
                    Desc = "TODO! Add page description."
Esempio n. 10
        ## Generating HTML Page from Code File
        ## Once a source file has been split into blocks, we can give the block
        ## list and the input and output file paths to the FromCode method. This
        ## is where the HTML page is actually generated.
        public void FromCode(BlockList blocks, SplitPath inputFile, SplitPath outputFile)
             * First, we initialize the document-level parameters.
            InitParams(inputFile, outputFile);

             * If the first block in the list is a markdown block, then we need to
             * check if it contains a front matter. We initialize the used template
             * to null, which selects the default template. The setting can be then
             * overridden in the front matter.
            string template     = null;
            var    firstMdBlock = blocks.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Kind == BlockKind.Markdown);

            if (firstMdBlock != null)
                template = ParseFrontMatter(firstMdBlock.Contents, !inputFile);

             * Next, we iterate through the blocks, convert them to HTML, and finally
             * assign the resulted string into the `Contents` parameter, so that the
             * theme can access it.
            using (var writer = new StringWriter())
                foreach (var block in blocks)
                    writer.Write(Markdown.ToHtml(block.Contents, _pipeline));
                _params.Contents = writer.ToString();

             * As the last step, we render the page using the theme, and write the
             * resulting HTML page to the output file.
            using (var writer = File.CreateText(!outputFile))
                writer.Write(_theme.RenderPage(template, _params));
Esempio n. 11
         * The methods below construct the block list for a source file and write them
         * into an output file. Since the blocks already contain valid markdown, no
         * further processing is needed.
        private void GenerateMarkdownFromCode(SplitPath codeFile)
            SplitPath outputFile = CreateOutputPath(codeFile, _options.MarkdownExt);

            OutputBlocks(CreateBlockList(!codeFile), !outputFile);
Esempio n. 12
 protected bool IsIndexFile(SplitPath file) =>
 file.FileNameWithoutExtension.ToLower() == _indexFile;
Esempio n. 13
 protected bool IsMarkdownFile(SplitPath file) =>
 file.Extension == _options.MarkdownExt;
Esempio n. 14
  * We need some helper functions to determine the type of a file. The type of a file
  * is deduced from its extension or from its name.
 protected bool IsSourceFile(SplitPath file) =>
 file.Extension == _options.SourceExt;
Esempio n. 15
 private void GenerateHtmlFromCSharpDocument(SplitPath codeFile, Document document)
     _generateHtml.FromCode(CreateBlockList(document), codeFile,
                            CreateOutputPath(codeFile, ".html"));
Esempio n. 16
 private void GenerateHtmlFromMarkdown(SplitPath mdFile)
     _generateHtml.FromMarkdown(mdFile, CreateOutputPath(mdFile, ".html"));
Esempio n. 17
        private void GenerateMarkdownFromCSharpDocument(SplitPath codeFile, Document document)
            SplitPath outputFile = CreateOutputPath(codeFile, _options.MarkdownExt);

            OutputBlocks(CreateBlockList(document), !outputFile);
Esempio n. 18
  * The rest of the methods are helper functions that process a single file
  * at a time; first they split it to blocks, and then call HTMLGenerator
  * to convert it to a HTML page.
 private void GenerateHtmlFromCodeFile(SplitPath codeFile)
     _generateHtml.FromCode(CreateBlockList(!codeFile), codeFile,
                            CreateOutputPath(codeFile, ".html"));