Esempio n. 1
        protected void btnWetOutCalculateOnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value);
            double pi = double.Parse(Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(Math.PI.ToString()),4).ToString());
            double breakSize = 10; // in
            double factor1 = 0.99;
            double factor2 = 0.01;

            // ...Section values
            // ... ... tube size = confirmed Size
            Distance confirmedSizeDistance = new Distance(tbxConfirmedSize.Text);
            double confirmedSize = 0;
            string[] confirmedSizeString = confirmedSizeDistance.ToStringInEng1().Split('\"');

            if (!confirmedSizeDistance.ToStringInEng1().Contains("'"))
                if (Validator.IsValidDouble(tbxConfirmedSize.Text))
                    confirmedSize = double.Parse(tbxConfirmedSize.Text);
                    confirmedSize = double.Parse(confirmedSizeString[0]);
                confirmedSize = Math.Ceiling(confirmedSizeDistance.ToDoubleInEng3() * 12);

            // ... For Calculations
            // ... ... Validate setup data
            if ((ddlWetOutDataLinerTube.SelectedValue != "") && (ddlWetOutDataResins.SelectedValue != "-1") && (tbxWetOutDataExcessResin.Text != "") && (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue != "(Select)") && (tbxWetOutDataDrumDiameter.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataHoistMaximumHeight.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataHoistMinimumHeight.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataDownDropTubeLength.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataPumpHeightAboveGround.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataTubeResinToFeltFactor.Text != ""))
                // ... ... validate wet out data
                if ((ddlThickness.SelectedValue != "") && (tbxWetOutDataPlusExtra.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataForTurnOffset.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataExtraResinForMix.Text != "") && (ddlWetOutDataInversionType.SelectedValue != "(Select)") && (tbxWetOutDataDepthOfInversionMH.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataTubeForColumn.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataTubeForStartDry.Text != "") && (tbxWetOutDataRollerGap.Text != ""))
                    // Lenght to line of all sections (sume of lenght of asset table)
                    string newRunDetails = "";
                    foreach (ListItem lst in cbxlSectionId.Items)
                        if (lst.Selected)
                            newRunDetails = newRunDetails + lst.Value + ">";
                    newRunDetails = newRunDetails.Substring(0, newRunDetails.Length - 1);
                    string[] runDetailsList = newRunDetails.Split('>');

                    double lengthToLine = 0d;
                    for (int i = 0; i < runDetailsList.Length; i++)
                        AssetSewerSectionGateway assetSewerSectionGateway = new AssetSewerSectionGateway();
                        string sectionId = runDetailsList[i].ToString();
                        if (sectionId != "-1")
                            assetSewerSectionGateway.LoadBySectionId(sectionId, companyId);
                            int assetId = assetSewerSectionGateway.GetAssetID(sectionId);

                            Distance lengthDistance = new Distance(assetSewerSectionGateway.GetLength(assetId));
                            lengthToLine = lengthToLine + lengthDistance.ToDoubleInEng3();
                    tbxWetOutDataLengthToLine.Text = decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(lengthToLine.ToString()), 1).ToString();
                    tbxInversionDataRunLength.Text = decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(lengthToLine.ToString()), 1).ToString();

                    // ... Inversion run details
                    for (int i = 0; i < runDetailsList.Length; i++)
                        cbxlInversionDataSectionId.Items.FindByValue(runDetailsList[i]).Selected = true;

                    // .. Resin Information
                    int resinId = Int32.Parse(ddlWetOutDataResins.SelectedValue);
                    WorkFullLengthLiningResinsGateway workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway = new WorkFullLengthLiningResinsGateway();
                    workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.LoadByResinId(resinId, companyId);

                    string resinMake = workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetResinMake(resinId);
                    string resinType = workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetResinType(resinId);
                    string resinNumber = workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetResinNumber(resinId);
                    double lbUsg = double.Parse(workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetLbUsg(resinId).ToString());
                    int lbDrums = Int32.Parse(workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetLbDrums(resinId).ToString());
                    double activeResin = double.Parse(workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetActiveResin(resinId).ToString());
                    string applyCatalystTo = workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetApplyCatalystTo(resinId);
                    double filter = double.Parse(workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetFilter(resinId).ToString());

                    // ... Calculations
                    // ... ... LengthtToWetOut
                    Double plusExtra = double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataPlusExtra.Text);
                    Double forTurnOffset = double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataForTurnOffset.Text);

                    Double lengthtToWetOut = lengthToLine + plusExtra + forTurnOffset;
                    tbxWetOutDataLengthtToWetOut.Text = decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(lengthtToWetOut.ToString()), 1).ToString();
                    tbxInversionDataWetOutLenght.Text = decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(lengthtToWetOut.ToString()), 1).ToString();

                    // ... ... Resin label
                    lblWetOutDataResinGray.Text = "RESIN: " + resinMake + resinType + resinNumber + ", " + lbUsg + "lbs/usg, " + activeResin.ToString() + " % Active Resin ";

                    // ... ... Lb drum label
                    lblWetOutDataLbDrumsGrey.Text = "For " + lbDrums.ToString() + " lb drums";

                    // ... ... Drum contains label
                    // ... ... Drum Fill Height Information
                    double usgDrum = lbDrums / lbUsg;
                    double lbsPerUsg = lbUsg;
                    double lbsPerDrum = lbDrums;
                    double usgalsPerDrum = lbsPerDrum / lbsPerUsg;
                    double drumInsideDiameter = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataDrumDiameter.Text);
                    double drumInsideDiameterPow = Math.Pow(drumInsideDiameter, 2);
                    double usgalsPerDrumInch = (1 * (pi * drumInsideDiameterPow) / 4) * 0.004329;
                    double lbsPerDrumInch = usgalsPerDrumInch * lbsPerUsg;
                    double drumFillHeightShouldBeApprox = lbsPerDrum / lbsPerDrumInch;

                    if (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue == "Pounds & Drums")  // OP 1
                        lblWetOutDataDrumContainsGray.Text = "Drum contains: " + lbDrums.ToString() + "lbs / " + Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(usgDrum.ToString()), 1).ToString() + "usg.  Full drum level: Approx " + Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(drumFillHeightShouldBeApprox.ToString()), 1).ToString() + "ins.";
                        lblWetOutDataDrumContainsGray.Text = "-";

                    // ... ... Liner Tube
                    string linerTube = ddlWetOutDataLinerTube.SelectedValue;
                    double tubeThickness = Double.Parse(ddlThickness.SelectedValue);
                    lblWetOutDataLinerTubeGray.Text = "LINER TUBE: " + linerTube.ToString() + ", Inversion. Tube Size: " + confirmedSize.ToString() + " ins x " + tubeThickness.ToString() + " mm.";
                    tbxInversionDataLinerSize.Text = confirmedSize + " ins x " + tubeThickness + " mm";
                    lblInversionDataSubtitle.Text = ddlWetOutDataLinerTube.SelectedValue;

                    double maxCold = -1;
                    double maxColdExact = -1;
                    double maxColdRounded = -1;

                    double maxHot = -1;
                    double maxHotExact = -1;
                    double maxHotRounded = -1;

                    double idealHead = -1;
                    double idealHeadExact = -1;
                    double idealHeadRounded = -1;

                    switch (linerTube)
                        case "Applied Felts":
                            double sizeAppliedFelts = confirmedSize * 25.4;

                            // ...  ... For max cold
                            maxColdExact = (tubeThickness / sizeAppliedFelts) * 308 * 3.2808;
                            maxColdRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(maxColdExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            maxCold = maxColdRounded;

                            // ... ... For max hot
                            maxHotExact = (tubeThickness / sizeAppliedFelts) * 269 * 3.2808;
                            maxHotRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(maxHotExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            maxHot = maxHotRounded;

                            // ... ... For Idead head
                            double sizeToUseAppliedFelts = 0d;
                            if (confirmedSize > breakSize)
                                sizeToUseAppliedFelts = sizeAppliedFelts;
                                sizeToUseAppliedFelts = sizeAppliedFelts - 25;
                            idealHeadExact = (tubeThickness / sizeToUseAppliedFelts) * 201 * 3.2808;
                            idealHeadRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(idealHeadExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            idealHead = idealHeadRounded;

                        case "Novapipe":
                            // ...  ... For max cold
                            maxColdExact = (39 * tubeThickness) / confirmedSize;
                            maxColdRounded = double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(maxColdExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            maxCold = maxColdRounded;

                            // ... ... For max hot
                            maxHotExact = (33.1 * tubeThickness) / confirmedSize;
                            maxHotRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(maxHotExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            maxHot = maxHotRounded;

                            // ... ... For Idead head
                            idealHeadExact = (25.76 * tubeThickness) / confirmedSize;
                            idealHeadRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(idealHeadExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            idealHead = idealHeadRounded;

                        case "Liner Products":
                            // ...  ... For max cold
                            maxColdExact = (tubeThickness / confirmedSize) * 34.057;
                            maxColdRounded = double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(maxColdExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            maxCold = maxColdRounded;

                            // ... ... For max hot
                            maxHotExact = (tubeThickness / confirmedSize) * 28.381;
                            maxHotRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(maxHotExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            maxHot = maxHotRounded;

                            // ... ... For Idead head
                            idealHeadExact = (tubeThickness / confirmedSize) * 20.888;
                            idealHeadRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(idealHeadExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            idealHead = idealHeadRounded;

                        case "Generic":
                            double sizeGeneric = confirmedSize * 25.4;

                            // ...  ... For max cold
                            maxColdExact = (tubeThickness / sizeGeneric) * 308 * 3.2808;
                            maxColdRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(maxColdExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            maxCold = maxColdRounded;

                            // ... ... For max hot
                            maxHotExact = (tubeThickness / sizeGeneric) * 269 * 3.2808;
                            maxHotRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(maxHotExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            maxHot = maxHotRounded;

                            // ... ... For Idead head
                            double sizeToUseGeneric = 0d;

                            if (confirmedSize > breakSize)
                                sizeToUseGeneric = sizeGeneric;
                                sizeToUseGeneric = sizeGeneric - 25;
                            idealHeadExact = (tubeThickness / sizeToUseGeneric) * 201 * 3.2808;
                            idealHeadRounded = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(idealHeadExact.ToString()), 1).ToString());
                            idealHead = idealHeadRounded;

                        case "Tube 5 No Data":
                            // ...  ... For max cold
                            maxCold = -1;

                            // ... ... For max hot
                            maxHot = -1;

                            // ... ... For Idead head
                            idealHead = -1;

                        case "Tube 6 No Data":
                            // ...  ... For max cold
                            maxCold = -1;

                            // ... ... For max hot
                            maxHot = -1;

                            // ... ... For Idead head
                            idealHead = -1;

                    // ... ... .... Tube Max Cold Head, Tube Max Cold head PSI
                    if (maxCold != -1)
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxColdHead.Text = maxCold.ToString();
                        double maxColdPsi = 0.434 * maxCold;
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxColdHeadPSI.Text = decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(maxColdPsi.ToString()), 1).ToString();
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxColdHead.Text = "NA";
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxColdHeadPSI.Text = "NA";

                    // ... ... .... Tube Max Hot Head, Tube Max Hot Head PSI
                    if (maxHot != -1)
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxHotHead.Text = maxHot.ToString();
                        double maxHotPsi = 0.434 * maxHot;
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxHotHeadPSI.Text = decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(maxHotPsi.ToString()), 1).ToString();
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxHotHead.Text = "NA";
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxHotHeadPSI.Text = "NA";

                    // ... ... .... Tube Ideal Head, Tube Ideal Head PSI
                    if (idealHead != -1)
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeIdealHead.Text = idealHead.ToString();
                        double idealHeadPsi = 0.434 * idealHead;
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeIdealHeadPSI.Text = Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(idealHeadPsi.ToString()), 1).ToString();
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeIdealHead.Text = "NA";
                        tbxWetOutDataTubeIdealHeadPSI.Text = "NA";

                    // ... ... Net Resins
                    // ... ... ... For net resin for tube lbs ft(lbs/ft)
                    double lbsFt = 0d;
                    double usgFt = 0d;
                    double excessResin = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataExcessResin.Text)/100;
                    double tubeResinToFeltFactor = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataTubeResinToFeltFactor.Text);

                    switch (linerTube)
                        case "Applied Felts":
                            // ... ... .... For lbsFt
                            double fromSetUp = tubeResinToFeltFactor / 100;
                            double t = tubeThickness / 25.4;
                            double id = confirmedSize - 2 * t;
                            double area = pi * (Math.Pow(confirmedSize, 2) - Math.Pow(id, 2)) / 4;
                            double v1 = 12 * area * 0.004329;
                            double v2 = v1 * fromSetUp;
                            double v3 = v2 * excessResin;
                            double v4 = v3 + v2;
                            lbsFt = v4 * lbUsg;

                            // ... ... .... For usgFt
                            usgFt = v4;

                        case "Novapipe":
                            // ... ... .... For lbsFt
                            double fromSetUpNovapipe = tubeResinToFeltFactor / 100;
                            double tNovapipe = tubeThickness / 25.4;
                            double idNovapipe = confirmedSize - 2 * tNovapipe;
                            double areaNovapipe = pi * (Math.Pow(confirmedSize, 2) - Math.Pow(idNovapipe, 2)) / 4;
                            double v1Novapipe = 12 * areaNovapipe * 0.004329;
                            double v2Novapipe = v1Novapipe * fromSetUpNovapipe;
                            double v3Novapipe = v2Novapipe * excessResin;
                            double v4Novapipe = v3Novapipe + v2Novapipe;
                            lbsFt = v4Novapipe * lbUsg;

                            // ... ... .... For usgFt
                            usgFt = v4Novapipe;

                        case "Liner Products":
                            // ... ... .... For lbsFt
                            double lbft3 = lbUsg / 0.1337;
                            double specificGravity = double.Parse(decimal.Round(decimal.Parse((lbft3 / 62.4).ToString()), 3).ToString());

                            double midCalc = 0d;
                            if (confirmedSize > 8)
                                midCalc = 261.5184;
                                midCalc = 217.932;

                            Decimal confirmedSizeDecimal = Decimal.Parse(confirmedSize.ToString());
                            Decimal firstDivision = confirmedSizeDecimal / 24;
                            Double firstDivisionDouble = Double.Parse(firstDivision.ToString());
                            double midCalc2 = RoundUp(firstDivisionDouble, 0);

                            Decimal secondDivision = confirmedSizeDecimal / 30;
                            double secondDivisionDouble = double.Parse(secondDivision.ToString());
                            double midCalc3 = RoundUp(secondDivisionDouble, 0);
                            double estimatedResinMultiplier = (((545.2 * (tubeThickness / 25.4) * ((((confirmedSize - 2 * (tubeThickness / 25.4)) * pi * 0.92) / pi) + (tubeThickness / 25.4)) + (midCalc * midCalc3 * ((tubeThickness - 3) / 25.4)) + (55.98 * midCalc2)) * specificGravity) / 453.59) * 0.92;

                            double excessResinAdded = excessResin * estimatedResinMultiplier;
                            lbsFt = excessResinAdded + estimatedResinMultiplier;

                            // ... ... .... For usgFt
                            double totalResin = excessResinAdded + estimatedResinMultiplier;
                            usgFt = totalResin / lbUsg;

                        case "Generic":
                            // ... ... .... For lbsFt
                            double fromSetUpGeneric = tubeResinToFeltFactor / 100;
                            double tGeneric = tubeThickness / 25.4;
                            double idGeneric = confirmedSize - 2 * tGeneric;
                            double areaGeneric = pi * (Math.Pow(confirmedSize, 2) - Math.Pow(idGeneric, 2)) / 4;
                            double v1Generic = 12 * areaGeneric * 0.004329;
                            double v2Generic = v1Generic * fromSetUpGeneric;
                            double v3Generic = v2Generic * excessResin;
                            double v4Generic = v3Generic + v2Generic;
                            lbsFt = v4Generic * lbUsg;

                            // ... ... .... For usgFt
                            usgFt = v4Generic;

                        case "Tube 5 No Data":
                            // ... ... .... For lbsFt
                            lbsFt = -1;

                            // ... ... .... For usgFt
                            usgFt = -1;

                        case "Tube 6 No Data":
                            // ... ... .... For lbsFt
                            lbsFt = -1;

                            // ... ... .... For usgFt
                            usgFt = -1;

                    double netResinForTubeLbsFt = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(lbsFt.ToString()), 2).ToString());
                    tbxWetOutDataNetResinForTubeLbsFt.Text = netResinForTubeLbsFt.ToString();

                    // ... ... ... For net resin for tube (lbs)
                    double netResinForTube = lengthtToWetOut * netResinForTubeLbsFt;
                    tbxWetOutDataNetResinForTube.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(netResinForTube.ToString()), 0).ToString();

                    // ... ... ... For net resin for tube usg/ft (usg/ft)
                    double netResinForTubeUsgFt = Double.Parse(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(usgFt.ToString()), 3).ToString());
                    tbxWetOutDataNetResinForTubeUsgFt.Text = netResinForTubeUsgFt.ToString();

                    // ... ... ... For net resin for tube (usgals)
                    double netResinForTubeUsgals = lengthtToWetOut * netResinForTubeUsgFt;
                    tbxWetOutDataNetResinForTubeUsgals.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(netResinForTubeUsgals.ToString()), 1).ToString();

                    // ... ... ... For net resin for tube drums Ins
                    // ... ... ... .... Drum Fill Height Information
                    double exactDrumsRequired = netResinForTube / lbDrums;
                    double rounddownToWholeDrums = RoundDown(exactDrumsRequired, 0);
                    double remainingPartDrum = exactDrumsRequired - rounddownToWholeDrums;
                    double fillHeight = drumFillHeightShouldBeApprox;
                    double remainingPartDrumInInches = fillHeight * remainingPartDrum;
                    double drumFillHeight = fillHeight;
                    double difference = drumFillHeight - remainingPartDrumInInches;

                    double drumsToUseInString = 0d;
                    if (remainingPartDrum > factor1)
                        drumsToUseInString = rounddownToWholeDrums + 1;
                        if (remainingPartDrum < factor2)
                            drumsToUseInString = rounddownToWholeDrums;
                            drumsToUseInString = rounddownToWholeDrums;

                    double inchesToUseInString = 0;
                    if (remainingPartDrum > factor1)
                        inchesToUseInString = 0;
                        if (remainingPartDrum < factor2)
                            inchesToUseInString = 0;
                            inchesToUseInString = remainingPartDrumInInches;

                    string stringForDrumInches = "= " + drumsToUseInString + " Drum + " + Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(inchesToUseInString.ToString()), 1).ToString() + " ins";
                    string stringForDrumsInches = "= " + drumsToUseInString + " Drums + " + Decimal.Round(Decimal.Parse(inchesToUseInString.ToString()), 1).ToString() + " ins";

                    string stringToCarry = "";
                    if (drumsToUseInString == 1)
                        stringToCarry = stringForDrumInches;
                        stringToCarry = stringForDrumsInches;
                    tbxWetOutDataNetResinForTubeDrumsIns.Text = stringToCarry.ToString();

                    // ... ... Newt resin label
                    lblWetOutDataNetResinGrey.Text = "Net resin is amount required in the tube after wet out complete and tube ready for installation. Includes excess at " + excessResin * 100 + "%";

                    // ... ... Extra lbs for Mix
                    double extraResinForMix = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataExtraResinForMix.Text);
                    double extraLbsForMix = netResinForTube * extraResinForMix/100;
                    tbxWetOutDataExtraLbsForMix.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(extraLbsForMix.ToString()), 0).ToString();

                    // ... ... Total Mix Quantity
                    double totalMixQuantity = (1 + extraResinForMix / 100) * netResinForTube;
                    tbxWetOutDataTotalMixQuantity.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(totalMixQuantity.ToString()), 0).ToString();

                    // .... ... Total Mix Quantity usgals
                    double totalMixQuantityUsgals = (1 + extraResinForMix / 100) * netResinForTubeUsgals;
                    tbxWetOutDataTotalMixQuantityUsgals.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(totalMixQuantityUsgals.ToString()), 1).ToString(); ;

                    // ... ... Total Mix Quantity Drums Ins
                    if (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue == "Pounds & Drums")  // OP 1
                        tbxWetOutDataTotalMixQuantityDrumsIns.Text = stringToCarry;
                        tbxWetOutDataTotalMixQuantityDrumsIns.Text = "-";

                    // ... ... Catalyst label
                    string catalystLabel = "";

                    if (applyCatalystTo == "Active Resin")
                        double activeResinVal = totalMixQuantity * activeResin/100;
                        double activeResinInDrum = lbsPerDrum * activeResin/100;
                        if (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue == "Pounds & Drums")  // OP 1
                            catalystLabel = "Catalyst % applied to weight of Active Resin = " + decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(activeResinVal.ToString()), 0) + " lbs  (" + decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(activeResinInDrum.ToString()), 1).ToString() + " lbs per drum )";
                            catalystLabel = "Catalyst % applied to weight of Active Resin = " + decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(activeResinVal.ToString()), 0) + " lbs";
                        if (applyCatalystTo == "Active Resin & Filter")
                            if (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue == "Pounds & Drums")  // OP 1
                                catalystLabel = "Catalyst % applied to weight of Active Resin and Filler = " + decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(totalMixQuantity.ToString()), 0).ToString() + " lbs (" + decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(lbsPerDrum.ToString()), 1).ToString() + " lbs per drum )";
                                catalystLabel = "Catalyst % applied to weight of Active Resin and Filler = " + decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(totalMixQuantity.ToString()), 0).ToString() + " lbs";
                            catalystLabel = "ERROR IN RESIN LIST ENTRY(S). CATALYST QTYS ARE INCORRECT!";

                    lblWetOutDataCatalystGrey.Text = catalystLabel;

                    // ... ... Total Tube
                    double tubeForColumn = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataTubeForColumn.Text);
                    double tubeForStartDry = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataTubeForStartDry.Text);
                    double totalTube = tubeForColumn + tubeForStartDry + lengthtToWetOut; ;
                    tbxWetOutDataTotalTube.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(totalTube.ToString()), 1).ToString();

                    // ... ... Drop Tube Connects
                    string inversionType = ddlWetOutDataInversionType.SelectedValue;
                    double depthOfInversionMH = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataDepthOfInversionMH.Text);

                    if (inversionType == "Bottom")
                        if (depthOfInversionMH == tubeForColumn)
                            tbxWetOutDataDropTubeConnects.Text = "At MH lid";
                            if (depthOfInversionMH > tubeForColumn)
                                tbxWetOutDataDropTubeConnects.Text = "Below MH lid";
                                tbxWetOutDataDropTubeConnects.Text = "Above MH lid";
                        tbxWetOutDataDropTubeConnects.Text = "-";

                    // ... ... Allows Head To
                    double allowsToHeadTo = 0d;
                    double downDropTubeLength = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataDownDropTubeLength.Text);
                    if (inversionType == "Top")
                        allowsToHeadTo = tubeForColumn;
                        tbxWetOutDataAllowsHeadTo.Text = allowsToHeadTo.ToString();
                        if (inversionType == "Bottom")
                            allowsToHeadTo = tubeForColumn + downDropTubeLength;
                            tbxWetOutDataAllowsHeadTo.Text = allowsToHeadTo.ToString();
                            tbxWetOutDataAllowsHeadTo.Text = "NA";

                    // ... ... Height Needed
                    double heightNeeded = 0;
                    if (tbxWetOutDataAllowsHeadTo.Text != "NA")
                        heightNeeded = allowsToHeadTo - depthOfInversionMH;
                        tbxWetOutDataHeightNeeded.Text = heightNeeded.ToString();

                    // ... ... Available
                    double hoistMinimumHeight = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataHoistMinimumHeight.Text);
                    double hoistMaximunHeight = Double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataHoistMaximumHeight.Text);
                    tbxWetOutDataAvailable.Text = hoistMinimumHeight.ToString() + " ft to " + hoistMaximunHeight.ToString() + " ft";

                    // ... ... Hoist Height?
                    if (heightNeeded > hoistMaximunHeight)
                        tbxWetOutDataHoistHeight.Text = "Too High";
                        if (heightNeeded < hoistMinimumHeight)
                            tbxWetOutDataHoistHeight.Text = "Too Low";
                            tbxWetOutDataHoistHeight.Text = "OK";

                    // ... ... Warning
                    if ((tbxWetOutDataHoistHeight.Text == "OK") || (tbxWetOutDataHoistHeight.Text == ""))
                        lblWetOutDataWarning.Visible = false;
                        lblWetOutDataWarning.Visible = true;

                    // ... ... graphic labels
                    lblWetOutDataDimensionLabel.Text = confirmedSize + " ins x " + tubeThickness + " mm Tube";
                    lblWetOutDataTotalTubeLengthlabel.Text = "Total Tube Length " + tbxWetOutDataTotalTube.Text + " ft";
                    lblWetOutDataForColumnLabel.Text = tbxWetOutDataTubeForColumn.Text + " ft  for Column";
                    lblWetOutDataDryFtLabel.Text = "Dry " + tbxWetOutDataTubeForStartDry.Text + " ft";
                    lblWetOutDataWetOutLengthlabel.Text = "Wet-Out Length " + tbxWetOutDataLengthtToWetOut.Text + " ft";
                    lblWetOutDataDryFtEndLabel.Text = "Dry " + tbxWetOutDataTubeForColumn.Text + " ft";
                    lblWetOutDataTailEndlabel.Text = "Tail End";
                    lblWetOutDataColumnEndlabel.Text = "Column End";
                    lblWetOutDataRollerGapLabel.Text = "Roller Gap " + tbxWetOutDataRollerGap.Text + " mm";

                    // ... ... Inversion Liner Size
                    tbxInversionDataLinerSize.Text = confirmedSize + " ins x " + tubeThickness + " mm";

                    // ... ... Inversion Gray texts
                    lblInversionDataSubtitle.Text = "For: " + ddlWetOutDataLinerTube.SelectedValue;
                    lblInversionDataLinerInfoGrey.Text = linerTube + " tube with " + resinMake + " " + resinType + " " + resinNumber + " resin";
                    lblInversionDataHeadsGrey.Text = "Heads Ideal: " + tbxWetOutDataTubeIdealHead.Text + " ft (" + tbxWetOutDataTubeIdealHeadPSI.Text + ");  Max Hot: " + tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxHotHead.Text + " ft (" + tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxHotHeadPSI.Text + "psi);  Max Cold: " + tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxColdHead.Text + " ft (" + tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxColdHeadPSI.Text + ")";

                    // ... ... .... Validate data for calcs
                    if ((ddlInversionDataInversionPipeType.SelectedValue != "(Select)") && (ddlInversionDataPipeCondition.SelectedValue != "(Select)") && (ddlInversionDataGroundMoisture.SelectedValue != "(Select)") && (tbxInversionDataBoilerSize.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataPumpsTotalCapacity.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataLayflatSize.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataLayflatQuantityTotal.Text != ""))
                        if ((tbxInversionDataWaterStartTempTs.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataTempT1.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataHoldAtT1For.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataTempT2.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataCookAtT2For.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataCoolDownFor.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataCoolToTemp.Text != "") && (tbxInversionDataDropInPipeRun.Text != ""))
                            // ... ... Inversion Pipe Slope Of
                            Decimal dropInPipeRun = Decimal.Parse(tbxInversionDataDropInPipeRun.Text);
                            Decimal pipeSlopeOf = Decimal.Round(dropInPipeRun, 1) / Decimal.Parse(lengthToLine.ToString())*100;
                            tbxInversionDataPipeSlopeOf.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(pipeSlopeOf.ToString()), 2).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion 45F120F
                            double odsIns = confirmedSize;
                            double tIns = (tubeThickness / 25.4);
                            double inversionId = (odsIns - 2 * tIns);
                            lblInversionData45F120F.Text = tbxInversionDataWaterStartTempTs.Text + "°F-" + tbxInversionDataTempT1.Text + "°F (hr)";

                            // ... ... Inversion Hold
                            tbxInversionDataHold.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(tbxInversionDataHoldAtT1For.Text), 1).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion 120F185F
                            lblInversionData120F185F.Text = tbxInversionDataTempT1.Text + "°F-" + tbxInversionDataTempT2.Text + "°F (hr)";
                            double pipeTypeFactor = 0d;
                            string pipeType = ddlInversionDataInversionPipeType.SelectedValue;
                            if (pipeType == "Clay") pipeTypeFactor = 0.90;
                            if (pipeType == "Concrete") pipeTypeFactor = 0.80;
                            if (pipeType == "Brick") pipeTypeFactor = 1.00;

                            double pipeConditionFactor = 0d;
                            string pipeCondition = ddlInversionDataPipeCondition.SelectedValue;
                            if (pipeCondition == "Good") pipeConditionFactor = 1.00;
                            if (pipeCondition == "Fair") pipeConditionFactor = 0.90;
                            if (pipeCondition == "Poor") pipeConditionFactor = 0.80;
                            if (pipeCondition == "Badly Broken") pipeConditionFactor = 0.60;

                            double groundMoistureFactor = 0d;
                            string groundMoisture = ddlInversionDataGroundMoisture.SelectedValue;
                            if (groundMoisture == "Dry") groundMoistureFactor = 1.00;
                            if (groundMoisture == "Typical") groundMoistureFactor = 0.80;
                            if (groundMoisture == "Wet") groundMoistureFactor = 0.60;

                            double boilerSize = double.Parse(tbxInversionDataBoilerSize.Text);
                            double matFactorF1 = pipeTypeFactor;
                            double conditionFactorF2 = pipeConditionFactor;
                            double groundMoistureFactorF3 = groundMoistureFactor;
                            double overallFactorF3 = matFactorF1 * conditionFactorF2 * groundMoistureFactorF3;
                            double ianCorrectionFactor = 0.85;
                            double tubeMaxColdHead = double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxColdHead.Text);
                            double totalTubee = tubeMaxColdHead + lengthToLine;
                            double idForLinerFt = inversionId / 12;
                            double particalCalc = Math.Pow(idForLinerFt, 2);
                            double areaFt2 = (pi * particalCalc) / 4;
                            double ft3PerFt = areaFt2 * 1;
                            double usgPerFt = 7.481 * ft3PerFt;
                            double totalUsg = totalTubee * usgPerFt;
                            double cubFt = totalUsg / 7.481;
                            double punds = cubFt * 62.4;
                            double temp1 = double.Parse(tbxInversionDataTempT1.Text);
                            double temp2 = double.Parse(tbxInversionDataTempT2.Text);
                            double ts = double.Parse(tbxInversionDataWaterStartTempTs.Text);
                            double t1t2Btus = ((temp2 - temp1) * punds);
                            double netBtu = (ianCorrectionFactor * overallFactorF3 * boilerSize);
                            double timeHrs = (t1t2Btus / netBtu);
                            tbxInversionData120F185F.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(timeHrs.ToString()), 1).ToString();

                            double tsT1Btus = (temp1 - ts) * punds;
                            double timeHrs1 = tsT1Btus / netBtu;
                            tbxInversionData45F120F.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(timeHrs1.ToString()), 1).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion Cook Time
                            tbxInversionDataCookTime.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(tbxInversionDataCookAtT2For.Text), 1).ToString(); ;

                            // ... ... Inversion Cool Time
                            tbxInversionDataCoolTime.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(tbxInversionDataCoolDownFor.Text), 1).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion Aprox Total
                            double f45f120 = timeHrs1;
                            double hold = Double.Parse(tbxInversionDataHold.Text);
                            double f120f185 = timeHrs;
                            double cookTime = Double.Parse(tbxInversionDataCookTime.Text);
                            double coolTime = Double.Parse(tbxInversionDataCoolTime.Text);
                            tbxInversionDataAproxTotal.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse((f45f120 + hold + f120f185 + cookTime + coolTime).ToString()), 1).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion pumping circulation subtitle
                            double pumpsTotalCapacity = double.Parse(tbxInversionDataPumpsTotalCapacity.Text);
                            lblInversionDataPumpingCirculationSubtitle.Text = "Pumping and Circulation Parameters at " + tbxInversionDataPumpsTotalCapacity.Text + "usgpm (= " + (pumpsTotalCapacity * 60).ToString() + " usgph)";

                            // ... ... Inversion water changes per hour
                            double totalLinerInWaterCol = totalUsg;
                            double pumpsTotalCapacity60 = pumpsTotalCapacity * 60;
                            double changesPerHour = pumpsTotalCapacity60 / totalLinerInWaterCol;
                            decimal waterChangesPerHour = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(changesPerHour.ToString()), 2);
                            tbxInversionDataWaterChangesPerHour.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(waterChangesPerHour.ToString()), 2).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion return water velocity
                            double layFlatQuantity = double.Parse(tbxInversionDataLayflatQuantityTotal.Text);
                            double layFlatSize = double.Parse(tbxInversionDataLayflatSize.Text);
                            double middleCalcEach = Math.Pow(layFlatSize, 2);
                            double areaLayFlatft2Each = ((pi * (middleCalcEach)) / 4) / 144;
                            double areaLayflatft2 = areaLayFlatft2Each * layFlatQuantity;
                            double qInCfs = pumpsTotalCapacity / 448.8;
                            double netQAreaFt2 = areaFt2 - areaLayflatft2;
                            double returnFlowArea = netQAreaFt2;
                            double returnsWaterVelocity = qInCfs / returnFlowArea;
                            tbxInversionDataReturnWaterVelocity.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(returnsWaterVelocity.ToString()), 2).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion layflat back pressure
                            double c = 130;
                            double dFt = layFlatSize / 12;
                            double flowPerLayFlat = pumpsTotalCapacity / layFlatQuantity;
                            double qCfm = flowPerLayFlat * 0.1336;
                            double qCfs = qCfm / 60;
                            double middleCalcAreaIns2 = Math.Pow(layFlatSize, 2);
                            double areaIns2 = (pi * middleCalcAreaIns2) / 4;
                            double areaft2 = areaIns2 / 144;
                            double vFtS = qCfs / areaft2;
                            double wetOutLenght = double.Parse(tbxInversionDataWetOutLenght.Text);
                            double totalLfLength = tubeMaxColdHead + wetOutLenght;
                            double hfFtL = (Math.Pow((1.816 / c), 1.852) * ((totalLfLength / (Math.Pow(dFt, 1.167))) * Math.Pow(vFtS, 1.852)));
                            double hfPsiL = hfFtL * 0.4335;
                            double layFlatBackPressure = hfPsiL;
                            tbxInversionDataLayflatBackPressure.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(layFlatBackPressure.ToString()), 1).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion pump lift at ideal head
                            double pumpHeightAboveGround = double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataPumpHeightAboveGround.Text);
                            double pumpFromInvert = pumpHeightAboveGround + depthOfInversionMH;
                            double lift = pumpFromInvert - idealHead;
                            double pumpLiftAtIdealHead = lift;
                            tbxInversionDataPumpLiftAtIdealHead.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(pumpLiftAtIdealHead.ToString()), 1).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion water to fil liner column
                            double waterToFillLinerColumn = totalUsg;
                            tbxInversionDataWaterToFillLinerColumn.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(waterToFillLinerColumn.ToString()), 0).ToString();

                            // ... ... Inversion water per ft
                            double waterPerFt = usgPerFt;
                            tbxInversionDataWaterPerFit.Text = Decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(waterPerFt.ToString()), 2).ToString();

                            // ... ... graphic labels
                            lblInversionDataMaxColdForTubeLabel.Text = tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxColdHead.Text + " ft = Max Cold for tube";
                            lblInversionDataMaxHotForTubeLabel.Text = tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxHotHead.Text + " ft = Max Hot for tube";
                            lblInversionDataIdelForTubeLabel.Text = tbxWetOutDataTubeIdealHead.Text + " ft = Ideal for tube";

                            double maxColdForTubeEnd = double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxColdHead.Text) + double.Parse(tbxInversionDataDropInPipeRun.Text);
                            lblInversionDataMaxColdForTubeEndLabel.Text = decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(maxColdForTubeEnd.ToString()), 1).ToString() + " ft";

                            double maxHotForTubeEnd = double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataTubeMaxHotHead.Text) + double.Parse(tbxInversionDataDropInPipeRun.Text);
                            lblInversionDataMaxHotForTubeEndLabel.Text = decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(maxHotForTubeEnd.ToString()), 1).ToString() + " ft";

                            double idealForTubeEnd = double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataTubeIdealHead.Text) + double.Parse(tbxInversionDataDropInPipeRun.Text);
                            lblInversionDataIdelForTubeEndLabel.Text = decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(idealForTubeEnd.ToString()), 1).ToString() + " ft";

                            lblInversionDataPumpHeightLabel.Text = "   " + tbxWetOutDataPumpHeightAboveGround.Text + " ft";
                            lblInversionDataLinerSizeLabel.Text = confirmedSize.ToString() + " ins x" + tubeThickness.ToString() + " Liner";

                            lblInversionDataRunLengthLabel.Text = "Run Length: " + tbxInversionDataRunLength.Text + " ft; Fall: " + tbxInversionDataDropInPipeRun.Text + " ft";
                            lblInversionDataDepthOfInversionMHLabel.Text = "   " + tbxWetOutDataDepthOfInversionMH.Text + " ft";
                            lblInversionDataEndLabel.Text = "End";
Esempio n. 2
        protected void tbxPercentageByWeightEdit_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value);
            int catalystId = Int32.Parse(((Label)grdCatalysts.Rows[grdCatalysts.EditIndex].Cells[2].FindControl("lblCatalystIdEdit")).Text);
            double percentageByWeight = Double.Parse(((TextBox)grdCatalysts.Rows[grdCatalysts.EditIndex].Cells[3].FindControl("tbxPercentageByWeightEdit")).Text);

            if (catalystId != -1)
                // .. Resin Information
                if ((ddlWetOutDataResins.SelectedValue != "-1") && (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue != "(Select)"))
                    int resinId = Int32.Parse(ddlWetOutDataResins.SelectedValue);
                    WorkFullLengthLiningResinsGateway workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway = new WorkFullLengthLiningResinsGateway();
                    workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.LoadByResinId(resinId, companyId);

                    int lbDrums = Int32.Parse(workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetLbDrums(resinId).ToString());
                    double activeResin = double.Parse(workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetActiveResin(resinId).ToString()) / 100;
                    string applyCatalystTo = workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetApplyCatalystTo(resinId);

                    // Calc  the other columms
                    // ... ... For Mix Quantity
                    string forMixQuantity = "";
                    if (percentageByWeight.ToString() == "-1")
                        forMixQuantity = "-";
                        double totalMixQuantity = double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataTotalMixQuantity.Text);
                        double catalyse = 0d;
                        if (applyCatalystTo == "(Select)")
                            catalyse = -1;
                            if (applyCatalystTo == "Active Resin & Filter")
                                catalyse = 1;
                                catalyse = activeResin;

                        if (catalyse != -1)
                            double pureResin = totalMixQuantity * catalyse;
                            forMixQuantity = (pureResin * totalMixQuantity / 100).ToString();
                            ((Label)grdCatalysts.Rows[grdCatalysts.EditIndex].Cells[4].FindControl("lblLbsForMixQuantityEdit")).Text = forMixQuantity; ;
                            ((Label)grdCatalysts.Rows[grdCatalysts.EditIndex].Cells[4].FindControl("lblLbsForMixQuantityEdit")).Text = "ERROR";

                    // ... ... For Lbs For Drums
                    string firstPart = "";
                    double percentageToCatalyse = -1;
                    if (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue == "Pounds & Drums")  // OP 1
                        if (percentageByWeight == -1)
                            firstPart = "-";
                            if (applyCatalystTo == "(Select)")
                                percentageToCatalyse = -1;
                                if (applyCatalystTo == "Active Resin & Filter")
                                    percentageToCatalyse = 1;
                                    percentageToCatalyse = activeResin;

                            if (percentageToCatalyse != -1)
                                double drumRes = lbDrums * percentageToCatalyse;
                                double catalystPerDrum = drumRes * percentageByWeight / 100;
                                firstPart = catalystPerDrum.ToString();
                                firstPart = "ERROR";

                        firstPart = "-";

                    string secondPart = "";
                    if (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue == "Pounds & Drums")  // OP 1
                        if (percentageByWeight == -1)
                            secondPart = "-";
                            double drumRes = lbDrums * percentageToCatalyse;
                            double catalystPerDrum = drumRes * percentageByWeight / 100;
                            double roundUp = RoundUp(catalystPerDrum, 0);
                            string upDown = "";
                            if ((roundUp - catalystPerDrum) > 0.05)
                                upDown = "Down";
                                upDown = "Up";

                            double fulllbs = 0d;
                            if (upDown == "Up")
                                fulllbs = roundUp;
                                double roundDown = RoundDown(catalystPerDrum, 0);
                                fulllbs = roundDown;

                            double partLbs = 0d;
                            if (upDown == "Up")
                                partLbs = 0;
                                partLbs = catalystPerDrum - fulllbs;
                            double ozes = double.Parse(decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(partLbs.ToString()) * 16, 0).ToString());
                            string lbOzes = " = (" + fulllbs.ToString() + " lbs + " + ozes.ToString() + " oz) per drum";
                            secondPart = lbOzes;
                        secondPart = "-";

                    ((Label)grdCatalysts.Rows[grdCatalysts.EditIndex].Cells[4].FindControl("lblLbsForDrumEdit")).Text = firstPart + "lb/Drum " + secondPart;
Esempio n. 3
        protected void ddlNameFooter_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value);
            int catalystId = Int32.Parse(((DropDownList)grdCatalysts.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlNameFooter")).SelectedValue);

            if (catalystId != -1)
                // Load catalyst data
                WorkFullLengthLiningCatalystsGateway workFullLengthLiningCatalystsGateway = new WorkFullLengthLiningCatalystsGateway();
                workFullLengthLiningCatalystsGateway.LoadByCatalystId(catalystId, companyId);

                double defaultPercentageByWeight = double.Parse(decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(workFullLengthLiningCatalystsGateway.GetDefaultPercentageByWeight(catalystId).ToString()), 2).ToString());

                // .. Resin Information
                if ((ddlWetOutDataResins.SelectedValue != "-1") && (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue != "(Select)") && (tbxWetOutDataTotalMixQuantity.Text != ""))
                    int resinId = Int32.Parse(ddlWetOutDataResins.SelectedValue);
                    WorkFullLengthLiningResinsGateway workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway = new WorkFullLengthLiningResinsGateway();
                    workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.LoadByResinId(resinId, companyId);

                    int lbDrums = Int32.Parse(workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetLbDrums(resinId).ToString());
                    double activeResin = double.Parse(workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetActiveResin(resinId).ToString()) / 100;
                    string applyCatalystTo = workFullLengthLiningResinsGateway.GetApplyCatalystTo(resinId);

                    // Set data to grid
                    ((TextBox)grdCatalysts.FooterRow.FindControl("tbxPercentageByWeightFooter")).Text = defaultPercentageByWeight.ToString();

                    // Calc  the other columms
                    // ... ... For Mix Quantity
                    string forMixQuantity = "";
                    if (defaultPercentageByWeight.ToString() == "-1")
                        forMixQuantity = "-";
                        double totalMixQuantity = double.Parse(tbxWetOutDataTotalMixQuantity.Text);
                        double catalyse = 0d;
                        if (applyCatalystTo == "(Select)")
                            catalyse = -1;
                            if (applyCatalystTo == "Active Resin & Filter")
                                catalyse = 1;
                                catalyse = activeResin;

                        if (catalyse != -1)
                            double pureResin = totalMixQuantity * catalyse;
                            decimal forMixQuantityDecimal = decimal.Parse((pureResin * (defaultPercentageByWeight) / 100).ToString());
                            forMixQuantity = decimal.Round(forMixQuantityDecimal,2).ToString();
                            ((Label)grdCatalysts.FooterRow.FindControl("lblLbsForMixQuantityFooter")).Text = forMixQuantity;
                            ((Label)grdCatalysts.FooterRow.FindControl("lblLbsForMixQuantityFooter")).Text = "ERROR";

                    // ... ... For Lbs For Drums
                    string firstPart = "";
                    double percentageToCatalyse = -1;
                    if (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue == "Pounds & Drums")  // OP 1
                        if (defaultPercentageByWeight == -1)
                            firstPart = "-";
                            if (applyCatalystTo == "(Select)")
                                percentageToCatalyse = -1;
                                if (applyCatalystTo == "Active Resin & Filter")
                                    percentageToCatalyse = 1;
                                    percentageToCatalyse = activeResin;

                            if (percentageToCatalyse != -1)
                                double drumRes = lbDrums * percentageToCatalyse;
                                double catalystPerDrum = drumRes * defaultPercentageByWeight / 100;
                                decimal catalystPerDrumDecimal = Decimal.Parse(catalystPerDrum.ToString());

                                catalystPerDrumDecimal = decimal.Round(catalystPerDrumDecimal,2);
                                firstPart = catalystPerDrumDecimal.ToString();
                                firstPart = "ERROR";
                        firstPart = "-";

                    string secondPart = "";
                    if (ddlWetOutDataPoundsDrums.SelectedValue == "Pounds & Drums")  // OP 1
                        if (defaultPercentageByWeight == -1)
                            secondPart = "-";
                            double drumRes = lbDrums * percentageToCatalyse;
                            double catalystPerDrum = drumRes * defaultPercentageByWeight / 100;
                            double roundUp = RoundUp(catalystPerDrum, 0);
                            string upDown = "";
                            if ((roundUp - catalystPerDrum) > 0.05)
                                upDown = "Down";
                                upDown = "Up";

                            double fulllbs = 0d;
                            if (upDown == "Up")
                                fulllbs = roundUp;
                                double roundDown = RoundDown(catalystPerDrum, 0);
                                fulllbs = roundDown;

                            double partLbs = 0d;
                            if (upDown == "Up")
                                partLbs = 0;
                                partLbs = catalystPerDrum - fulllbs;
                            double ozes = double.Parse(decimal.Round(decimal.Parse(partLbs.ToString()) * 16, 0).ToString());
                            string lbOzes = " = (" + fulllbs.ToString() + " lbs + " + ozes.ToString() + " oz) per drum";
                            secondPart = lbOzes;
                        secondPart = "-";

                    ((Label)grdCatalysts.FooterRow.FindControl("lblLbsForDrumFooter")).Text = firstPart + "lb/Drum " + secondPart;

                    // Addition is available
                    ((ImageButton)grdCatalysts.FooterRow.FindControl("ibtnAdd")).Visible = true;
                    // Addition is not available
                    ((ImageButton)grdCatalysts.FooterRow.FindControl("ibtnAdd")).Visible = false;