private void MoveUpdateToTemporaryFile(AutoUpdateInfo aInfo) { string tempFile = CreateTemporaryFilename(); try { if (aInfo.FileName != null) { File.Move(aInfo.FileName, tempFile); } } catch (IOException e) { UserLog.WriteLine(String.Format("Cannot move {0} to {1}", Path.GetFileName(aInfo.Uri.LocalPath), tempFile)); UserLog.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }
private void Load() { lock (iLock) { Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Loading settings from " + iFilename); if (File.Exists(iFilename)) { LoadOptionsFile(iFilename); } else { UserLog.WriteLine("Could not find options file " + iFilename); Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Could not find options file " + iFilename); MigrateOldOptions(); } } }
private void ProcessRequests() { while (true) { iEvent.WaitOne(); Monitor.Enter(iLockObject); if (iPendingRequests.Count > 0 && IsRunning) { ImageRequest request = iPendingRequests[0]; IImageLoader <ImageType> loader = iImageLoader; iPendingRequests.Remove(request); iExecutingRequests.Add(request); Monitor.Exit(iLockObject); try { IImage <ImageType> img = loader.LoadImage(new Uri(request.Uri), iDownscaleImageSize); img.IncrementReferenceCount(); lock (iLockObject) { Add(request.Uri, img); iExecutingRequests.Remove(request); } OnEventImageAdded(request, img); img.DecrementReferenceCount(); } catch (Exception ex) { UserLog.WriteLine("Error downloading image: " + request.Uri + ", " + ex.ToString()); lock (iLockObject) { iImageCacheFailures.Add(request.Uri); iExecutingRequests.Remove(request); } OnEventRequestFailed(request.Uri); } } else { iEvent.Reset(); Monitor.Exit(iLockObject); } } }
public AutoUpdateInfo CheckForUpdate() { try { WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(iUpdateFeedLocation); request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; if (request.Proxy != null) { request.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) { ReleaseFeed feed = new ReleaseFeed(stream); IReleaseJson update = feed.CheckForUpdate(iHelper.Version, iApplicationQuality, iApplicationTarget, Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString(), DesiredQuality); if (update != null) { UserLog.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} update available: {1}", update.Quality, update.Version)); return(new AutoUpdateInfo(iApplicationName, update.Version, feed.Json.History(), update.UpdateUri(), update.Quality(), VersionSupport.Family(iHelper.Version) != VersionSupport.Family(update.Version))); } else { return(null); } } } catch (Exception ex) { UserLog.WriteLine(String.Format("Error caught checking for updates: {0}", ex.ToString())); } return(null); }
public bool ApplyUpdate(AutoUpdateInfo aInfo) { bool result = true; try { Assembly updateAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(new FileInfo(aInfo.FileName).FullName); ExtractFiles(aInfo, updateAssembly); } catch (Exception e) { InvalidUpdateFile(aInfo); UserLog.WriteLine(String.Format("Error applying update: {0}", e)); result = false; } CleanupTemporaryFiles(); // do some housekeeping return(result); }
private void StopStack() { if (iStatus.State != EStackState.eStopped) { Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Stack.StopStack() stopping stack..."); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Linn.Stack stopping..."); if (iStackStarted && iStack != null) { iStack.Stop(); } iStatus = new StackStatus(EStackState.eStopped, null); iStackStarted = false; iInterface = null; Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Stack.StopStack() stack stopped"); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Linn.Stack stop ok"); } }
private void LoadOptionsFile(string aFilename) { try { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load(aFilename); XmlNodeList entryNodeList = document.SelectNodes("Dictionary/Entry"); foreach (XmlNode entryNode in entryNodeList) { // get the xml nodes XmlNode keyNode = entryNode.SelectSingleNode("Key"); XmlNode valueNode = entryNode.SelectSingleNode("Value"); // add the dictionary entry if (keyNode != null && valueNode != null) { iLoadDictionary.Add(keyNode.InnerText, valueNode.InnerText); try { if (iLoadDictionary["room"] == "First Discovered") { iLoadDictionary["room"] = "Last Selected"; } } catch (Exception) { Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Failed to migrate startup room setting"); } Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Loaded: " + keyNode.InnerText + " [" + valueNode.InnerText + "]"); } } } catch (Exception e) { UserLog.WriteLine("Options file corrupt: " + e.ToString()); Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Options file corrupt: " + e.ToString()); } }
public static void RefreshWifiInfo(Context aContext) { WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager)aContext.GetSystemService(Context.WifiService); NetworkInfoModel newModel = null; if (wifi != null && wifi.IsWifiEnabled) { Android.Net.Wifi.WifiInfo networkInfo = wifi.ConnectionInfo;// as Android.Net.Wifi.WifiInfo; newModel = new NetworkInfoModel( networkInfo.SSID, networkInfo.MacAddress, ENetworkInterfaceType.eEthernet, new System.Net.IPAddress(networkInfo.IpAddress), null, ENetworkInterfaceComponent.eIPv4, string.Empty, wifi.WifiState == Android.Net.WifiState.Enabled ? EOperationalStatus.eUp : EOperationalStatus.eDown, //networkInfo.SupplicantState == Android.Net.Wifi.SupplicantState.Completed ? EOperationalStatus.eUp : EOperationalStatus.eDown, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new List <System.Net.IPAddress>() ); networkInfo.Dispose(); wifi.Dispose(); UserLog.WriteLine("RefreshWifiInfo(): " + newModel.Name + ", " + newModel.IPAddress + ", " + newModel.OperationalStatus); } else { UserLog.WriteLine("RefreshWifiInfo(): No Network"); } sWifiInterface = newModel; }
public void Dispose() { // remove trace listeners if (iTraceFile != null) { Trace.RemoveListener(iTraceFile); iTraceFile.Dispose(); iTraceFile = null; } // remove user log listener if (iUserLogFile != null) { UserLog.RemoveListener(iUserLogFile); iUserLogFile.Dispose(); iUserLogFile = null; } // dispose of network interface option if (iOptionNetworkInterface != null) { iOptionNetworkInterface.Dispose(); } }
public static List <NetworkInfoModel> GetAllNetworkInterfaces() { List <NetworkInfoModel> adaptors = new List <NetworkInfoModel>(); System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface[] nics = System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface adapter in nics) { string adapterName = adapter.Name; string adapterDescription = adapter.Description; string macAddress = adapter.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString(); ENetworkInterfaceComponent networkInterfaceComponent = (adapter.Supports(NetworkInterfaceComponent.IPv4)) ? ENetworkInterfaceComponent.eIPv4 : ENetworkInterfaceComponent.eUnknown; ENetworkInterfaceType networkInterfaceType = (adapter.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback) ? ENetworkInterfaceType.eLoopBack : ENetworkInterfaceType.eUnknown; // ignore loopback adapters, non IPv4 adapters if (networkInterfaceType == ENetworkInterfaceType.eLoopBack) { UserLog.WriteLine(adapter.Description + " is loopback - ignored"); continue; } if (networkInterfaceComponent != ENetworkInterfaceComponent.eIPv4) { UserLog.WriteLine(adapter.Description + " does not support IPv4 - ignored"); continue; } bool?supportsMulticast = null; bool?isRecieveOnly = null; try { supportsMulticast = adapter.SupportsMulticast; isRecieveOnly = adapter.IsReceiveOnly; } catch (PlatformNotSupportedException) { // Multicast, IsReceiveOnly support only defined in Windows XP and greater } EOperationalStatus operationalStatus = (EOperationalStatus)((int)adapter.OperationalStatus); IPInterfaceProperties properties = adapter.GetIPProperties(); bool?isDHCPEnabled = null; bool?isAutoPrivateAddressEnabled = null; int? mtu = null; try { IPv4InterfaceProperties ipv4 = properties.GetIPv4Properties(); if (ipv4 != null) { isDHCPEnabled = ipv4.IsDhcpEnabled; isAutoPrivateAddressEnabled = ipv4.IsAutomaticPrivateAddressingEnabled; mtu = ipv4.Mtu; } } catch { } // throws an error in mono 2.6 List <IPAddress> gatewayAddress = new List <IPAddress>(); foreach (GatewayIPAddressInformation gateway in properties.GatewayAddresses) { gatewayAddress.Add(gateway.Address); } int i = 0; UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection uniCast = properties.UnicastAddresses; foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation ip in uniCast) { // only take ipv4 address of adapter (may have ipv4 and ipv6) if (ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { NetworkInfoModel adaptor = new NetworkInfoModel(adapterDescription , adapterName + ((i == 0) ? "" : " (" + i.ToString() + ")") , networkInterfaceType , ip.Address , supportsMulticast , networkInterfaceComponent , macAddress , operationalStatus , isRecieveOnly , isDHCPEnabled , isAutoPrivateAddressEnabled , mtu , properties.IsDnsEnabled , properties.IsDynamicDnsEnabled , properties.DnsSuffix , gatewayAddress); adaptors.Add(adaptor); ++i; UserLog.WriteLine(adapterName + " (" + ip.Address.ToString() + ") is supported"); Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, adapterName + " [" + adapterDescription + "] (" + ip.Address.ToString() + ") is supported"); } } } return(adaptors); }
private void InterfaceChanged(IntPtr aStoreRef, IntPtr changedKeys, IntPtr info) { UserLog.WriteLine("InterfaceChanged"); Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "InterfaceChanged"); OnEventNetworkChanged(); }
public AutoUpdateInfo CheckForUpdate() { WebResponse response = null; Stream stream = null; try { WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(iUpdateFeedLocation); request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; if (request.Proxy != null) { request.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } response = request.GetResponse(); stream = response.GetResponseStream(); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.XmlResolver = null; settings.ProhibitDtd = true; XmlReader xmlReader = XmlTextReader.Create(stream, settings); document.Load(xmlReader); XmlNamespaceManager xmlNsMan = new XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable); xmlNsMan.AddNamespace("ns", "urn:linn-co-uk/autoupdate"); string latestVersion = iHelper.Version; string product = iHelper.Product; AutoUpdateInfo result = null; KeyValuePair <EUpdateType, string>[] versionTypeNodeNames = new KeyValuePair <EUpdateType, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <EUpdateType, string>(EUpdateType.Stable, "stable"), new KeyValuePair <EUpdateType, string>(EUpdateType.Beta, "beta"), new KeyValuePair <EUpdateType, string>(EUpdateType.Development, "development"), new KeyValuePair <EUpdateType, string>(EUpdateType.Nightly, "nightly") }; foreach (XmlNode applicationNode in document.SelectNodes(string.Format("/ns:autoupdate/ns:updateinfo[@version='{0}']/ns:application[@name='{1}']", iUpdateVersion, iApplicationName), xmlNsMan)) { Uri historyUri = new Uri(applicationNode.SelectSingleNode("ns:history", xmlNsMan).FirstChild.Value); foreach (KeyValuePair <EUpdateType, string> versionType in versionTypeNodeNames) { if ((UpdateTypes & versionType.Key) == versionType.Key) { foreach (XmlNode versionNode in applicationNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("ns:{0}", versionType.Value), xmlNsMan)) { string version = versionNode.Attributes["version"].Value; if (VersionSupport.CompareVersions(version, latestVersion) > 0 || (VersionSupport.CompareVersions(version, latestVersion) == 0 && versionType.Key > iApplicationBuildType)) { XmlNode uriNode = versionNode.SelectSingleNode(String.Format("ns:url[@target='{0}']", iApplicationTarget), xmlNsMan); if (uriNode != null) { UserLog.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} update available: {1}", versionType.Value, version)); Uri uri = new Uri(uriNode.InnerText); result = new AutoUpdateInfo(iApplicationName, version, historyUri, uri, versionType.Key, VersionSupport.Family(iHelper.Version) != VersionSupport.Family(version)); latestVersion = version; } } } } } } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { UserLog.WriteLine(String.Format("Error caught checking for updates: {0}", ex.ToString())); } finally { if (response != null) { response.Close(); response = null; } if (stream != null) { stream.Close(); stream = null; } } return(null); }
public void NetworkChanged() { NetworkInterface newInterface = null; lock (this) { // rebuild list of available interfaces iAllowedInterfaces = new List <NetworkInterface>(); iAllowedInterfaces.Add(new NetworkInterface()); foreach (NetworkInfoModel i in NetworkInfo.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) { if (i.OperationalStatus == EOperationalStatus.eUp || i.OperationalStatus == EOperationalStatus.eUnknown) { // don't add 3G network card on iPads/iPhones if (i.Name != "pdp_ip0") { iAllowedInterfaces.Add(new NetworkInterface(i)); } } } // send to user log string userLogMsg = DateTime.Now + ": Network interface event received. Available interfaces:"; for (int i = 1; i < iAllowedInterfaces.Count; i++) { userLogMsg += Environment.NewLine + DateTime.Now + ": " + iAllowedInterfaces[i].ToString(); } UserLog.WriteLine(userLogMsg); // set the default interface - if there is only 1 real interface - set this as default if (iAllowedInterfaces.Count == 2) { iDefault = iAllowedInterfaces[1]; } else { iDefault = iAllowedInterfaces[0]; } // update the existing interface switch (iInterface.Status) { case NetworkInterface.EStatus.eUnconfigured: if (iDefault.Status != NetworkInterface.EStatus.eUnconfigured) { // interface unconfigured -> available/unavailable default newInterface = iDefault; } break; case NetworkInterface.EStatus.eUnavailable: { NetworkInterface found = FindInterface(iInterface.Name); if (found != null && found.Status == NetworkInterface.EStatus.eAvailable) { // interface unavailable -> available newInterface = found; } } break; case NetworkInterface.EStatus.eAvailable: { NetworkInterface found = FindInterface(iInterface.Name); if (found != null) { if (found.Status == NetworkInterface.EStatus.eAvailable) { if (!iInterface.Info.IPAddress.Equals(found.Info.IPAddress)) { // interface available -> available (ip address change) newInterface = found; } } else { // interface available -> unavailable newInterface = found; } } else { // interface available -> unavailable newInterface = new NetworkInterface(iInterface.Name); } } break; } if (newInterface != null) { iInterface = newInterface; } Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "OptionNetworkInterface.NetworkChange(): Network interface event - " + iInterface + " -> " + newInterface); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Network interface event - " + iInterface + " -> " + newInterface); } EventHandler <EventArgs> eventAllowedChanged = EventAllowedChanged; if (eventAllowedChanged != null) { eventAllowedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } EventHandler <EventArgs> eventValueChanged = EventValueChanged; if (newInterface != null && eventValueChanged != null) { eventValueChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
private void StartStack(NetworkInterface aInterface) { iInterface = aInterface; iStackStarted = false; switch (aInterface.Status) { case NetworkInterface.EStatus.eUnconfigured: iStatus = new StackStatus(EStackState.eNoInterface, iInterface); Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Stack.StartStack() no configured interface"); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Linn.Stack start failed - no interface is configured"); break; case NetworkInterface.EStatus.eUnavailable: iStatus = new StackStatus(EStackState.eNonexistentInterface, iInterface); Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Stack.StartStack() configured interface error"); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Linn.Stack start failed - configured interface is unavailable " + iInterface.ToString()); break; case NetworkInterface.EStatus.eAvailable: try { Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Stack.StartStack() starting..."); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Linn.Stack starting... " + iInterface.ToString()); if (iStack != null) { iStack.Start(iInterface.Info.IPAddress); } iStatus = new StackStatus(EStackState.eOk, iInterface); iStackStarted = true; Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Stack.StartStack() OK"); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Linn.Stack start ok " + iInterface.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { iStatus = new StackStatus(EStackState.eBadInterface, iInterface); iStackStarted = false; Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Stack.StartStack() failure: " + e.ToString()); Console.Write("Stack.StartStack() failure: " + e.ToString()); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Linn.Stack start failed " + iInterface.ToString()); UserLog.WriteLine("Error Message: " + e.Message); UserLog.WriteLine("Error Message: " + e.ToString()); // stop the stack to cleanup any stack components that were started if (iStack != null) { iStack.Stop(); } } break; default: Assert.Check(false); break; } }
private void InterfaceChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { StackStatus newStatus; lock (this) { if (iStatus.State == EStackState.eStopped) { return; } // get the current interface from the option NetworkInterface newInterface = iOption.Interface; if (newInterface.Name == iInterface.Name && iInterface.Status == NetworkInterface.EStatus.eAvailable && newInterface.Status == NetworkInterface.EStatus.eUnavailable) { // the currently available configured interface has become unavailable e.g. gone into standby // - do not stop the stack just yet as this will leave lingering subscriptions iInterface = newInterface; iStatus = new StackStatus(EStackState.eNonexistentInterface, iInterface); Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Stack.InterfaceChanged() interface unavailable"); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Linn.Stack interface now unavailable " + iInterface.ToString()); } else if (newInterface.Name == iInterface.Name && iInterface.Status == NetworkInterface.EStatus.eUnavailable && newInterface.Status == NetworkInterface.EStatus.eAvailable) { // the currently unavailable configured interface has become available e.g. come out of standby // - restart the stack Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "Stack.InterfaceChanged() interface now available"); UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Linn.Stack interface now available " + newInterface.ToString()); // now that the interface is available again, the stack can be stopped to cleanup existing // subscriptions StopStack(); // a pause for coming out of standby - on the PDA, even though it has a valid IP // address, the interface is still not fully operational System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); StartStack(newInterface); } else { // all other interface changes, including switching to a different physical interface // just restart the stack StopStack(); StartStack(newInterface); } newStatus = iStatus; } EventHandler <EventArgsStackStatus> ev = EventStatusChanged; if (ev != null) { ev(this, new EventArgsStackStatus(newStatus)); } }
private void CreateInterfaceChangedObserver() { try { unsafe { iObserver = InterfaceChanged; iCallout = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(iObserver); iContext = new SCDynamicStoreContext(); iStore = SCDynamicStoreCreate(IntPtr.Zero, kAddIPAddressListChangeCallbackSCF, iCallout, iContext); if (iStore == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to invoke SCDynamicStoreCreate"); } iPattern = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkServiceEntity(IntPtr.Zero, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetIPv4); if (iPattern == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to invoke SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkServiceEntity"); } iPatternList = CFArrayCreate(IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr[1] { iPattern }, 1, IntPtr.Zero); if (iPatternList == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to invoke CFArrayCreate"); } bool setNotificationKeys = SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys(iStore, IntPtr.Zero, iPatternList); if (!setNotificationKeys) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to invoke SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys"); } iRunLoopSource = SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource(IntPtr.Zero, iStore, 0); if (iRunLoopSource == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to invoke SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource"); } iRunLoop = CFRunLoopGetMain(); if (iRunLoop == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to invoke CFRunLoopGetMain"); } IntPtr bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(kBundleIdentifier); IntPtr *stringRef = (IntPtr *)CFBundleGetDataPointerForName(bundle, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); iModeString = *stringRef; CFRunLoopAddSource(iRunLoop, iRunLoopSource, iModeString); CFRelease(iPattern); CFRelease(iPatternList); } } catch (Exception ex) { string message = "Error creating NetworkChangeWatcher: " + ex; UserLog.WriteLine(message); Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, message); if (iPattern != IntPtr.Zero) { CFRelease(iPattern); } if (iPatternList != IntPtr.Zero) { CFRelease(iPatternList); } if (iStore != IntPtr.Zero) { CFRelease(iStore); } if (iRunLoopSource != IntPtr.Zero) { CFRelease(iRunLoopSource); } } }
public Helper(string[] aArgs) { iAssemblyAttributes = Linn.AssemblyInfo.GetAssemblyInfo(); iLock = new object(); iErrorThrown = false; // create the data and exe paths iDataPath = SystemInfo.DataPathForApp(Title); if (!iDataPath.Exists) { try { iDataPath.Create(); } catch (IOException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "\n"); } } iExePath = SystemInfo.ExePathForApp(Title); // add the unhandled exception handler - this should catch all unhandled // exceptions in all threads #if !DEBUG && !TRACE AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledException; #endif // initialise crash log dumpers iCrashLogDumpers = new List <ICrashLogDumper>(); iCrashLogDumpers.Add(new CrashLogDumperStdout()); // only add 1 crash file for several instances of the app string[] filenames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.crash"); if (filenames.Length == 0) { string exeNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName); string crashFile = Path.Combine(iDataPath.FullName, exeNoExt) + ".crash"; iCrashLogDumpers.Add(new CrashLogDumperFile(crashFile)); } // add trace listeners Trace.AddListener(new TraceListenerConsole()); // remove unused log files filenames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(iDataPath.FullName, "*.log"); foreach (string file in filenames) { try { // delete the file and ignore exceptions - file may be in use File.Delete(file); } catch (IOException) { } } iTraceFile = new TraceListenerFile(iDataPath.FullName); Trace.AddListener(iTraceFile); // add user log listener try { iUserLogFile = new UserLogFile(iDataPath.FullName); UserLog.AddListener(iUserLogFile); } catch (IOException) { } UserLog.WriteLine(Product + " v" + Version + " (" + Family + ")"); // log the mono version if being used Type t = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime"); if (t != null) { MethodInfo displayName = t.GetMethod("GetDisplayName", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (displayName != null) { UserLog.WriteLine("Mono Version: " + displayName.Invoke(null, null)); } } // create option parser iOptionParser = new OptionParser(aArgs); iOptionParser.Usage = "usage: " + Title; // add the trace level option iOptionTraceLevel = new OptionParser.OptionString("-t", "--tracelevel", "kNone", "Set the trace level for the application. Multiple levels specified in quotes.", "LEVEL1 [LEVEL2 LEVEL3 ...]"); iOptionParser.AddOption(iOptionTraceLevel); iOptionNic = new OptionParser.OptionString("-i", "--interface", "", "Sets the interface to bind to", "INTERFACE"); iOptionParser.AddOption(iOptionNic); ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 50; ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm = false; ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; iOptionPages = new List <IOptionPage>(); iOptionManager = new OptionManager(Path.Combine(iDataPath.FullName, "Options.xml")); iOptionPage = new OptionPage("Network"); iOptionNetworkInterface = new OptionNetworkInterface("interface"); iOptionPage.Add(iOptionNetworkInterface); // create the network stack iStack = new Stack(iOptionNetworkInterface); }
public void DownloadUpdate(AutoUpdateInfo aInfo) { iUpdateProgress = 0; if (EventUpdateProgress != null) { EventUpdateProgress(this, EventArgs.Empty); } int startingPoint = 0; string tempFile = string.Format("{0}{2}{1}", aInfo.Name, aInfo.Version, ".part"); tempFile = Path.Combine(iUpdateFolder, tempFile); if (File.Exists(tempFile)) { startingPoint = (int)(new FileInfo(tempFile).Length); } try { HttpWebRequest headRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(aInfo.Uri); headRequest.Method = "HEAD"; HttpWebResponse headResponse = (HttpWebResponse)headRequest.GetResponse(); int contentLength = Int32.Parse(headResponse.Headers[HttpResponseHeader.ContentLength]); if (contentLength > startingPoint) { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(aInfo.Uri); request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; if (request.Proxy != null) { request.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } request.AddRange(startingPoint); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); Stream responseSteam = response.GetResponseStream(); FileStream fileStream = null; if (startingPoint == 0 || response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.PartialContent) { fileStream = new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); } else { fileStream = new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); } int bytesSize; long fileSize = response.ContentLength; Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kCore, "fileSize=" + fileSize); byte[] downloadBuffer = new byte[kPacketLength]; int total = startingPoint; iUpdateProgress = (int)((total / (float)fileSize) * 100.0f); if (EventUpdateProgress != null) { EventUpdateProgress(this, EventArgs.Empty); } while ((bytesSize = responseSteam.Read(downloadBuffer, 0, downloadBuffer.Length)) > 0) { fileStream.Write(downloadBuffer, 0, bytesSize); total += bytesSize; iUpdateProgress = (int)((total / (float)fileSize) * 100.0f); if (EventUpdateProgress != null) { EventUpdateProgress(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } if (fileStream != null) { fileStream.Close(); fileStream.Dispose(); } if (response != null) { response.Close(); } } string fileName = Path.Combine(iUpdateFolder, Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".dll"); File.Move(tempFile, fileName); aInfo.FileName = fileName; } catch (Exception e) { UserLog.WriteLine(String.Format("Error downloading update: {0}", e)); InvalidUpdateFile(aInfo); } }