Esempio n. 1
        private static void WritePE(FileStream fs, CodeInformation code_info, bool verbose)
            //header information
            Image_Header header = new Image_Header();
            List <List <Image_IAT_Header> > IAT_Headers = new List <List <Image_IAT_Header> >();
            List <Image_Import_Header>      IIH_Headers = new List <Image_Import_Header>();

            //correct alignment if necessary
            if (code_info.FileAlignment > 0)
                header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment = code_info.FileAlignment;
            if (code_info.SectionAlignment > 0)
                header.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment = code_info.SectionAlignment;

            //temporary variables
            byte[] temp;
            byte[] temp2;
            uint   offset;
            uint   offset_calculation;

            //Data Sections
            MemoryStream RData_Section     = new MemoryStream();
            MemoryStream Data_Section      = new MemoryStream();
            MemoryStream RData_stringTable = new MemoryStream();

            //Virtual Address locations
            uint Code_RVA  = header.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment;
            uint RData_RVA = AlignTo(Code_RVA + (uint)code_info.Code.Length, header.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);
            uint Data_RVA  = 0;

            //Import header offsets
            uint total_IAT_offset     = 0;
            uint import_header_offset = 0;

            #region imports

            if (code_info.SymbolInfo.Count > 0)
                 * [IAT1]....[IAT_n]
                 * [Import_Header1][Import_Header2]...[Import_Headers_n]
                 * [IAT1]....[IAT_n]
                 * for(0...n) [0000 + function_name_1 + 00]....[0000 + function_name_n + 00]

                //Add in the placeholder headers
                foreach (var DLL in code_info.SymbolInfo)
                    IIH_Headers.Add(new Image_Import_Header());
                    List <Image_IAT_Header> current_IAT =
                        DLL.Functions.Select(function => new Image_IAT_Header()).ToList();


                //handle the first IAT list
                for (int i = 0; i < IIH_Headers.Count; i++)
                    IIH_Headers[i].ImportAddressTableAddress = RData_RVA + total_IAT_offset;

                    foreach (CodeInformation.FunctionInformation function in code_info.SymbolInfo[i].Functions)
                        foreach (var replacement in function.Replacements)
                            offset_calculation = header.OptionalHeader.ImageBase + RData_RVA + total_IAT_offset;

                            code_info.Code[replacement + 0] = (byte)(offset_calculation >> 0);
                            code_info.Code[replacement + 1] = (byte)(offset_calculation >> 8);
                            code_info.Code[replacement + 2] = (byte)(offset_calculation >> 16);
                            code_info.Code[replacement + 3] = (byte)(offset_calculation >> 24);
                        total_IAT_offset += 4;

                    total_IAT_offset += 4;

                header.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[12].VirtualAddress = RData_RVA;
                header.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[12].Size           = total_IAT_offset;

                import_header_offset += RData_RVA + total_IAT_offset + ((uint)IIH_Headers.Count + 1) * 0x14;

                header.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[1].VirtualAddress = RData_RVA + total_IAT_offset;
                header.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[1].Size           = (((uint)IIH_Headers.Count) + 1) * 0x14;

                //handle the second IAT list
                for (int i = 0; i < IIH_Headers.Count; i++)
                    IIH_Headers[i].ImportLookUpTableAddress = import_header_offset;

                    import_header_offset += ((uint)IAT_Headers[i].Count + 1) * 4;

                //handle function names and what not
                for (int i = 0; i < IAT_Headers.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < IAT_Headers[i].Count; j++)
                        var func = code_info.SymbolInfo[i].Functions[j];

                        IAT_Headers[i][j].Address = import_header_offset;

                        //write ordinal + function name + null
                        temp = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)func.Ordinal);
                        RData_stringTable.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
                        temp = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(func.FunctionName);
                        RData_stringTable.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);

                        import_header_offset += 2 + (uint)temp.Length + 1;

                    IIH_Headers[i].NameAddress = import_header_offset;

                    temp = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code_info.SymbolInfo[i].LibraryName);

                    RData_stringTable.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);

                    import_header_offset += (uint)temp.Length + 1;

                foreach (var IAT in IAT_Headers)
                    IAT.Add(new Image_IAT_Header());
                //add in the null header to signify the end of the list
                IIH_Headers.Add(new Image_Import_Header());

                //this is awful and it works
                //convert all headers into their byte equivalent, then concatenate them all together
                temp = IAT_Headers
                       .Select(x => x
                               .Select(y => y.ToBytes())
                               .Aggregate((a, b) => a
                       .Aggregate((a, b) => a

                temp2 = IIH_Headers
                        .Select(x => x.ToBytes())
                        .Aggregate((a, b) => a.Concat(b).ToArray());

                RData_Section.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
                RData_Section.Write(temp2, 0, temp2.Length);
                RData_Section.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);

                //CopyTo doesn't seem to work 100% of the time. Maybe a bug with .NET
                temp = RData_stringTable.GetBuffer();
                RData_Section.Write(temp, 0, (int)RData_stringTable.Length);


            #region Data Table

            //Correct Data RVA
            Data_RVA = AlignTo((uint)(RData_RVA + RData_Section.Length), header.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);

            //string table replacements
            offset = 0;
            foreach (CodeInformation.StringTableInformation stringInfo in code_info.StringTable)
                temp = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringInfo.Text);

                foreach (int replacement in stringInfo.Replacements)
                    offset_calculation = header.OptionalHeader.ImageBase + Data_RVA + offset;

                    code_info.Code[replacement + 0] = (byte)(offset_calculation >> 0);
                    code_info.Code[replacement + 1] = (byte)(offset_calculation >> 8);
                    code_info.Code[replacement + 2] = (byte)(offset_calculation >> 16);
                    code_info.Code[replacement + 3] = (byte)(offset_calculation >> 24);

                Data_Section.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);


                offset += (uint)(temp.LongLength + 1);


            #region Header

            //I don't want to hard code this as 0x170 because I might (maybe) add in more sections, and forget to change this
            //though at the moment with what's coded already, we're wasting a huge amount of time calculating this
            temp = header.ToBytes();
            uint raw_header_length = (uint)temp.LongLength;
            uint header_length     = AlignTo(raw_header_length, header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);

            //.code section
            header.Text_Section.VirtualSize   = (uint)code_info.Code.LongLength;
            header.Text_Section.SizeOfRawData = AlignTo((uint)code_info.Code.LongLength,

            header.Text_Section.VirtualAddress   = Code_RVA;
            header.Text_Section.PointerToRawData = header_length;

            //.rdata section
            header.RData_Section.VirtualSize   = (uint)RData_Section.Length + 1;
            header.RData_Section.SizeOfRawData = AlignTo((uint)RData_Section.Length,

            header.RData_Section.VirtualAddress   = RData_RVA;
            header.RData_Section.PointerToRawData = header_length + header.Text_Section.SizeOfRawData;

            //.data section
            header.Data_Section.VirtualSize   = (uint)Data_Section.Length;
            header.Data_Section.SizeOfRawData = AlignTo((uint)Data_Section.Length, header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);

            header.Data_Section.VirtualAddress   = Data_RVA;
            header.Data_Section.PointerToRawData = header.RData_Section.PointerToRawData +

            header.OptionalHeader.Subsystem           = code_info.Subsystem;
            header.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint = code_info.EntryPoint + Code_RVA;
            header.OptionalHeader.BaseOfCode          = Code_RVA;
            header.OptionalHeader.BaseOfData          = RData_RVA;

            header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders =
                AlignTo((uint)RData_Section.Length, header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment) +
                AlignTo((uint)Data_Section.Length, header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);
            header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfInitializedData = header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;

            header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage = AlignTo(header_length, header.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment)

            header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfCode = AlignTo((uint)code_info.Code.LongLength,

            header.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp = (uint)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;


            #region Write Executable

            //finally write the file

            //write PE header
            temp = header.ToBytes();
            fs.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
            //write Header padding
            temp = CreatePadding((uint)fs.Position, header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);
            fs.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);

            //write .code section
            fs.Write(code_info.Code, 0, code_info.Code.Length);
            //write .code padding
            temp = CreatePadding((uint)code_info.Code.Length, header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);
            fs.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);

            //write .rdata section
            temp = RData_Section.GetBuffer();
            fs.Write(temp, 0, (int)RData_Section.Length);
            //write .rdata padding
            temp = CreatePadding((uint)RData_Section.Length, header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);
            fs.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);

            //write .data section
            temp = Data_Section.GetBuffer();
            fs.Write(temp, 0, (int)Data_Section.Length);
            //write .data padding
            temp = CreatePadding((uint)Data_Section.Length, header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);
            fs.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);

Esempio n. 2
 public static void WriteEXE(FileStream fs, CodeInformation code_info, bool verbose)
     WritePE(fs, code_info, verbose);