/// <summary>
 /// Create the core behaviour instance, this must be called for the management system to function.
 /// </summary>
 public static void CreateCoreBehaviour()
     if (instance == null) // Create if not existent
         instance = new CoreBehaviour();
Esempio n. 2
        public override void OnManagerRegistered(CoreBehaviour coreBehaviour)
            // Registration for virtual managers are initiated from the Initialize()
            // method.

            Debug.Log("Virtual score manager initialized");
        public override void OnManagerRegistered(CoreBehaviour coreBehaviour)
            // This is called when the manager has been added to the system. The
            // MonoManager automatically adds the manager in the Awake method so
            // this can basically be used as Awake, however if the manager fails
            // to be registered, this won't be called, so to also catch failure
            // cases it's best to use PostAwake() for definite Awake behaviour.

            Debug.Log("Example manager was added to the management system.");
Esempio n. 4
 private static void OnBeforeSceneLoaded()
     if (CoreBehaviour.IsCompileTimeEnabled()) // Ensure the core behaviour is enabled
     else // Core behaviour is not enabled
         Debug.LogWarning("Lightweight management system is currently disabled, add 'LWMS' to Scripting Define Symbols in the player settings to enable it.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Check the status to see whether the lightweight management system is enabled or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool CheckStatus()
     if (CoreBehaviour.IsCompileTimeEnabled()) // Ensure the system is enabled
     else // System is disabled
         Debug.LogError("Lightweight management system is disabled!");
Esempio n. 6
        protected void OnDestroy()
            if (CheckStatus())                          // Check if the system is enabled
                if (!CoreBehaviour.RemoveManager(this)) // Catch failrue to remove manager
                    Debug.LogError("Unable to remove manager " + GetType());

            // Continue calls to derived object
Esempio n. 7
        protected void Awake()
            if (CheckStatus())                       // Check if the system is enabled
                if (!CoreBehaviour.AddManager(this)) // Catch failure to add manager
                    Debug.LogError("Unable to add manager " + GetType());

            // Continue calls to derived object
Esempio n. 8
        public static void TestExampleManager()
            // Create the new manager
            ExampleVirtualManager manager = new ExampleVirtualManager();

            // Initialize the manager, it will be registered automatically into the management system.

            // Get the manager through the core behaviour to demonstrate that it can be acquired from anywhere.
            ExampleVirtualManager managerReference = CoreBehaviour.GetFirstManager <ExampleVirtualManager>();

            // Deinitialize the manager and remove it from the management system.
        /// <summary>
        /// Deinitialize the manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> Whether the manager was deinitialized successfully. </returns>
        public bool Deinitialize()
            if (CheckStatus())                         // Check if the system is enabled
                if (CoreBehaviour.RemoveManager(this)) // Ensure the manager was removed
                else // Catch failrue to remove manager
                    Debug.LogError("Unable to remove manager " + GetType());

 public virtual void OnManagerRegistered(CoreBehaviour coreBehaviour)
Esempio n. 11
 public void Deinitialize()
Esempio n. 12
 public void Initialize()