public void T12_SearchByAuthor_SearchForBookByAuthor() { Author testAuthor1 = new Author("Franzen"); testAuthor1.Save(); Author testAuthor2 = new Author("Rowling"); testAuthor2.Save(); Book testBook1 = new Book("Freedom"); testBook1.Save(); Book testBook2 = new Book("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"); testBook2.Save(); Book testBook3 = new Book("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"); testBook3.Save(); testBook1.AddAuthor(testAuthor1); testBook2.AddAuthor(testAuthor2); testBook3.AddAuthor(testAuthor2); List<Book> result = Book.SearchByAuthor("Rowling"); List<Book> testBooks = new List<Book> {testBook2, testBook3}; // Console.WriteLine(testBooks[0].GetTitle()); // Console.WriteLine(result[0].GetTitle()); // Console.WriteLine(testBooks[1].GetTitle()); // Console.WriteLine(result[1].GetTitle()); Assert.Equal(testBooks, result); }
private void Borrow_Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { book.Title = BorrowBook_textbox.Text; if (!manager.CheckBookExists(book)) { MessageBox.Show("此本书不存在!请核实您所输入的书名!"); return; } book = manager.getBook(book); if (book.Num > 0) { if (!manager.checkBookHadBorrow(user, book)) { manager.borrowBook(user, book); MessageBox.Show("借阅成功!请于2个月后归还!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("这本书您已经借阅过了!"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("图书已全部借出!库存量已经为0!"); } }
public void Test_Equal_EntriesMatch() { Book testBook1 = new Book ("Redwall"); Book testBook2 = new Book ("Redwall"); Assert.Equal(testBook1, testBook2); }
public static Book Find(int id) { SqlConnection connection = DB.Connection(); connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = @BookId;", connection); SqlParameter idParameter = new SqlParameter(); idParameter.ParameterName = "@BookId"; idParameter.Value = id.ToString(); command.Parameters.Add(idParameter); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); int foundId = 0; string foundTitle = null; while(reader.Read()) { foundId = reader.GetInt32(0); foundTitle = reader.GetString(1); } Book foundBook = new Book(foundTitle, foundId); if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.Close(); } return foundBook; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Book book1 = new Book(); book1.Title = "Wilbur's Wonderful Life"; Shelf.Add(book1); foreach (var book in Shelf.arrayOfBooks) { Console.WriteLine(book.Title); } Console.Write("Please enter a book title: "); string input = Console.ReadLine(); Book book2 = new Book(); book2.Title = input; Shelf.Add(book2); foreach(var book in Shelf.arrayOfBooks) { Console.WriteLine(book.Title); } Console.Read(); }
public bool checkBookExist(Book b) { try { conn.Open(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM [Library].[dbo].[Book] where [title]='" + b.Title + "'"; sqlcom = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); object tp = sqlcom.ExecuteScalar(); if (tp == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } catch { throw; } finally { conn.Close(); } }
public static Book Find(int searchId) { Book foundBook = new Book(""); //Program needs some value inside a Book object SqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = null; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ("SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = @BookId;", conn); SqlParameter idParameter = new SqlParameter(); idParameter.ParameterName = "@BookId"; idParameter.Value = searchId; cmd.Parameters.Add(idParameter); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { int bookId = rdr.GetInt32(0); string bookTitle = rdr.GetString(1); Book newBook = new Book(bookTitle, bookId); foundBook = newBook; } if (rdr != null) { rdr.Close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } return foundBook; }
public static Book CreateBook(string name, string author, DateTime takeDate, DateTime returnDate) { Book book = new Book(); book.Name = name; book.Author = author; book.TakeDate = takeDate; book.ReturnDate = returnDate; return book; }
public EditBook(Book b,CheckBookInfo test) { book = b; InitializeComponent(); c = test; Book_Title.Text = book.Title; Book_content.Text = book.Content; Book_num.Text = book.Num.ToString() ; Book_publisher.Text = book.Publisher; Book_publishing_home.Text = book.Publishing_home; dateTimePicker1.Value = book.Date; }
public void Test_GetAuthors() { Author a = new Author("Allen"); a.Save(); Book newbook = new Book("2a", "Sf", "The blob"); newbook.Save(); newbook.AddAuthor(; Assert.Equal(, newbook.GetAuthors()[0].id); }
private void buttonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LibraryEntities1 context = new LibraryEntities1(); //създаваме нова книга чрез конструктора Books() try { if (textBoxInvNum.Text != "" && textBoxTitle.Text != "") { Book newBook = new Book(); //на съответните полета присвояваме стойностите от текстовите кутии newBook.InvNum = textBoxInvNum.Text; newBook.ISBN = textBoxISBN.Text; newBook.Title = textBoxTitle.Text; newBook.Description = textBoxDescription.Text; newBook.YearPub = Int32.Parse(textBoxYearPubl.Text); newBook.Price = Decimal.Parse(textBoxPrice.Text); newBook.Rejection = false; newBook.CategoryID = Int32.Parse(comboBoxCategory.SelectedValue.ToString()); newBook.LanguageID = Int32.Parse(comboBoxLanguage.SelectedValue.ToString()); // обработка на селектираните редове от DataGridViewAuthors - това са авторите на новата книга int authorID;//локална променлива foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewAuthors.SelectedRows) { authorID = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells[0].Value);//вземаме стойността Value на ID на автора от текущо селектирания ред - row.Cells[0].Value //добавяне на данните за автора към свойството Authors на книгата, която обработваме //свойството не е просто свойство, а е списък (List) от автори newBook.Authors.Add(context.Authors.ToList().Find(a => a.AuthorID == authorID)); } //добавяне на новата книга в базата и записване на промените context.Books.AddObject(newBook); context.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Книгата е добавена!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Грешка! Не сте въвели данни."); } } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Вие не сте въвели данни! " + "Книгата не е добавена!"); } if (MessageBox.Show("Ще въвеждате ли други книги?", "Добавяне на книга", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { this.Close(); } else { Clear(); } }
public void Test_AddBook_AddsBookToAuthor() { Author newAuthor = new Author ("Brian Jacques"); newAuthor.Save(); Book newBook = new Book ("Redwall"); newBook.Save(); newAuthor.AddBook(newBook); List<Book> testBook = new List<Book> {newBook}; List<Book> allBooks = newAuthor.GetBooks(); Assert.Equal(testBook, allBooks); }
public void Test_AddAuthor_AddsAuthorToBook() { Book newBook = new Book ("Redwall"); newBook.Save(); Author newAuthor = new Author ("Brian Jacques"); newAuthor.Save(); newBook.AddAuthor(newAuthor); List<Author> testAuthor = new List<Author> {newAuthor}; List<Author> allAuthors = newBook.GetAuthors(); Assert.Equal(testAuthor, allAuthors); }
public void Test_FindByAuthor_FindsBookByAuthor() { Book testBook = new Book ("Redwall"); testBook.Save(); Author newAuthor = new Author ("Brian Jacques"); newAuthor.Save(); testBook.AddAuthor(newAuthor); List<Book> testBookList = new List<Book> {testBook}; List<Book> resultBookList = Book.FindByAuthor("Jac.Ques"); Assert.Equal(testBookList, resultBookList); }
public void Test_DeleteOne_DeletesOneBook() { Book newBook1 = new Book ("Redwall"); Book newBook2 = new Book ("Memnoch the Devil"); newBook1.Save(); newBook2.Save(); List<Book> newList = Book.GetAll(); newBook1.DeleteOne(); List<Book> resultList = Book.GetAll(); List<Book> testList = new List<Book> {newBook2}; Assert.Equal(testList, resultList); }
public void T11_SearchByTitle_SearchForBookByTitle() { Book testBook1 = new Book("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"); testBook1.Save(); Book testBook2 = new Book("Freedom"); testBook2.Save(); Book testBook3 = new Book("James and the Giant Peach"); testBook3.Save(); List<Book> result = Book.SearchByTitle("Freedom"); List<Book> testBooks = new List<Book> {testBook2}; // Console.WriteLine(result[0].GetTitle()); // Console.WriteLine(testBooks[0].GetTitle()); Assert.Equal(testBooks, result); }
public int borrowBook(User user, Book book) { try { int tp = bookDAO.BorrowBooks(user, book); user.HadBorrow++; user.CountBorrow++; userDAO.updateUser(user); book.Num--; bookDAO.updateBook(book); return tp; } catch { return 0; } }
public void T10_AddExistingAuthor() { Author testAuthor1 = new Author("Franzen"); testAuthor1.Save(); Author testAuthor2 = new Author("Franzen"); testAuthor2.Save(); Book testBook = new Book("Freedom"); testBook.Save(); Book testBook2 = new Book("Example"); testBook2.Save(); testBook.AddAuthor(testAuthor1); testBook.AddAuthor(testAuthor2); int result = testBook.GetAuthors().Count; Assert.Equal(1, result); }
public HomeModule() { Get["/"] = _ => { Dictionary<string, object> model = new Dictionary<string, object>(); List<Book> booksByTitle = Book.SearchByTitle("VOID-SEARCH-TO-PREVENT-DATA"); List<Book> booksByAuthor = Book.SearchByAuthor("VOID-SEARCH-TO-PREVENT-DATA"); model.Add("booksByTitle", booksByTitle); model.Add("booksByAuthor", booksByAuthor); return View["index.cshtml", model]; }; Get["/librarian"] = _ => { return View["librarian.cshtml"]; }; Post["/success"] = _ => { Book newBook = new Book(Request.Form["title-input"]); newBook.Save(); Author newAuthor = new Author(Request.Form["author-input"]); newAuthor.Save(); newBook.AddAuthor(newAuthor); Dictionary<string, object> model = new Dictionary<string, object>(); model.Add("addedBook", newBook); model.Add("addedAuthor", newAuthor); return View["success.cshtml", model]; }; Post["/results"] = _ => { string input = Request.Form["search-input"]; Dictionary<string, object> model = new Dictionary<string, object>(); List<Book> booksByTitle = Book.SearchByTitle(input.ToString()); List<Book> booksByAuthor = Book.SearchByAuthor(input.ToString()); model.Add("booksByTitle", booksByTitle); model.Add("booksByAuthor", booksByAuthor); return View["index.cshtml", model]; }; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //We are given a library of books. Define classes for the library and the books. //The library should have name and a list of books. //The books have title, author, publisher, year of publishing and ISBN. Keep the books in List<Book> //(first find how to use the class System.Collections.Generic.List<T>). //Implement methods for adding, searching by title and author, displaying and deleting books.\ //Write a test class that creates a library, adds few books to it and displays them. //Find all books by Nakov, delete them and print again the library. Book book1 = new Book("Encarta Encyclopedia", "Tom Jones", "Izdanie Trud", "1989", "sfrsdfr9342343"); Book book2 = new Book("Raznovidnosti na ruskiq ribolov", "James Brown", "Prosveta", "1983", "sfrsf2342343"); Book book3 = new Book("Introduction Programming with C#", "Svetlin Nakov", "Prosveta", "2011", "sfrsf2342343"); Book book4 = new Book("Introduction Programming with Java", "Svetlin Nakov", "Prosveta", "1985", "sfrsf2342343"); List<Book> books = new List<Book> { book1, book2, book3, book4 }; Library library = new Library(books); library.Name = "My cool new library"; //view books in newly created library library.ViewAllBooks(); List<Book> NakovBooks = library.GetBooksByAuthor("Svetlin Nakov"); //see how many Nakov books are there now Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("There are {0} Nakov's books in the library", NakovBooks.Count); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (Book NakovBook in NakovBooks) { library.DeleteBook(NakovBook); } //view library after deleting Nakov's Books library.ViewAllBooks(); //see how many Nakov books are there now NakovBooks = library.GetBooksByAuthor("Svetlin Nakov"); Console.WriteLine("Now there are {0} Nakov's books in the library", NakovBooks.Count); }
static void CreateNewBook(string invn, string isbn, string title,int authorID, string descr, int categID, int yearpubl, int langID, int price) { LibraryEntities context = new LibraryEntities(); Author author = context.Author.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == authorID); Book newBook = new Book() { InvNum = invn, ISBN = isbn, Title = title, Description = descr, CategoryID = categID, YearPubl = yearpubl, LanguageID = langID, Price = price, Rejection = false }; newBook.Author.Add(author); context.Book.AddObject(newBook); context.SaveChanges(); //return newBook.ID; }
public int BorrowBooks(User u, Book b) { try { conn.Open(); DateTime date = new DateTime(); date = System.DateTime.Now; DateTime returnDate = new DateTime(); returnDate = date.AddMonths(2); string sql = @"INSERT INTO [Library].[dbo].[Link] ([user_id] ,[book_id] ,[borrowDate] ,[returnDate]) VALUES ('" + u.User_id + @"' ,'" + b.Book_id + @"' ,'" + date + @"' ,'" + returnDate + "')"; sqlcom = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); object tp = sqlcom.ExecuteScalar(); if (tp == null) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } catch { throw; } finally { conn.Close(); } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if(btnAdd.Content.ToString() == "Uusi") { Book newBook = new Book(0); newBook.Name = "Anna kirjan nimi"; spBooks.DataContext = newBook; btnAdd.Content = "Tallenna uusi kantaan"; } else { Book current = spBooks.DataContext as Book; BookLibrary.InsertBook(current); dgBooks.DataContext = BookLibrary.GetBooks(true); btnAdd.Content = "Uusi"; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public bool CheckBookExists(Book book) { return bookDAO.checkBookExist(book); }
public void AddBook(Book book) { Books.Add(book); }
public int addBook(Book book) { return bookDAO.insertBook(book); }
public int updateBook(Book book) { return bookDAO.updateBook(book); }
public int returnBook(User user, Book book) { try { int tp = bookDAO.ReturnBooks(user, book); user.HadBorrow--; userDAO.updateUser(user); book.Num++; bookDAO.updateBook(book); return tp; } catch { return 0; } }
public static List<Book> GetAll() { List<Book> allBooks = new List<Book> {}; SqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = null; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ("SELECT * FROM books;", conn); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { int bookId = rdr.GetInt32(0); string bookTitle = rdr.GetString(1); Book newBook = new Book (bookTitle, bookId); allBooks.Add(newBook); } if (rdr != null) { rdr.Close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } return allBooks; }
public UCMemberBook(AuthorService aService, BookService bService, BookCopyService bcService, LoanService lService, MemberService mService, Member member, Book book) { InitializeComponent(); pMember = member; pBook = book; pAuthorService = aService; pBookService = bService; pBookCopyService = bcService; pLoanService = lService; pMemberService = mService; init(); }
public void CreateChildrenBook() { IBorrowAbleBook CatInTheHat = new Book("Dr Seuss", 37, 000003, "Cat In The Hat", 3); IBorrowAbleBook GoodNightMoon = new Book("Margaret Wise Brown", 52, 000004, "Good Night Moon", 10); }
public void CreateBook() { IBorrowAbleBook TheLordOfTheRings1 = new Book("J.R.R. Tolkien", 378, 000001, "Lord Of The Rings: the two towers", 2); IBorrowAbleBook HarryPotter1 = new Book("J.K.Rowling", 500, 000002, "Harry Potter og de vises sten", 10); }
public void Dispose() { Author.DeleteAll(); Book.DeleteAll(); }
public void Maplewood(int ISBN) { ISBN = 0; Book.BookInfo(0); }
public bool checkBookHadBorrow(User user, Book book) { return bookDAO.CheckBookHadBorrow(user,book); }
public int deleteBook(Book book) { return bookDAO.deleteBook(book); }
public void AddItem(Book book) { this.items.Add(book); }
/// <summary> /// Validates the input fields and then if a book has been selected it Saves the changes made to that book, otherwise it creates a new Book. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void saveChangesBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidBookInfo()) // Confirms that all input fields are valid before continuing. { // Reads all author input fields that are open and saves the author names in a string list List <string> authorNames = new List <string>(); int authorTBIndex = BookInfoFLP.Controls.IndexOf(editAuthorTB); for (int i = 0; i < authorFields; i++) { TextBox currentTB = (TextBox)BookInfoFLP.Controls[authorTBIndex + i]; authorNames.Add(currentTB.Text); } bool createNewAuthor = false; List <Author> authorlist = new List <Author>(); foreach (string an in authorNames) { Author auth = authorService.GetAuthorByName(an); // Checks to see if author with same name exists, if so, uses that author instead of creating a duplicate. if (auth == null) // If no author with the name was found { createNewAuthor = true; auth = new Author() { Name = an.Trim(' ') // Trim value to remove potential space before and after name }; } authorlist.Add(auth); } // Create new book if (lbBooks.SelectedItem == null) { string confirmBoxText = createNewAuthor ? "No author that matches your input was found, by continiuing you will create a new Author entry as well as a new book entry." : "Continuing will add a new book to the database. Please verify that all book information is correct before confirmation."; string confirmBoxTitle = "Confirm addition of new book"; if (ConfirmedPopup(confirmBoxText, confirmBoxTitle)) { Book newBook = new Book() { Title = editTitleTB.Text, ISBN = editISBNTB.Text, Authors = authorlist, Description = editDescriptionTB.Text }; bookService.Add(newBook); UpdateBookList(bookService.All().ToList()); } } else //Update Book { string confirmBoxText = "You are about to edit: '" + currentBookDisplay[lbBooks.SelectedIndex].ToString() + "'.\r\n" + "Please verify that all book information is correct before confirmation."; string confirmBoxTitle = "Confirm Book Info Update"; if (ConfirmedPopup(confirmBoxText, confirmBoxTitle)) { Book b = lbBooks.SelectedItem as Book; if (b != null) { b.Title = editTitleTB.Text; b.ISBN = editISBNTB.Text; b.Authors = authorlist; b.Description = editDescriptionTB.Text; bookService.Edit(b); } } } } else // If not all input fields were valid entries. { string confirmBoxText = "All fields did not contain valid data. Make sure your Author and Title fields are filled out."; string confirmBoxTitle = "Invalid book entry"; InfoPopup(confirmBoxText, confirmBoxTitle); } }
public void RemoveBook(Book book) { Books.Remove(book); }