Esempio n. 1
        static int Main(string[] args)

            if (1 > args.Length || 5 < args.Length)
                return ShowUsage();

            if (_bIsEnableLog)
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

            int ndx=0;
            string strMrl = args[ndx++];
            string strFilePath = (args.Length > ndx)?args[ndx++]:string.Empty;
            string strSize = (args.Length > ndx) ? args[ndx++] : string.Empty;

            IPAddress mifaceIP = IPAddress.None;
            if (args.Length > ndx)
                string strStr = args[ndx++];
                if (strStr.Length > 0)
                    mifaceIP = IPAddress.Parse(strStr);

            string strCaUri = "http://localhost:7781/ca/";// = string.Empty;
            if (args.Length > ndx)
                strCaUri = args[ndx++];

            DateTime stopDump = new DateTime(0);
            ndx = strSize.IndexOf(':');
            if (ndx >= 0)
                string strTime = strSize.Substring(ndx + 1);
                strSize = strSize.Substring(0, ndx);
                if (strTime.Length > 0 && '.' == strTime[0])
                    stopDump = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(double.Parse(strTime.Substring(1)));
                    stopDump = DateTime.Parse(strTime);

            CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;//new CultureInfo("en-US");
            Int64 sizeMax=0;
            if (strSize.Length > 0)
                if (strSize.EndsWith("G", true, ci))
                    sizeMax = Int64.Parse(strSize.TrimEnd(new Char[] { 'G', 'g' }));
                    sizeMax <<= 30;
                    sizeMax = Int64.Parse(strSize);
                    sizeMax <<= 20;

            bool bFileStdOutput = false;
            if (_bIsFileLog)
                _bIsEnableLog = !(bFileStdOutput = (0 == strFilePath.Length || "-" == strFilePath));
            else if (0 == strFilePath.Length)
                Uri uri = new Uri(strMrl);
                strFilePath = uri.Segments[uri.Segments.Length-1];

            LibVLCModule moduleVLC=null;
            WebClient httpClientSrc = null;
            WebClient httpClientDst = null;

            int iExitCode = 0;

                string strFileName = strMrl;
                ndx = strMrl.IndexOf('?');
                if(ndx > 0)
                    strFileName = strMrl.Substring(0, ndx);
                if (strFileName.EndsWith(".m3u"))
                    WebClient httpClient = new WebClient();
                    httpClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, GetUserAgentString());

                    using (StreamReader readerM3U = new StreamReader(httpClient.OpenRead(strMrl)))
                        string strLine;
                        while (null != (strLine = readerM3U.ReadLine()) && !strLine.StartsWith("#EXTINF:")) ;
                        if (null != strLine && null != (strLine = readerM3U.ReadLine()))
                            strMrl = strLine;

                            if (strFilePath.EndsWith(".m3u"))
                                strFilePath = strFilePath.Substring(0, strFilePath.Length - 4) + ".ts";


                if (strMrl.StartsWith("udp:", true, ci) || strMrl.StartsWith("ca:", true, ci))
                    if (bFileStdOutput)
                        throw new Exception("Dump not supported for standard output, use http source.");

                    if (strFilePath.StartsWith(Uri.UriSchemeHttp) || strFilePath.StartsWith(Uri.UriSchemeHttps))
                        throw new Exception("Dump not supported from udp source to http destination.");

                    using (Socket sockFake = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp))
                        moduleVLC = new LibVLCModule(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), strCaUri, mifaceIP);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
                    httpClientSrc = new WebClient();
                    httpClientSrc.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, GetUserAgentString());

                    if (strFilePath.StartsWith(Uri.UriSchemeHttp) || strFilePath.StartsWith(Uri.UriSchemeHttps))
                        Uri uri = new Uri(strFilePath);
                        string[] auth = new string[] { string.Empty, string.Empty };
                        if (null != uri.UserInfo)
                            auth = uri.UserInfo.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                        httpClientDst = new WebClientEx(auth[0], auth[1]);
                        httpClientDst.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, GetUserAgentString());

                byte[] buffer = new byte[0x4000];
                using (
                    Stream streamSrc = (null != httpClientSrc) ? httpClientSrc.OpenRead(strMrl) : moduleVLC.NewAccess(strMrl),
                    streamDst = (null != httpClientDst)
                        ? httpClientDst.OpenWrite(strFilePath, "PUT")
                            : (bFileStdOutput) ? Console.OpenStandardOutput() : File.Open(strFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
                    IPTVDump dump = new IPTVDump(strMrl, stopDump, sizeMax);
                    Int64 sizeDumped = 0;
                    int iLength;
                    while ((iLength = streamSrc.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                        streamDst.Write(buffer, 0, iLength);
                        sizeDumped += iLength;

                        bool bIsLast = !dump.IsContinue(sizeDumped);
                        dump.WriteLogMessage(sizeDumped, bIsLast);

                        if (Console.KeyAvailable || bIsLast)
            catch(Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Dump failed, error: {0}", e.Message);
                iExitCode = 1;

            if (null != moduleVLC)

            return iExitCode;
Esempio n. 2
        protected void Start(IPAddress mifaceIP)
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (obj, certificate, chain, errors) => true;

            ProcessTuneSection process = ProcessTuneSection.GetSection();
            if (null != process && process.HighPriority)
                Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High;


            _listener = new TcpListener(_Address, _iPort);
            _listener.BeginAcceptSocket(OnAcceptNewClient, _listener);
#endif // NET_45_OR_GREATER

            Console.WriteLine("Listening, hit enter to stop");

            CAWebClient.CAAuthData auth = CAWebClient.CAAuthData.GetSection();
            _moduleVLC = new LibVLCModule(
                (null == auth) ? string.Format("http://localhost:{0}/ca/", _iPort) : auth.CaUri,

            string strBestMac = _moduleVLC.GetBestMacAddress();
            if (strBestMac.Length > 0)
                MacAddress = strBestMac;

            if (null != process && process.UseAuxLowPriorityThreadPool)
                _lowThreadPool = new LowPriorityThreadPool();