Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Slot"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 public Slot()
     this.Id = 0;
     this.Count = 1;
     this.Metadata = 0;
     this.Nbt = new NbtFile();
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Slot"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The ID.</param>
 /// <param name="count">The count.</param>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 public Slot(ushort id, byte count)
     Id = id;
     this.Count = count;
     Metadata = 0;
     Nbt = new NbtFile();
 public UpdateTileEntityPacket(Vector3 position, TileEntityAction action, NbtCompound data)
     Data = new NbtFile();
     Data.RootTag = data;
     Position = position;
     Action = action;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Slot"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 public Slot()
     Id = 0;
     Count = 1;
     Metadata = 0;
     Nbt = new NbtFile();
 public override int TryReadPacket(byte[] buffer, int length)
     int offset = 1;
     int x, z;
     short y;
     short dataLength;
     byte[] data;
     if (!DataUtility.TryReadInt32(buffer, ref offset, length, out x))
         return -1;
     if (!DataUtility.TryReadInt16(buffer, ref offset, length, out y))
         return -1;
     if (!DataUtility.TryReadInt32(buffer, ref offset, length, out z))
         return -1;
     if (!DataUtility.TryReadByte(buffer, ref offset, length, out Action))
         return -1;
     if (!DataUtility.TryReadInt16(buffer, ref offset, length, out dataLength))
         return -1;
     if (dataLength != 0)
         if (!DataUtility.TryReadArray(buffer, ref offset, length, out data, dataLength))
             return -1;
         Data = new NbtFile();
         Data.LoadFile(new MemoryStream(data), true);
     Position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
     return offset;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Slot"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ID">The ID.</param>
 /// <param name="Count">The count.</param>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 public Slot(short ID, byte Count)
     this.Id = ID;
     this.Count = Count;
     this.Metadata = 0;
     this.Nbt = new NbtFile();
Esempio n. 7
        public static string Get(string world_file, bool realspawn)
                byte[] XOR_KEY = { 108, 111, 108, 32, 101, 97, 115, 116, 101, 114, 32, 101, 103, 103 };

                NbtFile nbt = new NbtFile(world_file, true);

                byte[] randSeed = BitConverter.GetBytes(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtLong>("/Data/RandomSeed").Value);
                byte[] time = BitConverter.GetBytes(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtLong>("/Data/Time").Value);

                byte[] playerX, playerY, playerZ, rotationX, rotationY;

                if (!realspawn)
                    playerX = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)Math.Floor(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtDouble>("/Data/Player/Pos/0").Value));
                    playerY = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)Math.Floor(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtDouble>("/Data/Player/Pos/1").Value));
                    playerZ = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)Math.Floor(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtDouble>("/Data/Player/Pos/2").Value));
                    rotationX = BitConverter.GetBytes(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtFloat>("/Data/Player/Rotation/0").Value);
                    rotationY = BitConverter.GetBytes(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtFloat>("/Data/Player/Rotation/1").Value);
                    playerX = BitConverter.GetBytes(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtInt>("/Data/SpawnX").Value);
                    playerY = BitConverter.GetBytes(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtInt>("/Data/SpawnY").Value + 2);
                    playerZ = BitConverter.GetBytes(nbt.RootTag.Tags[0].Query<NbtInt>("/Data/SpawnZ").Value);
                    rotationX = BitConverter.GetBytes(0f);
                    rotationY = BitConverter.GetBytes(0f);

                uint size = (sizeof(long) * 2) + (sizeof(int) * 3) + (sizeof(float) * 2);

                byte[] data = new byte[size];
                int end = 0;

                Array.Copy(randSeed, 0, data, end, randSeed.Length);
                end += randSeed.Length;
                Array.Copy(time, 0, data, end, time.Length);
                end += time.Length;
                Array.Copy(playerX, 0, data, end, playerX.Length);
                end += playerX.Length;
                Array.Copy(playerY, 0, data, end, playerY.Length);
                end += playerY.Length;
                Array.Copy(playerZ, 0, data, end, playerZ.Length);
                end += playerZ.Length;
                Array.Copy(rotationX, 0, data, end, rotationX.Length);
                end += rotationX.Length;
                Array.Copy(rotationY, 0, data, end, rotationY.Length);

                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    int mod = i % XOR_KEY.Length;
                    data[i] = (byte)((int)data[i] ^ (int)XOR_KEY[mod]);

                return "[" + Convert.ToBase64String(data) + "]";
            catch (Exception ex) { return "ERROR: " + ex.Message; }
Esempio n. 8
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            NbtFile test = new NbtFile("C:\\Users\\Paul Bruner\\Desktop\\Ol Drive\\alu-new-sixteen-bits.schematic",true);

            redBmp = new redstoneBmp();
Esempio n. 9
 private void UpdatePosition()
     NbtFile PlayerDat = new NbtFile(this.Server.ServerDirectory + "\\world\\players\\" + this.Username + ".dat");
     this._position.x = PlayerDat.Query<LibNbt.Tags.NbtDouble>("//Pos/0").Value;
     this._position.y = PlayerDat.Query<LibNbt.Tags.NbtDouble>("//Pos/1").Value;
     this._position.z = PlayerDat.Query<LibNbt.Tags.NbtDouble>("//Pos/2").Value;
Esempio n. 10
        private void AssertNbtBigFile(NbtFile file)
            // NbtList enities;
            //NbtList tileenities;

            // See TestFiles/bigtest.nbt.txt to see the expected format

            NbtCompound root = file.RootTag;
            if (root.Name == "Schematic")
                redBmp = new redstoneBmp();
                // I don't know why but I keep getting cofused with the height, width, length stuff
                // maybe its because I deal with to many 2d objects.
                rYmax = root.Query<NbtShort>("/Schematic/Width").Value;
                rZmax = root.Query<NbtShort>("/Schematic/Height").Value;
                rXmax = root.Query<NbtShort>("/Schematic/Length").Value;
                rMaterials = root.Query<NbtString>("/Schematic/Materials").Value;
                rBlocks = root.Query<NbtByteArray>("/Schematic/Blocks").Value;
                rData = root.Query<NbtByteArray>("/Schematic/Data").Value;
                rGrid = new gBlockTypeStruct[rBlocks.Length];

                // Ok, lets get this link list a starting
                for (int i = 0; i < rBlocks.Length; i++)
                    // Put the normal code here to fill the data for the blocks, and data
                    // skipping for now as its more important to get the link list working

                // Just so I can get a good visual on it going to precaculate the numbers
                int xStride = rXmax;
                int zStride = xStride * rYmax;

                // Precaculate the last line in a floor and the last floor
                int zLast = rData.Length - zStride;
                int yLast = zStride - xStride;

                // Lets try something diffrent and do all bounds checking

                for (int i = 0; i < rBlocks.Length; i++)

                    int z =  i/zStride;
                    int y = (i - z * zStride)/xStride;
                    int x = i - (y * xStride) - (z * zStride);
                    rGrid[i] = redBmp.getSet(rBlocks[i]);
                    rGrid[i].X = x; rGrid[i].Y = y; rGrid[i].Z = z;
Esempio n. 11
        public static void test(Player player, Command cmd)
            if (!File.Exists("C:/users/jb509/desktop/1.schematic"))
                player.Message("Nop"); return;
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile("C:/users/jb509/desktop/1.schematic");
            file.RootTag = new NbtCompound("Schematic");
            bool notClassic = false;
            short width = file.RootTag.Query<NbtShort>("/Schematic/Width").Value;
            short height = file.RootTag.Query<NbtShort>("/Schematic/Height").Value;
            short length = file.RootTag.Query<NbtShort>("/Schematic/Length").Value;
            Byte[] blocks = file.RootTag.Query<NbtByteArray>("/Schematic/Blocks").Value;

            Vector3I pos = player.Position.ToBlockCoords();
            int i = 0;
            player.Message("&SDrawing Schematic ({0}x{1}x{2})", length, width, height);
            for (int x = pos.X; x < width + pos.X; x++)
                for (int y = pos.Y; y < length + pos.Y; y++)
                    for (int z = pos.Z; z < height + pos.Z; z++)
                        if (Enum.Parse(typeof(Block), ((Block)blocks[i]).ToString(), true) != null)
                            if (!notClassic && blocks[i] > 49)
                                notClassic = true;
                                player.Message("&WSchematic used is not designed for Minecraft Classic;" +
                                                " Converting all unsupported blocks with air");
                            if (blocks[i] < 50)
                                player.WorldMap.QueueUpdate(new BlockUpdate(null, (short)x, (short)y, (short)z, (Block)blocks[i]));
Esempio n. 12
        public void Save(ChunkData chunk)
            var nbt = new NbtFile {
                RootTag = new NbtCompound("", new NbtTag[] {
                    new NbtCompound("Level", new NbtTag[] {
                        new NbtByteArray("Blocks", chunk.Blocks),
                        new NbtByteArray("BlockLight", chunk.BlockLight.Data),
                        new NbtByteArray("SkyLight", chunk.SkyLight.Data),
                        new NbtByteArray("Data", chunk.MetaData.Data),
                        new NbtByteArray("HeightMap", chunk.Heightmap),

                        new NbtInt("xPos", chunk.X),
                        new NbtInt("yPos", chunk.Y),

            var path = GetChunkPath(chunk.X, chunk.Y);
            nbt.SaveFile(path, true);
Esempio n. 13
        public static bool Set(string input, string file, bool starterKit, bool sunRize)
                byte[] XOR_KEY = { 108, 111, 108, 32, 101, 97, 115, 116, 101, 114, 32, 101, 103, 103 };

                input = input.Trim();
                if (!input.StartsWith("[") || !input.EndsWith("]"))
                    return false;
                input = input.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(input);

                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    int mod = i % XOR_KEY.Length;
                    data[i] = (byte)((int)data[i] ^ (int)XOR_KEY[mod]);

                int end = 0;

                long randomSeed = BitConverter.ToInt64(data, 0);
                end += sizeof(long);

                long time = BitConverter.ToInt64(data, end);
                end += sizeof(long);

                int playerX = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, end);
                end += sizeof(int);

                int playerY = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, end); // height
                end += sizeof(int);

                int playerZ = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, end);
                end += sizeof(int);

                float rotationX = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, end);
                end += sizeof(float);

                float rotationY = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, end);

                NbtFile nbt = new NbtFile();

                NbtCompound compound = new NbtCompound();

                NbtCompound data_compound = new NbtCompound("Data");

                data_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtLong("RandomSeed", randomSeed));
                data_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtLong("Time", sunRize ? 1 : time));
                data_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtInt("SpawnX", playerX));
                data_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtInt("SpawnY", playerY));
                data_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtInt("SpawnZ", playerZ));
                data_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtLong("LastPlayed", 1289561130810));
                data_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtLong("SizeOnDisk", 1000));

                NbtCompound player_compound = new NbtCompound("Player");

                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtByte("OnGround", 1));
                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtShort("Air", 300));
                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtShort("AttackTime", 0));
                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtShort("DeathTime", 0));
                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtShort("Fire", -20));
                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtShort("Health", 20));
                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtShort("HurtTime", 0));
                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtInt("Dimension", 0));
                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtInt("Score", 0));
                player_compound.Tags.Add(new NbtFloat("FallDistance", 0));

                NbtList player_pos = new NbtList("Pos");
                player_pos.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("", (double)playerX + 0.5));
                player_pos.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("", (double)playerY + 0.65));
                player_pos.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("", (double)playerZ + 0.5));

                NbtList player_rot = new NbtList("Rotation");
                player_rot.Tags.Add(new NbtFloat("", rotationX));
                player_rot.Tags.Add(new NbtFloat("", rotationY));

                NbtList inv_compound = new NbtList("Inventory");
                if (starterKit)
                    inv_compound.Tags.Add(GetItemCompound(263, 3, 34, 0));
                    inv_compound.Tags.Add(GetItemCompound(17, 10, 35, 0));
                    inv_compound.Tags.Add(GetItemCompound(274, 1, 0, 0));
                    inv_compound.Tags.Add(GetItemCompound(273, 1, 1, 0));
                    inv_compound.Tags.Add(GetItemCompound(319, 1, 6, 0));
                    inv_compound.Tags.Add(GetItemCompound(319, 1, 7, 0));
                    inv_compound.Tags.Add(GetItemCompound(50, 10, 8, 0));

                NbtList player_mot = new NbtList("Motion");
                player_mot.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("", 0.0));
                player_mot.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("", 0.0));
                player_mot.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("", 0.0));

                nbt.RootTag = compound;

                Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(file);
                nbt.SaveFile(stream, true);

                return true;
            catch(Exception ex)
                return false;
Esempio n. 14
 public static Chunk FromNbt(Vector3 position, NbtFile nbt)
     Chunk chunk = new Chunk(position);
     // Load data
     var root = nbt.RootTag.Get<NbtCompound>("Level");
     chunk.Biomes = root.Get<NbtByteArray>("Biomes").Value;
     chunk.HeightMap = root.Get<NbtIntArray>("HeightMap").Value;
     var sections = root.Get<NbtList>("Sections");
     foreach (var sectionTag in sections) // TODO: This might not work properly
         // Load data
         var compound = (NbtCompound)sectionTag;
         byte y = compound.Get<NbtByte>("Y").Value;
         var section = new Section(y);
         section.Blocks = compound.Get<NbtByteArray>("Blocks").Value;
         section.BlockLight.Data = compound.Get<NbtByteArray>("BlockLight").Value;
         section.SkyLight.Data = compound.Get<NbtByteArray>("SkyLight").Value;
         section.Metadata.Data = compound.Get<NbtByteArray>("Data").Value;
         // Process section
         chunk.Sections[y] = section;
     var tileEntities = root.Get<NbtList>("TileEntities");
     if (tileEntities != null)
         foreach (var tag in tileEntities)
             Vector3 tilePosition;
             var entity = TileEntity.FromNbt(tag as NbtCompound, out tilePosition);
             if (entity != null)
                 chunk.TileEntities.Add(tilePosition, entity);
     return chunk;
Esempio n. 15
        public NbtFile ToNbt() // TODO: Entities
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile();
            NbtCompound level = new NbtCompound("Level");
            // Entities // TODO
            level.Add(new NbtList("Entities", NbtTagType.Compound));

            // Biomes
            level.Add(new NbtByteArray("Biomes", Biomes));

            // Last Update // TODO: What is this
            level.Add(new NbtLong("LastUpdate", 15));

            // Position
            level.Add(new NbtInt("xPos", (int)AbsolutePosition.X));
            level.Add(new NbtInt("zPos", (int)AbsolutePosition.Z));

            // Tile Entities
            var tileEntityList = new NbtList("TileEntities", NbtTagType.Compound);
            foreach (var tileEntity in TileEntities)
                // Get properties

            // Terrain Populated // TODO: When is this 0? Will vanilla use this?
            level.Add(new NbtByte("TerrainPopualted", 0));

            // Sections and height
            level.Add(new NbtIntArray("HeightMap", HeightMap));
            NbtList sectionList = new NbtList("Sections", NbtTagType.Compound);
            foreach (var section in Sections)
                if (!section.IsAir)
                    NbtCompound sectionTag = new NbtCompound();
                    sectionTag.Add(new NbtByte("Y", section.Y));
                    sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Blocks", section.Blocks));
                    sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Data", section.Metadata.Data));
                    sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("SkyLight", section.SkyLight.Data));
                    sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("BlockLight", section.BlockLight.Data));

            var rootCompound = new NbtCompound("");
            file.RootTag = rootCompound;

            return file;
Esempio n. 16
        private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            openFileDialog.Filter = "Schematic Files .schematic | *.schematic";
            openFileDialog.Title = "Select a Schematic";
            openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);

            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                NbtFile test = new NbtFile(openFileDialog.FileName, true);
                paintIt = true;
                this.Width = rXmax * 20;
                this.Height = rYmax * 20;

Esempio n. 17
 public Slot(short id, sbyte count, short metadata, NbtFile nbt) : this(id, count, metadata)
     Nbt = nbt;
Esempio n. 18
        public override void Load(string Folder)
            string f = Path.Combine(Folder, "DefaultMapGenerator.dat");
            if (!File.Exists(f)) return;

            NbtFile nf = new NbtFile(f);
            GenerateCaves = nf.Query<NbtByte>("/DefaultMapGenerator/GenerateCaves").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
            GenerateDungeons = nf.Query<NbtByte>("/DefaultMapGenerator/GenerateDungeons").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
            GenerateOres = nf.Query<NbtByte>("/DefaultMapGenerator/GenerateOres").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
            GenerateWater = nf.Query<NbtByte>("/DefaultMapGenerator/GenerateWater").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
            HellMode = nf.Query<NbtByte>("/DefaultMapGenerator/HellMode").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
            GenerateTrees = nf.Query<NbtByte>("/DefaultMapGenerator/GenerateTrees").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
            Frequency = nf.Query<NbtDouble>("/DefaultMapGenerator/Frequency").Value;
            NoiseQuality = (NoiseQuality) nf.Query<NbtByte>("/DefaultMapGenerator/NoiseQuality").Value;
            OctaveCount = nf.Query<NbtInt>("/DefaultMapGenerator/OctaveCount").Value;
            Lacunarity = nf.Query<NbtDouble>("/DefaultMapGenerator/Lacunarity").Value;
            Persistance = nf.Query<NbtDouble>("/DefaultMapGenerator/Persistance").Value;
            ContinentNoiseFrequency = nf.Query<NbtDouble>("/DefaultMapGenerator/ContinentNoiseFrequency").Value;
            CaveThreshold = nf.Query<NbtDouble>("/DefaultMapGenerator/CaveThreshold").Value;
Esempio n. 19
        private void LoadFromFile(string directory)
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile();
            using (var stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "level.dat"), FileMode.Open))
                file.LoadFromStream(stream, NbtCompression.None, null);
            var data = file.RootTag.Get<NbtCompound>("Data");
            var serializer = new NbtSerializer(typeof(SavedLevel));
            SavedLevel level = (SavedLevel)serializer.Deserialize(data);
            Name = level.LevelName;
            Time = level.Time;
            GameMode = (GameMode)level.GameMode;
            MapFeatures = level.MapFeatures;
            Seed = level.Seed;
            // Find world generator
            string generatorName = level.GeneratorName;
            WorldGenerator = GetGenerator(generatorName);
            WorldGenerator.Seed = Seed;
                GeneratorOptions = level.GeneratorOptions;

            SpawnPoint = level.SpawnPoint;

            World = new World(this, WorldGenerator, Path.Combine(directory, "region"));
Esempio n. 20
 public static void Init()
     if (File.Exists(".luf"))
         foreach (string f in File.ReadAllLines(".luf"))
     if (File.Exists(".settings"))
             NbtFile f = new NbtFile(".settings");
             ShowGridLines = f.RootTag.Get<NbtByte>("GridLines").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
             ShowChunks = f.RootTag.Get<NbtByte>("ShowChunks").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
             ShowMapIcons = f.RootTag.Get<NbtByte>("ShowMapIcons").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
             ShowWaterDepth = f.RootTag.Get<NbtByte>("ShowWaterDepth").Value == 0x01 ? true : false;
         catch (Exception)
         { Save(); }
Esempio n. 21
        public void TEST002_SaveMap()
            if (Directory.Exists("002"))
                Directory.Delete("002", true);
            Directory.CreateDirectory("002"); // Saves map here.

            InfdevHandler mh = new InfdevHandler();

            Chunk cnkA = mh.NewChunk(0, 0);
            cnkA.Blocks[0, 0, 0] = 0x01;
            cnkA.Blocks[0, 0, 1] = 0x02;
            cnkA.Blocks[0, 0, 2] = 0x03;
            cnkA.Blocks[0, 0, 3] = 0x04;

            FileInfo fA = new FileInfo(cnkA.Filename);

            Assert.Greater(fA.Length, 0, "System writing zero-length chunks.");

            Chunk cnkB = mh.GetChunk(0, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(cnkB.Blocks[0, 0, 0], 0x01);
            Assert.AreEqual(cnkB.Blocks[0, 0, 1], 0x02);
            Assert.AreEqual(cnkB.Blocks[0, 0, 2], 0x03);
            Assert.AreEqual(cnkB.Blocks[0, 0, 3], 0x04);

            Console.WriteLine("Opening {0}...", cnkB.Filename);

            NbtFile chunkFile = new NbtFile(cnkB.Filename);

            NbtCompound level = chunkFile.RootTag.Get<NbtCompound>("Level");

            // Listed from a Minecraft-generated chunk.
            string[] reqdEntries = new string[]{
            foreach (string entry in reqdEntries)
                if (level.Get(entry)==null)
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("\"{0}\" is not included", entry));
                    Console.WriteLine(" * Has {0}...", entry);

            Directory.Delete("002", true);
Esempio n. 22
        public PlayerEntity LoadPlayer(string name)
            PlayerEntity entity = new PlayerEntity(Difficulty);
            if (LevelDirectory == null || !File.Exists(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players", name + ".dat")))
                // Return default player entity
                entity.Position = SpawnPoint;
                entity.SpawnPoint = SpawnPoint;
                entity.Position += new Vector3(0, PlayerEntity.Height, 0);
                entity.GameMode = GameMode;
                return entity;
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile();
            using (Stream stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players", name + ".dat"), FileMode.Open))
                file.LoadFromStream(stream, NbtCompression.GZip, null);
            var data = file.RootTag;
            entity.OnGround = data.Get<NbtByte>("OnGround").Value == 1;
            entity.Air = data.Get<NbtShort>("Air").Value;
            entity.Health = data.Get<NbtShort>("Health").Value;
            Dimension dimension = (Dimension)data.Get<NbtInt>("Dimension").Value; // TODO
            entity.Food = (short)data.Get<NbtInt>("foodLevel").Value;
            entity.XpLevel = data.Get<NbtInt>("XpLevel").Value;
            entity.XpTotal = data.Get<NbtInt>("XpTotal").Value;
            // TODO: Set velocity based on fall distance
            entity.FoodExhaustion = data.Get<NbtFloat>("foodExhaustionLevel").Value;
            entity.FoodSaturation = data.Get<NbtFloat>("foodSaturationLevel").Value;
            entity.XpProgress = data.Get<NbtFloat>("XpP").Value;

            var equipment = data.Get<NbtList>("Equipment");
            var inventory = data.Get<NbtList>("Inventory");
            var motion = data.Get<NbtList>("Motion");
            var pos = data.Get<NbtList>("Pos");
            var rotation = data.Get<NbtList>("Rotation");
            var abilities = data.Get<NbtCompound>("abilities");

            // Appears to be unused, is overriden by the inventory contents
            // foreach (var item in equipment.Tags)

            foreach (var item in inventory)
                var slot = Slot.FromNbt((NbtCompound)item);
                slot.Index = DataSlotToNetworkSlot(slot.Index);
                entity.Inventory[slot.Index] = slot;

            entity.Velocity = new Vector3(

            entity.Position = new Vector3(

            if (data.Get<NbtInt>("SpawnX") != null)
                entity.SpawnPoint = new Vector3(

            entity.Yaw = ((NbtFloat)rotation[0]).Value;
            entity.Pitch = ((NbtFloat)rotation[1]).Value;

            // TODO: Abilities

            return entity;
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the requested chunk from the region, or
 /// generates it if a world generator is provided.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">The position of the requested local chunk coordinates.</param>
 public Chunk GetChunk(Vector3 position)
     // TODO: This could use some refactoring
     lock (Chunks)
         if (!Chunks.ContainsKey(position))
             if (regionFile != null)
                 // Search the stream for that region
                 lock (regionFile)
                     var chunkData = GetChunkFromTable(position);
                     if (chunkData == null)
                         if (WorldGenerator == null)
                             throw new ArgumentException("The requested chunk is not loaded.", "position");
                         Chunks.Add(position, WorldGenerator.GenerateChunk(position, this));
                         return Chunks[position];
                     regionFile.Seek(chunkData.Item1, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                     int length = new MinecraftStream(regionFile).ReadInt32(); // TODO: Avoid making new objects here, and in the WriteInt32
                     int compressionMode = regionFile.ReadByte();
                     switch (compressionMode)
                         case 1: // gzip
                         case 2: // zlib
                             var nbt = new NbtFile();
                             nbt.LoadFromStream(regionFile, NbtCompression.ZLib, null);
                             var chunk = Chunk.FromNbt(position, nbt);
                             chunk.ParentRegion = this;
                             Chunks.Add(position, chunk);
                             throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid compression scheme provided by region file.");
             else if (WorldGenerator == null)
                 throw new ArgumentException("The requested chunk is not loaded.", "position");
                 Chunks.Add(position, WorldGenerator.GenerateChunk(position, this));
         return Chunks[position];
Esempio n. 24
        public void SavePlayer(PlayerEntity entity)
            // TODO: Generalize to all mobs
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile();
            var data = new NbtCompound();
            data.Add(new NbtByte("OnGround", (byte)(entity.OnGround ? 1 : 0)));
            data.Add(new NbtShort("Air", entity.Air));
            data.Add(new NbtShort("Health", entity.Health));
            data.Add(new NbtInt("Dimension", 0)); // TODO
            data.Add(new NbtInt("foodLevel", entity.Food));
            data.Add(new NbtInt("XpLevel", entity.XpLevel));
            data.Add(new NbtInt("XpTotal", entity.XpTotal));
            data.Add(new NbtFloat("foodExhaustionLevel", entity.FoodExhaustion));
            data.Add(new NbtFloat("foodSaturationLevel", entity.FoodSaturation));
            data.Add(new NbtFloat("XpP", entity.XpProgress));
            data.Add(new NbtList("Equipment"));
            var inventory = new NbtList("Inventory");
            for (int index = 0; index < entity.Inventory.Length; index++)
                var slot = entity.Inventory[index];
                if (slot.Empty)
                slot.Index = NetworkSlotToDataSlot(index);
            var motion = new NbtList("Motion");
            motion.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Velocity.X));
            motion.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Velocity.Y));
            motion.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Velocity.Z));

            var pos = new NbtList("Pos");
            pos.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Position.X));
            pos.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Position.Y));
            pos.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Position.Z));

            var rotation = new NbtList("Rotation");
            rotation.Add(new NbtFloat(entity.Yaw));
            rotation.Add(new NbtFloat(entity.Pitch));

            data.Add(new NbtCompound("abilities"));

            file.RootTag = data;
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players")))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players"));
            using (Stream stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players", entity.Username + ".dat"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                file.SaveToStream(stream, NbtCompression.GZip);
Esempio n. 25
        public static void Save()
            File.WriteAllLines(".luf", LastUsedFiles.ToArray());

            NbtFile f = new NbtFile();
            f.RootTag.Add("GridLines",new NbtByte("GridLines", (byte) (ShowGridLines ? 0x01 : 0x00)));
            f.RootTag.Add("ShowChunks",new NbtByte("ShowChunks", (byte) (ShowChunks ? 0x01 : 0x00)));
            f.RootTag.Add("ShowMapIcons",new NbtByte("ShowMapIcons", (byte) (ShowMapIcons ? 0x01 : 0x00)));
            f.RootTag.Add("ShowWaterDepth",new NbtByte("ShowWaterDepth", (byte) (ShowWaterDepth ? 0x01 : 0x00)));
Esempio n. 26
 public UpdateTileEntityPacket(int x, short y, int z,
     byte action, NbtFile nbt)
     X = x;
     Y = y;
     Z = z;
     Action = action;
     Nbt = nbt;
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the requested chunk from the region, or
 /// generates it if a world generator is provided.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">The position of the requested local chunk coordinates.</param>
 public Chunk GetChunk(Vector3 position)
     // TODO: This could use some refactoring
     lock (Chunks)
         if (!Chunks.ContainsKey(position))
             if (regionFile != null)
                 // Search the stream for that region
                 lock (regionFile)
                     var chunkData = GetChunkFromTable(position);
                     if (chunkData == null)
                         if (WorldGenerator == null)
                             throw new ArgumentException("The requested chunk is not loaded.", "position");
                         Chunks.Add(position, WorldGenerator.GenerateChunk(position, this));
                         return Chunks[position];
                     regionFile.Seek(chunkData.Item1, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                     int length = DataUtility.ReadInt32(regionFile);
                     int compressionMode = regionFile.ReadByte();
                     switch (compressionMode)
                         case 1: // gzip
                         case 2: // zlib
                             byte[] compressed = new byte[length];
                             regionFile.Read(compressed, 0, compressed.Length);
                             byte[] uncompressed = ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer(compressed);
                             MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(uncompressed);
                             NbtFile nbt = new NbtFile();
                             nbt.LoadFile(memoryStream, false);
                             var chunk = Chunk.FromNbt(position, nbt);
                             chunk.ParentRegion = this;
                             Chunks.Add(position, chunk);
                             throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid compression scheme provided by region file.");
             else if (WorldGenerator == null)
                 throw new ArgumentException("The requested chunk is not loaded.", "position");
                 Chunks.Add(position, WorldGenerator.GenerateChunk(position, this));
         return Chunks[position];
Esempio n. 28
 public void ReadPacket(MinecraftStream stream)
     X = stream.ReadInt32();
     Y = stream.ReadInt16();
     Z = stream.ReadInt32();
     Action = stream.ReadUInt8();
     var length = stream.ReadInt16();
     var data = stream.ReadUInt8Array(length);
     Nbt = new NbtFile();
     Nbt.LoadFromBuffer(data, 0, length, NbtCompression.GZip, null);
Esempio n. 29
 public override void Save(string Folder)
     string f = Path.Combine(Folder, "DefaultMapGenerator.dat");
     NbtFile nf = new NbtFile(f);
     nf.RootTag = new NbtCompound("__ROOT__");
     NbtCompound c = new NbtCompound("DefaultMapGenerator");
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtByte("GenerateCaves", (byte) (GenerateCaves ? 1 : 0)));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtByte("GenerateDungeons", (byte) (GenerateDungeons ? 1 : 0)));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtByte("GenerateOres", (byte) (GenerateOres ? 1 : 0)));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtByte("GenerateWater", (byte) (GenerateWater ? 1 : 0)));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtByte("HellMode", (byte) (HellMode ? 1 : 0)));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtByte("GenerateTrees", (byte) (GenerateTrees ? 1 : 0)));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("Frequency", Frequency));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtByte("NoiseQuality", (byte) NoiseQuality));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtInt("OctaveCount", OctaveCount));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("Lacunarity", Lacunarity));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("Persistance", Persistance));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("ContinentNoiseFrequency", ContinentNoiseFrequency));
     c.Tags.Add(new NbtDouble("CaveThreshold", CaveThreshold));
        public static Blocks Load(string filename)
            NbtFile f = new NbtFile();
            NbtCompound root = f.RootTag;
            NbtTag nBlocks = root["Blocks"];
            NbtTag nData = root["Data"];
            NbtTag nWidth = root["Width"];
            NbtTag nLength = root["Length"];
            NbtTag nHeight = root["Height"];
            byte[] blocks = ((NbtByteArray)nBlocks).Value;
            byte[] extra = ((NbtByteArray)nData).Value;
            int X = (int)((NbtShort)nWidth).Value;
            int Y = (int)((NbtShort)nLength).Value;
            int Z = (int)((NbtShort)nHeight).Value;
            Blocks b = new Blocks(X, Y, Z);
            //bool sch = filename.EndsWith(".schematic");

            for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++)
                switch (blocks[i])
                    case 0:
                    case 6:
                    case 37:
                    case 38:
                    case 39:
                    case 40:
                    case 51:
                    case 59:
                    case 63:
                    case 65:
                    case 66:
                    case 68:
                    case 78:
                    case 83:
                        b[i] = Block.AIR;
                    case 55:
                        b[i] = Block.WIRE;
                    case 75: // Off
                        b[i] = new Block(BlockType.TORCH, PlaceTorch(extra[i]), 0, 0, 0);

                    case 76: // Off
                        b[i] = new Block(BlockType.TORCH, PlaceTorch(extra[i]), 16, 0, 0);

                       // System.Console.WriteLine("Loc: {2}  Torch Dir: {0}    Byte: {1}", b[i].Place.ToString(), extra[i] & 0x7,i);
                    case 69:
                        b[i] = new Block(BlockType.LEVER,  PlaceTorch(extra[i]),(extra[i] & 0x8) == 1 ? 16 : 0, 0, 0);

                     //   System.Console.WriteLine("Lever Dir: {0}    Byte: {1}", b[i].Place.ToString(), extra[i] & 0x7);
                    case 70:
                    case 72:
                        b[i] = Block.PREASUREPAD;
                    case 77:
                        b[i] = Block.BUTTON;
                        b[i].Place = PlaceButton(extra[i]);
                    case 64: // doors not working yet
                    case 71:
                    case 93: // skip repeaters for now

                        b[i] = Block.BLOCK;


            return b;