Esempio n. 1
        public static double thermicGradient(TWorld w, TClima clima, double elevation, double T_initial, long i, long j)
            double altitude;
            double Result;

            if (elevation <= 0)
                Result = T_initial;
            if (elevation > TSimConst.max_atmosphere_height)
                elevation = TSimConst.max_atmosphere_height;
            if (clima.humidity[i, j] < 0)
                throw new Exception("Humidity is negative in thermicGradient(...)");
            Result = T_initial - Math.Abs(elevation) / 100 * (1 - clima.humidity[i, j] * (TSimConst.thermic_gradient_dry - TSimConst.thermic_gradient_wet));

            // outer atmospheric layers might reach zero absolute
            if (Result < 0)
                Result = 0;

Esempio n. 2
        public static void moveSteamDown(TClima clima, TWorld w, TSolarSurface s, int l, long i, long j)

            // recalculate temperature
            clima.T_atmosphere[l, i, j] = statechanges.thermicGradient(w, clima, l * TMdlConst.distance_atm_layers, clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j], i, j);
            if (clima.steam[l, i, j] == 0)

            // how much steam could stay in the upper layer l
            maxSteam = statechanges.maxWaterInSteam(clima, w, l, i, j);
            // how much steam has to be transferred down
            transferSteam = (clima.steam[l, i, j] - maxSteam) * (1 / TSimConst.steam_hours);
            if (transferSteam < 0)
            // energy which is given back to atmosphere
            transferEnergy = transferSteam * TPhysConst.grav_acc * TMdlConst.distance_atm_layers;

            // let's move it dowm
            clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] = clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] + transferEnergy;
            clima.steam[l, i, j]          = clima.steam[l, i, j] - transferSteam;
            clima.steam[l - 1, i, j]      = clima.steam[l - 1, i, j] + transferSteam;
Esempio n. 3
        public static void moveSteamUp(TClima clima, TWorld w, TSolarSurface s, int l, long i, long j)
            double availableSteam,

            // let's compute first the temperature on the upper layer based on the thermic gradient
            clima.T_atmosphere[l, i, j] = statechanges.thermicGradient(w, clima, l * TMdlConst.distance_atm_layers, clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j], i, j);
            // we do not add altitude here, as altitude is already in clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j]
            // if there is ice on ground or no steam to push up we exit
            if (clima.isIce[i, j] || clima.steam[l - 1, i, j] == 0)
            evaporationPct = statechanges.evaporatePercentage(clima, clima.T_atmosphere[l - 1, i, j], i, j);
            if (evaporationPct == 0)

            // how much steam could stay in the upper layer l?
            maxSteam = statechanges.maxWaterInSteam(clima, w, l, i, j);
            // how much steam is available for transfer
            availableSteam = Math.Min(clima.steam[l - 1, i, j], maxSteam) * (1 / TSimConst.steam_hours) * evaporationPct;
            // is there enough energy to perform the transfer to the upper layer?
            transferEnergy = availableSteam * TPhysConst.grav_acc * TMdlConst.distance_atm_layers;
            if (clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] > transferEnergy)
                // let's move it up
                clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] = clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] - transferEnergy;
                clima.steam[l - 1, i, j]      = clima.steam[l - 1, i, j] - availableSteam;
                clima.steam[l, i, j]          = clima.steam[l, i, j] + availableSteam;
Esempio n. 4
        public static void absorbCO2(TClima clima, TWorld w, TSolarSurface s, long i, long j)
            double absorption, rain_times;

            if (clima.isIce[i, j] || clima.co2_tons[i, j] == 0 || !statechanges.isInSunlight(i, j, s))

            if (w.isOcean[i, j])
                // absorption scaled over 12 h per day and over 3 quarters of earth surface
                absorption = TSimConst.co2_absorption_ocean / (365 / 12 / 15 * TSimConst.degree_step) / (360 * 180 * 3 / 4);
                // absorption scaled over 12 h per day and over 1 quarter of earth surface
                absorption = TSimConst.co2_absorption_vegetation / (365 / 12 / 15 * TSimConst.degree_step) / (360 * 180 * 1 / 4);
                // jungle absorbs more than desert
                rain_times = clima.rain_times[i, j];
                if (rain_times > 5)
                    rain_times = 5;

                absorption = absorption * rain_times;

            clima.co2_tons[i, j] = clima.co2_tons[i, j] - absorption;
            if (clima.co2_tons[i, j] < 0)
                clima.co2_tons[i, j] = 0;
Esempio n. 5
        public static double computeAvgCurrentMovements(TWorld w, TClima clima)
            long i, j;
            long movements, count;

            movements = 0;
            count     = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                    if ((clima.surfaceTransfer[i, j] != Constants.NONE) && (w.isOcean[i, j]))
                        movements = movements + 1;
                        count     = count + 1;
            if (count != 0)
                return(movements / count);
Esempio n. 6
        public static bool isDesert(TWorld w, TClima clima, long i, long j)
            double T;

            T = Conversion.KtoC(clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j]);
            return((T >= 50) && (clima.water_surface[i, j] < 1));
Esempio n. 7
        public static void computeAvgWaterSurface(TWorld w, TClima clima)
            long   i, j, count;
            double avg;

            for (j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                avg   = 0;
                count = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                    if ((!w.isOcean[i, j]) && (clima.water_surface[i, j] > 0))
                        avg = avg + clima.water_surface[i, j];

                if (count != 0)
                    clima.avgWaterSurface[j] = avg / count;
                    clima.avgWaterSurface[j] = 0;
Esempio n. 8
 public static void WaterOrIce(TClima clima, TWorld w, long i, long j)
     clima.isIce[i, j] = (clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] <= TPhysConst.kT_ice);
     if (!w.isOcean[i, j])
         clima.isIce[i, j] = clima.isIce[i, j] && (clima.water_surface[i, j] > 0);
Esempio n. 9
 public static void updateOutgoingEnergyOnCellGrid(TClima clima, TWorld w, TSolarSurface sSurface, double earthInclination, int i, int j)
     updateTemperature(clima, w, i, j);
     exchangeEnergyBetweenAtmAndTerrain(clima, w, i, j);
     updateTemperature(clima, w, i, j);
     radiateEnergyIntoSpace(clima, w, i, j);
     updateTemperature(clima, w, i, j);
Esempio n. 10
        public static bool isJungle(TWorld w, TClima clima, long i, long j)
            double T;

            T = Conversion.KtoC(clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j]);
            return((clima.water_surface[i, j] <= TSimConst.paint_river_pct * clima.avgWaterSurface[j]) &&
                   (T >= 25) && (T < 50) && (clima.rain_times[i, j] > 2));
Esempio n. 11
 public static void plotTemperature(TClima clima, TWorld w, int i, int j, bool output)
     energyfunctions.updateTemperature(clima, w, i, j);
     if (output)
         Console.WriteLine("T atmosphere    : " + Conversion.KtoC(clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j]));
         Console.WriteLine("T ocean/terrain : " + Conversion.KtoC(clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j]));
Esempio n. 12
        public static void TestConversion()
            TClima clima = new TClima();
            TWorld world = new TWorld();

            Console.WriteLine("Init world");
            initmodel.initWorld(world, "");
            Console.WriteLine("Init clima");
            initmodel.initClima(world, clima, 16, 16);

            Console.WriteLine("Test of Conversion routines");
            Console.WriteLine("0 grad Celsius in Kelvin " + Conversion.CtoK(0));
            Console.WriteLine("-273.15 grad Celsius in Kelvin " + Conversion.CtoK(-273.15));
            Console.WriteLine("0      grad Kelvin in Celsius " + Conversion.KtoC(0));
            Console.WriteLine("273.16 grad Kelvin in Celsius " + Conversion.KtoC(273.16));
            Console.WriteLine("373.16 grad Kelvin in Celsius " + Conversion.KtoC(373.16));

            Console.WriteLine("Longitude 180 deg W on grid " + Conversion.LonToX(-180));
            Console.WriteLine("Longitude 179 deg W on grid " + Conversion.LonToX(-179));
            Console.WriteLine("Longitude 1 deg W on grid " + Conversion.LonToX(-1));
            Console.WriteLine("Longitude 0.3 deg W on grid " + Conversion.LonToX(-0.3));
            Console.WriteLine("Longitude Greenwich on grid " + Conversion.LonToX(0));
            Console.WriteLine("Longitude 0.3 deg E on grid " + Conversion.LonToX(0.3));
            Console.WriteLine("Longitude 1 deg E on grid " + Conversion.LonToX(1));
            Console.WriteLine("Longitude 179 deg E on grid " + Conversion.LonToX(179));
            Console.WriteLine("Longitude 180 deg E on grid " + Conversion.LonToX(180));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine North Pole on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(90));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine 89.5 deg on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(89.3));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine 89 deg on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(89));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine 88.3 deg on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(88.3));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine 88 deg on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(88));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine Poschiavo on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(45));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine 0.3 deg on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(0.3));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine equator on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(0));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine -0.3 deg on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(-0.3));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine -88 deg on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(-88));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine -89 deg on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(-89));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine -89.5 deg on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(-89.3));
            Console.WriteLine("Latitudine south pole on grid " + Conversion.LatToY(-90));
            Console.WriteLine("Converting twice 90 deg lat N : " + Conversion.YtoLat(Conversion.LatToY(90)));
            Console.WriteLine("Converting twice 0 deg lat : " + Conversion.YtoLat(Conversion.LatToY(0)));
            Console.WriteLine("Converting twice 90 deg lat S: " + Conversion.YtoLat(Conversion.LatToY(-90)));
            Console.WriteLine("Converting twice 180 deg lat W : " + Conversion.XtoLon(Conversion.LonToX(-180)));
            Console.WriteLine("Converting twice 0 deg lat : " + Conversion.XtoLon(Conversion.LonToX(0)));
            Console.WriteLine("Converting twice 180 deg lat E: " + Conversion.XtoLon(Conversion.LonToX(180)));
Esempio n. 13
        public static void updateTemperature(TClima clima, TWorld w, int i, int j)
            double divAtmosphere,

            if (w.isOcean[i, j])
                weight = TPhysConst.weight_on_surface_at_sea_level;
                weight = statechanges.weightOnAltitudeProQuadrateMeter(w.elevation[i, j], i, j, w);

            divAtmosphere = (TPhysConst.cp_air * weight * w.area_of_degree_squared[j]);
            if (divAtmosphere != 0)
                clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j] = clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] / divAtmosphere;
                throw new Exception("divAtmosphere is zero!");

            if (w.isOcean[i, j])
                divOcean = (TPhysConst.cp_water * Math.Abs(w.elevation[i, j]) * w.area_of_degree_squared[j] * TPhysConst.density_water) +
                           (TPhysConst.cp_earth * (w.elevation[i, j] + TSimConst.earth_crust_height) * w.area_of_degree_squared[j] * TPhysConst.density_earth);
                if (divOcean != 0)
                    clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] = clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] / divOcean;
                    clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] = 0;
                // terrain
                divTerrain = TPhysConst.cp_earth * (w.elevation[i, j] + TSimConst.earth_crust_height) * w.area_of_degree_squared[j] * TPhysConst.density_earth;
                if (divTerrain != 0)
                    clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] = clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] / divTerrain;
                    throw new Exception("divTerrain is zero!");
Esempio n. 14
        static void TestTwoDays()
            double[,] tmpGrid      = new double[360, 180];
            short[,] wind          = new short[360, 180];
            double[,] T_atmosphere = new double[360, 180];

            TWorld world = new TWorld();

            Debug.WriteLine("Init World");

            TClima clima = new TClima();

            Debug.WriteLine("Init Clima");
            initmodel.initClima(world, clima, 16, 16);

            TTime         t = new TTime();
            TSolarSurface s = new TSolarSurface();

            Debug.WriteLine("Init time and solar surface");
            initmodel.initTime(t, s);
            Debug.WriteLine("Initial conditions created");

            Debug.WriteLine("Simulating 3 days of weather including energy cycle, winds,");
            Debug.WriteLine("marine currents, steam generation and rain");
            for (int day = 170; day < 173; day++)
                Debug.Write("Simulating day = " + day + " ");

                for (int hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++)
                    double earthInclination = energyfunctions.computeEarthDeclination(day);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                            energyfunctions.updateIncomingEnergyOnCellGrid(clima, world, s, earthInclination, i, j);
                            watercycle.formSteam(clima, world, s, i, j,;

                    flux.moveEnergy(clima, clima.energy_atmosphere, tmpGrid, T_atmosphere, wind, flux.WIND, world, true);
#if TODO
                    flux.moveEnergy(clima, clima.energy_ocean_terr, tmpGrid, clima.T_ocean_terr, clima.surfaceTransfer, flux.SURFACE_AND_MARINE_CURRENT, world, true);
                    //printPlanet(2000, day, hour, clima, world, true, false);
                    watercycle.moveSteam(clima.wind, clima.steam, tmpGrid);
Esempio n. 15
        public static void updateIncomingEnergyOnCellGrid(TClima clima, TWorld w, TSolarSurface sSurface, double earthInclination, int i, int j)
            double energyIn;

            if (statechanges.isInSunlight(i, j, sSurface))
                energyIn = computeEnergyFromSunOnSquare(i, j, earthInclination, clima, w);
                spreadEnergyOnAtmosphereAndTerrain(clima, energyIn, i, j);
                updateTemperature(clima, w, i, j);

            radiateTerrestrialEnergy(clima, w, i, j);
            updateTemperature(clima, w, i, j);
Esempio n. 16
        public static void mainSimDayLoop(TWorld world, TClima clima, TSolarSurface s, TTime t, double[,] tmpGrid, double earthDeclination)
#if TODO
            computeSolarSurface(s, t, earthDeclination);
            increasePopulation(clima, 1);
            printEarthStatus(t.year,, Round(t.hour), clima, world);
            printPlanet(t.year,, Round(t.hour), clima, world, false, true);
            if ( % TSimConst.decrease_rain_times == 0)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 17
 public static void formCO2(TClima clima, TWorld w, long i, long j)
     if (!TSimConst.population)
     if (!TSimConst.energy_source_oil)
     clima.co2_tons[i, j] = clima.co2_tons[i, j] +
                            TSimConst.co2_production_per_human_per_year / (365 / 24 / 15 * TSimConst.degree_step) *
                            clima.population[i, j];
Esempio n. 18
        public static double computeAvgHumidity(TWorld w, TClima clima)
            long   i, j;
            double humidity;

            humidity = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                    humidity = humidity + statechanges.computeHumidity(clima, w, i, j);

            return(humidity / (360 * 180));
Esempio n. 19
        public static void radiateEnergyIntoSpace(TClima clima, TWorld w, int i, int j)
            double energy_radiated,

            energy_radiated = computeRadiatedEnergyIntoSpace(clima, w, i, j);
            if (energy_radiated < 0)
                throw new Exception("Energy radiated into space is negative");
            finalEnergy = clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] - energy_radiated;
            if (finalEnergy < 0)
            clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] = finalEnergy;
Esempio n. 20
        public static void rainSteam(TClima clima, TWorld w, long i, long j)
            double availableSteam,

            maxWaterInAir = statechanges.maxWaterInSteam(clima, w, 0, i, j);

            availableSteam = (clima.steam[0, i, j] - maxWaterInAir) * (1 / TSimConst.rain_hours);
            if (availableSteam < 0)
                clima.rain[i, j] = false;
                // drop the exceeding steam in rain
                if (!w.isOcean[i, j])
                    clima.water_surface[i, j] = clima.water_surface[i, j] + availableSteam;
                clima.rain_times[i, j]++;
                clima.rain[i, j]     = true;
                clima.steam[0, i, j] = clima.steam[0, i, j] - availableSteam;

                // assumption: thermic energy and potential energy of clouds
                // are given back to terrain as energy of movement
                if ((TPhysConst.kT_boil - clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j]) > 0)
                    thermicEnergy = availableSteam * TPhysConst.cp_steam * (TPhysConst.kT_boil - clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j]);
                    thermicEnergy = 0;

                // give the thermic energy and potential energy to the terrain and atmosphere
                // clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] = clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] + potEnergy;
                clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] = clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] +
            // compute humidity
            statechanges.computeHumidity(clima, w, i, j);
Esempio n. 21
        public static void exchangeEnergyBetweenAtmAndTerrain(TClima clima, TWorld w, int i, int j)
            double energy_moved,

            if (clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] > clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j])
                // radiate energy from terrain to atmosphere
                energy_moved = TPhysConst.stefan_boltzmann * Math.Pow(clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j], 4)
                               * w.area_of_degree_squared[j] * TSimConst.hour_step * (1 / TSimConst.exchange_atm_terr);
                if (energy_moved < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Energy radiated from terrain to atmosphere is negative");
                finalEnergy = clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] - energy_moved;
                if (finalEnergy < 0)

                clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] = finalEnergy;
                clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] = clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] + energy_moved;
                // radiate energy from atmosphere to terrain
                energy_moved = TPhysConst.stefan_boltzmann * Math.Pow(clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j], 4)
                               * w.area_of_degree_squared[j] * TSimConst.hour_step * (1 / TSimConst.exchange_atm_terr);
                if (energy_moved < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Energy radiated from atmosphere to terrain is negative");

                finalEnergy = clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] - energy_moved;
                if (finalEnergy < 0)

                clima.energy_atmosphere[i, j] = finalEnergy;
                clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] = clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] + energy_moved;
Esempio n. 22
        public static double computeRadiatedEnergyIntoSpace(TClima clima, TWorld w, int i, int j)

            co2_isolation = clima.co2_tons[i, j] / 1E7; // where it is red on plot it is 1
            if (co2_isolation > 1)
                co2_isolation = 1;

            isolation = clima.humidity[i, j] * TSimConst.cloud_isolation_pct + TSimConst.co2_isolation_pct * co2_isolation;
            if (isolation > 1)
                isolation = 1;
            return((1 - isolation) * TPhysConst.stefan_boltzmann * Math.Pow(clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j], 4)
                   * w.area_of_degree_squared[j] * TSimConst.hour_step * (1 / TSimConst.radiation_hours));
Esempio n. 23
        public static double computeHumidity(TClima clima, TWorld w, long i, long j)
            double maxWater;

            maxWater             = 0;
            clima.humidity[i, j] = 0;
            for (int l = 0; l < TMdlConst.atmospheric_layers; l++)
                clima.humidity[i, j] = clima.humidity[i, j] + clima.steam[l, i, j];
                maxWater             = maxWater + maxWaterInSteam(clima, w, l, i, j);

            clima.humidity[i, j] = clima.humidity[i, j] / maxWater;
            if (clima.humidity[i, j] > 1)
                clima.humidity[i, j] = 1;

            return(clima.humidity[i, j]);
Esempio n. 24
        static void TestInitWorld()
            TWorld world = new TWorld();

            Debug.WriteLine("Init World");
            WriteGridToImage(world.elevation, "elevation.bmp", TerrainGradient);

            TClima clima = new TClima();

            Debug.WriteLine("Init Clima");
            for (int month = 0; month < 12; month++)
                initmodel.initClima(world, clima, atmSurfaceMeanTemp[month], seaSurfaceMeanTemp[month]);
                WriteGridToImage(clima.T_atmosphere[0], "T_atmosphere-" + month + ".bmp", TemperatureGradient);
                WriteGridToImage(clima.T_ocean_terr, "T_ocean_terr-" + month + ".bmp", TemperatureGradient);
                WriteBoolGridToImage(clima.isIce, "isIce" + month + ".bmp", BoolColor);
            initmodel.initClima(world, clima, 16, 16);
            WriteGridToImage(clima.T_ocean_terr, "T_ocean_terr.bmp", TemperatureGradient);
            WriteBoolGridToImage(clima.isIce, "isIce.bmp", BoolColor);
Esempio n. 25
        private static void TestDataStructure()
            TClima clima = new TClima();
            TWorld world = new TWorld();
            double sum   = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Init world");
            initmodel.initWorld(world, "");
            Console.WriteLine("Init clima");
            initmodel.initClima(world, clima, 16, 16, "");
            Console.WriteLine("Test of data structure");
            Console.WriteLine("Test of area of a degree squared");
            for (int j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                sum = sum + world.area_of_degree_squared[j];

            sum = sum * 360;
            Console.WriteLine("Sum of surface of degree squared across one intitude * 360 is " + sum);
            Console.WriteLine("Total surface of a sphere is " + (4 * Math.PI * TPhysConst.earth_radius * TPhysConst.earth_radius));

            for (int j = 90; j > 0; j--)
                Console.WriteLine("Area of degree squared lat +" + j + " :" + world.area_of_degree_squared[Conversion.LatToY(j)]);

            Console.WriteLine("Area of degree squared lat +89 " + world.area_of_degree_squared[Conversion.LatToY(89)]);
            Console.WriteLine("Area of degree squared lat +88 " + world.area_of_degree_squared[Conversion.LatToY(88)]);
            Console.WriteLine("Area of degree squared lat +01 " + world.area_of_degree_squared[Conversion.LatToY(1)]);
            Console.WriteLine("Area of degree squared lat +00 " + world.area_of_degree_squared[Conversion.LatToY(0)]);
            Console.WriteLine("Area of degree squared lat -01 " + world.area_of_degree_squared[Conversion.LatToY(-1)]);
            Console.WriteLine("Area of degree squared lat -88 " + world.area_of_degree_squared[Conversion.LatToY(-88)]);
            Console.WriteLine("Area of degree squared lat -89 " + world.area_of_degree_squared[Conversion.LatToY(-89)]);
            Console.WriteLine("Area of degree squared lat -90 " + world.area_of_degree_squared[Conversion.LatToY(-90)]);
Esempio n. 26
        public static void radiateTerrestrialEnergy(TClima clima, TWorld w, int i, int j)

            // earth constantly radiates gravitational energy to the terrain
            clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] = clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] + TSimConst.deltaTterrestrialEnergy * (1 - TMdlConst.tau_infrared) * (TSimConst.degree_step / 15);

            // earth part
            multiple_earth = (TPhysConst.cp_earth * (w.elevation[i, j] + TSimConst.earth_crust_height) * w.area_of_degree_squared[j] * TPhysConst.density_earth);

            if (w.isOcean[i, j])
                multiple_ocean = (TPhysConst.cp_water * Math.Abs(w.elevation[i, j]) * w.area_of_degree_squared[j] * TPhysConst.density_water);
                multiple_ocean = 0;

            clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] = clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] * (multiple_earth + multiple_ocean);
Esempio n. 27
        public static void initWorld(TWorld w, String filePath = null)
            string AppPath;

            Conversion.InitConversion(false); // default to linear grid

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath))
                AppPath = @"config\planet-elevation.txt"; //ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
                AppPath = filePath;

            using (StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(AppPath))
                for (int j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                        string str = file.ReadLine();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str.Trim()))
                            w.elevation[i, j] = double.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            w.isOcean[i, j]   = w.elevation[i, j] <= 0;
                            throw new Exception("Problem in file planet-elevation.txt");
Esempio n. 28
        public static double computeAvgKTemperature(TWorld w, TClima clima, long tType)
            long   i, j, count;
            double temp;

            temp  = 0;
            count = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                    if (tType == Constants.ATMOSPHERE)
                        temp = clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j] + temp;
                    if (tType == Constants.OCEAN_TERR)
                        temp = clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] + temp;
                    if (tType == Constants.AVERAGE)
                        temp = clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j] + clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] + temp;
                    if (((tType == Constants.OCEAN) && w.isOcean[i, j]))
                        temp = clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] + temp;
                    if ((tType == Constants.TERRAIN) && (!w.isOcean[i, j]))
                        temp = clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j] + temp;
                    if ((tType == Constants.AIR_OVER_OCEAN) && w.isOcean[i, j])
                        temp = clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j] + temp;
                    if ((tType == Constants.AIR_OVER_TERRAIN) && (!w.isOcean[i, j]))
                        temp = clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j] + temp;

            if (tType == Constants.AVERAGE)
                return(temp / (180 * 360 * 2));
            if (count > 0)
                return(temp / count);
                return(temp / (180 * 360));
Esempio n. 29
        public static void formSteam(TClima clima, TWorld w, TSolarSurface s, long i, long j, long day)
            double energyToBoil, evaporationPct, evaporationQty;

            if (clima.isIce[i, j] || statechanges.isInSunlight(i, j, s))

            evaporationPct = statechanges.evaporatePercentage(clima, clima.T_ocean_terr[i, j], i, j);
            if (evaporationPct == 0)

            // steam over ocean
            if (w.isOcean[i, j])
                // check how much steam we could form
                evaporationQty = (statechanges.maxWaterInSteam(clima, w, 0, i, j) - clima.steam[0, i, j]) * (1 / TSimConst.steam_hours)
                                 * evaporationPct;
            // steam produced by river and lakes
                if (clima.water_surface[i, j] == 0)

                // vegetation (where it rains more than one time, slows down evaporation)
                if (clima.rain_times[i, j] > 0)
                    evaporationQty = clima.water_surface[i, j] / clima.rain_times[i, j] * evaporationPct * (1 / TSimConst.steam_hours);
                    evaporationQty = clima.water_surface[i, j] * evaporationPct * (1 / TSimConst.steam_hours);

                if (day % TSimConst.decrease_rain_times == 0)
                    clima.rain_times[i, j]--;
                    if (clima.rain_times[i, j] < 0)
                        clima.rain_times[i, j] = 0;

            if (evaporationQty > 0) // here we will rain in a later public static void  call
                // energy to boil the steam
                if (TPhysConst.kT_boil - clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j] > 0)
                    energyToBoil = TPhysConst.cp_steam * evaporationQty * (TPhysConst.kT_boil - clima.T_atmosphere[0, i, j]);
                    energyToBoil = 0;

                if (clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] >= energyToBoil)
                // the atmosphere has enough energy to carry the steam
                    clima.steam[0, i, j]          = clima.steam[0, i, j] + evaporationQty;
                    clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] = clima.energy_ocean_terr[i, j] - energyToBoil;

                    if (!w.isOcean[i, j])
                        clima.water_surface[i, j] = clima.water_surface[i, j] - evaporationQty;
Esempio n. 30
        public static void mainSimTimestepLoop(TWorld world, TClima clima, TSolarSurface s, TTime t, double[,] tmpGrid, double arthDeclination)
            long l, i, j;

#if TODO
            for (j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                    updateIncomingEnergyOnCellGrid(clima, world, s, earthDeclination, i, j);
                    formSteam(clima, world, s, i, j,;           // add steam to layer 0
                    for (l = 1; l < TMdlConst.atmospheric_layers; l++) // move steam from layer l-1 to layer l
                        moveSteamUp(clima, world, s, l, i, j);
                    formCO2(clima, world, i, j);

            moveEnergy(clima, clima.energy_ocean_terr, tmpGrid, clima.T_ocean_terr, clima.surfaceTransfer, SURFACE_AND_MARINE_CURRENT, world, true);
            moveEnergy(clima, clima.energy_atmosphere, tmpGrid, clima.T_atmosphere[0, 0, 0], clima.wind[0, 0, 0], WIND, world, true);

            flux.applyCoriolis(clima.wind[0], clima.wind[0], TMdlConst.rotation);
            for (l = 1; l < TMdlConst.atmospheric_layers; l++)
                flux.applyCoriolis(clima.wind[l - 1], clima.wind[l], TMdlConst.rotation);

            followSurface(world, clima.wind[0]);

            for (l = 0; l < TMdlConst.atmospheric_layers; l++)
                moveSteam(clima.wind[l], clima.steam[l], tmpGrid);

            moveCO2(clima.wind[0], clima.co2_tons[0], tmpGrid);

            vulcanoEruption(world, clima);
            singleNuclearBomb(world, clima);
            nuclearWar(world, clima);
            moveAshes(clima.wind[0, 0, 0], clima.ashes_pct[0, 0], tmpGrid);
            ashesFallDown(world, clima);

            for (j = 0; j < 180; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                    for (l = TMdlConst.atmospheric_layers - 1; l > 0; l--)    // move steam from layer l to layer l-1
                        moveSteamDown(clima, world, s, l, i, j);
                    rainSteam(clima, world, i, j);
                    waterOrIce(clima, world, i, j);
                    absorbCO2(clima, world, s, i, j);
                    updateOutgoingEnergyOnCellGrid(clima, world, s, earthDeclination, i, j);

            moveWaterDownToOcean(world, clima, clima.water_surface, tmpGrid);
            stepTime(t, s);
            throw new NotImplementedException();