private void DoSomeWork(object status) { errorList = new StringBuilder(); errorMail = false; string sSource = "MultiMail"; string sLog = "Application"; errorList.AppendLine("Email not sent to:"); IProgressCallback callback = status as IProgressCallback; try { callback.Begin(0, clbLeden.CheckedItems.Count + clbExtraEmail.CheckedItems.Count); SmtpClientExt client = new SmtpClientExt(param.STMPserver, param.STMPport, param.EmailUserId, param.EmailPassword, EmailLogFile, chkLogEmail.Checked, ckbDoNotSendEmail.Checked, callback.SetText); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); message.Subject = txtSubject.Text; message.From = new MailAddress(param.EmailReturnAdress); message.ReplyToList.Add(param.EmailReturnAdress); message.IsBodyHtml = ckbHtml.Checked; string messid = string.Format("<{0}@{1}>", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ""); message.Headers.Add("Message-Id", messid); string strBody = string.Empty; if (ckbHtml.Checked) { strBody = string.Format(@"<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=""text/html; charset=us-ascii""></head>{0}</html>", htmlTextbox1.Text); } else { strBody = htmlTextbox1.PlainText; } if (txtBijlage1.Text != string.Empty) { //emailer.Attachments.Add(new SmtpAttachment(txtBijlage1.Text)); message.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(txtBijlage1.Text)); } if (txtBijlage2.Text != string.Empty) { //emailer.Attachments.Add(new SmtpAttachment(txtBijlage2.Text)); message.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(txtBijlage2.Text)); } if (txtBijlage3.Text != string.Empty) { //emailer.Attachments.Add(new SmtpAttachment(txtBijlage3.Text)); message.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(txtBijlage3.Text)); } for (int i = 0; i < clbLeden.Items.Count; i++) { if (!clbLeden.GetItemChecked(i)) { continue; } message.To.Clear(); message.To.Add(clbLeden.Items[i].ToString()); message.Body = MailRoutines.ReplaceKeyWords(strBody, ledenSchaduwlijst[i], param); //emailer.To.Clear(); //emailer.To.Add(clbLeden.Items[i].ToString()); //emailer.Body = MailRoutines.ReplaceKeyWords(strBody, ledenSchaduwlijst[i], param); try { //emailer.SendMessage(); client.Send(message); } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (!EventLog.SourceExists("MultiMail")) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(sSource, sLog); } EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, ex.Message + @"/n" + message.Body, EventLogEntryType.Warning, 001); } catch (Exception ex2) { GuiRoutines.ExceptionMessageBox(this, ex); Console.WriteLine(ex2.ToString()); } errorMail = true; errorList.AppendLine(clbLeden.Items[i].ToString()); } callback.Increment(1); callback.SetText(clbLeden.Items[i].ToString()); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); if (callback.IsAborting) { return; } } for (int i = 0; i < clbExtraEmail.Items.Count; i++) { if (!clbExtraEmail.GetItemChecked(i)) { continue; } message.To.Clear(); message.To.Add(clbExtraEmail.Items[i].ToString()); message.Body = MailRoutines.ReplaceKeyWords(strBody, new tblLid(), param); try { client.Send(message); } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (!EventLog.SourceExists("MultiMail")) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(sSource, sLog); } EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Warning, 001); } catch { } errorMail = true; errorList.AppendLine(clbExtraEmail.Items[i].ToString()); } callback.Increment(1); callback.SetText(clbExtraEmail.Items[i].ToString()); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); if (callback.IsAborting) { return; } } callback.WaitOK(); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ex) { // We want to exit gracefully here (if we're lucky) try { if (!EventLog.SourceExists("MultiMail")) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(sSource, sLog); } EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Warning, 001); } catch { } } catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException ex) { // And here, if we can try { if (!EventLog.SourceExists("MultiMail")) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(sSource, sLog); } EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Warning, 001); } catch { } } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (!EventLog.SourceExists("MultiMail")) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(sSource, sLog); } EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Warning, 001); } catch { } GuiRoutines.ExceptionMessageBox(this, ex); } finally { if (callback != null) { callback.End(); } } }
public frmMultiMail(object lijst, tblParameters Param, object templateName, string subject, List <string> attachmentList, bool OnlyFinancialEmail) { InitializeComponent(); cmdGetMail.Visible = cmdSaveMail.Visible = false; if (lijst == null) { return; } //param = new tblParameters(); param = Param; // De schaduwlijst dient om bij ieder email adres in de checkbox een Lid object te hebben zodat we de keywords kunnen vervangen ledenSchaduwlijst = new LedenLijst(); //mostRecentlyUsed = new MosaicMru(this, "Multimail"); //mostRecentlyUsed.ItemsSaveLimit = 10; //mostRecentlyUsed.ItemsAreFiles = false; //mostRecentlyUsed.BuildMenu(clbExtraEmail); try { foreach (string s in param.mmtxtExtraEmail) { clbExtraEmail.Items.Add(s); } } catch { } _windowState = new PersistWindowState(this, @"Leden\Mail"); //txtExtraEmail.Text = PersistControlValue.ReadControlValue(txtExtraEmail); chkLogEmail.Checked = param.LogEmail; ckbDoNotSendEmail.Checked = param.DoNotSendEmail; EmailLogFile = param.LocationLogFiles + @"\" + param.ClubNameShort + "_Mail_Logfile.txt"; if (!File.Exists(EmailLogFile)) { File.Create(EmailLogFile); } #region Bouw Ledenlijst op if (lijst.GetType() == typeof(LedenLijst)) { leden = (LedenLijst)lijst; } if (lijst.GetType() == typeof(tblLid)) { tblLid lid = (tblLid)lijst; lid.Gemerkt = true; leden = new LedenLijst(lid); } if (lijst.GetType() == typeof(List <EmailAdresLid>)) { leden = new LedenLijst(); foreach (EmailAdresLid e in (List <EmailAdresLid>)lijst) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.EmailAddress.Trim())) { continue; } tblLid lid = new tblLid(); lid.Gemerkt = true; lid.Email1 = e.EmailAddress; leden.Add(lid); } } if (lijst.GetType() == typeof(tblRekening)) { tblRekening rekening = (tblRekening)lijst; tblLid lid = rekening.Lid; lid.Gemerkt = true; leden = new LedenLijst(lid); } #endregion try { foreach (tblLid lid in leden) { if (lid.Gemerkt) { AddEmailToComboAndShadow(lid, OnlyFinancialEmail); } } #region templateName == null dus we gebruiken de laatste opgeslagen default string body = string.Empty; if (templateName == null) { mailFileName = PersistControlValue.ReadLocalAppSetting(@"Leden.Net", "LastUsedEmail"); cmdGetMail.Visible = cmdSaveMail.Visible = true; if (mailFileName != string.Empty || !File.Exists(mailFileName)) { StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(mailFileName); StringReader str = new StringReader(sr.ReadToEnd()); body = htmlTextbox1.Text = str.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); sr.Dispose(); } else { body = htmlTextbox1.Text = mailFileName + " not found"; } return; } #endregion #region TemplateNaam is ingevuld dus gaan we die gebruiken. igv lege string dan default mailtje // Het type is een string dus gaan we uit van een templatenaam if (templateName.GetType() == typeof(string)) { if ((string)templateName == string.Empty) { htmlTextbox1.Text = "Beste " + param.ClubNameShort + "-er,<br><br>Met vriendelijke groet,<br>" + param.ClubNameShort; return; } // we maken gebruik van een template voor de leden. bijv Upas mail //Inlezen van de template string fileNameTemplate = param.LocationTemplates + @"\Template_" + (string)templateName + ".htm";; if (!File.Exists(fileNameTemplate)) { MessageBox.Show("Template mail " + fileNameTemplate + " bestaat niet", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } StreamReader sr1 = File.OpenText(fileNameTemplate); StringReader str1 = new StringReader(sr1.ReadToEnd()); htmlTextbox1.Text = str1.ReadToEnd(); } #endregion if (templateName.GetType() == typeof(BodyString)) { htmlTextbox1.Text = (BodyString)templateName; } //Replace keywords if (lijst.GetType() == typeof(tblLid)) { tblLid lid = (tblLid)lijst; htmlTextbox1.Text = MailRoutines.ReplaceKeyWords(htmlTextbox1.Text, lid, param); } if (lijst.GetType() == typeof(tblRekening)) { tblRekening rekening = (tblRekening)lijst; htmlTextbox1.Text = MailRoutines.ReplaceKeyWords(htmlTextbox1.Text, rekening, param); } #region Subject en Attachments txtSubject.Text = (subject != null ? subject : string.Empty); if (attachmentList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < attachmentList.Count && i < 3; i++) { if (i == 0 && attachmentList[i] != string.Empty) { txtBijlage1.Text = attachmentList[i]; } if (i == 1 && attachmentList[i] != string.Empty) { txtBijlage2.Text = attachmentList[i]; } if (i == 2 && attachmentList[i] != string.Empty) { txtBijlage3.Text = attachmentList[i]; } } } #endregion } catch { } }
private void SendInschrijfIncassoAankondiging() { string fileName = param.LocationTemplates + @"\Template_InschrijfIncasso.htm"; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { MessageBox.Show("Template voor inschrijfgeldincasso mail " + fileName + " bestaat niet", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } SmtpClientExt client = new SmtpClientExt(param.STMPserver, param.STMPport, param.EmailUserId, param.EmailPassword, EmailLogFile, chkLogEmail.Checked, ckbDoNotSendEmail.Checked, callback.SetText); //SmtpEmailer emailer = new SmtpEmailer(); //emailer.Host = param.STMPserver; //emailer.From = param.EmailReturnAdress; //emailer.AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationType.Base64; //emailer.User = param.EmailUserId; //emailer.Password = param.EmailPassword; //emailer.LogFile = EmailLogFile; //emailer.DoNotSendMail = ckbDoNotSendEmail.Checked; //emailer.LogMail = chkLogEmail.Checked; StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(fileName); StringReader str = new StringReader(sr.ReadToEnd()); string template = str.ReadToEnd(); foreach (Leden.Net.tblRekening rekening in selectedInc) { MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); message.From = new MailAddress(param.EmailReturnAdress); //emailer.ClearMessage(); if (rekening.TypeRekening == 0) { continue; // Geen Contributie incasso's } string sbr = template; //vervangen sbr = MailRoutines.ReplaceKeyWords(sbr, rekening.Lid, param); sbr = ReplaceRekeningItems(sbr, rekening); message.Body = sbr; //emailer.Body = sbr; if (rekening.Lid.MainEmailAdress != string.Empty) { message.Subject = "Aankondiging incasso TTVN"; //emailer.Subject = "Aankondiging incasso TTVN"; message.To.Add(rekening.Lid.MainEmailAdress); //emailer.To.Add(rekening.Lid.MainEmailAdress); } else { message.Subject = "Geen email adres bij Aankondiging incasso TTVN"; //emailer.Subject = "Geen email adres bij Aankondiging incasso TTVN"; message.To.Add(param.EmailReturnAdress); //emailer.To.Add(param.EmailReturnAdress); } message.IsBodyHtml = true; //emailer.SendAsHtml = true; try { client.Send(message); //emailer.SendMessage(); } catch { errorMail = true; errorList.AppendLine(rekening.Lid.MainEmailAdress); } callback.Increment(1); callback.SetText(rekening.Lid.MainEmailAdress); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); if (callback.IsAborting) { return; } } }