Esempio n. 1
        static Harass()
            #region Menu

            var harass = new Menu(Name + " Settings", Name);
            var harassQ = harass.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            harassQ.AddBool("HarassQ", "Use Q");
            harassQ.AddSlider("HarassQMana", "Min Mana %", 40);

            var harassW = harass.AddMenu("W", "W");
            harassW.AddBool("HarassW", "Use W");
            harassW.AddBool("HarassW2", "Use Second W");
            harassW.AddList("HarassW2Mode", "Second W Setting", new[] { "Auto", "After E" });
            harassW.AddSlider("HarassWMana", "Min Mana %", 40);

            var harassE = harass.AddMenu("E", "E");
            harassE.AddBool("HarassE", "Use E");
            harassE.AddHitChance("HarassEHC", "Min HitChance", HitChance.Medium);
            harassE.AddSlider("HarassEMana", "Min Mana %", 40);

            //  harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("HarassCombo", "W->Q->E->W Combo").SetValue(true));

            /* var harassR = harass.AddSubMenu(new Menu("R", "R"));
            harassR.AddItem(new MenuItem("HarassR", "Use R").SetValue(true));

            harass.AddKeyBind("HarassKey", "Harass Key", (byte) 'C');


            LocalMenu = harass;

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
Esempio n. 2
        static LaneClear()
            #region Menu

            var laneclear = new Menu("Farm Settings", "LaneClear");

            var lcQ = laneclear.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            lcQ.AddBool("LaneClearQ", "Use Q");
            lcQ.AddSlider("LaneClearQMana", "Minimum Q Mana Percent", 30);

            var lcW = laneclear.AddMenu("W", "W");
            lcW.AddBool("LaneClearW", "Use W");
            lcW.AddBool("LaneClearRW", "Use RW");
            lcW.AddSlider("LaneClearWHits", "Min Enemies Hit", 2, 0, 5);
            lcW.AddSlider("LaneClearWMana", "Minimum W Mana Percent", 30);

            laneclear.AddKeyBind("LaneClearKey", "Farm Key", (byte) 'V');


            LocalMenu = laneclear;

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
Esempio n. 3
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            Menu = new Menu("PredictionTester", "PredictionTester", true);
            var spellMenu = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells");
            var drawMenu = Menu.AddMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            drawMenu.AddCircle("VeryHigh", "Very High HitChance", Color.Red);
            drawMenu.AddCircle("High", "High HitChance", Color.Yellow);
            drawMenu.AddCircle("Medium", "Medium HitChance", Color.Green);
            drawMenu.AddCircle("Low", "Low HitChance", Color.Blue);
            drawMenu.AddSlider("Radius", "Circle Radius", 50, 50, 200);

            foreach (var entry in
                    spell => spell.BaseSkinName.Equals(ObjectManager.Player.CharData.BaseSkinName)))

            foreach (var spell in
                    spell => SkillshotTypes.ContainsKey(spell.SData.TargettingType)))
                var spellData = PlayerSpellData.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Slot.Equals(spell.Slot));

                if (spellData == null)

                var spellSlot = spell.Slot.ToString();

                var predictedSpell = new Spell(spell.Slot, spellData.Range);
                    spellData.Delay, spellData.Radius, spellData.MissileSpeed, false,


                var menu = spellMenu.AddSubMenu(new Menu(spellSlot, spellSlot));
                menu.AddBool(spellSlot + "Predict", "Prediction");
                menu.AddBool(spellSlot + "Old", "Old Prediction");
                menu.AddBool(spellSlot + "Best", "Best Prediction");
                menu.AddBool(spellSlot + "Decent", "Decent Prediction");
                menu.AddHitChance(spellSlot + "HitChance", "MinHitChance", HitChance.Medium);

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Initialize(Menu config, string checkUrl, string newsUrl = "")
            MenuConfig = config;
            CheckUrl = checkUrl;
            NewsUrl = newsUrl;

            if (config.SubMenu("Credits") != null)
                var Menu = config.SubMenu("Credits");
                Menu.AddBool("檢查版本", "檢查版本", true);
                Menu.AddBool("消息", "提示消息", true);
                var Menu = config.AddMenu("Credits", "腳本訊息");
                Menu.AddBool("檢查版本", "檢查版本", true);
                Menu.AddBool("消息", "提示消息", true);

            CustomEvents.Game.OnGameLoad += Game_OnGameLoad;
Esempio n. 5
        static Combo()
            #region Menu

            var combo = new Menu(Name + " Settings", Name);

            var comboQ = combo.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            comboQ.AddBool("ComboQ", "Use Q");

            var comboW = combo.AddMenu("W", "W");
            comboW.AddBool("ComboW", "Use W");
            comboW.AddObject("Spacer", "Set to 0% To Always W");
            comboW.AddSlider("ComboWMinHP", "Min HP To Use W", 20);
            comboW.AddBool("ComboW2", "Use Second W");
            comboW.AddBool("ComboW2Spells", "Use After Spells on CD");

            var comboE = combo.AddMenu("E", "E");
            comboE.AddBool("ComboE", "Use E");
            comboE.AddBool("ComboEStart", "Start Combo with E", false);
            comboE.AddHitChance("ComboEHC", "Min HitChance", HitChance.Medium);

            var comboR = combo.AddMenu("R", "R");
            comboR.AddBool("ComboR", "Use R");
                "ComboRMode", "Ult Mode",
                new[] { SpellSlot.Q.ToString(), SpellSlot.W.ToString(), SpellSlot.E.ToString() });

            /*  var wCombo = combo.AddMenu("AOE Combo", "AOECombo");
            wCombo.AddBool("wComboEnabled", "Enabled");
            wCombo.AddBool("wComboFlash", "Use Flash");
            wCombo.AddSlider("wComboEnemies", "Min Enemies", 2, 1, 5);
            combo.AddBool("ComboItems", "Use Items");
            combo.AddKeyBind("ComboKey", "Combo Key", 32);


            LocalMenu = combo;

            GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete += GameObject_OnDelete;
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
Esempio n. 6
        static Flee()
            #region Menu

            var flee = new Menu(Name + " Settings", Name);

            var fleeW = flee.AddMenu("W", "W");
            fleeW.AddBool("FleeW", "Use W");

            var fleeE = flee.AddMenu("E", "E");
            fleeE.AddBool("FleeE", "Use E");
            fleeE.AddHitChance("FleeEHC", "Min HitChance", HitChance.Medium);

            var fleeR = flee.AddMenu("R", "R");
            fleeR.AddBool("FleeRW", "Use W Ult");
            flee.AddKeyBind("FleeKey", "Flee Key", (byte) 'T');


            LocalMenu = flee;

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
        public static void Initialize(Menu menu)
            _menu = menu.AddMenu("Passive", "Passive");
            _menu.AddInfo("CloneInfo", " --> Automatic movement of clone.", Color.Red);
            _menu.AddBool("CloneEnabled", "Control Clone");
            _menu.AddList("CloneMode", "Mode", new[] { "To Player", "To Target", "Away from Player" });
            _menu.AddBool("CloneOverride", "Manual Override");
            _menu.Item("CloneOverride").SetTooltip("If clone is manually moved stop automatically moving.");

            Obj_AI_Base.OnIssueOrder += Obj_AI_Base_OnIssueOrder;
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete += GameObject_OnDelete;
Esempio n. 8
        public static void Initialize(Menu config, Spell[] initLvSq = default(Spell[]))
            Config = config;

            var menu = config.AddMenu("自动加点", "自动加点");
            menu.AddBool("启用", "启用", true);
            menu.AddStringList("最主", "最主", new[] { "Q", "W", "E", "R" }, initLvSq == default(Spell[]) ? 3: GetIndexFormSpell(initLvSq[0]));
            menu.AddStringList("优先", "优先", new[] { "Q", "W", "E", "R" }, initLvSq == default(Spell[]) ? 1 : GetIndexFormSpell(initLvSq[1]));
            menu.AddStringList("其次", "其次", new[] { "Q", "W", "E", "R" }, initLvSq == default(Spell[]) ? 1 : GetIndexFormSpell(initLvSq[2]));
            menu.AddStringList("最后", "最后", new[] { "Q", "W", "E", "R" }, initLvSq == default(Spell[]) ? 1 : GetIndexFormSpell(initLvSq[3]));
            menu.AddSlider("升级等级", "升级等级",2,6,1);
            menu.AddSlider("加点延迟", "加点延迟", 700,0,1000);

            Obj_AI_Base.OnLevelUp += Obj_AI_Base_OnLevelUp;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes static members of the <see cref="CustomInterrupter" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Initialize(Menu menu)
            _menu = menu.AddMenu("CustomInterrupter", "Interrupter");
            _menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.OrangeRed.ToSharpDXColor());

            // Initialize Properties
            InterruptableSpells = new Dictionary<string, List<InterruptableSpell>>();
            CastingInterruptableSpell = new Dictionary<int, InterruptableSpell>();


            // Trigger LastCastedSpell

            // Listen to required events
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Spellbook.OnStopCast += Spellbook_OnStopCast;
Esempio n. 10
        public Sivir()
            Q.Range = 1220;
            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 90f, 1350f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            W.Range = 593;

            Menu = new Menu("EatShitSivir", "EatShitSivir", true);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

                new List<Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode>

            var w = Menu.AddSpell(
                new List<Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode>
            w.AddSlider("MinMinionsW", "Min Minions to W", 1, 5);
            w.AddBool("TurretW", "Use on Turret");
            w.AddBool("InhibitorW", "Use on Inhibitor");
            w.AddBool("NexusW", "Use on Nexus");

            var e = Menu.AddMenu("E", "E");
            e.AddBool("AutoE", "Smart E");
            e.AddBool("EatShit", "Eat Shit");
            e.Item("EatShit").SetTooltip("Disable evade scripts in order to cast E and eat a spell.");
            e.AddSlider("EatShitMana", "Min Mana to Eat Shit", 100);

Esempio n. 11
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (!Player.IsChampion("Illaoi"))


            Menu = new Menu("TentacleBabeIllaoi", "TentacleBabeIllaoi", true);
            Menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, ScriptColor);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var spells = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells");

            var q = spells.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            q.AddBool("QCombo", "Use in Combo");
            q.AddBool("QHarass", "Use in Harass");

            var w = spells.AddMenu("W", "W");
            w.AddBool("WCombo", "Use in Combo");
            w.AddBool("WHarass", "Use in Harass");

            var e = spells.AddMenu("E", "E");
            e.AddBool("ECombo", "Use in Combo");
            e.AddBool("EHarass", "Use in Harass");

            var r = spells.AddMenu("R", "R");
            r.AddBool("RCombo", "Use in Combo");
            r.AddBool("RHarass", "Use in Harass");


            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Orbwalking.AfterAttack += Orbwalking_AfterAttack;
Esempio n. 12
		public static void Initialize(Menu config,string checkUrl,string newsUrl = "") {
			MenuConfig = config;
			CheckUrl = checkUrl;
			NewsUrl = newsUrl;

			if (config.SubMenu("Credits")!=null)
				var Menu = config.SubMenu("Credits");
				Menu.AddBool("检查版本", "检查版本",true);
				Menu.AddBool("新闻", "提示新闻", true);
				var Menu = config.AddMenu("Credits", "脚本信息");
				Menu.AddBool("检查版本", "检查版本", true);
				Menu.AddBool("新闻", "提示新闻", true);

			CustomEvents.Game.OnGameLoad += Game_OnGameLoad;
Esempio n. 13
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.ChampionName != "Fiora")

            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 400 + 175);
            Q.SetSkillshot(.25f, 0, 500, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 750);
            W.SetSkillshot(0.5f, 95, 3000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E);

            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 500);
            R.SetTargetted(.066f, 500);

            Menu = new Menu("jesuisFiora", "jesuisFiora", true);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();


            var comboMenu = Menu.AddMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            comboMenu.AddBool("QCombo", "Use Q");
            comboMenu.AddBool("WCombo", "Use W");
            comboMenu.AddBool("ECombo", "Use E");
            comboMenu.AddBool("RCombo", "Use R");
            comboMenu.AddBool("RComboSelected", "Use R Selected Only");
            comboMenu.AddBool("ItemsCombo", "Use Items");

            var harassMenu = Menu.AddMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            harassMenu.AddBool("QHarass", "Use Q");
            harassMenu.AddBool("WHarass", "Use W");
            harassMenu.AddBool("EHarass", "Use E");
            harassMenu.AddBool("ItemsHarass", "Use Items");
            harassMenu.AddSlider("ManaHarass", "Min Mana Percent", 40);

            var farmMenu = Menu.AddMenu("Farm", "Farm");
            farmMenu.AddBool("QLastHit", "Q Last Hit (Only Killable)");
            farmMenu.AddBool("QLaneClear", "Q LaneClear (All)");
            farmMenu.AddSlider("QFarmMana", "Q Min Mana Percent", 40);
            farmMenu.AddBool("ELaneClear", "Use E LaneClear");
            farmMenu.AddBool("ItemsLaneClear", "Use Items");

            var miscMenu = Menu.AddMenu("Misc", "Misc");

            var qMisc = miscMenu.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            qMisc.AddKeyBind("QFlee", "Q Flee", 'T');
            qMisc.AddBool("QGapClose", "Q Flee on Gapclose");

            var wMisc = miscMenu.AddMenu("W", "W");
            wMisc.AddBool("WTurret", "W Target Under Enemy Turret");
            wMisc.AddBool("WSpells", "W Incoming Spells");

            var rMisc = miscMenu.AddMenu("R", "R");
            rMisc.AddKeyBind("RKill", "Duelist Mode", 'H', KeyBindType.Toggle, true);
            rMisc.AddSlider("RKillVital", "Duelist Mode Min Vitals", 1, 0, 4);
            rMisc.AddBool("PermaShow", "PermaShow");

            if (rMisc.Item("PermaShow").IsActive())
                rMisc.Item("RKill").Permashow(true, null, Color.DeepPink);

            //miscMenu.AddBool("OrbwalkPassive", "Orbwalk to Passive Position");
            miscMenu.AddBool("Sounds", "Sounds");

            var drawMenu = Menu.AddMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");
            drawMenu.AddBool("QDraw", "Draw Q");
            drawMenu.AddBool("WDraw", "Draw W");
            drawMenu.AddBool("RDraw", "Draw R");
            drawMenu.AddBool("DuelistDraw", "Duelist Killable Drawing");

            var dmg = drawMenu.AddMenu("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddBool("DamageIndicator", "Draw Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddCircle("HPColor", "Predicted Health Color", System.Drawing.Color.White);
            dmg.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink);


            if (miscMenu.Item("Sounds").GetValue<bool>())
                var sound = new SoundObject(Resources.OnLoad);

            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = GetComboDamage;

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            Orbwalking.AfterAttack += AfterAttack;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Hero_OnProcessSpellCast;
            AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Game.PrintChat("jesuisFiora Loaded!");
Esempio n. 14
        public static void Initialize(Menu menu)
            var enemies = HeroManager.Enemies;

            if (enemies.Any(o => o.ChampionName.Equals("Kalista")))
                menu.AddBool("Oathsworn", "Block Oathsworn Knockup (Kalista R)");

            foreach (var unit in
                if (!BlockedSpells.ContainsKey(unit.ChampionName))

                var name = unit.ChampionName.Equals("MonkeyKing") ? "Wukong" : unit.ChampionName;
                var blockedMenu = menu.AddMenu(unit.ChampionName, name);
                foreach (var spell in BlockedSpells[unit.ChampionName])
                    var slot = spell.Slot.Equals(48) ? SpellSlot.R : spell.Slot;
                    blockedMenu.AddBool(unit.ChampionName + spell.MenuName, spell.DisplayName);

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Menu = menu;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes static members of the <see cref="AntiGapcloser" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Initialize(Menu menu)
            _menu = menu.AddMenu("CustomAntiGapcloser", "AntiGapcloser");
            _menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.OrangeRed.ToSharpDXColor());

            #region Aatrox

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Aatrox",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "aatroxq",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Akali

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Akali",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.R,
                    SpellName = "akalishadowdance",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Alistar

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Alistar",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.W,
                    SpellName = "headbutt",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Corki

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Corki",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.W,
                    SpellName = "carpetbomb",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Diana

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Diana",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.R,
                    SpellName = "dianateleport",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Ekko

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Ekko",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "ekkoe",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Ekko",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "ekkoeattack",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Elise

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Elise",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "elisespiderqcast",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Elise",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "elisespideredescent",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Fiora

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Fiora",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "fioraq",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Fizz

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Fizz",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "fizzpiercingstrike",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Gnar

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Gnar",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "gnarbige",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Gnar",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "gnare",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Gragas

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Gragas",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "gragase",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Graves

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Graves",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "gravesmove",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Hecarim

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Hecarim",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.R,
                    SpellName = "hecarimult",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Illaoi

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Illaoi",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.W,
                    SpellName = "illaoiwattack",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Irelia

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Irelia",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "ireliagatotsu",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region JarvanIV

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "JarvanIV",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "jarvanivdragonstrike",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Jax

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Jax",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "jaxleapstrike",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Jayce

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Jayce",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "jaycetotheskies",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Kassadin

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Kassadin",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.R,
                    SpellName = "riftwalk",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Khazix

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Khazix",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "khazixe",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Khazix",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "khazixelong",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region LeBlanc

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Leblanc",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.W,
                    SpellName = "leblancslide",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Leblanc",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.R,
                    SpellName = "leblancslidem",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region LeeSin

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "LeeSin",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "blindmonkqtwo",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Leona

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Leona",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "leonazenithblade",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Lucian

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Lucian",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "luciane",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Malphite

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Malphite",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.R,
                    SpellName = "ufslash",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region MasterYi

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "MasterYi",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "alphastrike",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region MonkeyKing

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "MonkeyKing",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "monkeykingnimbus",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Pantheon

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Pantheon",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.W,
                    SpellName = "pantheon_leapbash",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Pantheon",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.R,
                    SpellName = "pantheonrjump",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Pantheon",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.R,
                    SpellName = "pantheonrfall",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Poppy

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Poppy",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "poppyheroiccharge",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Renekton

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Renekton",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "renektonsliceanddice",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Riven

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Riven",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "riventricleave",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Riven",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "rivenfeint",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Sejuani

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Sejuani",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "sejuaniarcticassault",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Shen

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Shen",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "shenshadowdash",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Shyvana

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Shyvana",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.R,
                    SpellName = "shyvanatransformcast",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Talon

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Talon",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "taloncutthroat",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Tristana

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Tristana",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.W,
                    SpellName = "rocketjump",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Tryndamere

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Tryndamere",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "slashcast",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Vi

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Vi",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.Q,
                    SpellName = "viq",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region XinZhao

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "XinZhao",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "xenzhaosweep",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Yasuo

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Yasuo",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "yasuodashwrapper",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Targeted


            #region Zac

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Zac",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.E,
                    SpellName = "zace",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            #region Ziggs

                new Gapcloser
                    ChampionName = "Ziggs",
                    Slot = SpellSlot.W,
                    SpellName = "ziggswtoggle",
                    SkillType = GapcloserType.Skillshot


            Spells.RemoveAll(spell => HeroManager.Enemies.All(h => h.ChampionName != spell.ChampionName));

            foreach (var spell in Spells)
                var item = _menu.AddBool(spell.ChampionName + spell.Slot, spell.ChampionName + " " + spell.Slot);
                item.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { spell.Enabled = args.GetNewValue<bool>(); };
                spell.Enabled = item.IsActive();

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
Esempio n. 16
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (!Player.IsChampion("Fiora"))


            Menu = new Menu("jesuisFiora", "je suis Fiora", true);
            Menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, ScriptColor);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var hr = Menu.SubMenu("Orbwalker").Item("HoldPosRadius").GetValue<Slider>();
            if (hr.Value < 60)
                hr.Value = 60;

            var spells = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells");
            var passive = Menu.AddMenu("Passive", "Vital Settings");
            var wMenu = Menu.AddMenu("W", "W (SpellBlock)");

            var orbwalker = passive.AddMenu("Orbwalker", "Orbwalk Vital");

            orbwalker.AddKeyBind("OrbwalkPassive", "Orbwalk to Target Vital", 'N', KeyBindType.Toggle, true);
            orbwalker.Item("OrbwalkPassive").SetTooltip("Attempt to orbwalk to AA enemy vital.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkCombo", "In Combo");
            orbwalker.Item("OrbwalkCombo").SetTooltip("Only orbwalk to vital in Combo mode.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkHarass", "In Harass");
            orbwalker.Item("OrbwalkHarass").SetTooltip("Only orbwalk to vital in Harass mode.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkPrepassive", "Orbwalk PreVital");
                .SetTooltip("Orbwalk to a vital before it has been identified.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkUltPassive", "Orbwalk Ultimate Vital");
            orbwalker.Item("OrbwalkUltPassive").SetTooltip("Orbwalk to ultimate vitals.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkPassiveTimeout", "Orbwalk Near Timeout Vital");
                .SetTooltip("Orbwalk to  to vital as it is being timed out.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkSelected", "Only Selected Target", true);
                .SetTooltip("Target must be manually left clicked to orbwalk to vitals.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkTurret", "Block Under Turret", false);
            orbwalker.Item("OrbwalkTurret").SetTooltip("In order to avoid walking under turrets.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkQ", "Only if Q Down", false);
            orbwalker.Item("OrbwalkQ").SetTooltip("To avoid orbwalking to a vital that will be Q'ed to.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkAARange", "Only in AA Range", false);
            orbwalker.Item("OrbwalkAARange").SetTooltip("Only orbwalk to vital if it is in AA range.", ScriptColor);

            orbwalker.AddBool("OrbwalkAA", "Only if not able to AA", false);
                .SetTooltip("Only orbwalk to vital if not able to AA, in order to avoid loss of dps.", ScriptColor);

            var qVital = passive.AddMenu("QVital", "Q Vital");
            qVital.AddBool("QPassive", "Only Q to Vitals", true);
            qVital.Item("QPassive").SetTooltip("Attempt to only Q to Fiora's vital passive.", ScriptColor);

            qVital.AddBool("QUltPassive", "Q to Ultimate Vital");
            qVital.Item("QUltPassive").SetTooltip("Q to ultimate vital passive.", ScriptColor);

            qVital.AddBool("QPrepassive", "Q to PreVital", false);
                .SetTooltip("Attempt to Q to vital before it has been identified. May not proc vital.", ScriptColor);

            qVital.AddBool("QPassiveTimeout", "Q to Near Timeout Vital");
                .SetTooltip("Q to vital as it is being timed out. May not proc vital.", ScriptColor);

            qVital.AddBool("QInVitalBlock", "Block Q inside Vital Polygon");
            qVital.Item("QInVitalBlock").SetTooltip("Block Q if player is inside of enemy vital polygon.", ScriptColor);

            passive.AddBool("DrawCenter", "Draw Vital Center");
            passive.Item("DrawCenter").SetTooltip("Draw the center of vital polygon. No FPS drops.", ScriptColor);

            passive.AddBool("DrawPolygon", "Draw Vital Polygon", false);
            passive.Item("DrawPolygon").SetTooltip("Draw the vital polygon. Possibly causes FPS drops.", ScriptColor);

            passive.AddSlider("SectorMaxRadius", "Vital Polygon Range", 310, 300, 400);
                .SetTooltip("The max range of vital polygon. Draw polygon to understand what this is.", ScriptColor);

            passive.AddSlider("SectorAngle", "Vital Polygon Angle", 70, 60, 90);
                .SetTooltip("The angle of vital polygon. Draw polygon to understand what this is.", ScriptColor);

            var qMenu = spells.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            qMenu.AddBool("QCombo", "Use in Combo");
            qMenu.AddBool("QHarass", "Use in Harass");
            qMenu.AddSlider("QRangeDecrease", "Decrease Q Range", 10, 0, 150);
            Q.Range = 750 - qMenu.Item("QRangeDecrease").GetValue<Slider>().Value;
            qMenu.Item("QRangeDecrease").ValueChanged += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                Q.Range = 750 - eventArgs.GetNewValue<Slider>().Value;
                var qDraw = Menu.Item("QDraw");
                if (qDraw == null)
                var qCircle = qDraw.GetValue<Circle>();
                qDraw.SetValue(new Circle(qCircle.Active, qCircle.Color, Q.Range));

            qMenu.AddBool("QBlockTurret", "Block Q Under Turret", false);
            qMenu.Item("QBlockTurret").SetTooltip("Don't Q under turret in combo/harass.", ScriptColor);

            qMenu.AddKeyBind("QFlee", "Q Flee", 'T');
            qMenu.Item("QFlee").SetTooltip("Flees towards cursor position.", ScriptColor);
            //qMenu.AddInfo("FleeInfo", " --> Flees towards cursor position.", ScriptColor);

            qMenu.AddBool("QKillsteal", "Use for Killsteal");

            var wSpells = wMenu.AddMenu("BlockSpells", "Blocked Spells");
            wMenu.AddKeyBind("WSpells", "Enabled", 'U', KeyBindType.Toggle, true);

            wMenu.AddList("WMode", "W Spellblock to: ", new[] { "Spell Caster", "Target" });
            wMenu.Item("WMode").SetTooltip("TR", ScriptColor);
            wMenu.AddBool("WKillsteal", "Use for Killsteal");
            wMenu.AddBool("WTurret", "Block W Under Enemy Turret", false);


            var eMenu = spells.AddMenu("E", "E");
            eMenu.AddBool("ECombo", "Use in Combo");
            eMenu.AddBool("EHarass", "Use in Harass");

            var rMenu = spells.AddMenu("R", "R");

            var duelistMenu = rMenu.AddMenu("Duelist Champion", "Duelist Mode Champions");
            foreach (var enemy in Enemies)
                duelistMenu.AddBool("Duelist" + enemy.ChampionName, "Use on " + enemy.ChampionName);

            rMenu.AddBool("RCombo", "Use R");

            rMenu.AddList("RMode", "Cast Mode", new[] { "Duelist", "Combo" });
                .SetTooltip("Duelist: Only cast when killable. Combo: Cast during normal combo.", ScriptColor);

            rMenu.AddKeyBind("RToggle", "Toggle Mode", 'L');
            rMenu.Item("RToggle").SetTooltip("Toggles cast mode between Duelist and Combo.", ScriptColor);

            rMenu.Item("RToggle").ValueChanged += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                if (!eventArgs.GetNewValue<KeyBind>().Active)
                var mode = Menu.Item("RMode");
                var index = mode.GetValue<StringList>().SelectedIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                mode.SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Duelist", "Combo" }, index));

            rMenu.AddSlider("RKillVital", "Duelist Mode Min Vitals", 2, 0, 4);
            rMenu.Item("RKillVital").SetTooltip("Used for damage calculation in Duelist Mode", ScriptColor);

            rMenu.AddBool("RComboSelected", "Use R Selected on Selected Unit Only");
                .SetTooltip("Only cast R when enemy has been left clicked or selected.", ScriptColor);

            var items = spells.AddMenu("Items", "Items");
            items.AddBool("ItemsCombo", "Use in Combo");
            items.AddBool("ItemsHarass", "Use in Harass");

            spells.AddSlider("ManaHarass", "Harass Min Mana Percent", 40);

            var farm = Menu.AddMenu("Farm", "Farm");

            var qFarm = farm.AddMenu("Farm", "Q");
            qFarm.AddBool("QFarm", "Use Q in Farm");
            qFarm.AddBool("QLastHit", "Q Last Hit (Only Killable)", false);
            qFarm.AddBool("QFarmAA", "Only Q out of AA Range", false);
            qFarm.AddSlider("QFarmMana", "Q Min Mana Percent", 40);

            var eFarm = farm.AddMenu("E", "E");
            eFarm.AddBool("ELaneClear", "Use in LaneClear");

            farm.AddKeyBind("FarmEnabled", "Farm Enabled", 'J', KeyBindType.Toggle);
            farm.Item("FarmEnabled").SetTooltip("Enabled in LastHit and LaneClear mode.", ScriptColor);

            farm.AddBool("ItemsLaneClear", "Use Items in LaneClear");

            var draw = Menu.AddMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");

                "QVitalDraw", "Draw Q Vital Range", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, SpellManager.QSkillshotRange, false);
                    "Must be in this range to hit vital. If force vital enabled, then it can only cast Q to target in this range.",

            draw.AddCircle("QDraw", "Draw Q Max Range", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, Q.Range, false);
            draw.Item("QDraw").SetTooltip("The max range that Q can be cast and hit the target.", ScriptColor);

            draw.AddCircle("1Draw", "Draw W", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink, W.Range, false);
            draw.AddCircle("3Draw", "Draw R", System.Drawing.Color.White, R.Range, false);
            draw.AddBool("DuelistDraw", "Duelist Mode: Killable Target");
            draw.AddBool("WPermashow", "Permashow W Spellblock");
            draw.AddBool("RPermashow", "Permashow R Mode");
            draw.AddBool("FarmPermashow", "Permashow Farm Enabled");
            draw.AddBool("OrbwalkPermashow", "Permashow Orbwalk Vital");

            if (draw.Item("WPermashow").IsActive())
                wMenu.Item("WSpells").Permashow(true, "W SpellBlock", ScriptColor);

            draw.Item("WPermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    wMenu.Item("WSpells").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue<bool>(), "W SpellBlock", ScriptColor);

            if (draw.Item("RPermashow").IsActive())
                rMenu.Item("RMode").Permashow(true, null, ScriptColor);

            draw.Item("RPermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    rMenu.Item("RMode").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue<bool>(), null, ScriptColor);

            if (draw.Item("FarmPermashow").IsActive())
                farm.Item("FarmEnabled").Permashow(true, null, ScriptColor);

            draw.Item("FarmPermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    farm.Item("FarmEnabled").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue<bool>(), null, ScriptColor);

            if (draw.Item("OrbwalkPermashow").IsActive())
                orbwalker.Item("OrbwalkPassive").Permashow(true, null, ScriptColor);

            draw.Item("OrbwalkPermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    orbwalker.Item("OrbwalkPassive").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue<bool>(), null, ScriptColor);

            var dmg = draw.AddMenu("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddBool("DmgEnabled", "Draw Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddCircle("HPColor", "Predicted Health Color", System.Drawing.Color.White);
            dmg.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", System.Drawing.Color.HotPink);
            dmg.AddBool("Killable", "Killable Text");

            var misc = Menu.AddMenu("Misc", "Misc");

            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Farm, 30);
            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 15);
            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 15);
            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Farm, 40);
            R.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 10);

            misc.AddList("TargetSelector", "Target Selector: ", new[] { "Normal", "Locked" });
            misc.Item("TargetSelector").SetTooltip("Locked TS attempts to stick to the same target.", ScriptColor);
            misc.AddInfo("TSInfo", "Locked TS attempts to lock to the same target.", ScriptColor);
            misc.AddBool("Sounds", "Sounds");

            Menu.AddInfo("Info", "By Trees and Lilith!", ScriptColor);

            if (Menu.Item("Sounds").IsActive())
                new SoundObject(Resources.OnLoad).Play();

            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = GetComboDamage;

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            Orbwalking.BeforeAttack += BeforeAttack;
            Orbwalking.AfterAttack += AfterAttack;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Hero_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
                "<font color=\"{0}\">jesuisFiora Loaded!</font>", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink.ToHexString());
Esempio n. 17
 public static void Initialize(Menu menu)
     _menu = menu.AddMenu("ManaManager", "Mana Manager");
     _menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.Cyan);
     _menu.AddBool("Enabled", "Enabled", false);
Esempio n. 18
        public LeBlanc()
            Q = SpellManager.Q;
            W = SpellManager.W;
            E = SpellManager.E;
            R = SpellManager.R;

            Menu = new Menu("PopBlanc", "PopBlanc", true);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var spells = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells");

            var q = spells.AddSpell(
                new List<Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode>
            q.AddSlider("FarmQMana", "Farm Minimum Mana", 40);

            var w = spells.AddSpell(
                new List<Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode>
            w.AddSlider("FarmWMinions", "Farm Minimum Minions", 3, 1, 5);
            w.AddBool("WBackHarass", "Harass W Back");
            w.Item("WBackHarass").SetTooltip("Cast second W after harassing.");
            w.AddBool("WBackFarm", "Farm W Back");
            w.Item("WBackFarm").SetTooltip("Cast second W after farming.");
            w.AddBool("WBackClick", "Left Click W Back", false);
            w.Item("WBackClick").SetTooltip("Cast second W after left clicking.");

            var e = spells.AddSpell(
                new List<Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode> { Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed });

            e.AddSlider("ERangeDecrease", "Decrease Range", 0, 0, 100);
            e.Item("ERangeDecrease").ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                E.Range = ERange - args.GetNewValue<Slider>().Value;
                var eDraw = Menu.Item("Draw2");
                if (eDraw == null)
                var eCircle = eDraw.GetValue<Circle>();
                eDraw.SetValue(new Circle(eCircle.Active, eCircle.Color, E.Range));
            E.Range = ERange - e.Item("ERangeDecrease").GetValue<Slider>().Value;

            e.AddBool("ComboEFirst", "Combo E First", false);
            e.AddBool("AntiGapcloser", "AntiGapCloser with E");
            e.AddBool("AutoEImmobile", "Auto E Immobile Targets");

            var r = spells.AddSpell(
                new List<Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode> { Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed });
            r.AddBool("LaneClearR", "Use in LaneClear", false);
            r.Item("LaneClearR").SetTooltip("Use R(W) in LaneClear");
            r.AddBool("AntiGapcloserR", "AntiGapCloser with R(E)", false);
            w.AddBool("RBackClick", "Left Click R(W) Back", false);
            w.Item("RBackClick").SetTooltip("Cast second R(W) after left clicking.");
            var combo = Menu.AddMenu("Combo", "Other Combos");

            var twoChainz = combo.AddMenu("2Chainz", "2Chainz");
            twoChainz.AddInfo("2ChainzInfo", " --> Cast E and R(E) on target.", Color.Red);
            twoChainz.AddKeyBind("2Key", "Combo Key", 'H');
            twoChainz.AddBool("2Selected", "Selected Target Only", false);
            twoChainz.AddBool("2W", "Use W if out of range");

            var aoe = combo.AddMenu("AOECombo", "AOE Combo");
            aoe.AddInfo("AOEInfo", " --> Cast W and R(W) on target(s).", Color.Red);
            aoe.AddKeyBind("AOECombo", "Combo Key", 'N');
            aoe.AddBool("AOEW", "Use W");
            aoe.AddBool("GapcloseW", "Use W to Gapclose");
            aoe.Item("GapcloseW").SetTooltip("Gapclose to cast R(W).");
            aoe.AddBool("AOER", "Use R(W)");
            aoe.AddSlider("AOEEnemies", "Minimum Enemies", 2, 1, 5);

            combo.AddBool("ComboOrbwalk", "Orbwalk when Comboing");

            var ks = Menu.AddMenu("Killsteal", "Killsteal");
            ks.AddBool("SmartKS", "Smart Killsteal");
            ks.AddSlider("KSMana", "Minimum Mana", 30);
            ks.AddSlider("KSHealth", "Minimum Health to W", 40);
            ks.AddBool("KSGapclose", "Use W to Gapclose", false);
            ks.Item("KSHealth").SetTooltip("Minimum health to W in to KS.");
            ks.AddSlider("KSEnemies", "Maximum Enemies to W", 3, 1, 4);
            ks.Item("KSEnemies").SetTooltip("Maximum enemies to W in to KS.");


            var flee = Menu.AddMenu("Flee", "Flee");
            flee.AddInfo("FleeInfo", " --> Flees towards cursor position.", Color.Red);
            flee.AddKeyBind("Flee", "Flee", 'T');
            flee.AddBool("FleeW", "Use W");
            flee.AddBool("FleeRW", "Use R(W)");
            flee.AddBool("FleeMove", "Move to Cursor Position");

            var draw = Menu.AddMenu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            draw.AddCircle("Draw0", "Draw Q Range", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Q.Range, false);
            draw.AddCircle("Draw1", "Draw W Range", System.Drawing.Color.Red, W.Range, false);
            draw.AddCircle("Draw2", "Draw E Range", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, E.Range, false);
            draw.AddBool("DrawCD", "Draw on CD");
            draw.AddBool("DrawWBack", "Draw W Back Position");

            var manaCost = new Dictionary<SpellSlot, int[]>
                { SpellSlot.Q, new[] { 0, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 } },
                { SpellSlot.W, new[] { 0, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 } },
                { SpellSlot.E, new[] { 0, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80 } },
                { SpellSlot.R, new[] { 0, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 } }

            var damage = draw.AddMenu("Damage Indicator", "Damage Indicator");
            damage.AddBool("DmgEnabled", "Enabled");
            damage.AddCircle("HPColor", "Health Color", System.Drawing.Color.White);
            damage.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink);
            damage.AddBool("Killable", "Killable");

            Menu.AddBool("Sounds", "Sounds");

            if (Menu.Item("Sounds").IsActive())
                new SoundObject(Resources.Load).Play();

            Menu.AddInfo("Info", "By Trees and Lilith!", Color.Red);

            ManaBarIndicator.Initialize(draw, manaCost);
            DamageIndicator.Initialize(damage, GetComboDamage);
            SpellManager.Initialize(Menu, Orbwalker);

Esempio n. 19
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (!Player.IsChampion("Kindred"))

            Menu = new Menu("KindredSpirits", "KindredSpirits", true);
            Menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, ScriptColor);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var spells = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells");

            var qMenu = spells.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            qMenu.AddBool("QCombo", "Use in Combo");
            qMenu.AddBool("QHarass", "Use in Harass");
            qMenu.AddBool("QSafety", "Q Safety Check");
            qMenu.AddBool("QKiteMachine", "Q KiteMachine");
            qMenu.AddInfo("KiteInfo", " --> Q's towards cursor position if enemy will be hit.", ScriptColor);
            qMenu.AddKeyBind("QFlee", "Q Flee", 'T');
            qMenu.AddInfo("FleeInfo", " --> Flees towards cursor position.", ScriptColor);
            qMenu.AddBool("QGapClose", "AntiGapclose with Q");
            qMenu.AddBool("QKillsteal", "Use for Killsteal");

            var wMenu = spells.AddMenu("W", "W");
            wMenu.AddBool("WCombo", "Use in Combo");
            wMenu.AddBool("WHarass", "Use in Harass");

            var eMenu = spells.AddMenu("E", "E");
            eMenu.AddBool("ECombo", "Use in Combo");
            eMenu.AddBool("EHarass", "Use in Harass");
            eMenu.AddBool("EBeforeAttack", "Only Use E Before Attack", false);
            eMenu.AddInfo("BeforeAttackInfo", " --> When enemy is close to leaving AA range.", ScriptColor);
            eMenu.AddBool("ESelectedTarget", "Only E Selected Target", false);

            var rMenu = spells.AddMenu("R", "R");

            var savingMenu = rMenu.AddMenu("SavingMode", "Saving Spirits Settings");
            var allyMenu = savingMenu.AddMenu("RAlly", "Allied Champions");

            foreach (var ally in Allies.Where(a => !a.IsMe))
                allyMenu.AddBool("R" + ally.ChampionName, "Use on " + ally.ChampionName);
                allyMenu.AddSlider("RHP" + ally.ChampionName, "Health Percent", 15);

            savingMenu.AddSlider("SavingAllies", "Minimum Allies In Range", 2, 0, 5);
            savingMenu.AddSlider("SavingEnemies", "Maximum Enemies In Range", 2, 0, 5);

            rMenu.AddBool("RCombo", "Use R");
            rMenu.AddSlider("RSelf", "Self Health Percent", 15);

            var items = spells.AddMenu("Items", "Items");
            items.AddBool("ItemsCombo", "Use in Combo");
            items.AddBool("ItemsHarass", "Use in Harass");

            spells.AddBool("IgniteKillsteal", "Ignite Killsteal");
            spells.AddBool("SmiteKillsteal", "Smite Killsteal");
            spells.AddSlider("ManaHarass", "Harass Min Mana Percent", 40);

            var farm = Menu.AddMenu("Farm", "Farm");
            farm.AddBool("QLaneClear", "Q LaneClear");
            farm.AddBool("QJungleClear", "Q Jungle Clear");
            farm.AddSlider("QFarmMana", "Q Min Mana Percent", 40);
            farm.AddBool("WLaneClear", "Farm with W");
            farm.AddBool("EJungleClear", "E Jungle Clear");

            farm.AddKeyBind("FarmEnabled", "Farm Enabled", 'J', KeyBindType.Toggle, true);
            farm.AddInfo("FarmInfo", " --> Enabled in LaneClear and LastHit", ScriptColor);
            farm.AddBool("ItemsLaneClear", "Use Items in LaneClear");

            var draw = Menu.AddMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");
            draw.AddCircle("0Draw", "Draw Q", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, SpellManager.Q.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("1Draw", "Draw W", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink, SpellManager.W.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("2Draw", "Draw E", System.Drawing.Color.Blue, SpellManager.E.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("3Draw", "Draw R", System.Drawing.Color.White, SpellManager.R.Range);
            draw.AddBool("FarmPermashow", "Permashow Farm Enabled");

            if (draw.Item("FarmPermashow").IsActive())
                farm.Item("FarmEnabled").Permashow(true, null, ScriptColor);

            draw.Item("FarmPermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    farm.Item("FarmEnabled").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue<bool>(), null, ScriptColor);

            var dmg = draw.AddMenu("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddBool("DmgEnabled", "Draw Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddCircle("HPColor", "Predicted Health Color", System.Drawing.Color.White);
            dmg.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
            dmg.AddBool("Killable", "Killable Text");


            //Menu.AddBool("Sounds", "Sounds");
            Menu.AddInfo("Info", "By Trees and Lilith!", ScriptColor);

            /*if (Menu.Item("Sounds").IsActive())
                new SoundObject(Resources.OnLoad).Play();

            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = GetComboDamage;

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            Orbwalking.BeforeAttack += BeforeAttack;
            Orbwalking.AfterAttack += AfterAttack;
            AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
                "<font color=\"{0}\">Kindred Spirits Loaded!</font>", System.Drawing.Color.Blue.ToHexString());
Esempio n. 20
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (!Player.IsChampion("Leblanc"))

            #region Menu

            Menu = new Menu("LeBlanc The Schemer", "LeBlanc", true);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var combo = new Combo();

            var harass = new Harass();

            var laneclear = new LaneClear();

            var flee = new Flee();

            var clone = new Clone();

            var draw = Menu.AddMenu("Draw Settings", "Draw");
            draw.AddItem(new MenuItem("Draw0", "Draw Q Range").SetValue(new Circle(true, Color.Red, Q.Range)));
            draw.AddItem(new MenuItem("Draw1", "Draw W Range").SetValue(new Circle(false, Color.Red, W.Range)));
            draw.AddItem(new MenuItem("Draw2", "Draw E Range").SetValue(new Circle(true, Color.Purple, E.Range)));
            draw.AddBool("DrawCD", "Draw on CD");
            draw.AddBool("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator");

            var misc = Menu.AddMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc");

            var ks = new KillSteal();

            misc.AddBool("Interrupt", "Interrupt Spells");
            misc.AddBool("AntiGapcloser", "AntiGapCloser");
            misc.AddBool("Sounds", "Sounds");
            misc.AddBool("Troll", "Troll");



            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = GetComboDamage;

            if (misc.Item("Sounds").GetValue<bool>())
                var sound = new SoundObject(Resources.OnLoad);

                "<b><font color =\"#FFFFFF\">LeBlanc the Schemer by </font><font color=\"#0033CC\">Trees</font><font color =\"#FFFFFF\"> loaded!</font></b>");

            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Interrupter2.OnInterruptableTarget += Interrupter2_OnInterruptableTarget;
            AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
Esempio n. 21
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (!Player.IsChampion("Urgot"))

            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1000);
            Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1200);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 850);

            Q.SetSkillshot(0.2667f, 60f, 1600f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Q2.SetSkillshot(0.3f, 60f, 1800f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E.SetSkillshot(0.2658f, 120f, 1500f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);

            Menu = new Menu("TUrgot", "TreesUrgot", true);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var q = Menu.AddMenu("Q", "Q Settings");

            q.AddBool("ComboQ", "Use in Combo");
            q.Item("ComboQ").SetSpellTooltip("Combo", "Q", ScriptColor);

            q.AddBool("HarassQ", "Use in Harass");
            q.Item("HarassQ").SetSpellTooltip("Harass", "Q", ScriptColor);

            q.AddBool("AutoQ", "Smart Q");
                    "Automatically uses Q on nearby enemies with Urgot's E Buff.", System.Drawing.Color.Cyan.ToBGRA());

            q.AddBool("LaneClearQ", "Use in LaneClear");
            q.Item("LaneClearQ").SetSpellTooltip("LaneClear", "Q", ScriptColor);

            q.AddSlider("LaneClearQManaPercent", "Minimum Q Mana Percent", 30);
            q.Item("LaneClearQManaPercent").SetManaTooltip(ScriptColor, "Q");

            q.AddCircle("QRange", "Q", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Q.Range);
            q.Item("QRange").SetDrawingTooltip("Q", ScriptColor);

            var e = Menu.AddMenu("E", "E Settings");

            e.AddBool("ComboE", "Use in Combo");
            e.Item("ComboE").SetSpellTooltip("Combo", "E", ScriptColor);

            e.AddBool("HarassE", "Use in Harass");
            e.Item("HarassE").SetSpellTooltip("Harass", "E", ScriptColor);

            e.AddCircle("ERange", "E", System.Drawing.Color.Blue, E.Range);
            e.Item("ERange").SetDrawingTooltip("E", ScriptColor);

            Menu.AddBool("Interrupt", "Interrupt with R");
            Menu.Item("Interrupt").SetTooltip("Cast Urgot's R to interrupt enemy abilities.", ScriptColor);


            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Interrupter2.OnInterruptableTarget += Interrupter2_OnInterruptableTarget;

            Game.PrintChat("Trees Urgot loaded!");
Esempio n. 22
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (!Player.IsChampion("Ahri"))

            Menu = new Menu("Babehri", "Babehri", true);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var combo = Menu.AddMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            combo.AddBool("ComboQ", "Use Q");
            combo.AddBool("ComboW", "Use W");
            combo.AddSlider("ComboWMinHit", "Min Fox-Fire Hits", 2, 0, 3);
            combo.AddBool("ComboE", "Use E");
            //combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("ComboItems", "Use Items").SetValue(true));

            var harass = Menu.AddMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            harass.AddBool("HarassQ", "Use Q");
            harass.AddBool("HarassW", "Use W");
            harass.AddSlider("HarassWMinHit", "Min Fox-Fire Hits", 2, 0, 3);
            harass.AddBool("HarassE", "Use E");
            harass.AddSlider("HarassMinMana", "Min Mana Percent", 30);

            var farm = Menu.AddMenu("Farm", "Farm");
            farm.AddBool("FarmQ", "Smart Farm with Q");
            farm.AddSlider("FarmQHC", "Q Min HitCount", 3, 1, 5);
            farm.AddBool("FarmQLH", "Save Q for LH", false);
            farm.AddBool("FarmW", "Farm W (LC)", false);
            farm.AddSlider("FarmMana", "Minimum Mana %", 50);

            var misc = Menu.AddMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            var eMisc = misc.AddMenu("E", "E");
            eMisc.AddBool("GapcloseE", "Use E on Gapclose");
            eMisc.AddBool("InterruptE", "Use E to Interrupt");
            var rMisc = misc.AddMenu("R", "R");
            rMisc.AddSlider("DamageR", "R Dmg Prediction Bolt Count", 2, 0, 3);
            rMisc.AddKeyBind("FleeR", "Use R Flee", 'T');

            var drawing = Menu.AddMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");

            var damage = drawing.AddMenu("Damage Indicator", "Damage Indicator");
            damage.AddBool("Enabled", "Enabled");
            damage.AddCircle("HPColor", "Health Color", System.Drawing.Color.White);
            damage.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink);
            damage.AddBool("DmgEnabled", "Killable");

            drawing.AddCircle("DrawQ", "Draw Q", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink, Spells.Q.Range);
            drawing.AddCircle("DrawW", "Draw W", System.Drawing.Color.White, Spells.W.Range, false);
            drawing.AddCircle("DrawE", "Draw E", System.Drawing.Color.MediumVioletRed, Spells.E.Range);
            drawing.AddCircle("DrawR", "Draw R", System.Drawing.Color.Cyan, Spells.R.Range);
            drawing.AddCircle("DrawPassive", "Draw Passive Stack", System.Drawing.Color.White);


            PassiveText.VisibleCondition += sender => Menu.Item("DrawPassive").IsActive();

            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = GetComboDamage;

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Orbwalking.AfterAttack += Orbwalking_AfterAttack;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Interrupter2.OnInterruptableTarget += Interrupter2_OnInterruptableTarget;
            AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
            GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete += GameObject_OnDelete;
Esempio n. 23
        public Lulu()
            Q = SpellManager.Q;
            W = SpellManager.W;
            E = SpellManager.E;
            R = SpellManager.R;

            Menu = new Menu("Lulu", "Lulu", true);
            Menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.MediumPurple);
            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var combo = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells");
            combo.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.Color.DeepSkyBlue.ToSharpDXColor());

            var q = combo.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            q.AddBool("QCombo", "Use in Combo");
            q.AddBool("QHarass", "Use in Harass");
            q.AddInfo("QMisc2", "-- Misc --", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
            q.AddBool("QPix", "Use Pix Q", false);
            q.Item("QPix").SetTooltip("Use Pix to Cast Q");
            q.AddBool("EQPix", "Use Extended Q (E->Q)");
            q.Item("EQPix").SetTooltip("Use E to cast Pix Q");
            q.AddBool("QGapcloser", "Use Q on Gapcloser");
            q.AddBool("QImpaired", "Auto Q Movement Impaired", false);
            q.AddInfo("QMisc1", "-- Farm --", Color.Red);
            q.AddBool("QFarm", "Use Q to Farm");
            q.AddBool("QLC", "Use in LaneClear");
            q.AddBool("QLH", "Use in LastHit", false);

            var w = combo.AddMenu("W", "W");

            var wEnemies = w.AddMenu("WEnemies", "Enemy Priority");
            foreach (var enemy in Enemies)
                wEnemies.AddSlider(enemy.ChampionName + "WPriority", enemy.ChampionName, 1, 0, 5);

            wEnemies.AddInfo("WEnemiesInfo", "0 means don't cast, 5 is highest priority", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
            wEnemies.AddBool("WPriority", "Priority Enabled", false);

            w.AddBool("WCombo", "Use on Enemy in Combo");
            w.AddBool("WHarass", "Use on Enemy in Harass");
            w.AddBool("WGapcloser", "Use W on Gapcloser");
            w.AddBool("WInterrupter", "Use W to Interrupt");

            var e = combo.AddMenu("E", "E");

            var eAllies = e.AddMenu("EAllies", "Ally Shielding");
            foreach (var ally in Allies)
                eAllies.AddSlider(ally.ChampionName + "EPriority", ally.ChampionName + " Min Health", 20);

            eAllies.AddInfo("EAlliesInfo", "Set to 0 to never shield ally.", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
            eAllies.AddBool("EAuto", "Use E on Allies");

            e.AddBool("ECombo", "Use on Enemy in Combo");
            e.AddBool("EHarass", "Use on Enemy in Harass");

            var r = combo.AddMenu("R", "R");

            var saver = r.AddMenu("Saver", "Saver");
            foreach (var ally in Allies)
                saver.AddSlider(ally.ChampionName + "RPriority", ally.ChampionName + " Min Health", 15);

            saver.AddInfo("RAlliesInfo", "Set to 0 to never ult ally.", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
            saver.AddBool("RAuto", "Use R on Allies");

            r.AddKeyBind("RForce", "Force Ult Ally", 'K');
            r.Item("RForce").SetTooltip("Casts R on the lowest HP ally in R range");
            r.AddBool("RInterrupter", "Use R on Interrupt");

            r.AddBool("RKnockup", "Auto R to Knockup");
            r.AddSlider("RKnockupEnemies", "Min Enemes to Knockup", 2, 1, 5);

            var ks = Menu.AddMenu("Killsteal", "Killsteal");
            ks.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.Red);
            ks.AddBool("KSEnabled", "Enabled");
            ks.AddBool("KSQ", "Use Q");
            ks.AddBool("KSE", "Use E");
            ks.AddBool("KSEQ", "Use E->Q");

            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Farm, 30);
            W.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 15);
            W.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 15);
            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 10);
            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 10);

            var flee = Menu.AddMenu("Flee", "Flee");
            flee.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.Yellow);
            flee.AddInfo("FleeInfo", " --> Flees towards cursor position.", Color.Yellow);
            flee.AddKeyBind("Flee", "Flee", 'T');
            flee.AddBool("FleeW", "Use W");
            flee.AddBool("FleeMove", "Move to Cursor Position");

            var draw = Menu.AddMenu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            draw.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.DeepPink);

            draw.AddCircle("DrawQ", "Draw Q", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, Q.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("DrawW", "Draw W/E", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, W.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("DrawR", "Draw R", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, R.Range);
            draw.AddBool("DrawPix", "Draw Pix");

            var misc = Menu.AddMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            misc.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.MediumPurple);


            var superman = misc.AddMenu("Superman", "Speedy Up!");
            superman.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.Red);
            superman.AddInfo("SupermanInfo", " --> Casts W+E on prioritized ally.", Color.Red);
            foreach (var ally in Allies.Where(a => !a.IsMe))
                superman.AddSlider(ally.ChampionName + "WEPriority", ally.ChampionName + " Priority", 1, 0, 5);

            superman.AddInfo("SupermanInfo2", "Set to 0 to never speedy up ally.", Color.Red);
            superman.AddKeyBind("Superman", "Use Speedy Up!", 'A');

            misc.AddBool("Support", "Support Mode", false);
            misc.AddBool("Sounds", "Sounds");

            if (misc.Item("Sounds").IsActive())
                new SoundObject(Resources.Load).Play();

            Menu.AddInfo("Info", "By Trees and Lilith!", Color.MediumPurple);

            var manaCost = new Dictionary<SpellSlot, int[]>
                { SpellSlot.Q, new[] { 0, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 } },
                { SpellSlot.W, new[] { 0, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65 } },
                { SpellSlot.E, new[] { 0, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 } },
                { SpellSlot.R, new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }

            var dmg = draw.AddMenu("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddBool("DmgEnabled", "Draw Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddCircle("HPColor", "Predicted Health Color", System.Drawing.Color.White);
            dmg.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", System.Drawing.Color.MediumPurple);
            dmg.AddBool("Killable", "Killable Text");
            DamageIndicator.Initialize(dmg, Utility.GetComboDamage);

            ManaBarIndicator.Initialize(draw, manaCost);
            SpellManager.Initialize(combo, Orbwalker);

            CustomAntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += CustomAntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
            CustomInterrupter.OnInterruptableTarget += CustomInterrupter_OnInterruptableTarget;
Esempio n. 24
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.ChampionName != "Fiora")

            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 400 + 175);
            Q.SetSkillshot(.25f, 0, 500, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 750);
            W.SetSkillshot(0.5f, 95, 3000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E);

            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 500);
            R.SetTargetted(.066f, 500);

            Menu = new Menu("jesuisFiora", "jesuisFiora", true);
            Menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, LorahColor);
            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();


            var spells = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells");

            var qMenu = spells.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            qMenu.AddBool("QCombo", "Use in Combo");
            qMenu.AddBool("QHarass", "Use in Harass");
            qMenu.AddInfo("QFleeInfo", "Flee:", LorahColor);
            qMenu.AddKeyBind("QFlee", "Q Flee", 'T');
            qMenu.AddInfo("FleeInfo", " --> Flees towards cursor position.", LorahColor);
            qMenu.AddBool("QKillsteal", "Use for Killsteal");

            var wMenu = spells.AddMenu("W", "W");
            var wSpells = wMenu.AddMenu("BlockSpells", "Blocked Spells");
            wMenu.AddBool("WSpells", "W Incoming Spells");
            wMenu.AddBool("WKillsteal", "Use for Killsteal");
            wMenu.AddBool("WTurret", "Block W Under Enemy Turret");


            var eMenu = spells.AddMenu("E", "E");
            eMenu.AddBool("ECombo", "Use in Combo");
            eMenu.AddBool("EHarass", "Use in Harass");

            var rMenu = spells.AddMenu("R", "R");
            rMenu.AddBool("RCombo", "Use R");
            rMenu.AddList("RMode", "Cast Mode", new[] { "Duelist", "Combo" });
            rMenu.AddKeyBind("RToggle", "Toggle Mode", 'L');

            rMenu.Item("RToggle").ValueChanged += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                if (!eventArgs.GetNewValue<KeyBind>().Active)
                var mode = Menu.Item("RMode");
                var index = mode.GetValue<StringList>().SelectedIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                mode.SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Duelist", "Combo" }, index));

            rMenu.AddInfo("RModeInfo", " --> Duelist Mode: Only use R when target is killable.", LorahColor);
            rMenu.AddInfo("RModeInfo2", " --> Combo Mode: Use R in normal combo", LorahColor);
            rMenu.AddSlider("RKillVital", "Duelist Mode Min Vitals", 1, 0, 4);
            rMenu.AddInfo("RVitalInfo", " --> Note: This is only for damage calculation in Duelist Mode.", LorahColor);
            rMenu.AddBool("RComboSelected", "Use R Selected on Selected Unit Only");

            var items = spells.AddMenu("Items", "Items");
            items.AddBool("ItemsCombo", "Use in Combo");
            items.AddBool("ItemsHarass", "Use in Harass");

            spells.AddSlider("ManaHarass", "Harass Min Mana Percent", 40);

            var farm = Menu.AddMenu("Farm", "Farm");

            var qFarm = farm.AddMenu("Farm", "Q");
            qFarm.AddBool("QLastHit", "Q Last Hit (Only Killable)");
            qFarm.AddBool("QLaneClear", "Q LaneClear (All)");
            qFarm.AddBool("QFarmAA", "Only Q out of AA Range", false);
            qFarm.AddSlider("QFarmMana", "Q Min Mana Percent", 40);

            var eFarm = farm.AddMenu("E", "E");
            eFarm.AddBool("ELaneClear", "Use in LaneClear");

            farm.AddKeyBind("FarmEnabled", "Farm Enabled", 'J', KeyBindType.Toggle, true);
            farm.AddInfo("FarmInfo", " --> Enabled in LaneClear and LastHit", LorahColor);
            farm.AddBool("ItemsLaneClear", "Use Items in LaneClear");

            var draw = Menu.AddMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");
            draw.AddCircle("QDraw", "Draw Q", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, Q.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("WDraw", "Draw W", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink, W.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("RDraw", "Draw R", System.Drawing.Color.White, R.Range);
            draw.AddBool("DuelistDraw", "Duelist Mode: Killable Target");
            draw.AddBool("FarmPermashow", "Permashow Farm Enabled");
            draw.AddBool("RPermashow", "Permashow R Mode");

            if (draw.Item("RPermashow").IsActive())
                rMenu.Item("RMode").Permashow(true, null, LorahColor);

            draw.Item("RPermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    rMenu.Item("RMode").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue<bool>(), null, LorahColor);

            if (draw.Item("FarmPermashow").IsActive())
                farm.Item("FarmEnabled").Permashow(true, null, LorahColor);

            draw.Item("FarmPermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    farm.Item("FarmEnabled").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue<bool>(), null, LorahColor);

            var dmg = draw.AddMenu("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddBool("DmgEnabled", "Draw Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddCircle("HPColor", "Predicted Health Color", System.Drawing.Color.White);
            dmg.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", System.Drawing.Color.HotPink);
            dmg.AddBool("Killable", "Killable Text");

            Menu.AddBool("Sounds", "Sounds");
            Menu.AddInfo("Info", "By Trees and lorah!", LorahColor);

            if (Menu.Item("Sounds").IsActive())
                new SoundObject(Resources.OnLoad).Play();

            var ignite = ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.GetSpell(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot"));

            if (ignite.Slot != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                Ignite = new Spell(ignite.Slot, 600);

            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = GetComboDamage;

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            Orbwalking.AfterAttack += AfterAttack;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Hero_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
                "<font color=\"{0}\">jesuisFiora Loaded!</font>", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink.ToHexString());
Esempio n. 25
        public Katarina()
            Q = SpellManager.Q;
            W = SpellManager.W;
            E = SpellManager.E;
            R = SpellManager.R;

            Menu = new Menu("Staberina", "Staberina", true);
            Menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, ScriptColor);

            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var spells = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells");

            var qMenu = spells.AddMenu("Q", "Q");
            qMenu.AddBool("QCombo", "Use in Combo");
            qMenu.AddBool("QHarass", "Use in Harass");

            var wMenu = spells.AddMenu("W", "W");
            wMenu.AddBool("WCombo", "Use in Combo");
            wMenu.AddBool("WHarass", "Use in Harass");
            wMenu.AddBool("WAuto", "Auto W", false);

            var eMenu = spells.AddMenu("E", "E");
            eMenu.AddBool("ECombo", "Use in Combo");
            eMenu.AddBool("EHarass", "Use in Harass");
            eMenu.AddSlider("EEnemies", "Max Enemies", 5, 1, 5);
            eMenu.Item("EEnemies").SetTooltip("Maximum enemies to E into in Combo.");

            var rMenu = spells.AddMenu("R", "R");

            rMenu.AddBool("RCombo", "Smart R");
            rMenu.Item("RCombo").SetTooltip("Use R in Combo when killable enemy is around");
            rMenu.AddSlider("RUltTicks", "Smart R Ticks", 7, 1, 10);
            rMenu.Item("RUltTicks").SetTooltip("For damage calculation. One tick is 250 ms of channeling.");

            rMenu.AddSlider("RRangeDecrease", "Decrease Range", 30);
            rMenu.Item("RRangeDecrease").ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                R.Range = RRange - args.GetNewValue<Slider>().Value;
                var rDraw = Menu.Item("3Draw");
                if (rDraw == null)
                var rCircle = rDraw.GetValue<Circle>();
                rDraw.SetValue(new Circle(rCircle.Active, rCircle.Color, R.Range));
            R.Range = RRange - rMenu.Item("RRangeDecrease").GetValue<Slider>().Value;

            rMenu.AddBool("RInCombo", "Always R in Combo", false);
            rMenu.AddBool("RMovement", "Disable Movement while casting R");
            rMenu.AddBool("REvade", "Disable Evade while casting R");
            rMenu.AddBool("RCancelNoEnemies", "Cancel R if no enemies", false);
            rMenu.AddKeyBind("RCancelUlt", "Cancel R Key", 'J');

            var ks = Menu.AddMenu("Killsteal", "Killsteal");
            ks.AddBool("KSEnabled", "Use Smart KS");

            ks.AddInfo("KSInfo", "-- Spells --", ScriptColor);
            ks.AddBool("KSQ", "Use Q");
            ks.AddBool("KSW", "Use W");
            ks.AddBool("KSE", "Use E");
            ks.AddBool("KSR", "Use Smart R");
            ks.Item("KSR").SetTooltip("Uses ultimate tick amount from Spells > R.");

            ks.AddInfo("KSInfo2", "-- Misc --", ScriptColor);
            ks.AddBool("KSRCancel", "Cancel R to KS");
            ks.Item("KSRCancel").SetTooltip("Cancel ultimate channel to KS with other spells.");
            ks.AddSlider("KSEnemies", "Max Enemies", 5, 1, 5);
            ks.Item("KSEnemies").SetTooltip("Maximum enemies to E in to KS.");
            ks.AddSlider("KSHealth", "Min Health", 10);
            ks.Item("KSHealth").SetTooltip("Minimum health to E in to KS.");
            ks.AddBool("KSGapclose", "Gapclose with E", false);
            ks.Item("KSGapclose").SetTooltip("Cast E to units in range of killable target.");
            ks.AddBool("KSWardJump", "Ward Jump", false);
            ks.Item("KSWardJump").SetTooltip("Ward jump with e to killable target.");
            ks.AddBool("KSTurret", "Block E Under Turret");
            ks.Item("KSTurret").SetTooltip("Don't attempt to KS units (with E) under turret.");

            var farm = Menu.AddMenu("Farm", "Farm");

            var qFarm = farm.AddMenu("FarmQ", "Q");
            qFarm.AddBool("QFarm", "Use in Farm");
            qFarm.AddBool("QLastHit", "Only Last Hit (Only Killable)");

            var wFarm = farm.AddMenu("FarmW", "W");
            wFarm.AddBool("WFarm", "Use in Farm");
            wFarm.AddSlider("WMinionsHit", "Min Minions Killed", 2, 1, 4);

            var eFarm = farm.AddMenu("FarmE", "E");
            eFarm.AddBool("EFarm", "Use E->W in Farm", false);
            eFarm.AddSlider("EMinionsHit", "Min Minions Killed", 3, 1, 4);

            farm.AddKeyBind("FarmEnabled", "Farm Enabled", 'J', KeyBindType.Toggle, true);
            farm.Item("FarmEnabled").SetTooltip("Enabled in LastHit and LaneClear mode.", ScriptColor);

            var flee = Menu.AddMenu("Flee", "Flee");
            flee.AddKeyBind("FleeEnabled", "Flee Enabled", 'T');
            flee.AddBool("FleeE", "Use E");
            flee.AddBool("FleeWard", "Use Wards to Flee");

            var draw = Menu.AddMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");
            draw.AddCircle("0Draw", "Draw Q", Color.Purple, Q.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("1Draw", "Draw W", Color.DeepPink, W.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("2Draw", "Draw E", Color.DeepPink, E.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("3Draw", "Draw R", Color.White, R.Range);
            draw.AddBool("ComboKillablePermashow", "Permashow Combo Killable");
            draw.AddBool("FarmPermashow", "Permashow Farm Enabled");

            draw.Item("FarmPermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    farm.Item("FarmEnabled").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue<bool>(), null, ScriptColor);

            if (draw.Item("FarmPermashow").IsActive())
                farm.Item("FarmEnabled").Permashow(true, null, ScriptColor);

            var dmg = draw.AddMenu("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddBool("DmgEnabled", "Draw Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddCircle("HPColor", "Predicted Health Color", Color.White);
            dmg.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", Color.HotPink);
            dmg.AddBool("Killable", "Killable Text");
            DamageIndicator.Initialize(dmg, Utility.GetComboDamage);

            Menu.AddInfo("MenuInfo", "-- Misc --", ScriptColor);
            Menu.AddList("ComboMode", "Combo Mode", new[] { "E->Q->W", "Q->E->W" });

            Menu.AddKeyBind("ComboKillable", "Only Combo Killable", 'K', KeyBindType.Toggle);

            draw.Item("ComboKillablePermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    Menu.Item("ComboKillable").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue<bool>(), null, ScriptColor);

            if (draw.Item("ComboKillablePermashow").IsActive())
                Menu.Item("ComboKillable").Permashow(true, null, ScriptColor);

            Menu.AddBool("Sounds", "Sounds");
            if (Menu.Item("Sounds").IsActive())
                new SoundObject(Resources.Load).Play();

            Menu.AddInfo("Info", "By Trees and Lilith", ScriptColor);

            SpellManager.Initialize(Menu, Orbwalker);

            Obj_AI_Base.OnIssueOrder += Obj_AI_Base_OnIssueOrder;