Esempio n. 1
        public static Result CustNew(CustViewModel model)
            Result res    = new Result();
            int    cif_id = 0;

                //1. Insert customer data to table cust with status pending
                //2. Generate Activation code and send to customer phone
                //3. Insert acitvation code to cust_notif table
                //4. Send result to back

                #region 1. Insert Customer to Database

                #region SQL
                string sql = @"
                    SELECT @cif_id= COALESCE(MAX(cif_id),0)+1 from cust;
                    SELECT @contract_id= COALESCE(MAX(contract_id),0)+1 from cust_contract;
                    INSERT INTO INSERT INTO [dbo].[cust]
                insert into cust_contract(contract_id, cif_id, contract_date, status, create_user, create_date)
                        values (@contract_id,@cif_id,@reg_date, 1, @reg_user,@reg_date);

                #region SQL Params

                SqlParameter pCif_Id          = new SqlParameter("@cif_id", SqlDbType.Int);
                SqlParameter pCif_Name        = new SqlParameter("@cif_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                SqlParameter pCif_Middle_Name = new SqlParameter("@cif_middle_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                SqlParameter pCif_Last_Name   = new SqlParameter("@cif_last_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                SqlParameter pSex             = new SqlParameter("@sex", SqlDbType.Char, 1);
                SqlParameter pCif_Address     = new SqlParameter("@cif_address", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250);
                SqlParameter pRegister_No     = new SqlParameter("@register_no", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10);
                SqlParameter pBirth_Date      = new SqlParameter("@birth_date", SqlDbType.DateTime);
                SqlParameter pPhone           = new SqlParameter("@phone", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                SqlParameter pHome_Phone      = new SqlParameter("@home_phone", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                SqlParameter pSocial_Id       = new SqlParameter("@social_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 150);
                SqlParameter pEmail           = new SqlParameter("@email", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                SqlParameter pOff_Address     = new SqlParameter("@off_address", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250);
                SqlParameter pWork_Place      = new SqlParameter("@work_place", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
                SqlParameter pWork_Phone      = new SqlParameter("@work_phone", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                SqlParameter pWork_Address    = new SqlParameter("@work_address", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250);
                SqlParameter pWork_Position   = new SqlParameter("@work_position", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                SqlParameter pProfession      = new SqlParameter("@profession", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                SqlParameter pReg_Date        = new SqlParameter("@reg_date", SqlDbType.DateTime);
                SqlParameter pReg_User        = new SqlParameter("@reg_user", SqlDbType.Int);
                SqlParameter pStatus          = new SqlParameter("@status", SqlDbType.Char, 1);
                SqlParameter pContract_Id     = new SqlParameter("@contract_id", SqlDbType.Int);

                pCif_Id.Value          = model.cif_id;
                pCif_Name.Value        = model.cif_name;
                pCif_Middle_Name.Value = model.cif_middle_name;
                pCif_Last_Name.Value   = model.cif_last_name;
                pSex.Value             =;
                pCif_Address.Value     = model.cif_address;
                pRegister_No.Value     = model.register_no;
                pBirth_Date.Value      = model.birth_date;
                pPhone.Value           =;
                pHome_Phone.Value      = model.home_phone;
                pSocial_Id.Value       = model.social_id;
                pEmail.Value           =;
                pOff_Address.Value     = model.off_address;
                pWork_Place.Value      = model.work_place;
                pWork_Phone.Value      = model.work_phone;
                pWork_Address.Value    = model.work_address;
                pWork_Position.Value   = model.work_position;
                pProfession.Value      = model.profession;
                pReg_Date.Value        = DateTime.Now;
                pReg_User.Value        = model.reg_user;
                pStatus.Value          = 1;

                pCif_Id.Direction      = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
                pContract_Id.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;


                res = App.ExecuteNonQuery(sql.ToString(), new SqlParameter[] {
                    , pCif_Id
                    , pCif_Name
                    , pCif_Middle_Name
                    , pCif_Last_Name
                    , pSex
                    , pCif_Address
                    , pRegister_No
                    , pBirth_Date
                    , pPhone
                    , pHome_Phone
                    , pSocial_Id
                    , pEmail
                    , pOff_Address
                    , pWork_Place
                    , pWork_Phone
                    , pWork_Address
                    , pWork_Position
                    , pProfession
                    , pReg_Date
                    , pReg_User
                    , pStatus
                                          , lang);

                if (!res.Succeed)
                    res = App.getMsgRes(1002, lang);

                cif_id = Func.ToInt(pCif_Id.Value);
                res.Data = cif_id;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Main.ErrorLog("CustNew", ex);
                res = App.getMsgRes(1003, lang);
Esempio n. 2
        public static Result CustGet(string id)
            CustViewModel model = new CustViewModel();

            model.DisplayMode = "EditOnly";
                #region SQL
                string sql = @"Select c.*, convert(nvarchar, birth_date, 102) birthdate From cust c where status = 1 and cif_id = @cif_id";


                #region SQL Params
                SqlParameter pCif_id = new SqlParameter("@cif_id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);

                pCif_id.Value = id;
                res = App.DataSetExecute(sql.ToString(), new SqlParameter[] { pCif_id }, lang);

                if (res.Succeed)
                    DataTable dt = ((DataSet)res.Data).Tables[0];
                    if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        model.cif_id          = Func.ToInt(dt.Rows[0]["cif_id"]);
                        model.cif_name        = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["cif_name"]);
                        model.cif_middle_name = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["cif_middle_name"]);
                        model.cif_last_name   = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["cif_last_name"]);
                           = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["sex"]);
                        model.cif_address     = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["cif_address"]);
                        model.register_no     = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["register_no"]);
                        model.birth_date      = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["birthdate"]);
                         = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["phone"]);
                        model.home_phone      = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["home_phone"]);
                        model.social_id       = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["social_id"]);
                         = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["email"]);
                        model.off_address     = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["off_address"]);
                        model.work_place      = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["work_place"]);
                        model.work_phone      = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["work_phone"]);
                        model.work_address    = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["work_address"]);
                        model.work_position   = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["work_position"]);
                        model.profession      = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["profession"]);
                        model.reg_date        = Func.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["reg_date"]);
                        model.reg_user        = Func.ToInt(dt.Rows[0]["reg_user"]);
                        model.status          = Func.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["status"]);
                        model.last_edit_date  = Func.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["last_edit_date"]);
                        model.last_edit_user  = Func.ToInt(dt.Rows[0]["last_edit_user"]);
                        res = App.getMsgRes(1005, lang); // Invoice not found
                    res = App.getMsgRes(1001, lang); // Error occured when get data
            catch (Exception ex)
                Main.ErrorLog("CustGet", ex);
                res = App.getMsgRes(1003, lang);
            res.Data = model;