public static ServiceAttributeCategory FromDB(dynamic record, IEnumerable <dynamic> list = null)
            // Name and description can be on any of following pair of property names:
            var name = "";
            var desc = "";

                name = record.serviceAttributeCategoryName;
                desc = record.serviceAttributeCategoryDescription;
                name =;
                desc = record.description;

            var cat = new ServiceAttributeCategory
                serviceAttributeCategoryID = record.serviceAttributeCategoryID,
                name                = name,
                description         = desc,
                requiredInput       = record.requiredInput,
                eligibleForPackages = record.eligibleForPackages

            if (list != null)
                cat.serviceAttributes = list.Select(ServiceAttribute.FromDB);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all service attributes assigned to the given jobTitleID
        /// in groups indexed by the serviceAttributeCategoryID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID"></param>
        /// <param name="jobTitleID"></param>
        /// <param name="languageID"></param>
        /// <param name="countryID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <ServiceAttributeCategory> GetGroupedJobTitleAttributes(int jobTitleID, int languageID, int countryID)
            using (var db = new LcDatabase())
                // Get all existent attributes
                var data = db.Query(sqlGetJobTitleList, jobTitleID, 0, languageID, countryID);

                // Get all existent attributes grouped by category
                var catAtts = data.GroupBy(att => (int)att.serviceAttributeCategoryID, (k, l) => (ServiceAttributeCategory)ServiceAttributeCategory.FromDB(l.First(), l));

                // But we still need to read all the categories that has no attributes still
                // and were assigned to the job-title using the special [PositionReference] field.
                var referenceCats = db.Query(sqlGetJobTitleReferenceCats, jobTitleID, languageID, countryID)
                                    .Select <dynamic, ServiceAttributeCategory>(c => ServiceAttributeCategory.FromDB(c, new List <dynamic>())).ToList();
                // We iterate and return all the cats with attributes
                // while creating and index of IDs
                var indexCats = new List <int>();
                foreach (var cat in catAtts)
                    yield return(cat);

                // Return empty reference cats, all the ones not included in the generated index
                foreach (var cat in referenceCats)
                    if (!indexCats.Contains(cat.serviceAttributeCategoryID))
                        yield return(cat);