Esempio n. 1
 public static State <S, Reader <E, V> > SelectMany <S, E, T, U, V>(
     this State <S, T> self,
     Func <T, Reader <E, U> > bind,
     Func <T, U, V> project
     if (bind == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("bind");
     if (project == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("project");
     return((S s) =>
         var resT = self(s);
         if (resT.IsBottom)
             return StateResult.Bottom <S, Reader <E, V> >(s);
         return StateResult.Return <S, Reader <E, V> >(resT.State, envInner =>
             var resU = bind(resT.Value)(envInner);
             if (resU.IsBottom)
                 return new ReaderResult <V>(default(V), true);
             return ReaderResult.Return(project(resT.Value, resU.Value));
Esempio n. 2
 public static State <S, Writer <Out, V> > SelectMany <S, Out, T, U, V>(
     this State <S, T> self,
     Func <T, Writer <Out, U> > bind,
     Func <T, U, V> project
     if (bind == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("bind");
     if (project == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("project");
     return((S s) =>
         var resT = self(s);
         if (resT.IsBottom)
             return StateResult.Bottom <S, Writer <Out, V> >(s);
         return StateResult.Return <S, Writer <Out, V> >(resT.State, () =>
             var resU = bind(resT.Value)();
             if (resU.IsBottom)
                 return new WriterResult <Out, V>(default(V), resU.Output, true);
             return WriterResult.Return(project(resT.Value, resU.Value), resU.Output);
Esempio n. 3
 public static Writer <Out, State <S, V> > SelectMany <Out, S, T, U, V>(
     this Writer <Out, T> self,
     Func <T, State <S, U> > bind,
     Func <T, U, V> project
     if (bind == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("bind");
     if (project == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("project");
     return(() =>
         var resT = self();
         if (resT.IsBottom)
             return WriterResult.Bottom <Out, State <S, V> >(resT.Output);
         return WriterResult.Return <Out, State <S, V> >(state =>
             var resU = bind(resT.Value)(state);
             if (resU.IsBottom)
                 return StateResult.Bottom <S, V>(state);
             return StateResult.Return(resU.State, project(resT.Value, resU.Value));
         }, resT.Output);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new State computation that is primed with the data of a particular
        /// failure event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strategy">Strategy as a State computation</param>
        /// <param name="pid">Process ID that failed</param>
        /// <param name="sender">Process that sent the message that cause the failure</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Supervisor of the failed Process</param>
        /// <param name="siblings">The siblings of the failed Process</param>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception</param>
        /// <param name="msg">Message that caused the failure</param>
        /// <returns>State computation that can be invoked by passing it
        /// an object of StrategyState.  This will result in a StateResult that contains
        /// the mutated StrategyState and a StrategyDecision.  The StrategyDecision
        /// contains all the information needed to decide the fate of a Process (and
        /// related processes)</returns>
        public static State <StrategyState, StrategyDecision> Failure(
            this State <StrategyContext, Unit> strategy,
            ProcessId pid,
            ProcessId sender,
            ProcessId parent,
            IEnumerable <ProcessId> siblings,
            Exception ex,
            object msg
            return(stateInst =>
                var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

                var state = strategy(StrategyContext.Empty.With(
                                         Global: stateInst.With(Failures: stateInst.Failures + 1),
                                         FailedProcess: pid,
                                         ParentProcess: parent,
                                         Sender: sender,
                                         Siblings: siblings,
                                         Exception: ex,
                                         Message: msg)).State;

                var decision = new StrategyDecision(

                return StateResult.Return(state.Global.With(LastFailure: now), decision);
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Select Many
 /// </summary>
 public static Reader <E, State <S, V> > SelectMany <E, S, T, U, V>(
     this Reader <E, T> self,
     Func <T, State <S, U> > bind,
     Func <T, U, V> project
     if (bind == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("bind");
     if (project == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("project");
     return((E env) =>
         var resT = self(env);
         if (resT.IsBottom)
             return Bottom <State <S, V> >();
         return Return <State <S, V> >(state =>
             var resU = bind(resT.Value)(state);
             if (resU.IsBottom)
                 return StateResult.Bottom <S, V>(state);
             return StateResult.Return(resU.State, project(resT.Value, resU.Value));
Esempio n. 6
        public static State <S, V> SelectMany <S, T, U, V>(
            this State <S, T> self,
            Func <T, State <S, U> > bind,
            Func <T, U, V> project
            if (bind == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("bind");
            if (project == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("project");

            return((S state) =>
                var resT = self(state);
                if (resT.IsBottom)
                    StateResult.Bottom <S, V>(state);
                var resU = bind(resT.Value)(resT.State);
                if (resU.IsBottom)
                    StateResult.Bottom <S, V>(resT.State);
                var resV = project(resT.Value, resU.Value);
                return StateResult.Return(resU.State, resV);
Esempio n. 7
 public static State <S, int> Count <S, T>(this State <S, T> self) =>
 s =>
     var res = self(s);
           ? StateResult.Bottom <S, int>(s)
           : StateResult.Return(res.State, 1));
Esempio n. 8
 public static State <S, T> Where <S, T>(this State <S, T> self, Func <T, bool> pred)
     return(state =>
         var res = self(state);
         return pred(res.Value)
             ? StateResult.Return(res.State, res.Value)
             : StateResult.Bottom <S, T>(state);
Esempio n. 9
 public static State <S, Writer <Out, V> > FoldT <S, Out, T, V>(this State <S, Writer <Out, T> > self, V state, Func <V, T, V> fold)
     return((S s) =>
         var inner = self(s);
         if (inner.IsBottom)
             return StateResult.Bottom <S, Writer <Out, V> >(s);
         return StateResult.Return(inner.State, inner.Value.Fold(state, fold));
Esempio n. 10
 public static State <S, R> Bind <S, T, R>(this State <S, T> self, Func <T, State <S, R> > binder)
     return(state =>
         var resT = self(state);
         if (resT.IsBottom)
             return StateResult.Bottom <S, R>(state);
         return binder(resT.Value)(resT.State);
Esempio n. 11
 private static StateResult <S, Unit> bmap <S, T>(StateResult <S, T> r, Action <T> f)
     if (r.IsBottom)
         return(StateResult.Bottom <S, Unit>(r.State));
         return(StateResult.Return(r.State, unit));
Esempio n. 12
 public static State <S, U> Select <S, T, U>(this State <S, T> self, Func <T, U> map)
     if (map == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("map");
     return((S state) =>
         var resT = self(state);
         return resT.IsBottom
             ? StateResult.Bottom <S, U>(state)
             : StateResult.Return(resT.State, map(resT.Value));
Esempio n. 13
 public static State <S, T> Modify <S, T>(this State <S, T> self, Func <S, S> f)
     if (f == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(map));
     return((S state) =>
         var resT = self(state);
         return resT.IsBottom
             ? StateResult.Bottom <S, T>(state)
             : StateResult.Return(f(resT.State), resT.Value);
Esempio n. 14
 public static State <S, Option <T> > choose <S, T>(params State <S, Option <T> >[] monads)
     return(state =>
         foreach (var monad in monads)
             var res = monad(state);
             if (!res.IsBottom && res.Value.IsSome)
                 return res;
         return StateResult.Return <S, Option <T> >(state, None);
Esempio n. 15
 public static State <S, T> LiftUnsafeT <Env, S, T>(this Reader <Env, State <S, T> > self, Env env) where T : class
     return(state =>
         var inner = self(env);
         if (inner.IsBottom)
             return StateResult.Bottom <S, T>(state);
         var res = inner.Value(state);
         if (res.IsBottom)
             return StateResult.Bottom <S, T>(state);
         return StateResult.Return(res.State, res.Value);
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Compose a sequence of state computations
 /// </summary>
 public static State <StrategyContext, Unit> Compose(params State <StrategyContext, Unit>[] stages) =>
 state => StateResult.Return(stages.Fold(state, (s, c) => c(s).State), unit);
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Match a range of State computations that take the Exception that caused
 /// the failure and map it to an Optional Directive.  The first computation to
 /// return a Some(Directive) will succeed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="directives">Directive maps</param>
 /// <returns>Strategy computation as a State monad</returns>
 public static State <StrategyContext, Unit> Match(params State <Exception, Option <Directive> >[] directives) =>
 state => StateResult.Return(
         Directive: choose(directives.Concat(ProcessSetting.StandardDirectives)
                           .ToArray())(state.Exception).Value), unit);
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Match a range of State computations that take the currently selected
 /// Directive and map it to an Optional MessageDirective.  The first computation
 /// to return a Some(MessageDirective) will succeed.  If a Directive hasn't been
 /// chosen by the time this is invoked then RestartNow is used by default.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="directives">Directive maps</param>
 /// <returns>Strategy computation as a State monad</returns>
 public static State <StrategyContext, Unit> Redirect(params State <Directive, Option <MessageDirective> >[] directives) =>
 state => StateResult.Return(
     state.With(MessageDirective: choose(directives)(state.Directive.IfNone(Directive.Restart)).Value),
Esempio n. 19
 private static StateResult <S, R> bmap <S, T, R>(StateResult <S, T> r, Func <T, R> f) =>
         ? StateResult.Bottom <S, R>(r.State)
         : StateResult.Return(r.State, f(r.Value));