public static void FourActions() { switch (choise) { case 1: Console.Clear(); Play(); break; case 2: ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; case 4: Console.Clear(); keepPlaing = false; break; default: Levels.PrintInTheMiddle("Invalid input. Press any key to try again."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); break; } }
} //skriver ut "Press enter ... " i mitten av skärmen public static void Level() { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); if (Program.MyPlayer.Level < 11) { PrintInTheMiddle("Level " + Program.MyPlayer.Level); // visar på vilken nivå man spelar } switch (Program.MyPlayer.Level) // 10 olika scenario på nivåer med olika svårghetsgrader { case 1: // menun på första nivån syns innan level 1 startas då han man inga inga penga att köpa nåt ShowFOREST(); MoveToNext(); ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Hi " + Program.playerName + ". I'm Mervin and I know everything about this forest. There is a Giant Wurm in the forest"); PrintInTheMiddle("thats why you have to be carefull. The Giant Wurm have some gold you can get if you kill him. Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle(pressEnter); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); //10% sannolikhet att inget händer upprepas på varje level innan man träffar monstret RandomChance(); SpecMonster.ShowGiantWurm(); Console.WriteLine(); Fight(); // loop för fight till antigen spelare eller monster vinner break; case 2: // från och med level 2 har man "Mervin" som rekkomnderar att använda sig av menun och köpa nåt i butiken ShowMOUNTAIN(); // varje level har ett unikt namn MoveToNext(); RandomChance(); do { ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Wow " + Program.MyPlayer.Name + ", that was a great fight with the " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 2].Name + "."); PrintInTheMiddle("You killed him and took his gold. I advise you to go to the shop because this time you will meet "); PrintInTheMiddle("the " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " - the king of this Mountain. Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); Program.ShowMeny(); switch (Program.choise) { case 2: Program.ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; } } while (Program.choise == 2 || Program.choise == 3); if (Program.choise == 1) { Console.Clear(); SpecMonster.ShowDragon(); // varje level har ett unik SpecMonster Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle("Uh oh! A " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " appeared!"); //Fight with monster until the monster or player win Fight(); } else { Program.keepPlaing = false; } break; case 3: ShowJUNGLE(); MoveToNext(); RandomChance(); do { ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Wow " + Program.MyPlayer.Name + ", that was a great fight with the " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 2].Name + "."); PrintInTheMiddle("You killed him and took his gold. I advise you to go to the shop because this time you will meet "); PrintInTheMiddle("the " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " - the king of this Mountain. Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); Program.ShowMeny(); switch (Program.choise) { case 2: Program.ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; } } while (Program.choise == 2 || Program.choise == 3); if (Program.choise == 1) { Console.Clear(); SpecMonster.ShowChupacabra(); Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle("Uh oh! A " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " appeared!"); //Fight with monster until the monster or player win Fight(); } break; case 4: ShowCASTLE(); MoveToNext(); RandomChance(); do { ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Wow " + Program.MyPlayer.Name + ", that was a great fight with " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 2].Name + "."); PrintInTheMiddle("You killed him and took his gold. I advise you to go to the shop because this time you will meet "); PrintInTheMiddle(" " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " - the Lord of this Castle. Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); Program.ShowMeny(); switch (Program.choise) { case 2: Program.ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; } } while (Program.choise == 2 || Program.choise == 3); if (Program.choise == 1) { Console.Clear(); SpecMonster.ShowDracula(); Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle("Uh oh! A " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " appeared!"); //Fight with monster until the monster or player win Fight(); } break; case 5: ShowDESERT(); MoveToNext(); RandomChance(); do { ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Wow " + Program.MyPlayer.Name + ", that was a great fight with " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 2].Name + "."); PrintInTheMiddle("You killed him and took his gold. I advise you to go to the shop because this time you will meet "); PrintInTheMiddle(" " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " . Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); Program.ShowMeny(); switch (Program.choise) { case 2: Program.ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; } } while (Program.choise == 2 || Program.choise == 3); if (Program.choise == 1) { Console.Clear(); SpecMonster.ShowFrankenstein(); Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle("Uh oh! A " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " appeared!"); //Fight with monster until the monster or player win Fight(); } break; case 6: ShowOCEAN(); MoveToNext(); RandomChance(); do { ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Wow " + Program.MyPlayer.Name + ", that was a great fight with " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 2].Name + "."); PrintInTheMiddle("You killed him and took his gold. I advise you to go to the shop because this time you will meet "); PrintInTheMiddle(" " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " - the Devil of this Ocean. Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); Program.ShowMeny(); switch (Program.choise) { case 2: Program.ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; } } while (Program.choise == 2 || Program.choise == 3); if (Program.choise == 1) { Console.Clear(); SpecMonster.ShowPirateGhost(); Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle("Uh oh! A " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " appeared!"); //Fight with monster until the monster or player win Fight(); } break; case 7: ShowDOWNTOWN(); MoveToNext(); RandomChance(); do { ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Wow " + Program.MyPlayer.Name + ", that was a great fight with " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 2].Name + "."); PrintInTheMiddle("You killed him and took his gold. I advise you to go to the shop because this time you will meet "); PrintInTheMiddle(" " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " - the most dangerous murder ever. Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); Program.ShowMeny(); switch (Program.choise) { case 2: Program.ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; } } while (Program.choise == 2 || Program.choise == 3); if (Program.choise == 1) { Console.Clear(); SpecMonster.ShowFreddie(); Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle("Uh oh! A " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " appeared!"); //Fight with monster until the monster or player win Fight(); } break; case 8: ShowFIREFIELD(); MoveToNext(); RandomChance(); do { ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Wow " + Program.MyPlayer.Name + ", that was a great fight with " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 2].Name + "."); PrintInTheMiddle("You killed him and took his gold. I advise you to go to the shop because this time you will meet "); PrintInTheMiddle(" " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " - the most powerful devil. Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); Program.ShowMeny(); switch (Program.choise) { case 2: Program.ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; } } while (Program.choise == 2 || Program.choise == 3); if (Program.choise == 1) { Console.Clear(); SpecMonster.ShowLucifer(); Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle("Uh oh! A " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " appeared!"); //Fight with monster until the monster or player win Fight(); } break; case 9: ShowPYRAMID(); MoveToNext(); RandomChance(); do { ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Wow " + Program.MyPlayer.Name + ", that was a great fight with " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 2].Name + "."); PrintInTheMiddle("You killed him and took his gold. I advise you to go to the shop because this time you will meet "); PrintInTheMiddle(" " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " - the Lord of this Castle. Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); Program.ShowMeny(); switch (Program.choise) { case 2: Program.ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; } } while (Program.choise == 2 || Program.choise == 3); if (Program.choise == 1) { Console.Clear(); SpecMonster.ShowZombie(); Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle("Uh oh! A " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " appeared!"); //Fight with monster until the monster or player win Fight(); } break; case 10: ShowSIBERIA(); MoveToNext(); RandomChance(); do { ShowMervin(); PrintInTheMiddle("Wow " + Program.MyPlayer.Name + ", that was a great fight with " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 2].Name + "."); PrintInTheMiddle("You killed him and took his gold. I advise you to go to the shop because this time you will meet "); PrintInTheMiddle(" " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " - the most dangerous TIGER of SIBERIA. Good luck!"); Console.WriteLine(); Program.ShowMeny(); switch (Program.choise) { case 2: Program.ShowDetails(); break; case 3: Shoping.Shoping1(); break; } } while (Program.choise == 2 || Program.choise == 3); if (Program.choise == 1) { Console.Clear(); SpecMonster.ShowLongTooth(); Console.WriteLine(); PrintInTheMiddle("Uh oh! A " + SpecMonster.listOfMonsters[Program.MyPlayer.Level - 1].Name + " appeared!"); //Fight with monster until the monster or player win Fight(); } break; default: // körs om man kommit över level 10 dvs vunnit spelet PrintInTheMiddle("YOU WON THE GAME !!!"); Program.keepPlaing = false; break; } }