Esempio n. 1
        //get all OrderID from TABLE ORDER
        public static List <int> GetAllOrderID()

            List <int>    orderIDs    = new List <int>();           //new list to store all OrderID
            Order         order       = new Order();
            SqlConnection con         = NorthWndDB.GetConnection(); //connect to database
            string        selectQuery = "select OrderID " +
                                        "from Orders " +
                                        "order by OrderID Asc";

            SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectQuery, con);

                con.Open();                                 //open connection
                SqlDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())                       // read all rows if exists
                    order         = new Order();            //create new customer object
                    order.OrderID = (int)reader["OrderID"]; //(int) doesnt always work normally
                    orderIDs.Add(order.OrderID);            //add object of Order class into List
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;
                con.Close();//close connection
Esempio n. 2
        public static decimal GetTotalCharge(int orderID)//get totalcharge for a specific OrderID
            SqlConnection con        = NorthWndDB.GetConnection();
            string        totalQuery = "select sum(UnitPrice*(1-discount)*Quantity) as totalCharge " +//apply SUM function in SQL Query
                                       "from [Order Details] " +
                                       "where orderID=@orderid";

            SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(totalQuery, con);

            selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@orderid", orderID);
                SqlDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow);
                if (reader.Read())
                    return(Convert.ToDecimal(reader["totalCharge"]));//if there are recorders for this orderID
                    return(0);//if ther is no ORDID then return 0
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 3
        //update the field of "shippedDate"
        public static bool UpdateOrder(Order oldOrder, Order newOrder)
            bool          successful = false;
            SqlConnection connection = NorthWndDB.GetConnection();//connect to database

            //define update query command
            string updateString = "update Orders set " +
                                  "ShippedDate = @NewShippedDate " +
                                  "where " +                                          // update succeeds only if record not changed by other users
                                  "CustomerID = @OldCustomerID and " +                //make sure the customerID still equals to old value when you excute update operation
                                  "OrderDate = @OldOrderDate and " +                  //make sure the OrderDate still equals to old value when you excute update operation
                                  "RequiredDate = @OldRequiredDate and " +            //make sure the requireddate still equals to old value when you excute update operation
                                  "(ShippedDate  = @OldShippedDate or " +             //current ShippedDate equals to old value in case someone has updated it before you

                                  "ShippedDate IS NULL and @OldShippedDate IS NULL)"; //this is very important and from jolanta,even if column shippeddate is null and outside variable @OldshippedDate is null.they are not equal in SQL expression
            SqlCommand updateCommand = new SqlCommand(updateString, connection);

            updateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OldCustomerID", oldOrder.CustomerID);
            updateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OldOrderDate", oldOrder.OrderDate);
            updateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OldRequiredDate", oldOrder.RequiredDate);
            if (oldOrder.ShippedDate != null)//not null
                updateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OldShippedDate", oldOrder.ShippedDate);
                updateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OldShippedDate", DBNull.Value);         //when datetime type is null then set the value is DBNull.value
            if (newOrder.ShippedDate != null)                                                   //not null
                updateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NewShippedDate", newOrder.ShippedDate); //when datetime type is null then set the value is DBNull.value
                updateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NewShippedDate", DBNull.Value);

                int count = updateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
                if (count == 1)
                    successful = true;            //updated a order from database successfully
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 4
        public static Order GetOrder(int orderID) //get one recorder where the orderId is a specific value

            Order         order       = null;                       //instantiated new object of class Order
            SqlConnection con         = NorthWndDB.GetConnection(); //get connected to database
            string        selectQuery = "select OrderID,CustomerID,OrderDate,RequiredDate,ShippedDate " +
                                        "from Orders " +
                                        "where OrderID=@orderID";        //variable orderID is passed through GetORder method

            SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectQuery, con); //bulid up command to excute the SELECTE query statement

            selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@orderID", orderID);  // assign value to @orderID in SELECT statement
                con.Open();                                                                    //open connection
                SqlDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow); //only get one row from SELECT query statement
                if (reader.Read())                                                             // read the customer if exists
                    order = new Order();                                                       //create new customer object
                    //get the indexID of a specific column in database table,reference from
                    int OrderDateIndex    = reader.GetOrdinal("OrderDate");                    //get column IndexId of "orderDate"
                    int RequiredDateIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("RequiredDate");                 //get column IndexId of "RequiredDate"
                    int ShippedDateIndex  = reader.GetOrdinal("ShippedDate");                  //get column IndexId of "ShippedDate"

                    //tell whether the culomun is null or not,especially for datetime? type columns
                    order.OrderID    = (int)reader["OrderID"];          //(int) doesnt always work normally
                    order.CustomerID = reader["CustomerID"].ToString(); //even if customerid is null ,still ok ,string support null value
                    //get column of ORderDate and tell whether it is null or not by internal function_IsNBNull, if yes,set it NULL, IF not ,convert it to DateTime type
                    order.OrderDate = reader.IsDBNull(OrderDateIndex) ? (DateTime?)null : (DateTime?)reader["OrderDate"];
                    //get column of RequiredDate and tell whether it is null or not by internal function_IsNBNull, if yes,set it NULL, IF not ,convert it to DateTime type
                    order.RequiredDate = reader.IsDBNull(RequiredDateIndex) ? (DateTime?)null : Convert.ToDateTime(reader["RequiredDate"].ToString());
                    //get column ofShippedDate and tell whether it is null or not by internal function_IsNBNull, if yes,set it NULL, IF not ,convert it to DateTime type
                    order.ShippedDate = reader.IsDBNull(ShippedDateIndex) ? (DateTime?)null : Convert.ToDateTime(reader["ShippedDate"].ToString());
                    MessageBox.Show("There is no any recorder on OrderID:" + orderID.ToString(), "Data Info");
            catch (SqlException ex)//catch SqlDatabase Exception
                throw ex;
                con.Close();//close connection
Esempio n. 5
        public static List <OrderDetail> GetRelativeDetails(int orderID)
            List <OrderDetail> orderDetails = new List <OrderDetail>();
            SqlConnection      con          = NorthWndDB.GetConnection();
            string             selectQuery  = "select OrderID,ProductID,UnitPrice,Quantity,Discount " +
                                              "from [Order Details] " +
                                              "where OrderID =@orderID";

            SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectQuery, con);

            selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@orderID", orderID);
                con.Open();                              //open connection
                SqlDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())                    // read the customer if exists
                    OrderDetail od1 = new OrderDetail(); //create new
                    od1.OrderID   = Convert.ToInt32(reader["OrderID"]);
                    od1.ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ProductID"]);
                    od1.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["UnitPrice"]);
                    od1.Quantity  = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Quantity"]);
                    od1.Discount  = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Discount"]);
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;
                con.Close();//close connection
