private async Task <bool> GetDataA(EpgChannel ch, DateTime date) { if (EpgData1.Source == "api") { return(false); } string url = GetURL(ch, date); string page = await ADownloader.GetString(url, LTC.Properties.Settings.Default.HTTPClientTimeOut); if (page == null) { TaskFormMsg( string.Format("Failed to download programs for {0}: {1}", task_cur_ch.Name, task_date.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd")) ); return(false); } //File.WriteAllText(GetBasePath()+"\\e1.html", page); bool ret1 = await Task <bool> .Run(() => { return(task_cur_ch.ReadProgrammsA(page, task_date)); }); if (!ret1) { TaskFormMsg( string.Format("Failed to read programs for {0}: {1}", task_cur_ch.Name, task_date.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd")) ); return(false); } return(true); }
public async void GetChannelListFromURL(string url, bool useapi) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong URL"); return; } string s = await ADownloader.GetString(url, LTC.Properties.Settings.Default.HTTPClientTimeOut); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { MessageBox.Show("Download failed"); return; } bool rt = false; if (useapi) { rt = EpgData1.ReadChannels(s); } else { rt = EpgData1.ReadChannelsA(s); } if (!rt) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to read channel list"); return; } bsChannels.DataSource = EpgData1.Channels; MessageBox.Show("Done!"); }