Esempio n. 1
        private void Init()
            SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();

            builder.DataSource     = SettingsProvider.GetDataSource();
            builder.InitialCatalog = SettingsProvider.GetDatabase();
            builder.UserID         = SettingsProvider.GetUserName();
            builder.Password       = SettingsProvider.GetPassword();

            int type               = 2;
            int entryStatus        = 0;
            int transactionStatus  = 0;
            int defaultAddressType = 0;

            using (var db = new DeliveryDbContext(builder.ConnectionString))
                var data = from tra_h in db.RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE
                           join tra_i in db.RBOTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS
                           on tra_h.TRANSACTIONID equals tra_i.TRANSACTIONID into tra_h_is
                           from tra_h_i in tra_h_is.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           join cust in db.CUSTTABLE on
                           string.IsNullOrEmpty(tra_h_i.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : tra_h_i.INFORMATION
                           equals cust.ACCOUNTNUM
                           join cust_ad in db.CUSTOMERADDRESS on
                           cust.ACCOUNTNUM equals cust_ad.ACCOUNTNUM
                               where tra_h_i.INFOCODEID == Program.customerInfoCode &&
                           tra_h.TYPE == type &&
                           tra_h.ENTRYSTATUS == entryStatus &&
                           (from ss in db.RBOTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS
                            join ww in db.RBOINFORMATIONSUBCODETABLE
                            on new { p1 = (string)ss.INFOCODEID, p2 = (string)ss.SUBINFOCODEID }
                            equals new { p1 = (string)ww.INFOCODEID, p2 = (string)ww.SUBCODEID }
                            where ss.TRANSACTIONID == tra_h.TRANSACTIONID &&
                            ww.INFOCODEID == Program.isDelevary &&
                            ww.DESCRIPTION == Program.isDelevaryValue
                            select ss.TRANSACTIONID
                           select new TransCust()
                    ReceiptID       = tra_h.RECEIPTID,
                    Customer        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tra_h_i.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : tra_h_i.INFORMATION,
                    CustomerName    = cust.NAME,
                    CustomerAddredd = cust.ADDRESS,
                    CustomerPhone   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cust_ad.STREET)?cust.PHONE:cust_ad.STREET
                ((ListBox)this.checkedListBoxCustomer).DataSource = data.ToList();
        private void sendSMS(string v, bool confirm = false)
            int    type               = 2;
            int    entryStatus        = 0;
            int    transactionStatus  = 0;
            int    defaultAddressType = 0;
            string customerInfoCode   = "INF00007";
            string isDelevary         = "INF00004";
            var    receipt            = v;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(receipt))
                SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
                builder.DataSource     = SettingsProvider.GetDataSource();
                builder.InitialCatalog = SettingsProvider.GetDatabase();
                builder.UserID         = SettingsProvider.GetUserName();
                builder.Password       = SettingsProvider.GetPassword();
                using (var db = new DeliveryDbContext(builder.ConnectionString))
                    /* var transactionCustomer = (from tra_h in db.RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE
                     *                          join tra_i in db.RBOTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS
                     *                          on
                     *                          new { tra_h.TRANSACTIONID, INFOCODEID = customerInfoCode } equals new { tra_i.TRANSACTIONID, tra_i.INFOCODEID } into info_d
                     *                          from info in info_d.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     *                          join cust in db.CUSTTABLE on new { CUSTACCOUNT = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : info.INFORMATION } equals
                     *                          new { CUSTACCOUNT = cust.ACCOUNTNUM }
                     *                          join address in db.CUSTOMERADDRESS on
                     *                          new { cust.ACCOUNTNUM, ADDRESSTYPE = defaultAddressType } equals new { address.ACCOUNTNUM, address.ADDRESSTYPE }
                     *                          where tra_h.RECEIPTID == receipt &&
                     *                            tra_h.TYPE == type &&
                     *                            tra_h.ENTRYSTATUS == entryStatus
                     *                          select new TransactionCustomer()
                     *                          {
                     *                              ReceiptID = tra_h.RECEIPTID,
                     *                              CustAccount = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : info.INFORMATION,
                     *                              Name = cust.NAME,
                     *                              Address = cust.ADDRESS,
                     *                              Phone = cust.PHONE,
                     *                              Address1 = address.ADDRESS,
                     *                              Street = address.STREET
                     *                          }).ToList()[0];

                    var data = from tra_h in db.RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE
                               join tra_i in db.RBOTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS
                               on tra_h.TRANSACTIONID equals tra_i.TRANSACTIONID into tra_h_is
                               from tra_h_i in tra_h_is.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               join cust in db.CUSTTABLE on
                               string.IsNullOrEmpty(tra_h_i.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : tra_h_i.INFORMATION
                               equals cust.ACCOUNTNUM
                               join cust_ad in db.CUSTOMERADDRESS on
                               cust.ACCOUNTNUM equals cust_ad.ACCOUNTNUM
                                   where tra_h_i.INFOCODEID == Program.customerInfoCode &&
                               tra_h.TYPE == type &&
                               tra_h.ENTRYSTATUS == entryStatus &&
                               tra_h.RECEIPTID == receipt &&
                               (from ss in db.RBOTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS
                                join ww in db.RBOINFORMATIONSUBCODETABLE
                                on new { p1 = (string)ss.INFOCODEID, p2 = (string)ss.SUBINFOCODEID }
                                equals new { p1 = (string)ww.INFOCODEID, p2 = (string)ww.SUBCODEID }
                                where ss.TRANSACTIONID == tra_h.TRANSACTIONID &&
                                ww.INFOCODEID == Program.isDelevary &&
                                ww.DESCRIPTION == Program.isDelevaryValue
                                select ss.TRANSACTIONID
                               select new TransCust()
                        ReceiptID       = tra_h.RECEIPTID,
                        Customer        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tra_h_i.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : tra_h_i.INFORMATION,
                        CustomerName    = cust.NAME,
                        CustomerAddredd = cust.ADDRESS,
                        CustomerPhone   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cust_ad.STREET) ? cust.PHONE : cust_ad.STREET

                    var sms = data.ToList()[0];
                    if (confirm ||
                        MessageBox.Show(this, "Do you want to resend SMS?" +
                                        Environment.NewLine +
                                        sms.CustomerName +
                                        Environment.NewLine + sms.getSendablePhone(), "Confirm resend.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo
                                        ) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //var result = sms.SendMessage(sms.CustomerName + "Your order confirmed with Grand Stores LLC. Our Representative will contact you soon.");
                        var result = sms.SendMessage(sms.CustomerName + @"Dear Valued customer, " + Environment.NewLine +
                                                     @"Thank you for choosing Grand Stores.Our Call Centre will call you to confirm the tentative delivery schedule soon." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                     @"For any queries, please contact: +97148800999");
                        MessageBox.Show(result, "Messege send result.");
        private void RefreshReport(string receiptIN)
            var receipt = receiptIN;
            SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();

            builder.DataSource     = SettingsProvider.GetDataSource();
            builder.InitialCatalog = SettingsProvider.GetDatabase();
            builder.UserID         = SettingsProvider.GetUserName();
            builder.Password       = SettingsProvider.GetPassword();
            int                 type                = 2;
            int                 entryStatus         = 0;
            int                 transactionStatus   = 0;
            int                 defaultAddressType  = 0;
            string              customerInfoCode    = "INF00007";
            string              isDelevary          = "INF00004";
            Transaction         TransactionHeader   = new Transaction();
            TransactionCustomer TransactionCustomer = new TransactionCustomer();
            TransactionLines    TransactionLines    = new TransactionLines(null);

            using (var db = new DeliveryDbContext(builder.ConnectionString))
                var transaction = from tra_h in db.RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE
                                  join sto in db.RBOSTORETABLE on tra_h.STORE equals sto.STOREID
                                  where tra_h.RECEIPTID == receipt &&
                                  tra_h.TYPE == type &&
                                  tra_h.ENTRYSTATUS == entryStatus
                                  select new Transaction()
                    ReceiptID = tra_h.RECEIPTID,
                    StoreID   = sto.STOREID,
                    Name      = sto.NAME,
                    TransDate = tra_h.TRANSDATE ?? DateTime.MinValue,
                    NetAmount = tra_h.NETAMOUNT ?? 0
                //  LINENUM   changed to LINENUM = (decimal)tra_i.LINEID  in line 334 colu 156 by rafeeq
                var transactionLine = from tra_h in db.RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE
                                      join tra_l in db.RBOTRANSACTIONSALESTRANS
                                      on tra_h.TRANSACTIONID equals tra_l.TRANSACTIONID
                                      join tra_i in db.RBOTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS
                                      new { tra_l.TRANSACTIONID, tra_l.LINENUM, INFOCODEID = isDelevary } equals new { tra_i.TRANSACTIONID, LINENUM = (decimal)tra_i.LINEID, tra_i.INFOCODEID } into info_d
                from info in info_d.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join info_sub in db.RBOINFORMATIONSUBCODETABLE on
                    info.INFORMATION equals info_sub.SUBCODEID into info_sub_d
                from info_s in info_sub_d.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where tra_h.RECEIPTID == receipt &&
                tra_h.TYPE == type &&
                tra_h.ENTRYSTATUS == entryStatus &&
                tra_l.TRANSACTIONSTATUS == transactionStatus
                    select new TransactionLine()
                    ItemId         = tra_l.ITEMID,
                    Description    = tra_l.DESCRIPTION,
                    Qty            = (tra_l.QTY ?? 0) * -1,
                    TaxInckInPrice = tra_l.TAXINCLINPRICE ?? 0,
                    Comment        = tra_l.COMMENT,
                    ExtraInfo      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info_s.DESCRIPTION) ? "NON DELIVERABLE" : info_s.DESCRIPTION

                var transactionCustomer = from tra_h in db.RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE
                                          join tra_i in db.RBOTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS
                                          new { tra_h.TRANSACTIONID, INFOCODEID = customerInfoCode } equals new { tra_i.TRANSACTIONID, tra_i.INFOCODEID } into info_d
                from info in info_d.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join cust in db.CUSTTABLE on new { CUSTACCOUNT = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : info.INFORMATION } equals
                new { CUSTACCOUNT = cust.ACCOUNTNUM }
                join address in db.CUSTOMERADDRESS on
                new { cust.ACCOUNTNUM, ADDRESSTYPE = defaultAddressType } equals new { address.ACCOUNTNUM, address.ADDRESSTYPE }
                where tra_h.RECEIPTID == receipt &&
                tra_h.TYPE == type &&
                tra_h.ENTRYSTATUS == entryStatus
                select new TransactionCustomer()
                    ReceiptID   = tra_h.RECEIPTID,
                    CustAccount = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : info.INFORMATION,
                    Name        = cust.NAME,
                    Address     = cust.ADDRESS,
                    Phone       = cust.PHONE,
                    Address1    = address.ADDRESS,
                    Street      = address.STREET

                TransactionHeader = transaction.Count() > 0 ? transaction.ToList()[0] : null;

                TransactionLines = transactionLine.Count() > 0 ? new TransactionLines(transactionLine.ToList()) : null;

                TransactionCustomer = transactionCustomer.Count() > 0 ? transactionCustomer.ToList()[0] : null;

                this.dataGridViewReceipt.DataSource = transaction.ToList();

                this.dataGridViewTransaction.DataSource = transactionLine.ToList();

                this.dataGridViewCustomer.DataSource = transactionCustomer.ToList();

                this.TransactionBindingSource.DataSource = TransactionHeader;

                this.TransactionCustomerBindingSource.DataSource = TransactionCustomer;

                this.TransactionLinesBindingSource.DataSource = TransactionLines;

                //ReportDataSource dataSourceTran = new ReportDataSource("Transaction", transaction.Count() > 0 ? transaction.ToList()[0] : null);
                //ReportDataSource dataSourceCust = new ReportDataSource("TrransactionCustomer", transactionCustomer.Count() > 0 ? transactionCustomer.ToList()[0] : null);
                //ReportDataSource dataSourceLine = new ReportDataSource("TransactionLines", transactionLine.Count() > 0 ? new TransactionLines(transactionLine.ToList()) : null);
