protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // json示例 // {"ExecResult":"Success","ErrorMsg":""} // {"ExecResult":"Failed","ErrorMsg":"错误信息"} int iFileID = 0; int iContactID = 0; int iContactRoleID = 0; int iCurrrentUserID = this.CurrUser.iUserID; #region 校验页面参数 bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "FileID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); this.Response.End(); } string sFileID = this.Request.QueryString["FileID"]; iFileID = Convert.ToInt32(sFileID); bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "ContactID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); this.Response.End(); } string sContactID = this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"]; iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(sContactID); bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "ContactRoleID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); this.Response.End(); } string sContactRoleID = this.Request.QueryString["ContactRoleID"]; iContactRoleID = Convert.ToInt32(sContactRoleID); #endregion #region 调用ReassignContact ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager(); using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient()) { #region Build ReassignContactRequest ReassignContactRequest req = new ReassignContactRequest(); req.hdr = new ReqHdr(); req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data req.hdr.UserId = this.CurrUser.iUserID; List <ReassignContactInfo> ContactList = new List <ReassignContactInfo>(); ReassignContactInfo ContactInfo = new ReassignContactInfo(); ContactInfo.FileId = iFileID; ContactInfo.ContactRoleId = iContactRoleID; ContactInfo.NewContactId = iContactID; ContactList.Add(ContactInfo); req.reassignContacts = ContactList.ToArray(); #endregion #region invoke ReassignContact bool bSuccess = false; string sError = string.Empty; try { ReassignContactResponse respone = service.ReassignContact(req); bSuccess = respone.hdr.Successful; if (bSuccess == false) { sError = "Failed to assign contact, reason:" + respone.hdr.StatusInfo; } } catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ex) { bSuccess = false; sError = "Failed to assign contact: Point Manager is not running."; LPLog.LogMessage(ex.Message); } catch (Exception exception) { bSuccess = false; sError = "Failed to assign contact. Exception: " + exception.Message; LPLog.LogMessage(exception.Message); } finally { if (bSuccess == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sError + "\"}"); this.Response.End(); } } #endregion } #endregion #region Reassign Loan Contact LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts lcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts(); lcModel.FileId = iFileID; lcModel.ContactRoleId = iContactRoleID; lcModel.ContactId = iContactID; LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts oldlcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts(); oldlcModel.FileId = iFileID; oldlcModel.ContactRoleId = 0; oldlcModel.ContactId = 0; LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts LoanContacts1 = new LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts(); LoanContacts1.Reassign(oldlcModel, lcModel, iCurrrentUserID); #endregion this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Success\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"\"}"); this.Response.End(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 if (this.Request.QueryString["CloseDialogCodes"] == null) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Missing required query string.", "try{window.parent.location.href=window.parent.location.href}catch{}"); } string sCloseDialogCodes = this.Request.QueryString["CloseDialogCodes"].ToString() + ";"; bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "FileID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Missing required query string.", sCloseDialogCodes); } string sFileID = this.Request.QueryString["FileID"].ToString(); this.iFileID = Convert.ToInt32(sFileID); #endregion #region 获取Borrower和Property信息 #region Property LPWeb.BLL.Loans LoanManager = new LPWeb.BLL.Loans(); DataTable LoanInfo = LoanManager.GetLoanInfo(this.iFileID); if (LoanInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid query string.", sCloseDialogCodes); } string sPropertyAddress = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyAddr"].ToString(); string sPropertyCity = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyCity"].ToString(); string sPropertyState = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyState"].ToString(); string sPropertyZip = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyZip"].ToString(); string sProperty = sPropertyAddress + ", " + sPropertyCity + ", " + sPropertyState + " " + sPropertyZip; #endregion #region Borrower DataTable BorrowerInfo = LoanManager.GetBorrowerInfo(this.iFileID); if (BorrowerInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "There is no Borrower in this loan.", sCloseDialogCodes); } string sFirstName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString(); string sMiddleName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["MiddleName"].ToString(); string sLastName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString(); string sBorrower = sLastName + ", " + sFirstName; if (sMiddleName != string.Empty) { sBorrower += " " + sMiddleName; } this.lbBorrower.Text = sBorrower; this.lbProperty.Text = sProperty; #endregion #endregion #region 查询条件 string sWhere = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["search"] == null) // 未设置查询条件 { sWhere = " (1=0)"; } else { //sWhere = " (FileId <> " + this.iFileID + ")"; sWhere = " (1=1) "; // Service Type if (this.Request.QueryString["ServiceType"] != null) { string sServiceType = this.Request.QueryString["ServiceType"]; sWhere += " and ServiceTypes='" + sServiceType + "'"; } // Company if (this.Request.QueryString["Company"] != null) { string sCompany = this.Request.QueryString["Company"]; sWhere += " and CompanyName like '" + sCompany + "%'"; } // Zip if (this.Request.QueryString["Zip"] != null) { string sZip = this.Request.QueryString["Zip"]; sWhere += " and MailingZip like '" + sZip + "%'"; } } #endregion #region 排序 string sOrderByField = "ContactsName"; if (this.Request.QueryString["OrderByField"] != null) { sOrderByField = this.Request.QueryString["OrderByField"]; } int iOrderByType = 0; // default asc if (this.Request.QueryString["OrderByType"] != null) { string sOrderByType = this.Request.QueryString["OrderByType"]; if (sOrderByType != "0") { sOrderByType = "1"; } iOrderByType = Convert.ToInt32(sOrderByType); } #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载Service Type Filter string sSql2 = "select * from ServiceTypes where Enabled=1 order by Name"; DataTable ServiceTypeList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2); DataRow AllRow = ServiceTypeList.NewRow(); AllRow["ServiceTypeId"] = 0; AllRow["Name"] = "All"; AllRow["Enabled"] = true; ServiceTypeList.Rows.InsertAt(AllRow, 0); this.ddlServiceType.DataSource = ServiceTypeList; this.ddlServiceType.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Contact Role Filter string sSql3 = "select * from ContactRoles where Enabled=1 and Name <> 'Borrower' and Name <> 'CoBorrower' order by Name"; DataTable ContactRoleList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql3); DataRow EmptyRow = ContactRoleList.NewRow(); EmptyRow["ContactRoleId"] = 0; EmptyRow["Name"] = "-- select --"; EmptyRow["Enabled"] = true; ContactRoleList.Rows.InsertAt(EmptyRow, 0); this.ddlContactRole.DataSource = ContactRoleList; this.ddlContactRole.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Contact List int iPageSize = this.AspNetPager1.PageSize; int iPageIndex = 1; if (this.Request.QueryString["PageIndex"] != null) { iPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["PageIndex"]); } int iRowCount = 0; LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts contacts = new LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts(); DataSet ds = contacts.GetDistinctLoanContactsForReassign(iPageSize, iPageIndex, sWhere, out iRowCount, sOrderByField, iOrderByType); this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = iRowCount; #region set EmptyDataText if (this.Request.QueryString["search"] == null) { this.gridLoanContactList.EmptyDataText = "Please enter conditions and click Display."; } else { if (iRowCount == 0) { this.gridLoanContactList.EmptyDataText = "There is no loan contact by the conditions."; } } #endregion this.gridLoanContactList.DataSource = ds; this.gridLoanContactList.DataBind(); #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 string sReturnUrl = "../Pipeline/ProcessingPipelineSummary.aspx"; string sErrorMsg = "Failed to load this page: missing required query string."; string sBackJs = "window.location.href='" + sReturnUrl + "'"; string sFileID = string.Empty; string sFileIDs = string.Empty; string sPageFrom = string.Empty; // contactid bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "ContactID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid) { try { int ContactID = int.Parse(this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"]); LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts blllc = new LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts(); DataSet ds = blllc.GetContactLoans(ContactID); if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count < 1 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sErrorMsg, sBackJs); } else { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { sFileID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } sFileIDs = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() + ","; } sFileIDs = sFileIDs.TrimEnd(",".ToCharArray()); } } catch { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sErrorMsg, sBackJs); } } else { // fieldid bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "fieldid", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sErrorMsg, sBackJs); } sFileID = this.Request.QueryString["fieldid"]; // fieldids bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "fieldids", QueryStringType.IDs); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sErrorMsg, sBackJs); } sFileIDs = this.Request.QueryString["fieldids"]; } // FromPage bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "FromPage", QueryStringType.String); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sErrorMsg, sBackJs); } sPageFrom = this.Request.QueryString["FromPage"]; if (sPageFrom == string.Empty) { sPageFrom = sReturnUrl; } #endregion this.hfID.Value = sFileID; this.hfIDs.Value = sFileIDs; this.hfPageFrom.Value = sPageFrom; // insert the UserRecentItems LPWeb.BLL.UserRecentItems _bUserRecentItems = new LPWeb.BLL.UserRecentItems(); _bUserRecentItems.InsertUserRecentItems(Convert.ToInt32(sFileID), CurrUser.iUserID); }
/// <summary> /// Link button click event /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnLink_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sLoanIds = this.hdLoanIds.Value; string sLinkType = this.hdLinkType.Value; int iLinkType = 1; if (sLoanIds.Length < 1) { return; } try { LPWeb.BLL.ContactRoles contactRoles = new LPWeb.BLL.ContactRoles(); DataSet dsRole = contactRoles.GetList("Name='" + sLinkType + "'"); if (dsRole.Tables.Count > 0 && dsRole.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { iLinkType = Convert.ToInt32(dsRole.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ContactRoleId"].ToString()); } LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts loanContact = new LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts(); foreach (string sLoanID in sLoanIds.Split(',')) { if (sLoanID.Trim() == "") { continue; } int iLoanID = 0; int iOldContactID = 0; if (sLoanID == "" || Int32.TryParse(sLoanID, out iLoanID) == false) { continue; } DataSet dsloancontact = loanContact.GetList("FileId=" + sLoanID + " AND ContactRoleId=" + iLinkType.ToString()); if (dsloancontact.Tables.Count > 0 && dsloancontact.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { iOldContactID = Convert.ToInt32("0" + dsloancontact.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ContactId"].ToString()); } LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts modelOld = loanContact.GetModel(iLoanID, iLinkType, iOldContactID); if (modelOld == null) { modelOld = new Model.LoanContacts(); modelOld.ContactId = 0; } LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts model = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts(); model.FileId = iLoanID; model.ContactRoleId = iLinkType; model.ContactId = this.iProspectID; loanContact.Reassign(modelOld, model, 0); ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager(); using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient()) { UpdateBorrowerRequest req = new UpdateBorrowerRequest(); req.hdr = new ReqHdr(); req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; req.hdr.UserId = this.CurrUser.iUserID; req.ContactId = model.ContactId; UpdateBorrowerResponse respone = null; try { respone = service.UpdateBorrower(req); } catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException) { string sExMsg = string.Format("Exception happened when Update loan (ContactId={0}): {1}", model.ContactId, "Point Manager is not running."); LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { string sExMsg = string.Format("Exception happened when Update loan (ContactId={0}): {1}", model.ContactId, ex.Message); LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logdebug, ex.ToString()); PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to link the selected loans.", this.sCloseDialogCodes + this.sRefreshCodes); } this.hdLoanIds.Value = string.Empty; this.hdLinkType.Value = string.Empty; // success PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Link the selected loans successfully.", this.sCloseDialogCodes + this.sRefreshCodes); }