private void PictureBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedPixel = MouseOnPixel; if (NewTool != null) { NewTool.SetPosition(SelectedPixel); theme.AddTool(NewTool); // Add new tool to collection Control.propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = NewTool; NewToolAdded(); // call method for reset NewTool and set focus on button_pointer NewTool = null; Theme_Changed(); } SelectedTool = null; Control.PictureBox.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; foreach (LB_Tools_Interface tool in theme.GetTools()) { if (LB_Tools.isItToolArea(tool, SelectedPixel)) { Control.propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = tool; SelectedTool = tool; Control.PictureBox.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.SizeAll; } } if (SelectedTool == null) { Control.propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = theme; } tabPage.Focus(); Control.PictureBox.Invalidate(); }
private void LoadAnimation() { if (AnimationPath != AnimationPathOld) { AnimationPathOld = AnimationPath; animationConverter.Decode(AnimationPath); animationConverter.SetFirstFrame(); LbResourcePath = AnimationPathOld; LbResourceName = LB_Tools.GetFileName(LbResourcePath); } }
private void LoadImage() { if (ImagePath != ImagePathOld && ImagePath != "") { ImagePathOld = ImagePath; FileInfo f_info = new FileInfo(ImagePath); switch (f_info.Extension) { case ".bmp": if (f_info.Extension == ".bmp") { Bitmap tempBitmap = new Bitmap(ImagePath); if (tempBitmap.Height > MaxSize.Height || tempBitmap.Width > MaxSize.Width) { bitmap = new Bitmap(MaxSize.Width, MaxSize.Height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); g.DrawImage(tempBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, MaxSize.Width, MaxSize.Height)); tempBitmap.Dispose(); } else { bitmap = new Bitmap(tempBitmap); tempBitmap.Dispose(); } animationConverter = new AnimationConverter(bitmap); string bma_path = Path.GetDirectoryName(ImagePath) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ImagePath) + ".bma"; if (animationConverter.Encode(bma_path, 0, 0, AnimationConverter.ColorOrder.RGB, AnimationConverter.PixelOrder.VS_TR, AnimationConverter.DataType.Default)) { LbResourcePath = bma_path; LbResourceName = LB_Tools.GetFileName(LbResourcePath); } } break; case ".jpg": Stream imageStreamSource = new FileStream(ImagePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); JpegBitmapDecoder decoder = new JpegBitmapDecoder(imageStreamSource, BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.Default); BitmapSource bitmapSource = decoder.Frames[0]; bitmap = BitmapFromSource(bitmapSource); break; default: break; } } }
public void SetLBResourcePath(string path) { LbResourcePath = path; LbResourceName = LB_Tools.GetFileName(path); }