static void Main(string[] args) { Choices c = new Choices(); int j = 0; int i = 0; while (i < 10) { // c.intelligent(5, 5); get full score c.intelligent(5, 5); i++; } Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------"); while (j < 10) { // c.intelligent(5, 5); get full score c.nonIntelligent(5, 5); j++; } Console.ReadKey(); }
public static int nonIntelligent(int a, int b) { int numOfMoves = 1; int[,] nonIntelliBoard = new int[8, 8]; //Making a game board of 8x8 of int Knight nonIntelliKnight = new Knight(a, b); //change the parameters of the intelligent method and non intelli so that theyit will go as the user said nonIntelliBoard[nonIntelliKnight.a, nonIntelliKnight.b] = numOfMoves; int move = 0; do { Choices choice = new Choices(); string[] knightMoves = choice.goodMovesNonIntelli(choice.convertListToString(nonIntelliKnight.a, nonIntelliKnight.b), nonIntelliBoard); move = knightMoves.Length; if (knightMoves[0] == "") { move = 0; break; } if (move == 1) { int first = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(knightMoves[0][0]); int second = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(knightMoves[0][1]); nonIntelliKnight.a = first; nonIntelliKnight.b = second; numOfMoves++; nonIntelliBoard[nonIntelliKnight.a, nonIntelliKnight.b] = numOfMoves; } else { Random rnd = new Random(); int random = rnd.Next(0, knightMoves.Length); //random number is generated Choices cRan = new Choices(); while (cRan.randomers == random) { random = rnd.Next(0, knightMoves.Length); } cRan.randomers = random; int first = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(knightMoves[random][0]); int second = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(knightMoves[random][1]); nonIntelliKnight.a = first; nonIntelliKnight.b = second; numOfMoves++; nonIntelliBoard[nonIntelliKnight.a, nonIntelliKnight.b] = numOfMoves; } } while (move > 0); // Console.WriteLine(numOfMoves + "these are the moves"); saver += "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { // Console.Write("{0:D2} ", nonIntelliBoard[i, j]); if (nonIntelliBoard[i, j].ToString().Length == 1) { saver += string.Format(" {0} ", nonIntelliBoard[i, j]); } else { saver += string.Format(" {0} ", nonIntelliBoard[i, j]); } } // Console.WriteLine(""); saver += "\n"; } saver += "\n"; saver += "\n"; return(numOfMoves); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Console.WriteLine("column is " + column + " row is" + row + " method is" + method + " times is" + noOfTimes + " name is" + name); if (row != "" && column != "" && noOfTimes != "" && name != "") { if ((Convert.ToInt32(row) >= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row) <= 7) && (Convert.ToInt32(column) >= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(column) <= 7) && (Convert.ToInt32(noOfTimes) > 0)) { // textBox3.Text = "1 to " + noOfTimes.ToString(); counter = Convert.ToInt32(noOfTimes); if (method == "HeuristicsMethod") { result = ""; while (counter > times) { Choices c = new Choices(); Choices.saver += "Chess Board " + (times + 1).ToString(); // c.intelligent(5, 5); get full score moves = c.intelligent(Convert.ToInt32(row), Convert.ToInt32(column)); numbers.Add(moves); averageMoves += moves; // Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------ intelli"); // c.intelligent(5, 5); get full score times++; result += "Trial " + times.ToString() + ": The knight was able to successfully touch " + moves + " squares\r\n\r\n"; } times = 0; } else { result = ""; while (counter > times) { Choices c = new Choices(); Choices.saver += "Chess Board " + (times + 1).ToString(); // c.intelligent(5, 5); get full score moves = Choices.nonIntelligent(Convert.ToInt32(row), Convert.ToInt32(column)); numbers.Add(moves); averageMoves += moves; // Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------ non intelli"); // c.intelligent(5, 5); get full score times++; result += "Trial " + times.ToString() + ": The knight was able to successfully touch " + moves + " squares\r\n\r\n"; } times = 0; } // Console.WriteLine(result); using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(name + method + ".txt")) { Writer.WriteLine(result); } } else { Console.WriteLine("The values that you gave are not good enough , Please provide the right input"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("You didn't fill one of the text feild, Please provide the right input"); } averageMoves = averageMoves / Convert.ToInt32(noOfTimes); richTextBox1.Text = Choices.saver; label8.Text = name; if (Convert.ToInt32(noOfTimes) == 2) { MessageBox.Show("The average is " + averageMoves); } if (Convert.ToInt32(noOfTimes) > 2) { MessageBox.Show("The average is " + averageMoves); MessageBox.Show("The standard deviation is " + getStandardDeviation(numbers)); } Choices.saver = ""; averageMoves = 0; numbers.Clear(); }