Esempio n. 1
        public void InitPalette()
            palette.Init(new ToolPrototype[] {
                tool("if|if % then % else %", "control", new TextBlock("0"), new BlockStack(), new BlockStack()),
                tool("repeat|repeat % times %", "control", new TextBlock("10"), new BlockStack()),
                tool("forever|forever %", "control", new BlockStack()),
                tool("wait|wait % milliseconds", "control", new TextBlock("500")),
                tool("move|move % steps", "motion", new TextBlock("10")),
                tool("right|turn % degrees right", "motion", new TextBlock("10")),
                tool("left|turn % degrees left", "motion", new TextBlock("10")),
                tool("gotoxy|move to x: % y: %", "motion", new TextBlock("100"), new TextBlock("100")),
                tool("say|say %", "looks", new TextBlock("hello world")),
                tool("sayForATime|say % for % seconds", "looks", new TextBlock("hello world"), new TextBlock("2")),
                tool("plus|% + %", "math", new TextBlock("5"), new TextBlock("5")),
                tool("minus|% - %", "math", new TextBlock("5"), new TextBlock("5")),
                tool("times|% * %", "math", new TextBlock("5"), new TextBlock("5")),
                tool("divide|% / %", "math", new TextBlock("5"), new TextBlock("5")),
                tool("random|random from % to %", "math", new TextBlock("1"), new TextBlock("10")),
                tool("noicon|% < %", "math", new TextBlock(""), new TextBlock("")),
                tool("noicon|% = %", "math", new TextBlock(""), new TextBlock("")),
                tool("noicon|% > %", "math", new TextBlock(""), new TextBlock("")),
                tool("noicon|% and %", "math", new TextBlock(""), new TextBlock("")),
                tool("noicon|% or %", "math", new TextBlock(""), new TextBlock("")),
                tool("noicon|not %", "math", new TextBlock("")),
                tool("sin|sin %", "math", new TextBlock("60")),
                tool("cos|cos%", "math", new TextBlock("60")),
                tool("tan|tan %", "math", new TextBlock("60")),
                tool("sqrt|sqrt %", "math", new TextBlock("100")),
                tool("asin|asin %", "math", new TextBlock("1")),
                tool("acos|acos%", "math", new TextBlock("1")),
                tool("atan|atan %", "math", new TextBlock("1")),
                tool("flag|when _flag_ clicked", "control"),
                tool("stopScript|stop script", "control")
                         , Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "./Assets/Tools"), "motion", blockSpace);
