void MakeTileMap()
            if (tilePrefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("failed to MakeTileMap. null tilePrefab.");

            // clear
            curTileMap = null;

            // new root gameobject
            const string tileMapRootGameObjectName = "_TileMapRoot";
            GameObject   tileMapRootGameObj        = new GameObject(tileMapRootGameObjectName);

            tileMapRootGameObj.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
            TileMapRoot tileMapRootCompo = tileMapRootGameObj.AddComponent <TileMapRoot>() as TileMapRoot;

            Vector2 tileSize = Vector2.one;

            if (tilePrefab)
                SquareTileMapNode nodeCompo = tilePrefab.GetComponent <SquareTileMapNode>();
                tileSize = nodeCompo.squareSize;

            tileMapRootCompo.InitFromEditor(screen2D, tileWidthCount, tileHeightCount, tileSize);

            curTileMap             = tileMapRootCompo;
            Selection.activeObject = curTileMap.gameObject;

            // new tilenode group gameobject
            GameObject tileMapNodeGroup = tileMapRootCompo.NodeGroup;

            // create tile-map-nodes
            Dictionary <int, SquareTileMapNode> nodeMap = new Dictionary <int, SquareTileMapNode>();
            int nodeIndex = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < tileHeightCount; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < tileWidthCount; ++x, ++nodeIndex)
                    SquareTileMapNode squareTileMapNode = MakeTileMapOneTile(nodeIndex, x, y, tilePrefab, tileMapNodeGroup);

                    nodeMap[nodeIndex] = squareTileMapNode;

            // connect eachother nodes
        void RemakeTileMap()
            if (curTileMap == null)

            if (tilePrefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("failed to MakeTileMap. null tilePrefab.");

            // clear

            Vector2 tileSize = Vector2.one;

            if (tilePrefab)
                SquareTileMapNode nodeCompo = tilePrefab.GetComponent <SquareTileMapNode>();
                tileSize = nodeCompo.squareSize;

            curTileMap.InitFromEditor(screen2D, tileWidthCount, tileHeightCount, tileSize);

            // new tilenode group gameobject
            GameObject tileMapNodeGroup = curTileMap.NodeGroup;

            // create tile-map-nodes
            Dictionary <int, SquareTileMapNode> nodeMap = new Dictionary <int, SquareTileMapNode>();
            int nodeIndex = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < tileHeightCount; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < tileWidthCount; ++x, ++nodeIndex)
                    SquareTileMapNode squareTileMapNode = MakeTileMapOneTile(nodeIndex, x, y, tilePrefab, tileMapNodeGroup);

                    nodeMap[nodeIndex] = squareTileMapNode;

            // connect eachother nodes