Esempio n. 1
        //returns vector one minus vector two
        public static myCoord subtract(myCoord one, myCoord two)
            myCoord toReturn = new myCoord();

            toReturn.X = one.X - two.X;
            toReturn.Y = one.Y - two.Y;
            toReturn.Z = one.Z - two.Z;
        private float fastDistanceFromPlane(myCoord point)

            //get a vector that represents moving from the point to the top left of the screen
            myCoord vectorFromPointToTopLeft = myCoord.subtract(point, KinectMainController.topLeft);

            return(myCoord.dotProduct(normalisedPlanePerpendicular, vectorFromPointToTopLeft));
        private float fastDistanceFromPlane(myCoord point)

            //get a vector that represents moving from the point to the top left of the screen
            myCoord vectorFromPointToTopLeft = myCoord.subtract(point, KinectMainController.topLeft);

            return myCoord.dotProduct(normalisedPlanePerpendicular, vectorFromPointToTopLeft);
Esempio n. 4
        //returns the scalar multiple of a given vector, without altering the original
        public static myCoord multByScalar(myCoord vector, float scalar)
            myCoord toReturn = new myCoord();

            toReturn.X = vector.X * scalar;
            toReturn.Y = vector.Y * scalar;
            toReturn.Z = vector.Z * scalar;

        //returns the y coordinate of the point on the plane closest to this point
        private float yCoordPerpFromPlane(myCoord point)

            myCoord verticalEdgeDirection = myCoord.subtract(KinectMainController.topLeft, KinectMainController.bottomLeft);

            myCoord vectorFromPointToTopLeft = myCoord.subtract(KinectMainController.topLeft, point);

            return(myCoord.dotProduct(verticalEdgeDirection, vectorFromPointToTopLeft) / (float)Math.Pow(myCoord.norm(verticalEdgeDirection), 2));
Esempio n. 6
        private myCoord getCorner()
            const float   eps    = 0.00006f;                             //epsilon value, dictates precision for the variance
            myCoord       sample = new myCoord();                        //sample data we get after each time span
            Queue <float> xQueue = new Queue <float>(10);                //queues for the x, y, z values
            Queue <float> yQueue = new Queue <float>(10);                //we get data every 0.2 seconds, and stop when we detect that the
            Queue <float> zQueue = new Queue <float>(10);                //hand has stayed still for 2 seconds, hence analyse the last 10 values

            System.DateTime t1   = System.DateTime.Now;                  //current time
            System.TimeSpan span = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200); //time span of 0.2 seconds between each sampling of the position
            System.DateTime t3   = new System.DateTime();                //time at which we have to get the new sample

            //fill the queues with the initial 10 samples
            while (xQueue.Count < 10)
                t3 = t1.Add(span);                                                      //when we get the next round of data
                xQueue.Enqueue(xCoord); yQueue.Enqueue(yCoord); zQueue.Enqueue(zCoord); //get current round of data

                //wait until next round
                while (t1 < t3)
                    t1 = System.DateTime.Now;

            //compute the initial variances of position data
            float xVar = Variance(xQueue);
            float yVar = Variance(yQueue);
            float zVar = Variance(zQueue);

            //while the variances are to high, meaning the hand isn't still, keep tracking the hand
            while ((xVar > eps | yVar > eps | zVar > eps) || (xQueue.Average() == 0 && yQueue.Average() == 0 && zQueue.Average() == 0))
                t3 = t1.Add(span);                                                         //when we get next round of data

                xQueue.Dequeue(); yQueue.Dequeue(); zQueue.Dequeue();                      //discard old data
                xQueue.Enqueue(xCoord); yQueue.Enqueue(yCoord); zQueue.Enqueue(zCoord);    //get current round
                xVar = Variance(xQueue); yVar = Variance(yQueue); zVar = Variance(zQueue); //compute new variance

                //wait until next round
                while (t1 < t3)
                    t1 = System.DateTime.Now;

            //when the hand hasn't moved return it's position, averaging over the last 10 positions
            sample.X = xQueue.Average();
            sample.Y = yQueue.Average();
            sample.Z = zQueue.Average();

            Console.Beep();     //give an audio confirmation to the user
Esempio n. 7
        //returns the cross product of vector one and vector two
        public static myCoord crossProduct(myCoord one, myCoord two)
            //computed by definition of cross product
            myCoord answer = new myCoord();

            answer.X = one.Y * two.Z - one.Z * two.Y;
            answer.Y = one.Z * two.X - one.X * two.Z;
            answer.Z = one.X * two.Y - one.Y - two.X;

Esempio n. 8
        //returns the distance of 'point' from the plane defined by the points planeOne, planeTwo, and planeThree. May be negative.
        public static float distanceFromPlane(myCoord planeOne, myCoord planeTwo, myCoord planeThree, myCoord point)
            myCoord vectorFromPointToPlaneOne = subtract(point, planeOne);

            //compute plane perpendicular
            myCoord normalisedPlanePerpendicular = crossProduct(subtract(planeTwo, planeOne), subtract(planeThree, planeOne));

            //normalise it
            normalisedPlanePerpendicular = multByScalar(normalisedPlanePerpendicular, 1 / norm(normalisedPlanePerpendicular));

            //dot it with the vector from planeOne to point
            return(myCoord.dotProduct(normalisedPlanePerpendicular, vectorFromPointToPlaneOne));
        public void justCalibrated()
            //to get the normalised plane perpendicular (for caching):

            //get a vector parallel to the top and side edges of the screen
            myCoord horizontalEdgeDirection = myCoord.subtract(KinectMainController.topRight, KinectMainController.topLeft);
            myCoord verticalEdgeDirection = myCoord.subtract(KinectMainController.bottomLeft, KinectMainController.topLeft);

            //get a vector perpendicular to the plane (not yet normalised)
            normalisedPlanePerpendicular = myCoord.crossProduct(horizontalEdgeDirection, verticalEdgeDirection);

            //normalise it - will fail if two points on the screen are in the same place (makes the planePerpendicular 0) - TODO I have NOT guarded against this
            normalisedPlanePerpendicular = myCoord.multByScalar(normalisedPlanePerpendicular, 1 / myCoord.norm(normalisedPlanePerpendicular));
        public void justCalibrated()
            //to get the normalised plane perpendicular (for caching):

            //get a vector parallel to the top and side edges of the screen
            myCoord horizontalEdgeDirection = myCoord.subtract(KinectMainController.topRight, KinectMainController.topLeft);
            myCoord verticalEdgeDirection   = myCoord.subtract(KinectMainController.bottomLeft, KinectMainController.topLeft);

            //get a vector perpendicular to the plane (not yet normalised)
            normalisedPlanePerpendicular = myCoord.crossProduct(horizontalEdgeDirection, verticalEdgeDirection);

            //normalise it - will fail if two points on the screen are in the same place (makes the planePerpendicular 0) - TODO I have NOT guarded against this
            normalisedPlanePerpendicular = myCoord.multByScalar(normalisedPlanePerpendicular, 1 / myCoord.norm(normalisedPlanePerpendicular));
Esempio n. 11
 //returns one 'dotproduct' two.
 public static float dotProduct(myCoord one, myCoord two)
     return one.X * two.X + one.Y * two.Y + one.Z * two.Z;
Esempio n. 12
 //returns one 'dotproduct' two.
 public static float dotProduct(myCoord one, myCoord two)
     return(one.X * two.X + one.Y * two.Y + one.Z * two.Z);
Esempio n. 13
 //returns the euclidean norm of a 3d vector
 public static float norm(myCoord vector)
     return((float)Math.Sqrt(vector.X * vector.X + vector.Y * vector.Y + vector.Z * vector.Z));
        void _sensor_AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
            if (!KinectMainController.isCalibrated || !KinectMainController.doMouseInput)

            Skeleton first = Kinetique.Calibrator.GetFirstSkeleton(e);

            if (first == null)

            var rightHand = first.Joints[JointType.HandRight];

            if (rightHand.TrackingState != JointTrackingState.Tracked)
                //Don't have a good read on the joints so we cannot process gestures
            myCoord handLeft = new myCoord();

            handLeft.X = first.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.X;
            handLeft.Y = first.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Y;
            handLeft.Z = first.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Z;

            myCoord handRight = new myCoord();

            handRight.X = first.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.X;
            handRight.Y = first.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Y;
            handRight.Z = first.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Z;

            //distance in metres from screen
            float handRightDistance = Math.Abs(fastDistanceFromPlane(handRight));

            //scalars between 0 and 1 - 0 is the left, and the top
            float handRightX = xCoordPerpFromPlane(handRight);
            float handRightY = yCoordPerpFromPlane(handRight);

            outputToListener(handRightX, handRightY, handRightDistance, 0);

            ////distance in metres from screen
            float handLeftDistance = Math.Abs(fastDistanceFromPlane(handLeft));

            //scalars between 0 and 1 - 0 is the left, and the top
            float handLeftX = xCoordPerpFromPlane(handLeft);
            float handLeftY = yCoordPerpFromPlane(handLeft);

            if (handLeftDistance < metresFromPlaneToDraw && !handDown[1])
                handDown[1] = true;
                if (!handDown[0])
                    listener.MouseDown(mouseX, mouseY, 1);
                    listener.MouseUp(mouseX, mouseY, 1);
            else if (handLeftDistance > metresFromPlaneToDraw && handDown[1])
                handDown[1] = false;

            if (handRightDistance > 1 && handLeftDistance > 1)
                KinectMainController.doGestureRecognition = false;
                KinectMainController.doGestureRecognition = true;
        //returns the y coordinate of the point on the plane closest to this point
        private float yCoordPerpFromPlane(myCoord point)

            myCoord verticalEdgeDirection = myCoord.subtract(KinectMainController.topLeft, KinectMainController.bottomLeft);

            myCoord vectorFromPointToTopLeft = myCoord.subtract(KinectMainController.topLeft, point);

            return myCoord.dotProduct(verticalEdgeDirection, vectorFromPointToTopLeft) / (float) Math.Pow(myCoord.norm(verticalEdgeDirection), 2);
        void _sensor_AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
            if (!KinectMainController.isCalibrated || !KinectMainController.doMouseInput)

            Skeleton first = Kinetique.Calibrator.GetFirstSkeleton(e);

            if (first == null)

            var rightHand = first.Joints[JointType.HandRight];

            if (rightHand.TrackingState != JointTrackingState.Tracked)
                //Don't have a good read on the joints so we cannot process gestures
            myCoord handLeft = new myCoord();

            handLeft.X = first.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.X;
            handLeft.Y = first.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Y;
            handLeft.Z = first.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Z;

            myCoord handRight = new myCoord();

            handRight.X = first.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.X;
            handRight.Y = first.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Y;
            handRight.Z = first.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Z;

            //distance in metres from screen
            float handRightDistance = Math.Abs(fastDistanceFromPlane(handRight));

            //scalars between 0 and 1 - 0 is the left, and the top
            float handRightX = xCoordPerpFromPlane(handRight);
            float handRightY = yCoordPerpFromPlane(handRight);

            outputToListener(handRightX, handRightY, handRightDistance, 0);

            ////distance in metres from screen
            float handLeftDistance = Math.Abs(fastDistanceFromPlane(handLeft));

            //scalars between 0 and 1 - 0 is the left, and the top
            float handLeftX = xCoordPerpFromPlane(handLeft);
            float handLeftY = yCoordPerpFromPlane(handLeft);

            if (handLeftDistance < metresFromPlaneToDraw && !handDown[1])
                handDown[1] = true;
                if (!handDown[0])
                    listener.MouseDown(mouseX, mouseY, 1);
                    listener.MouseUp(mouseX, mouseY, 1);
            else if (handLeftDistance > metresFromPlaneToDraw && handDown[1])
                handDown[1] = false;

            if (handRightDistance > 1 && handLeftDistance > 1)
                KinectMainController.doGestureRecognition = false;
            else KinectMainController.doGestureRecognition = true;
Esempio n. 17
 //returns vector one minus vector two
 public static myCoord subtract(myCoord one, myCoord two)
     myCoord toReturn = new myCoord();
     toReturn.X = one.X - two.X;
     toReturn.Y = one.Y - two.Y;
     toReturn.Z = one.Z - two.Z;
     return toReturn;
Esempio n. 18
 //returns the euclidean norm of a 3d vector
 public static float norm(myCoord vector)
     return (float)Math.Sqrt(vector.X * vector.X + vector.Y * vector.Y + vector.Z * vector.Z);
Esempio n. 19
        //returns the scalar multiple of a given vector, without altering the original
        public static myCoord multByScalar(myCoord vector, float scalar)
            myCoord toReturn = new myCoord();

            toReturn.X = vector.X * scalar;
            toReturn.Y = vector.Y * scalar;
            toReturn.Z = vector.Z * scalar;

            return toReturn;
Esempio n. 20
        //returns the distance of 'point' from the plane defined by the points planeOne, planeTwo, and planeThree. May be negative.
        public static float distanceFromPlane(myCoord planeOne, myCoord planeTwo, myCoord planeThree, myCoord point)
            myCoord vectorFromPointToPlaneOne = subtract(point, planeOne);

            //compute plane perpendicular
            myCoord normalisedPlanePerpendicular = crossProduct(subtract(planeTwo, planeOne), subtract(planeThree, planeOne));
            //normalise it
            normalisedPlanePerpendicular = multByScalar(normalisedPlanePerpendicular, 1 / norm(normalisedPlanePerpendicular));

            //dot it with the vector from planeOne to point
            return myCoord.dotProduct(normalisedPlanePerpendicular, vectorFromPointToPlaneOne);
Esempio n. 21
        //returns the cross product of vector one and vector two
        public static myCoord crossProduct(myCoord one, myCoord two)
            //computed by definition of cross product
            myCoord answer = new myCoord();
            answer.X = one.Y * two.Z - one.Z * two.Y;
            answer.Y = one.Z * two.X - one.X * two.Z;
            answer.Z = one.X * two.Y - one.Y - two.X;

            return answer;
Esempio n. 22
        private myCoord getCorner()
            const float eps = 0.00006f;                     //epsilon value, dictates precision for the variance
            myCoord sample = new myCoord();                 //sample data we get after each time span
            Queue<float> xQueue = new Queue<float>(10);     //queues for the x, y, z values
            Queue<float> yQueue = new Queue<float>(10);     //we get data every 0.2 seconds, and stop when we detect that the
            Queue<float> zQueue = new Queue<float>(10);     //hand has stayed still for 2 seconds, hence analyse the last 10 values

            System.DateTime t1 = System.DateTime.Now;       //current time
            System.TimeSpan span = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200);  //time span of 0.2 seconds between each sampling of the position
            System.DateTime t3 = new System.DateTime();     //time at which we have to get the new sample

            //fill the queues with the initial 10 samples
            while (xQueue.Count < 10)
                t3 = t1.Add(span);      //when we get the next round of data
                xQueue.Enqueue(xCoord); yQueue.Enqueue(yCoord); zQueue.Enqueue(zCoord); //get current round of data

                //wait until next round
                while (t1 < t3)
                    t1 = System.DateTime.Now;

            //compute the initial variances of position data
            float xVar = Variance(xQueue);
            float yVar = Variance(yQueue);
            float zVar = Variance(zQueue);

            //while the variances are to high, meaning the hand isn't still, keep tracking the hand
            while ((xVar > eps | yVar > eps | zVar > eps) || (xQueue.Average() == 0 && yQueue.Average() == 0 && zQueue.Average() == 0))
                t3 = t1.Add(span);      //when we get next round of data

                xQueue.Dequeue(); yQueue.Dequeue(); zQueue.Dequeue();                       //discard old data
                xQueue.Enqueue(xCoord); yQueue.Enqueue(yCoord); zQueue.Enqueue(zCoord);     //get current round
                xVar = Variance(xQueue); yVar = Variance(yQueue); zVar = Variance(zQueue);  //compute new variance

                //wait until next round
                while (t1 < t3)
                    t1 = System.DateTime.Now;

            //when the hand hasn't moved return it's position, averaging over the last 10 positions
            sample.X = xQueue.Average();
            sample.Y = yQueue.Average();
            sample.Z = zQueue.Average();

            Console.Beep();     //give an audio confirmation to the user
            return sample;