Esempio n. 1
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets the key-binding to be used for manual text
 ///  completion, text rotation in a history list as
 ///  well as a completion list.
 ///  When the keys set by this function are pressed, a
 ///  signal defined by the inheriting widget will be activated.
 ///  If the default value or 0 is specified by the second
 ///  parameter, then the key-binding as defined in the global
 ///  setting should be used.  This method returns false value
 ///  for <code>key</code> is negative or the supplied key-binding conflicts
 ///  with the ones set for one of the other features.
 ///  NOTE: To use a modifier key (Shift, Ctrl, Alt) as part of
 ///  the key-binding simply simply <code>sum</code> up the values of the
 ///  modifier and the actual key.  For example, to use CTRL+E as
 ///  a key binding for one of the items, you would simply supply
 ///  <code></code>"Qt.CtrlButton + Qt.Key_E" as the second argument to this
 ///  function.
 /// <param> name="item" the feature whose key-binding needs to be set:
 /// </param>
 /// <li>
 /// TextCompletion the manual completion key-binding.
 /// </li>
 /// <li>
 /// PrevCompletionMatch    the previous match key for multiple completion.
 /// </li>
 /// <li>
 /// NextCompletionMatch    the next match key for for multiple completion.
 /// </li>
 /// <li>
 /// SubstringCompletion  the key for substring completion
 /// </li>
 /// <param> name="key" key-binding used to rotate down in a list.
 /// </param></remarks>        <return> true if key-binding can successfully be set.
 /// </return>
 ///         <short>    Sets the key-binding to be used for manual text  completion, text rotation in a history list as  well as a completion list.</short>
 ///         <see> getKeyBinding</see>
 public bool SetKeyBinding(KCompletionBase.KeyBindingType item, KShortcut key)
     return (bool) interceptor.Invoke("setKeyBinding$#", "setKeyBinding(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType, const KShortcut&)", typeof(bool), typeof(KCompletionBase.KeyBindingType), item, typeof(KShortcut), key);
Esempio n. 2
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets the global shorcut to associate with this widget.
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Sets the global shorcut to associate with this widget.</short>
 public void SetGlobalShortcut(KShortcut shortcut)
Esempio n. 3
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Remove <code>keySeq</code> from this shortcut.
 ///  If <code>handleEmpty</code> equals RemoveEmpty, following key sequences will move up to take the place of
 ///  <code>keySeq.</code> Otherwise, key sequences equal to <code>keySeq</code> will be set to empty.
 /// <param> name="keySeq" remove this key sequence from the shortcut
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Remove <code>keySeq</code> from this shortcut.</short>
 public void Remove(QKeySequence keySeq, KShortcut.EmptyHandling handleEmpty)
     interceptor.Invoke("remove#$", "remove(const QKeySequence&, KShortcut::EmptyHandling)", typeof(void), typeof(QKeySequence), keySeq, typeof(KShortcut.EmptyHandling), handleEmpty);
Esempio n. 4
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Returns shortcut as QList\<QKeySequence\>, and is equivalent to toList(RemoveEmpty).
 ///  Be aware that empty shortcuts will not be included in the list;
 ///  due to this, conversion operations like
 ///  KShortcut b = (QList\<QKeySequence\>)KShortcut a
 ///  will not always result in b == a.
 /// </remarks>        <return> the shortcut converted to a QList\<QKeySequence\>
 ///      </return>
 ///         <short>    Returns shortcut as QList\<QKeySequence\>, and is equivalent to toList(RemoveEmpty).</short>
 /// <remarks>
 ///  The same as operator QList\<QKeySequence\>()
 ///  If <code>handleEmpty</code> equals RemoveEmpty, empty key sequences will be left out of the result.
 ///  Otherwise, empy key sequences will be included; you can be sure that
 ///  shortcut.alternate() == shortcut.toList(KeepEmpty).at(1).
 /// </remarks>        <return> the shortcut converted to a QList\<QKeySequence\>
 ///      </return>
 ///         <short>    The same as operator QList\<QKeySequence\>()  If <code>handleEmpty</code> equals RemoveEmpty, empty key sequences will be left out of the result.</short>
 public List<QKeySequence> ToList(KShortcut.EmptyHandling handleEmpty)
     return (List<QKeySequence>) interceptor.Invoke("toList$", "toList(KShortcut::EmptyHandling) const", typeof(List<QKeySequence>), typeof(KShortcut.EmptyHandling), handleEmpty);
Esempio n. 5
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Copy constructor.
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Copy constructor.</short>
 public KShortcut(KShortcut other)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("KShortcut#", "KShortcut(const KShortcut&)", typeof(void), typeof(KShortcut), other);
Esempio n. 6
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets the global shorcut to associate with this widget.
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Sets the global shorcut to associate with this widget.</short>
 public void SetGlobalShortcut(KShortcut shortcut)
     interceptor.Invoke("setGlobalShortcut#", "setGlobalShortcut(const KShortcut&)", typeof(void), typeof(KShortcut), shortcut);
Esempio n. 7
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Saves the new shortcut \a cut for standard accel \a id.
 ///    </remarks>        <short>    Saves the new shortcut \a cut for standard accel \a id.</short>
 public static void SaveShortcut(KStandardShortcut.StandardShortcut id, KShortcut newShortcut)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("saveShortcut$#", "saveShortcut(KStandardShortcut::StandardShortcut, const KShortcut&)", typeof(void), typeof(KStandardShortcut.StandardShortcut), id, typeof(KShortcut), newShortcut);
Esempio n. 8
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Set the shortcut for this action.
 ///  This is preferred over QAction.SetShortcut(), as it allows for multiple shortcuts
 ///  per action.
 ///  \param shortcut shortcut(s) to use for this action in its specified shortcutContext()
 ///  \param type type of shortcut to be set: active shortcut,
 ///   default shortcut, or both (the default).
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Set the shortcut for this action.</short>
 public void SetShortcut(KShortcut shortcut, uint type)
     interceptor.Invoke("setShortcut#$", "setShortcut(const KShortcut&, KAction::ShortcutTypes)", typeof(void), typeof(KShortcut), shortcut, typeof(uint), type);
Esempio n. 9
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Assign a global shortcut for this action. Global shortcuts
 ///  allow an action to respond to key shortcuts independently of the focused window,
 ///  i.e. the action will trigger if the keys were pressed no matter where in the X session.
 ///  The action must have a per main component unique
 ///  objectName() to enable cross-application bookeeping. If the objectName() is empty this method will
 ///  do nothing, otherwise the isGlobalShortcutEnabled() property will be set to true and the 
 ///  shortcut will be enabled.
 ///  It is mandatory that the objectName() doesn't change once isGlobalshortcutEnabled()
 ///  has become true.
 ///  <b>Note:<> KActionCollection.Insert(name, action) will set action's objectName to name so you often
 ///  don't have to set an objectName explicitly.
 ///  When an action, identified by main component name and objectName(), is assigned
 ///  a global shortcut for the first time on a KDE installation the assignment will
 ///  be saved. The shortcut will then be restored every time setGlobalShortcut() is
 ///  called with <code>loading</code> == Autoloading.
 ///  If you actually want to change the global shortcut you have to set
 ///  <code>loading</code> to NoAutoloading. The new shortcut will be automatically saved again.
 ///  \param shortcut global shortcut(s) to assign. Will be ignored unless <pre>loading</pre> is set to NoAutoloading or this is the first time ever you call this method (see above).
 ///  \param type the type of shortcut to be set, whether the active shortcut, the default shortcut,
 ///              or both (the default).
 ///  \param loading if Autoloading, assign the global shortcut this action has previously had if any.
 ///                    That way user preferences and changes made to avoid clashes will be conserved.
 ///                 if NoAutoloading the given shortcut will be assigned without looking up old values.
 ///                    You should only do this if the user wants to change the shortcut or if you have
 ///                    another very good reason. Key combinations that clash with other shortcuts will be
 ///                    dropped.
 ///  <b>Note:<> the default shortcut will never be influenced by autoloading - it will be set as given.
 ///  \sa globalShortcut()
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Assign a global shortcut for this action.</short>
 public void SetGlobalShortcut(KShortcut shortcut, uint type, KAction.GlobalShortcutLoading loading)
     interceptor.Invoke("setGlobalShortcut#$$", "setGlobalShortcut(const KShortcut&, KAction::ShortcutTypes, KAction::GlobalShortcutLoading)", typeof(void), typeof(KShortcut), shortcut, typeof(uint), type, typeof(KAction.GlobalShortcutLoading), loading);