Esempio n. 1
        /**Return a D x N matrix*/
        public static Matrix ToInputMatrix(RandomFeatureMap fm, List <IKEPDist[]> inputs)
            Vector[] features = inputs.Select(msgs => fm.MapToVector(msgs)).ToArray();
            Matrix   m        = MatrixUtils.StackColumns(features);

Esempio n. 2
        private void BatchLearn()
            // Batch learning uses the collected messages. This will reset many
            // properties of the object.

            // TODO: full cross validation later.
            // For now, we will use median heuristic to set the parameter.
//			int[] inOutNumFeatures = { this.MinibatchInnerFeatures, this.MinibatchOuterFeatures };
            int[] inOutNumFeatures = { this.InnerFeatures, this.OuterFeatures };
//			int[] inOutNumFeatures = { 200, 400 };
//			int[] inOutNumFeatures = {400, 700};
//			int[] inOutNumFeatures = {50, 50};
            double[]                medianFactors = { 0.5 };
            Random                  rng           = new Random(1);
            List <IKEPDist[]>       inputs        = this.batchInputs;
            List <RandomFeatureMap> candidates    = featureMap.GenCandidates(
                inputs, inOutNumFeatures, medianFactors, rng);

             * unfinished cross validation implementation
             * double[] noiseVarCandidates = new double[]{1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2};
             * var M = MNMatrix.Build;
             * int n = inputs.Count;
             * MNVector Y = MNVector.Build.Dense(batchOutputs.ToArray());
             * double[][] looMSErrs = new double[candidates.Count][];
             * // TODO: Improve this with parallel for-loop ?
             * Console.WriteLine("#### Performing initial batch learning ####");
             * Console.WriteLine();
             * for(int i=0; i<candidates.Count; i++){
             *      RandomFeatureMap fm = candidates[i];
             *      int d = fm.GetOutputDimension();
             *      MNMatrix Idd = M.SparseIdentity(d);
             *      // D x N matrix
             *      MNMatrix phi = fm.GenFeaturesMNMat(inputs);
             *      MNMatrix ppt = phi.TransposeAndMultiply(phi);
             *      looMSErrs[i] = new double[noiseVarCandidates.Length];
             *      for(int nj=0; nj<noiseVarCandidates.Length; nj++){
             *              double noiseVariance = noiseVarCandidates[nj];
             *              MNMatrix regI = M.SparseDiagonal(d, noiseVariance);
             *              MNMatrix A = ppt + regI;
             *              MNMatrix X = A.Solve(phi);
             *              Debug.Assert(X.RowCount == d);
             *              Debug.Assert(X.ColumnCount == n);
             *              // TODO: H does not need to be formed explicitly.
             *              // This is efficient if n > d. Later.
             *              MNMatrix H = Idd - phi.TransposeThisAndMultiply(X);
             *              MNVector HDiagInv = H.Diagonal();
             *              HDiagInv.MapInplace(delegate(double v){
             *                      return 1.0/v;
             *              });
             *              double errSqrt = H.LeftMultiply(Y).PointwiseMultiply(HDiagInv).L2Norm();
             *              looMSErrs[i][nj] = errSqrt*errSqrt/n;
             *              Console.WriteLine("");
             *      }
             * }
            this.featureMap = candidates[0];
            this.noiseVar   = 1e-4;
            const double priorVariance = 1.0;

//			this.featureMap = fm;
            // threshold on log predict variance
            // Used -8.5 for the logistic regression problem
//			this.uThreshold = -8.5;
            Vector[] features = inputs.Select(msgs => featureMap.MapToVector(msgs)).ToArray();
            Matrix   x        = MatrixUtils.StackColumns(features);
            Vector   y        = Vector.FromList(batchOutputs);

            int Dout = x.Rows;
            // Matrix x is d x n
            Matrix xxt = x * x.Transpose();

            crossCorr = x * y;

            Matrix postPrec = xxt * (1.0 / noiseVar) + Matrix.IdentityScaledBy(Dout, 1.0 / priorVariance);

            this.posteriorCov  = MatrixUtils.Inverse(postPrec);
            this.posteriorMean = this.posteriorCov * crossCorr * (1.0 / this.noiseVar);
            if (double.IsNaN(uThreshold))
                uThreshold = -8.5;

//			throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 3
        public Vector GenRandomFeatures(params IKEPDist[] dists)
            Vector feature = featureMap.MapToVector(dists);
