Esempio n. 1
        public KOperative(KObject formals, KObject eformal, KObject expr, KEnvironment env)
            Formals = formals;
            EFormal = eformal;
            Expr    = expr;
            if (!(eformal is KIgnore || eformal is KSymbol))
                throw new RuntimeException("Can't construct operative, type mismatch of eformal");
            var lst = CheckFormalTree(Formals);

            if (eformal is KSymbol)
                KSymbol s = eformal as KSymbol;
                if (lst.Contains(s.Value))
                    throw new RuntimeException("Distinct eformal needed");
            if (!(env is KEnvironment))
                throw new RuntimeException("Operative: not an environment!");
                staticenv = env;
Esempio n. 2
 public static void BindFormalTree(KObject formal, KObject vals, KEnvironment env, KObject ctxt = null)
     if (ctxt == null)
         ctxt = formal;
     if (formal is KSymbol)
         env.Bind(((KSymbol)formal).Value, vals);
     else if (formal is KIgnore)
     else if (formal is KNil && vals is KNil)
     else if (formal is KPair && vals is KPair)
         KPair f = formal as KPair;
         KPair v = vals as KPair;
         BindFormalTree(f.Car, v.Car, env, ctxt);
         BindFormalTree(f.Cdr, v.Cdr, env, ctxt);
         throw new RuntimeException("Can't bind formal tree of " + ctxt.Write());
Esempio n. 3
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 3, "guard-continuation");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KContinuation c     = Second(args) as KContinuation;
            KObject       entry = First(args);
            KObject       exit  = Third(args);

                if (null == c)
                    throw new RuntimeException("guard-continuation: not a continution");
                c.Value.EntryGuard = assignGuards(entry);
                c.Value.ExitGuard  = assignGuards(exit);
                return(CPS.Return(c, cont));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(CPS.Error(e.Message, cont));
Esempio n. 4
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "load");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject val = First(args) as KString;

            if (!(val is KString))
                return(CPS.Error("load: not a string", cont));
            string path = (val as KString).Value;

                List <KObject> tokens = Parser.ParseAll(File.ReadAllText(path));
                foreach (var token in tokens)
                    Evaluator.Eval(token, env);
                return(CPS.Return(new KInert(), cont));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(CPS.Error("Failed to load file: " + e.Message, cont));
Esempio n. 5
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 3);
            KObject formalt = First(args), eformal = Second(args), expr = Third(args);

            return(new KOperative(formalt, eformal, expr, env));
Esempio n. 6
        public virtual RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            object result = null;

            try {
                result = Do(args, env, cont);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                return(CPS.Error <KObject>(getName() + ": " + e.Message, cont));
            if (result is KObject)
                return(CPS.Return(result as KObject, cont));
            else if (result is bool)
                return(CPS.Return(new KBoolean((bool)result), cont));
            else if (result is RecursionResult <KObject> )
                return(result as RecursionResult <KObject>);
                return(CPS.Return(new KInert(), cont));
Esempio n. 7
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 1);
            KFraction input = First(args) as KFraction;

            return(new KDouble(input.ToDouble()));
Esempio n. 8
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 1);
            var inex = First(args) as KDouble;

        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 1);
            KContinuation c = First(args) as KContinuation;

            Check(c, "expected continuation");
            return(new KApplicative(new PPassCont(c)));
Esempio n. 10
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 1);
            KCombiner comb = First(args) as KCombiner;

            Check(comb, "not a combiner");
            return(Evaluator.rceval(new KPair(comb, new KPair(new KContinuation(cont), new KNil())), env, cont));
Esempio n. 11
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 1);
            KCombiner op = First(args) as KCombiner;

            Check(op, "not a combiner");
            return(new KApplicative(op));
Esempio n. 12
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 2);
            KObject a = First(args);
            KObject b = Second(args);

            return(CompareEqual(a, b));
Esempio n. 13
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 2);
            KObject      expr  = First(args);
            KEnvironment envir = Second(args) as KEnvironment;

            Check(envir, "not an enviroment");
            return(CPS.PassTo <KObject>(() => Evaluator.rceval(expr, envir, cont)));
Esempio n. 14
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "copy-es-immutable");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            return(Return(KPair.CopyEs(First(args)), cont));
Esempio n. 15
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "number?");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            return(ReturnBool(First(args) is KDouble || First(args) is KInteger, cont));
Esempio n. 16
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 1);
            Continuation <KObject> result = myc.Value;

            if (result.Context == null)
                return(CPS.Return(First(args), CPS.RootContinuation <KObject>()));
Esempio n. 17
 private static void init()
     if (initialized)
     GroundEnv     = new KEnvironment(null);
     env           = new KEnvironment(GroundEnv);
     loadedModules = new List <string>();
     initialized   = true;
Esempio n. 18
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 0);
            KObject datum = null;

            while (null == datum)
                datum = Interpreter.readDatum();
Esempio n. 19
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "encapsulate");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject datum = First(args);

            return(Return(new KEncapsulation(id, datum), cont));
Esempio n. 20
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 1);
            KEncapsulation datum = First(args) as KEncapsulation;

            Check(datum, "not an encap");
            if (datum.Id != id)
                throw new RuntimeException("wrong id");
Esempio n. 21
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 2);
            KPair p = args as KPair;
            Continuation <KObject> c = null;

            c = new Continuation <KObject>((x) => {
                return(CPS.PassTo(() => Evaluator.rceval(
                                      new KPair(p.Car, new KPair(new KString(c.Context.ToString()), new KNil())), env, cont)));
            }, cont, "error-handler");
            c.isHandler = true;
            return(CPS.PassTo(() => Evaluator.rceval(Second(p), env, c)));
Esempio n. 22
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 0);
   = counter++;
            KApplicative e  = new KApplicative(new PEncapE(id));
            KApplicative p  = new KApplicative(new PEncapP(id));
            KApplicative d  = new KApplicative(new PEncapD(id));
            KPair        p3 = new KPair(d, new KNil());
            KPair        p2 = new KPair(p, p3);
            KPair        p1 = new KPair(e, p2);

Esempio n. 23
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "display");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject datum = First(args);

            return(Return(new KInert(), cont));
Esempio n. 24
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 2);
            KObject definand = First(args), expr = Second(args);
            var     cc = new Continuation <KObject>((e) => {
                try {
                    Evaluator.BindFormalTree(definand, e, env);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    return(CPS.Error <KObject>(ex.Message, cont));
                return(CPS.Return <KObject>(new KInert(), cont));
            }, cont, "define");

            return(CPS.PassTo(() => Evaluator.rceval(expr, env, cc)));
Esempio n. 25
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "continuation->applicative");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject c = First(args);

            if (c is KContinuation)
                return(CPS.Return(new KApplicative(new PPassCont(c as KContinuation)), cont));
            return(CPS.Error("continuation->applicative: not a continuation given", cont));
Esempio n. 26
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            int length = KPair.Length(args);

            if (length == -1)
                throw new RuntimeException("improper list");
            if (length == 0)
                throw new RuntimeException("at least one arg expected");
            else if (length == 1)
                KObject a = NumbersModule.Check(First(args));
                if (a is KFraction)
                    return(new KFraction((a as KFraction).Numerator * -1, (a as KFraction).Denominator));
                    return(new KDouble((a as KDouble).Value * -1));
                KObject dif  = NumbersModule.Check(First(args));
                KObject head = (args as KPair).Cdr;
                while (head is KPair)
                    KObject nextNumber = NumbersModule.Check(First(head));
                    if (dif is KFraction && nextNumber is KFraction)
                        dif = (dif as KFraction).Subtract(nextNumber as KFraction);
                        KDouble a = NumbersModule.ToInexact(dif);
                        KDouble b = NumbersModule.ToInexact(nextNumber);
                        dif = new KDouble(a.Value - b.Value);
                    head = (head as KPair).Cdr;
Esempio n. 27
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 2, "*");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject a = First(args), b = Second(args);
            var     result = KNumber.DoMath(a, b, (x, y) => x * y, (x, y) => x * y);

            if (result == null)
                return(CPS.Error("*: wrong types", cont));
            return(Return(result, cont));
Esempio n. 28
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 0, "make-encapsulation-type");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
   = counter++;
            KApplicative e  = new KApplicative(new PEncapE(id));
            KApplicative p  = new KApplicative(new PEncapP(id));
            KApplicative d  = new KApplicative(new PEncapD(id));
            KPair        p3 = new KPair(d, new KNil(), true);
            KPair        p2 = new KPair(p, p3, true);
            KPair        p1 = new KPair(e, p2, true);

            return(Return(p1, cont));
Esempio n. 29
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "unwrap");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject ap = First(args);

            if (!(ap is KApplicative))
                return(CPS.Error("unwrap: not an applicative", cont));
                return(Return((ap as KApplicative).Combiner, cont));
Esempio n. 30
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "wrap");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject op = First(args);

            if (!(op is KOperative || op is KApplicative))
                return(CPS.Error("wrap: not a operative", cont));
                return(Return(new KApplicative(op as KCombiner), cont));