WithoutContentTransformations() private method

Used by SprEngine internally; do not use.
private WithoutContentTransformations ( ) : SprContext
return SprContext
Esempio n. 1
		private static string ReplacePickPwPlaceholder(string str,
			string strPlaceholder, uint uCharCount, SprContext ctx,
			uint uRecursionLevel)
			if(str.IndexOf(strPlaceholder, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp) < 0) return str;

			ProtectedString ps = ctx.Entry.Strings.Get(PwDefs.PasswordField);
			if(ps != null)
				string strPassword = ps.ReadString();

				string strPick = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strPassword,
					ctx.WithoutContentTransformations(), uRecursionLevel + 1);

					ProtectedString psPick = new ProtectedString(false, strPick);
					string strPicked = (CharPickerForm.ShowAndRestore(psPick,
						true, true, uCharCount, null) ?? string.Empty);

					str = StrUtil.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(str, strPlaceholder,
						SprEngine.TransformContent(strPicked, ctx));

			return StrUtil.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(str, strPlaceholder, string.Empty);
Esempio n. 2
        private static string ReplacePickPwPlaceholder(string str,
                                                       string strPlaceholder, uint uCharCount, SprContext ctx,
                                                       uint uRecursionLevel)
            if (str.IndexOf(strPlaceholder, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp) < 0)

            ProtectedString ps = ctx.Entry.Strings.Get(PwDefs.PasswordField);

            if (ps != null)
                string strPassword = ps.ReadString();

                string strPick = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strPassword,
                                                           ctx.WithoutContentTransformations(), uRecursionLevel + 1);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPick))
                    ProtectedString psPick    = new ProtectedString(false, strPick);
                    string          strPicked = (CharPickerForm.ShowAndRestore(psPick,
                                                                               true, true, uCharCount, null) ?? string.Empty);

                    str = StrUtil.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(str, strPlaceholder,
                                                         SprEngine.TransformContent(strPicked, ctx));

            return(StrUtil.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(str, strPlaceholder, string.Empty));
Esempio n. 3
        private static string Fill(string strData, string strPlaceholder,
                                   string strReplacement, SprContext ctx, uint?ouRecursionLevel)
            if (strData == null)
                Debug.Assert(false); return(string.Empty);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPlaceholder))
                Debug.Assert(false); return(strData);
            if (strReplacement == null)
                Debug.Assert(false); strReplacement = string.Empty;

            if (strData.IndexOf(strPlaceholder, SprEngine.ScMethod) < 0)

            string strValue = strReplacement;

            if (ouRecursionLevel.HasValue)
                strValue = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strValue, ((ctx != null) ?
                                                                ctx.WithoutContentTransformations() : null),
                                                     ouRecursionLevel.Value + 1);

            return(StrUtil.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(strData, strPlaceholder,
                                                  SprEngine.TransformContent(strValue, ctx)));
Esempio n. 4
        private static string ShowCharPickDlg(string strWord, uint uCharCount,
                                              bool?bInitHide, SprContext ctx, uint uRecursionLevel)
            string strPick = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strWord,
                                                       ctx.WithoutContentTransformations(), uRecursionLevel + 1);

            // No need to show the dialog when there's nothing to pick from
            // (this also prevents the dialog from showing up MaxRecursionDepth
            // times in case of a cyclic {PICKCHARS})
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPick))

            CharPickerForm cpf = new CharPickerForm();

            cpf.InitEx(new ProtectedString(false, strPick), true, true,
                       uCharCount, bInitHide);

            string strResult = string.Empty;

            if (cpf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                strResult = cpf.SelectedCharacters.ReadString();

            return(strResult);            // Don't transform here
Esempio n. 5
        private static string PerformClipboardCopy(string strText, SprContext ctx,
                                                   uint uRecursionLevel)
            string        str = strText;
            int           iStart;
            List <string> lParams;
            SprContext    ctxData = ((ctx != null) ? ctx.WithoutContentTransformations() : null);

            while (ParseAndRemovePlhWithParams(ref str, ctxData, uRecursionLevel,
                                               @"{CLIPBOARD-SET:", out iStart, out lParams, true))
                if (lParams.Count < 1)

                    ClipboardUtil.Copy(lParams[0] ?? string.Empty, false,
                                       true, null, null, IntPtr.Zero);
                catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }

Esempio n. 6
        private static string FillIfExists(string strData, string strPlaceholder,
                                           ProtectedString psParsable, SprContext ctx, uint uRecursionLevel)
            // The UrlRemoveSchemeOnce property of ctx must be cleared
            // before this method returns and before any recursive call
            bool bRemoveScheme = false;

            if (ctx != null)
                bRemoveScheme           = ctx.UrlRemoveSchemeOnce;
                ctx.UrlRemoveSchemeOnce = false;

            if (strData == null)
                Debug.Assert(false); return(string.Empty);
            if (strPlaceholder == null)
                Debug.Assert(false); return(strData);
            if (strPlaceholder.Length == 0)
                Debug.Assert(false); return(strData);
            if (psParsable == null)
                Debug.Assert(false); return(strData);

            if (strData.IndexOf(strPlaceholder, SprEngine.ScMethod) >= 0)
                string strReplacement = SprEngine.CompileInternal(
                    psParsable.ReadString(), ctx.WithoutContentTransformations(),
                    uRecursionLevel + 1);

                if (bRemoveScheme)
                    strReplacement = UrlUtil.RemoveScheme(strReplacement);

                return(SprEngine.FillPlaceholder(strData, strPlaceholder,
                                                 strReplacement, ctx));

Esempio n. 7
        private static string ShowCharPickDlg(string strWord, uint uCharCount,
                                              bool?bInitHide, SprContext ctx, uint uRecursionLevel)
            string strPick = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strWord,
                                                       ctx.WithoutContentTransformations(), uRecursionLevel + 1);

            // No need to show the dialog when there's nothing to pick from
            // (this also prevents the dialog from showing up MaxRecursionDepth
            // times in case of a cyclic {PICKCHARS})
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPick))

            ProtectedString psWord    = new ProtectedString(false, strPick);
            string          strPicked = CharPickerForm.ShowAndRestore(psWord,
                                                                      true, true, uCharCount, bInitHide);

            return(strPicked ?? string.Empty);              // Don't transform here
Esempio n. 8
        private static string FillEntryStringsSpecial(string str, SprContext ctx,
                                                      uint uRecursionLevel)
            if ((str.IndexOf(UrlSpecialRmvScm, SprEngine.ScMethod) >= 0) ||
                (str.IndexOf(UrlSpecialScm, SprEngine.ScMethod) >= 0) ||
                (str.IndexOf(UrlSpecialHost, SprEngine.ScMethod) >= 0) ||
                (str.IndexOf(UrlSpecialPort, SprEngine.ScMethod) >= 0) ||
                (str.IndexOf(UrlSpecialPath, SprEngine.ScMethod) >= 0) ||
                (str.IndexOf(UrlSpecialQuery, SprEngine.ScMethod) >= 0))
                SprContext ctxRaw = ctx.WithoutContentTransformations();
                string     strUrl = SprEngine.FillIfExists(@"{URL}", @"{URL}",
                                                           ctx.Entry.Strings.GetSafe(PwDefs.UrlField), ctxRaw, uRecursionLevel);

                str = SprEngine.FillPlaceholder(str, UrlSpecialRmvScm,
                                                UrlUtil.RemoveScheme(strUrl), ctx);

                    Uri uri = new Uri(strUrl);

                    str = SprEngine.FillPlaceholder(str, UrlSpecialScm,
                                                    uri.Scheme, ctx);
                    str = SprEngine.FillPlaceholder(str, UrlSpecialHost,
                                                    uri.Host, ctx);
                    str = SprEngine.FillPlaceholder(str, UrlSpecialPort,
                                                    uri.Port.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), ctx);
                    str = SprEngine.FillPlaceholder(str, UrlSpecialPath,
                                                    uri.AbsolutePath, ctx);
                    str = SprEngine.FillPlaceholder(str, UrlSpecialQuery,
                                                    uri.Query, ctx);
                catch (Exception) { }                // Invalid URI

Esempio n. 9
		private static string FillRefPlaceholders(string strSeq, SprContext ctx,
			uint uRecursionLevel)
			if(ctx.Database == null) return strSeq;

			string str = strSeq;

			int nOffset = 0;
			for(int iLoop = 0; iLoop < 20; ++iLoop)
				str = SprEngine.FillRefsUsingCache(str, ctx);

				int nStart = str.IndexOf(StrRefStart, nOffset, SprEngine.ScMethod);
				if(nStart < 0) break;
				int nEnd = str.IndexOf(StrRefEnd, nStart + 1, SprEngine.ScMethod);
				if(nEnd <= nStart) break;

				string strFullRef = str.Substring(nStart, nEnd - nStart + 1);
				char chScan, chWanted;
				PwEntry peFound = FindRefTarget(strFullRef, ctx, out chScan, out chWanted);

				if(peFound != null)
					string strInsData;
					if(chWanted == 'T')
						strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField);
					else if(chWanted == 'U')
						strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UserNameField);
					else if(chWanted == 'A')
						strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField);
					else if(chWanted == 'P')
						strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField);
					else if(chWanted == 'N')
						strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.NotesField);
					else if(chWanted == 'I')
						strInsData = peFound.Uuid.ToHexString();
					else { nOffset = nStart + 1; continue; }

					if((chWanted == 'P') && !ctx.ForcePlainTextPasswords &&
						strInsData = PwDefs.HiddenPassword;

					SprContext sprSub = ctx.WithoutContentTransformations();
					sprSub.Entry = peFound;

					string strInnerContent = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strInsData,
						sprSub, uRecursionLevel + 1);
					strInnerContent = SprEngine.TransformContent(strInnerContent, ctx);

					// str = str.Substring(0, nStart) + strInnerContent + str.Substring(nEnd + 1);
					SprEngine.AddRefToCache(strFullRef, strInnerContent, ctx);
					str = SprEngine.FillRefsUsingCache(str, ctx);
				else { nOffset = nStart + 1; continue; }

			return str;
Esempio n. 10
		/// <summary>
		/// Parse and remove a placeholder of the form
		/// <c>{PLH:/Param1/Param2/.../}</c>.
		/// </summary>
		internal static bool ParseAndRemovePlhWithParams(ref string str,
			SprContext ctx, uint uRecursionLevel, string strPlhStart,
			out int iStart, out List<string> lParams, bool bSprCmpParams)
			Debug.Assert(strPlhStart.StartsWith(@"{") && !strPlhStart.EndsWith(@"}"));

			iStart = str.IndexOf(strPlhStart, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp);
			if(iStart < 0) { lParams = null; return false; }

			lParams = new List<string>();

				int p = iStart + strPlhStart.Length;
				if(p >= str.Length) throw new FormatException();

				char chSep = str[p];

					if((p + 1) >= str.Length) throw new FormatException();

					if(str[p + 1] == '}') break;

					int q = str.IndexOf(chSep, p + 1);
					if(q < 0) throw new FormatException();

					lParams.Add(str.Substring(p + 1, q - p - 1));
					p = q;

				Debug.Assert(str[p + 1] == '}');
				str = str.Remove(iStart, (p + 1) - iStart + 1);
				str = str.Substring(0, iStart);

			if(bSprCmpParams && (ctx != null))
				SprContext ctxSub = ctx.WithoutContentTransformations();
				for(int i = 0; i < lParams.Count; ++i)
					lParams[i] = CompileInternal(lParams[i], ctxSub, uRecursionLevel);

			return true;
Esempio n. 11
		private static string FillIfExists(string strData, string strPlaceholder,
			ProtectedString psParsable, SprContext ctx, uint uRecursionLevel)
			// // The UrlRemoveSchemeOnce property of ctx must be cleared
			// // before this method returns and before any recursive call
			// bool bRemoveScheme = false;
			// if(ctx != null)
			// {
			//	bRemoveScheme = ctx.UrlRemoveSchemeOnce;
			//	ctx.UrlRemoveSchemeOnce = false;
			// }

			if(strData == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; }
			if(strPlaceholder == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return strData; }
			if(strPlaceholder.Length == 0) { Debug.Assert(false); return strData; }
			if(psParsable == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return strData; }

			if(strData.IndexOf(strPlaceholder, SprEngine.ScMethod) >= 0)
				string strReplacement = SprEngine.CompileInternal(
					psParsable.ReadString(), ctx.WithoutContentTransformations(),
					uRecursionLevel + 1);

				// if(bRemoveScheme)
				//	strReplacement = UrlUtil.RemoveScheme(strReplacement);

				return SprEngine.FillPlaceholder(strData, strPlaceholder,
					strReplacement, ctx);

			return strData;
Esempio n. 12
		private static string FillUriSpecial(string strText, SprContext ctx,
			string strPlhInit, string strData, bool bDataIsEncoded,
			uint uRecursionLevel)
			Debug.Assert(strPlhInit.StartsWith(@"{") && !strPlhInit.EndsWith(@"}"));
			Debug.Assert(strData != null);

			string[] vPlhs = new string[] {
				strPlhInit + @"}",
				strPlhInit + @":RMVSCM}",
				strPlhInit + @":SCM}",
				strPlhInit + @":HOST}",
				strPlhInit + @":PORT}",
				strPlhInit + @":PATH}",
				strPlhInit + @":QUERY}",
				strPlhInit + @":USERINFO}",
				strPlhInit + @":USERNAME}",
				strPlhInit + @":PASSWORD}"

			string str = strText;
			string strDataCmp = null;
			Uri uri = null;
			for(int i = 0; i < vPlhs.Length; ++i)
				string strPlh = vPlhs[i];
				if(str.IndexOf(strPlh, SprEngine.ScMethod) < 0) continue;

				if(strDataCmp == null)
					SprContext ctxData = (bDataIsEncoded ?
						ctx.WithoutContentTransformations() : ctx);
					strDataCmp = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strData, ctxData,
						uRecursionLevel + 1);

				string strRep = null;
				if(i == 0) strRep = strDataCmp;
				else if(i == 1) strRep = UrlUtil.RemoveScheme(strDataCmp);
						if(uri == null) uri = new Uri(strDataCmp);

						int t;
							case 2: strRep = uri.Scheme; break;
							case 3: strRep = uri.Host; break;
							case 4:
								strRep = uri.Port.ToString(
							case 5: strRep = uri.AbsolutePath; break;
							case 6: strRep = uri.Query; break;
							case 7: strRep = uri.UserInfo; break;
							case 8:
								strRep = uri.UserInfo;
								t = strRep.IndexOf(':');
								if(t >= 0) strRep = strRep.Substring(0, t);
							case 9:
								strRep = uri.UserInfo;
								t = strRep.IndexOf(':');
								if(t < 0) strRep = string.Empty;
								else strRep = strRep.Substring(t + 1);
							default: Debug.Assert(false); break;
					catch(Exception) { } // Invalid URI
				if(strRep == null) strRep = string.Empty; // No assert

				str = StrUtil.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(str, strPlh, strRep);

			return str;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse and remove a placeholder of the form
        /// <c>{PLH:/Param1/Param2/.../}</c>.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool ParseAndRemovePlhWithParams(ref string str,
                                                         SprContext ctx, uint uRecursionLevel, string strPlhStart,
                                                         out int iStart, out List <string> lParams, bool bSprCmpParams)
            Debug.Assert(strPlhStart.StartsWith(@"{") && !strPlhStart.EndsWith(@"}"));

            iStart = str.IndexOf(strPlhStart, SprEngine.ScMethod);
            if (iStart < 0)
                lParams = null; return(false);

            lParams = new List <string>();

                int p = iStart + strPlhStart.Length;
                if (p >= str.Length)
                    throw new FormatException();

                char chSep = str[p];

                while (true)
                    if ((p + 1) >= str.Length)
                        throw new FormatException();

                    if (str[p + 1] == '}')

                    int q = str.IndexOf(chSep, p + 1);
                    if (q < 0)
                        throw new FormatException();

                    lParams.Add(str.Substring(p + 1, q - p - 1));
                    p = q;

                Debug.Assert(str[p + 1] == '}');
                str = str.Remove(iStart, (p + 1) - iStart + 1);
            catch (Exception)
                str = str.Substring(0, iStart);

            if (bSprCmpParams && (ctx != null))
                SprContext ctxSub = ctx.WithoutContentTransformations();
                for (int i = 0; i < lParams.Count; ++i)
                    lParams[i] = CompileInternal(lParams[i], ctxSub, uRecursionLevel);

Esempio n. 14
        private static string FillRefPlaceholders(string strSeq, SprContext ctx,
                                                  uint uRecursionLevel)
            if (ctx.Database == null)

            string str = strSeq;

            int nOffset = 0;

            for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < 20; ++iLoop)
                str = ctx.RefCache.Fill(str, ctx);

                int nStart = str.IndexOf(StrRefStart, nOffset, SprEngine.ScMethod);
                if (nStart < 0)
                int nEnd = str.IndexOf(StrRefEnd, nStart + 1, SprEngine.ScMethod);
                if (nEnd <= nStart)

                string  strFullRef = str.Substring(nStart, nEnd - nStart + 1);
                char    chScan, chWanted;
                PwEntry peFound = FindRefTarget(strFullRef, ctx, out chScan, out chWanted);

                if (peFound != null)
                    string strInsData;
                    if (chWanted == 'T')
                        strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField);
                    else if (chWanted == 'U')
                        strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UserNameField);
                    else if (chWanted == 'A')
                        strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField);
                    else if (chWanted == 'P')
                        strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField);
                    else if (chWanted == 'N')
                        strInsData = peFound.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.NotesField);
                    else if (chWanted == 'I')
                        strInsData = peFound.Uuid.ToHexString();
                        nOffset = nStart + 1; continue;

                    if ((chWanted == 'P') && !ctx.ForcePlainTextPasswords &&
                        strInsData = PwDefs.HiddenPassword;

                    SprContext sprSub = ctx.WithoutContentTransformations();
                    sprSub.Entry = peFound;

                    string strInnerContent = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strInsData,
                                                                       sprSub, uRecursionLevel + 1);
                    strInnerContent = SprEngine.TransformContent(strInnerContent, ctx);

                    // str = str.Substring(0, nStart) + strInnerContent + str.Substring(nEnd + 1);
                    ctx.RefCache.Add(strFullRef, strInnerContent, ctx);
                    str = ctx.RefCache.Fill(str, ctx);
                    nOffset = nStart + 1; continue;

Esempio n. 15
        private static string FillUriSpecial(string strText, SprContext ctx,
                                             string strPlhInit, string strData, bool bDataIsEncoded,
                                             uint uRecursionLevel)
            Debug.Assert(strPlhInit.StartsWith(@"{") && !strPlhInit.EndsWith(@"}"));
            Debug.Assert(strData != null);

            string[] vPlhs = new string[] {
                strPlhInit + @"}",
                strPlhInit + @":RMVSCM}",
                strPlhInit + @":SCM}",
                strPlhInit + @":HOST}",
                strPlhInit + @":PORT}",
                strPlhInit + @":PATH}",
                strPlhInit + @":QUERY}",
                strPlhInit + @":USERINFO}",
                strPlhInit + @":USERNAME}",
                strPlhInit + @":PASSWORD}"

            string str        = strText;
            string strDataCmp = null;
            Uri    uri        = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < vPlhs.Length; ++i)
                string strPlh = vPlhs[i];
                if (str.IndexOf(strPlh, SprEngine.ScMethod) < 0)

                if (strDataCmp == null)
                    SprContext ctxData = (bDataIsEncoded ?
                                          ctx.WithoutContentTransformations() : ctx);
                    strDataCmp = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strData, ctxData,
                                                           uRecursionLevel + 1);

                string strRep = null;
                if (i == 0)
                    strRep = strDataCmp;
                // UrlUtil supports prefixes like cmd://
                else if (i == 1)
                    strRep = UrlUtil.RemoveScheme(strDataCmp);
                else if (i == 2)
                    strRep = UrlUtil.GetScheme(strDataCmp);
                        if (uri == null)
                            uri = new Uri(strDataCmp);

                        int t;
                        switch (i)
                        // case 2: strRep = uri.Scheme; break; // No cmd:// support
                        case 3: strRep = uri.Host; break;

                        case 4:
                            strRep = uri.Port.ToString(

                        case 5: strRep = uri.AbsolutePath; break;

                        case 6: strRep = uri.Query; break;

                        case 7: strRep = uri.UserInfo; break;

                        case 8:
                            strRep = uri.UserInfo;
                            t      = strRep.IndexOf(':');
                            if (t >= 0)
                                strRep = strRep.Substring(0, t);

                        case 9:
                            strRep = uri.UserInfo;
                            t      = strRep.IndexOf(':');
                            if (t < 0)
                                strRep = string.Empty;
                                strRep = strRep.Substring(t + 1);

                        default: Debug.Assert(false); break;
                    catch (Exception) { }                    // Invalid URI
                if (strRep == null)
                    strRep = string.Empty;                                // No assert
                str = StrUtil.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(str, strPlh, strRep);

        private static string ShowCharPickDlg(string strWord, uint uCharCount,
            bool? bInitHide, SprContext ctx, uint uRecursionLevel)
            string strPick = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strWord,
                ctx.WithoutContentTransformations(), uRecursionLevel + 1);

            // No need to show the dialog when there's nothing to pick from
            // (this also prevents the dialog from showing up MaxRecursionDepth
            // times in case of a cyclic {PICKCHARS})
            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPick)) return string.Empty;

            CharPickerForm cpf = new CharPickerForm();
            cpf.InitEx(new ProtectedString(false, strPick), true, true,
                uCharCount, bInitHide);

            string strResult = string.Empty;
            if(cpf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                strResult = cpf.SelectedCharacters.ReadString();

            return strResult; // Don't transform here
Esempio n. 17
        private static string ShowCharPickDlg(string strWord, uint uCharCount,
			bool? bInitHide, SprContext ctx, uint uRecursionLevel)
            string strPick = SprEngine.CompileInternal(strWord,
                ctx.WithoutContentTransformations(), uRecursionLevel + 1);

            // No need to show the dialog when there's nothing to pick from
            // (this also prevents the dialog from showing up MaxRecursionDepth
            // times in case of a cyclic {PICKCHARS})
            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPick)) return string.Empty;

            ProtectedString psWord = new ProtectedString(false, strPick);
            string strPicked = CharPickerForm.ShowAndRestore(psWord,
                true, true, uCharCount, bInitHide);
            return (strPicked ?? string.Empty); // Don't transform here