private void btnEntryBLC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = 0; List<AccountRec> lst = new List<AccountRec>(); AccountRec wkRec = new AccountRec(); // 列数は新規の行も含んでいるので-1する for (i = 0; i < dgvBalance.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { // id : uint16 = Int16.Parse((string)dgvBalance.Rows[i].Cells["blc_id"].Value); // eot : byte if (null != dgvBalance.Rows[i].Cells["blc_eot"].Value) { wkRec.eot = sbyte.Parse((string)dgvBalance.Rows[i].Cells["blc_eot"].Value); } else { wkRec.eot = 0; } // type : byte wkRec.type = sbyte.Parse((string)dgvBalance.Rows[i].Cells["blc_type"].Value); // init : int32 wkRec.initval = Int32.Parse((string)dgvBalance.Rows[i].Cells["blc_initval"].Value); // name : string = (string)dgvBalance.Rows[i].Cells["blc_name"].Value; lst.Add(wkRec); } KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); kdb.setAccountRec(lst); MessageBox.Show("口座を登録しました。"); }
private void btnEntry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = 0; int maxid = -1; List<KBRec> rec; KBRec wkrec; KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); string[] wkdate; rec = new List<KBRec>(); wkrec = new KBRec(); maxid = kdb.getMaxKBDatId(); for (i = 0; i < dgvKBDat.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { = ++maxid; if (null == dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["buy_date"].Value) { wkrec.buy_date = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}-{2:D2}", dtp.Value.Year, dtp.Value.Month, dtp.Value.Day); } else { wkdate = ((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["buy_date"].Value).Split('-'); wkrec.buy_date = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}-{2:D2}", Int32.Parse(wkdate[0]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[1]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[2])); ; } if (txtWhere.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { if (null == dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["where"].Value) { wkrec.where = ""; } else { wkrec.where = (string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["where"].Value; } } else { wkrec.where = txtWhere.Text; } wkrec.rid = txtRID.Text.Trim().Length == 0 ? -1 : Int32.Parse(txtRID.Text); if ((null == dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["income"].Value) || (0 == ((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["income"].Value).Trim().Length)) { // 支出 wkrec.ie_type = 0; = int.Parse(((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["payment"].Value).Trim()); } else if ((null == dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["payment"].Value) || (0 == ((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["payment"].Value).Trim().Length)) { // 収入 wkrec.ie_type = 1; = int.Parse(((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["income"].Value).Trim()); } else { MessageBox.Show(i.ToString() + " 行目の金額を入力してください。"); } = (string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["name"].Value; wkrec.cate_main = Int16.Parse(((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["cate_main"].Value).Split(':')[0].Trim()); wkrec.cate_sub = Int16.Parse(((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["cate_sub"].Value).Split(':')[0].Trim()); wkrec.id_usr = this.id_usr; if ((null == dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["memo"].Value) || (((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["memo"].Value).Trim().Length == 0)) { wkrec.memo = ""; } else { wkrec.memo = (string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["memo"].Value; } if (cmb_massaccount.SelectedIndex != 0) { string[] wk; DateTime dt; int eot = kdb.getEOT(int.Parse((cmb_massaccount.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(':')[0].Trim()))); wkrec.id_accaount = Int16.Parse(cmb_massaccount.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(':')[0].Trim()); if (eot != 0) { wk = ((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["buy_date"].Value).Split('-'); dt = new DateTime(int.Parse(wk[0]), int.Parse(wk[1]), eot); dt = dt.AddMonths(1); wkrec.pay_date = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day); } else { wkrec.pay_date = wkrec.buy_date; } } else { wkrec.id_accaount = Int16.Parse(((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["balance"].Value).Split(':')[0].Trim()); wkdate = ((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[i].Cells["pay_date"].Value).Split('-'); wkrec.pay_date = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}-{2:D2}", Int32.Parse(wkdate[0]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[1]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[2])); ; } rec.Add(wkrec); } kdb.entryKBData(rec); updateBalance(); dgvKBDat.Rows.Clear(); txtRID.Text = ""; txtWhere.Text = ""; lbl_in.Text = "0 円"; lbl_out.Text = "0 円"; cmb_massaccount.SelectedIndex = 0; txt_masspay.Text = ""; // cate_sub.Items.Clear(); }
private void updateCategory() { // 保持しているメインカテゴリ・サブカテゴリを更新する KBDatabase kdb; string str = ""; cate_main_lst.Clear(); cate_sub_lst.Clear(); kdb = new KBDatabase(); cate_main_lst = kdb.getCateMainRec(); cate_sub_lst = kdb.getCateSubRec(); kbDatList1.setCateMainList(cate_main_lst); kbDatList1.setCateSubList(cate_sub_lst); lstCateMain.Items.Clear(); foreach(CateMainRec rec in cate_main_lst) { str = String.Format("{0,3}:{1}",,; //cate_main.Items.Add(str); lstCateMain.Items.Add(str); } }
private void updateBalanceList() { List<AccountRec> lst; KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); int i = 0; lst = kdb.getAccountRec(); for (i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { if (0 == lst[i].eot) { dgvBalance.Rows.Add(lst[i].id.ToString(), lst[i].name, null, lst[i].type.ToString(), lst[i].initval.ToString()); } else { dgvBalance.Rows.Add(lst[i].id.ToString(), lst[i].name, lst[i].eot.ToString(), lst[i].type.ToString(), lst[i].initval.ToString()); } } }
private void updateBalance() { DateTime stDate, edDate; KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); stDate = new DateTime(dtp.Value.Year, dtp.Value.Month, 1); edDate = new DateTime(dtp.Value.Year, dtp.Value.Month, stDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).Day); // 収支 lbl_totalincome.Text = kdb.getTotalIncome(stDate, edDate).ToString("#,##0 円"); // 支出 lbl_totalpayment.Text = kdb.getTotalPayment(stDate, edDate).ToString("#,##0 円"); // 現金支出 lbl_cashpayment.Text = kdb.getTotalCashPayment(stDate, edDate).ToString("#,##0 円"); // クレジット利用額 lbl_creditpayment.Text = kdb.getTotalCreditPayment(stDate, edDate).ToString("#,##0 円"); }
private void mkStatisticsList() { int i = 0; int cur_grp = -1; int id_cate_main = -1; int subidx = 0; DateTime sDate; string[] wk; KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); int money = 0; int colcnt = 0; lvStatistics.SuspendLayout(); foreach (ColumnHeader cl in lvStatistics.Columns) { cl.Text = ""; } lvStatistics.Groups.Clear(); lvStatistics.Items.Clear(); wk = cmbBalanceMonth.SelectedItem.ToString().Split('-'); sDate = new DateTime(int.Parse(wk[0]), int.Parse(wk[1]), 1); for (i = 0; i < cate_main_lst.Count; i++) { lvStatistics.Groups.Add(cate_main_lst[i].name, cate_main_lst[i].name); } for (i = 0; i < cate_sub_lst.Count; i++) { lvStatistics.Items.Add(cate_sub_lst[i].name, cate_sub_lst[i].name); if (cate_sub_lst[i].id_cate_main != id_cate_main) { cur_grp++; id_cate_main = cate_sub_lst[i].id_cate_main; subidx = 0; } else { subidx++; } lvStatistics.Items[i].Group = lvStatistics.Groups[cur_grp]; if (0 == subidx % 2) { lvStatistics.Items[i].BackColor = Color.Thistle; } } int row = 0, col = 0; colcnt = cmbBalanceMonth.Items.Count - cmbBalanceMonth.SelectedIndex; for (col = 1; col <= colcnt; col++) { lvStatistics.Columns[col].Text = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}", sDate.Year, sDate.Month); for (row = 0; row < lvStatistics.Items.Count; row++) { money = kdb.getTotalMoney(sDate, sDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1), KBDatabase.KBDAT_TYPE_PAYMENT , cate_sub_lst[row].id_cate_main, cate_sub_lst[row].id); lvStatistics.Items[row].SubItems.Add(money.ToString("#,#0")); //lvStatistics.Items[row].SubItems[col]. } sDate = sDate.AddMonths(1); } lvStatistics.GridLines = true; lvStatistics.ResumeLayout(); }
private void dgvKBDat_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { string str = ""; int id_cate_main = -1; bool entry = false; int h = dgvKBDat.Rows[0].Height; int ofs = 0; int i = 0; if ((-1 == e.RowIndex) || (-1 == e.ColumnIndex)) return; # if false if ("費目" == dgvKBDat.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText) { id_cate_main = int.Parse(((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cate_main"].Value).Split(':')[0].Trim()); //cate_sub.Items.Clear(); foreach (CateSubRec rec in cate_sub_lst) { if (id_cate_main == rec.id_cate_main) { entry = true; str = String.Format("{0, 3}:{1}",,; //cate_sub.Items.Add(str); this.lstCateMain.Items.Add(str); } else if (entry) { break; } } ofs += dgvKBDat.RowHeadersWidth; for (i = 0; i < e.ColumnIndex + 1; i++) { ofs += dgvKBDat.Columns[i].Width; } lstCateMain.SetBounds(dgvKBDat.Location.X + ofs, dgvKBDat.Location.Y + h * (e.RowIndex + 2), 100, 80); lstCateMain.Visible = true; } #endif if ("口座" == dgvKBDat.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText) { KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); DateTime wkdate; string[] wk; int eot = kdb.getEOT(int.Parse((((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["balance"].Value).Split(':')[0].Trim()))); if (eot != 0) { wk = ((string)dgvKBDat.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["buy_date"].Value).Split('-'); wkdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(wk[0]), int.Parse(wk[1]), eot); wkdate = wkdate.AddMonths(1); dgvKBDat.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["pay_date"].Value = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", wkdate.Year, wkdate.Month, wkdate.Day); } else { dgvKBDat.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["pay_date"].Value = (string)dgvKBDat.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["buy_date"].Value; } } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); string[] stDate, edDate; DateTime sDate, eDate, wkDate; this.lbl_totalincome.Text = "0 円"; this.lbl_totalpayment.Text = "0 円"; this.lbl_cashpayment.Text = "0 円"; this.lbl_creditpayment.Text = "0 円"; lbl_in.Text = "0 円"; lbl_out.Text = "0 円"; updateBalance(); account_lst = kdb.getAccountRec(); cmb_massaccount.Items.Clear(); cmb_massaccount.Items.Add(""); kbDatList1.setAccountList(account_lst); string str = ""; foreach (AccountRec rec in account_lst) { str = String.Format("{0, 3}:{1}",,; balance.Items.Add(str); cmb_massaccount.Items.Add(str); } this.Text += " Ver 0.0.4"; cmb_massaccount.SelectedIndex = 0; this.Location = new Point(Location.X, 0); stDate = kdb.getMinDate().Split('-'); edDate = kdb.getMaxDate().Split('-'); sDate = new DateTime(int.Parse(stDate[0]), int.Parse(stDate[1]), 1); eDate = new DateTime(int.Parse(edDate[0]), int.Parse(edDate[1]) + 1, 1); wkDate = sDate; while (!wkDate.Equals(eDate)) { cmbBalanceMonth.Items.Add(String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}", wkDate.Year, wkDate.Month)); wkDate = wkDate.AddMonths(1); } cmbBalanceMonth.SelectedItem = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}", DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int rid = -0; KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); rid = kdb.getMaxRID(dtp.Value); if (rid <= 0) { txtRID.Text = String.Format("{0}{1:D2}{2:D2}001", dtp.Value.Year % 100, dtp.Value.Month, dtp.Value.Day); } else { txtRID.Text = rid.ToString(); } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); foreach (string line in this.txtSQL.Lines) { kdb.executeNonQuery(line, false); } }
private void dgvKBList_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { int h = dgvKBList.Rows[0].Height; if ((-1 == e.RowIndex) || (-1 == e.ColumnIndex)) return; if ("口座" == dgvKBList.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText) { KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); DateTime wkdate; string[] wk; int eot = -1; // end of term eot = kdb.getEOT(int.Parse((((string)dgvKBList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["col_account"].Value).Split(':')[0].Trim()))); if ((eot != 0) && (null != dgvKBList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["col_buy_date"].Value)) { wk = ((string)dgvKBList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["col_buy_date"].Value).Split('-'); wkdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(wk[0]), int.Parse(wk[1]), eot); wkdate = wkdate.AddMonths(1); dgvKBList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["col_pay_date"].Value = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", wkdate.Year, wkdate.Month, wkdate.Day); } else { dgvKBList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["col_pay_date"].Value = (string)dgvKBList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["col_buy_date"].Value; } } }
private void btnEntry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = 0; int maxid = -1; List<KBRec> rec; KBRec wkrec; KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); string[] wkdate; int rowcnt = kbDatList_reg.getRowCnt(); object wkobj = null; string err = ""; rec = new List<KBRec>(); wkrec = new KBRec(); maxid = kdb.getMaxKBDatId(); for (i = 0; i < rowcnt - 1; i++) { // DB内のインデックスを更新 = ++maxid; #if true wkobj = kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_buy_date"); if (null == wkobj) { err = String.Format("{0}行目の日付を入力してください", i + 1); MessageBox.Show(err, "入力項目不足"); return; } wkdate = ((string)wkobj).Split('-'); wkrec.buy_date = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}-{2:D2}", Int32.Parse(wkdate[0]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[1]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[2])); ; #else if (null == kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_buy_date")) { wkrec.buy_date = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}-{2:D2}", dtp.Value.Year, dtp.Value.Month, dtp.Value.Day); } else { wkdate = ((string)kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_buy_date")).Split('-'); wkrec.buy_date = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}-{2:D2}", Int32.Parse(wkdate[0]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[1]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[2])); ; } #endif // 場所 if (txtWhere.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { if (null == kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_where")) { wkrec.where = ""; } else { wkrec.where = (string)kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_where"); } } else { wkrec.where = txtWhere.Text; } wkrec.rid = txtRID.Text.Trim().Length == 0 ? -1 : Int32.Parse(txtRID.Text); if ((null == kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_income")) || (0 == ((string)kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_income")).Trim().Length)) { // 支出 wkrec.ie_type = 0; = int.Parse(((string)kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_payment")).Trim()); } else if ((null == kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_payment")) || (0 == ((string)kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_payment")).Trim().Length)) { // 収入 wkrec.ie_type = 1; = int.Parse(((string)kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_income")).Trim()); } else { err = String.Format("{0}行目の金額を入力してください", i + 1); MessageBox.Show(err, "入力項目不足"); return; } // 品名 wkobj = kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_name"); if (null == wkobj) { err = String.Format("{0}行目の品名を入力してください", i+1); MessageBox.Show(err, "入力項目不足"); return; } = (string)wkobj; // 費目 wkobj = kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_cate_main"); if (null == wkobj) { err = String.Format("{0}行目の費目を入力してください", i + 1); MessageBox.Show(err, "入力項目不足"); return; } wkrec.cate_main = Int16.Parse(((string)wkobj).Split(':')[0].Trim()); // 詳細 wkobj = kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_cate_sub"); if (null == wkobj) { err = String.Format("{0}行目の詳細を入力してください", i + 1); MessageBox.Show(err, "入力項目不足"); return; } wkrec.cate_sub = Int16.Parse(((string)wkobj).Split(':')[0].Trim()); // ユーザID wkrec.id_usr = this.id_usr; // メモ wkobj = kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_memo"); if ((null == wkobj) || (((string)wkobj).Trim().Length == 0)) { wkrec.memo = ""; } else { wkrec.memo = (string)wkobj; } // 口座 if (cmb_massaccount.SelectedIndex != 0) { string[] wk; DateTime dt; int eot = kdb.getEOT(int.Parse((cmb_massaccount.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(':')[0].Trim()))); wkrec.id_accaount = Int16.Parse(cmb_massaccount.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(':')[0].Trim()); if (eot != 0) { wk = wkrec.buy_date.Split('-'); dt = new DateTime(int.Parse(wk[0]), int.Parse(wk[1]), eot); dt = dt.AddMonths(1); wkrec.pay_date = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day); } else { wkrec.pay_date = wkrec.buy_date; } } else { wkobj = kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_account"); if (null == wkobj) { err = String.Format("{0}行目の口座を入力してください", i + 1); MessageBox.Show(err, "入力項目不足"); return; } wkrec.id_accaount = Int16.Parse(((string)wkobj).Split(':')[0].Trim()); wkobj = kbDatList_reg.getCellValue(i, "col_pay_date"); if (null == wkobj) { err = String.Format("{0}行目の取扱日を入力してください", i + 1); MessageBox.Show(err, "入力項目不足"); return; } wkdate = ((string)wkobj).Split('-'); wkrec.pay_date = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}-{2:D2}", Int32.Parse(wkdate[0]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[1]), Int32.Parse(wkdate[2])); ; } rec.Add(wkrec); } // DBに登録 kdb.entryKBData(rec); updateBalance(); kbDatList_reg.rowClear(); txtRID.Text = ""; txtWhere.Text = ""; lbl_in.Text = "0 円"; lbl_out.Text = "0 円"; cmb_massaccount.SelectedIndex = 0; txt_masspay.Text = ""; // cate_sub.Items.Clear(); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); string[] stDate, edDate; DateTime sDate, eDate, wkDate; this.lbl_totalincome.Text = "0 円"; this.lbl_totalpayment.Text = "0 円"; this.lbl_cashpayment.Text = "0 円"; this.lbl_creditpayment.Text = "0 円"; lbl_in.Text = "0 円"; lbl_out.Text = "0 円"; updateBalance(); account_lst = kdb.getAccountRec(); cmb_massaccount.Items.Clear(); cmb_massaccount.Items.Add(""); cmbAccount_src.Items.Add(""); kbDatList_src.setAccountList(account_lst); kbDatList_reg.setAccountList(account_lst); string str = ""; foreach (AccountRec rec in account_lst) { str = String.Format("{0, 3}:{1}",,; cmb_massaccount.Items.Add(str); cmbAccount_src.Items.Add(str); } this.Text += _VERSION_NO_; cmb_massaccount.SelectedIndex = 0; this.Location = new Point(Location.X, 0); stDate = kdb.getMinDate().Split('-'); edDate = kdb.getMaxDate().Split('-'); sDate = new DateTime(int.Parse(stDate[0]), int.Parse(stDate[1]), 1); eDate = new DateTime(int.Parse(edDate[0]), int.Parse(edDate[1]) + 1, 1); wkDate = sDate; while (!wkDate.Equals(eDate)) { cmbBalanceMonth.Items.Add(String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}", wkDate.Year, wkDate.Month)); wkDate = wkDate.AddMonths(1); } cmbBalanceMonth.SelectedItem = String.Format("{0}-{1:D2}", DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month); // ウィンドウサイズを取得して画面の中心にウィンドウを設定する int w = 0, h = 0; w = Screen.AllScreens[0].Bounds.Width; h = Screen.AllScreens[0].Bounds.Height; this.SetBounds((w - this.Width) / 2, (h - this.Height) / 2, this.Width, this.Height); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); #if true foreach (string line in this.txtSQL.Lines) { kdb.executeNonQuery(line, false); } MessageBox.Show("SQL実行完了"); #else List<KBRec> lst; lst = kdb.getKBDat(szOpt); #endif }
private void btnSearch_src_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { KBDatabase kdb = new KBDatabase(); string szOpt = ""; DataGridView dgv = kbDatList_src.getControl(); int i = 0; int len = 0; dgv.Rows.Clear(); kbDatList_src.SuspendLayout(); // SQLデータの作成 // 日付 if ((0 != txtDatest_src.Text.Trim().Length) || (0 != txtDateed_src.Text.Trim().Length)) { if ((0 != txtDatest_src.Text.Trim().Length) && (0 != txtDateed_src.Text.Trim().Length)) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND ('{0}' <= buy_date AND buy_date <= '{1}')", txtDatest_src.Text.Trim(), txtDateed_src.Text.Trim()); } else if ((0 != txtDatest_src.Text.Trim().Length) && (0 == txtDateed_src.Text.Trim().Length)) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND ('{0}' <= buy_date)", txtDatest_src.Text.Trim()); } else if ((0 == txtDatest_src.Text.Trim().Length) && (0 != txtDateed_src.Text.Trim().Length)) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND (buy_date <= '{0}')", txtDateed_src.Text.Trim()); } } // 取扱日 if ((0 != txtPayst_src.Text.Trim().Length) || (0 != txtPayed_src.Text.Trim().Length)) { if ((0 != txtPayst_src.Text.Trim().Length) && (0 != txtPayed_src.Text.Trim().Length)) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND ('{0}' <= buy_date AND buy_date <= '{1}')", txtPayst_src.Text.Trim(), txtPayed_src.Text.Trim()); } else if ((0 != txtPayst_src.Text.Trim().Length) && (0 == txtPayed_src.Text.Trim().Length)) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND ('{0}' <= buy_date)", txtPayst_src.Text.Trim()); } else if ((0 == txtPayst_src.Text.Trim().Length) && (0 != txtPayed_src.Text.Trim().Length)) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND (buy_date <= '{0}')", txtPayed_src.Text.Trim()); } } len = txtWhere_src.Text.Trim().Length; if (0 != len) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND (where = '{0}')", txtWhere_src.Text.Trim()); } if (0 < cmbCateMain_src.SelectedIndex) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND (id_cate_main = {0})", cmbCateMain_src.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim().Split(':')[0]); } if (0 < cmbCateSub_src.SelectedIndex) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND (id_cate_sub = {0})", cmbCateSub_src.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim().Split(':')[0]); } if (0 < cmbAccount_src.SelectedIndex) { szOpt += String.Format(" AND (id_account = {0})", cmbAccount_src.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim().Split(':')[0]); } len = txtName_src.Text.Trim().Length; if (0 < len) { string str = ""; foreach (string s in txtName_src.Lines) { if (s[0] == '-') { str += String.Format(" OR (name not like '{0}')", s.Substring(1)); } else { str += String.Format(" OR (name like '{0}')", s); } } if (str.StartsWith(" OR")) { // 先頭が「 AND」から始まっていた場合は先頭の「 AND」を削除する str = str.Substring(" OR".Length); } szOpt += String.Format(" AND ({0})", str); } if (szOpt.StartsWith(" AND")) { // 先頭が「 AND」から始まっていた場合は先頭の「 AND」を削除する szOpt = szOpt.Substring(" AND".Length); } List<KBRec> lst = kdb.getKBDat(szOpt); int income = 0, payment = 0; for (i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++ ) { dgv.Rows.Add(1); dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_buy_date"].Value = lst[i].buy_date; if (0 != lst[i].ie_type) { income += int.Parse(lst[i].money.ToString()); dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_income"].Value = lst[i].money.ToString(); dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_payment"].Value = ""; } else { payment += int.Parse(lst[i].money.ToString()); dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_income"].Value = ""; dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_payment"].Value = lst[i].money.ToString(); } dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_name"].Value = lst[i].name; dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_pay_date"].Value = lst[i].pay_date; dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_where"].Value = lst[i].where; dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_memo"].Value = lst[i].memo; dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_id"].Value = lst[i].id; dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_id_usr"].Value = lst[i].id_usr; dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_ie_type"].Value = lst[i].ie_type; dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_rid"].Value = lst[i].rid; dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_cate_main"].Value = kbDatList_src.getCateMainStr(lst[i].cate_main); dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_cate_sub"].Value = kbDatList_src.getCateSubStr(lst[i].cate_main, lst[i].cate_sub); dgv.Rows[i].Cells["col_account"].Value = kbDatList_src.getAccount(lst[i].id_accaount); #if false dgv.Rows.Add(lst[i].buy_date, // buy_date null, // cate_main null, // cate_sub (0 != lst[i].ie_type ? lst[i].money.ToString() : ""), // income (0 == lst[i].ie_type ? lst[i].money.ToString() : ""), // payment lst[i].name, // name null, // account lst[i].pay_date, // pay_date lst[i].where, // where lst[i].memo, // memo lst[i].id, // id lst[i].id_usr, // id_usr lst[i].ie_type, // ie_type lst[i].rid // rid ); #endif } kbDatList_src.ResumeLayout(); lbltotalincome_src.Text = income.ToString("#,##0 円"); lbltotalpayment_src.Text = payment.ToString("#,##0 円"); kbDatList_src.Focus(); }