Esempio n. 1
 public static void Dispose(List <SampleValue> samples, Netlist netlist, Style style)
     foreach (SampleValue sample in samples)
         sample.Consume(null, 0, null, netlist, style);
Esempio n. 2
 public ValueEnv(string name, Type type, Value value, Netlist netlist, Env next) : this(new Symbol(name), type, value, next)
     if (netlist != null)
         netlist.Emit(new ValueEntry(this.symbol, type, value));                    // also emit the new binding to netlist
Esempio n. 3
        public static SampleValue Mix(Symbol symbol, List <SampleValue> samples, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            double sumVolume      = 0.0;
            double sumTemperature = 0.0;
            bool   needLna        = false;

            foreach (SampleValue sample in samples)
                sample.Consume(null, 0, null, netlist, style);
                sumVolume      += sample.Volume();
                sumTemperature += sample.Volume() * sample.Temperature();
                needLna         = needLna || sample.stateMap.state.lna;
            NumberValue volume      = new NumberValue(sumVolume);
            NumberValue temperature = new NumberValue(sumTemperature / sumVolume);
            SampleValue result      = new SampleValue(symbol, new StateMap(symbol, new List <SpeciesValue> {
            }, new State(0, lna: needLna)), volume, temperature, produced: true);

            foreach (SampleValue sample in samples)
                result.stateMap.Mix(sample.stateMap, volume.value, sample.Volume(), style); // mix adding the means and covariances, scaled by volume
Esempio n. 4
 public Env ExtendValue <T>(List <Pattern> parameters, T argument, Netlist netlist, string source, Style style, int s) where T : Value    // bounded polymorphism :)
     if (parameters.Count != 1)
         throw new Error("Different number of variables and values for '" + source + "'");
     return(this.ExtendValue <T>(parameters[0], argument, netlist, source, style, s + 1));
Esempio n. 5
 public static void PauseEquilibrate(Netlist netlist, Style style)
     if (!netlist.autoContinue)
         while ((!continueExecution) && Exec.IsExecuting())
             // if (!KGui.gui.GuiContinueEnabled()) KGui.gui.GuiOutputAppendText(netlist.Format(style));
         KGui.gui.GuiContinueEnable(false); continueExecution = false;
         //KGui.gui.GuiOutputSetText(""); // clear last results in preparation for the next, only if not autoContinue
Esempio n. 6
        public Env ExtendValues <T>(List <Pattern> parameters, List <T> arguments, Netlist netlist, string source, Style style, int s) where T : Value    // bounded polymorphism :)
            if (parameters.Count != arguments.Count)
                throw new Error("Different number of variables and values for '" + source + "'");
            Env env = this;

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
                env = env.ExtendValue <T>(parameters[i], arguments[i], netlist, source, style, s + 1);
Esempio n. 7
 public ExecutionInstance(SampleValue vessel, Netlist netlist, Style style, DateTime startTime, DateTime evalTime)
     this.Id          = id; id++;
     this.vessel      = vessel;
     this.environment = new NullEnv();
     this.netlist     = netlist;       = style;
     this.lastCRN     = null;
     this.startTime   = startTime;
     this.evalTime    = evalTime;
     this.endTime     = DateTime.MinValue;
     this.graphCache  = new Dictionary <string, AdjacencyGraph <Vertex, Edge <Vertex> > >();
     this.layoutCache = new Dictionary <string, object>();
     this.rejected    = 0;
Esempio n. 8
        // ==== OPERATOR DISPATCHING ==== //

        public Env Execute(Expressions expressions, Env env, Netlist netlist, Style style, int s)
            List <Expression> arguments = expressions.expressions;

            if (this is ExecutorBinary ex2)
                if (arguments.Count != 2)
                    Bad(arguments, style);
                Value arg1 = arguments[0].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                Value arg2 = arguments[1].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                if (arg1 == Value.REJECT || arg2 == Value.REJECT)
                ex2.Execute2(arg1, arg2, style);
            else if (this is ExecutorBinaryExt exExt2)
                if (arguments.Count != 2)
                    Bad(arguments, style);
                Value arg1 = arguments[0].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                Value arg2 = arguments[1].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                if (arg1 == Value.REJECT || arg2 == Value.REJECT)
                exExt2.Execute2(arg1, arg2, netlist, style, s);
                throw new Error("Execute");
Esempio n. 9
 public override void Execute2(Value arg1, Value arg2, Netlist netlist, Style style, int s)
     if (arg1 is NetworkValue as1 && arg2 is ListValue <Value> as2)
         ListValue <Value> .Each((Value e) => { Env extEnv = as1.ApplyReject(e, netlist, style, s); }, as2);
Esempio n. 10
 public virtual Value ApplyPseudo3(Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3, bool infix, Env env, Netlist netlist, Style style, int s)
     throw new Error("OperatorPseudoTernary");
Esempio n. 11
 public virtual Value ApplyN(List <Value> argN, bool infix, Env env, Netlist netlist, Style style, int s)
     throw new Error("OperatorEnnaryExt");
Esempio n. 12
 public virtual Value Apply3(Value arg1, Value arg2, Value arg3, bool infix, Env env, Netlist netlist, Style style, int s)
     throw new Error("OperatorTernaryExt");
Esempio n. 13
        public static List <SampleValue> EquilibrateList(Env env, List <Symbol> outSymbols, List <SampleValue> inSamples, Noise noise, double fortime, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            List <SampleValue> result = new List <SampleValue> {

            for (int i = 0; i < outSymbols.Count; i++)
                result.Add(Equilibrate(env, outSymbols[i], inSamples[i], noise, fortime, netlist, style));
Esempio n. 14
        public static List <SampleValue> Split(List <Symbol> symbols, SampleValue sample, List <NumberValue> proportions, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            sample.Consume(null, 0, null, netlist, style);
            List <SampleValue> result = new List <SampleValue> {

            for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++)
                NumberValue iVolume      = new NumberValue(sample.Volume() * proportions[i].value);
                NumberValue iTemperature = new NumberValue(sample.Temperature());
                SampleValue iResult      = new SampleValue(symbols[i], new StateMap(symbols[i], new List <SpeciesValue> {
                }, new State(0, lna: sample.stateMap.state.lna)), iVolume, iTemperature, produced: true);
                iResult.stateMap.Split(sample.stateMap, style);
Esempio n. 15
        public static List <SampleValue> Concentrate(List <Symbol> symbols, double volume, List <SampleValue> inSamples, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            List <SampleValue> outSamples = new List <SampleValue> {

            for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++)
                inSamples[i].Consume(null, 0, null, netlist, style);
                double      temperature = inSamples[i].Temperature();
                SampleValue outSample   = new SampleValue(symbols[i], new StateMap(symbols[i], new List <SpeciesValue> {
                }, new State(0, lna: inSamples[i].stateMap.state.lna)), new NumberValue(volume), new NumberValue(temperature), produced: true);
                outSample.stateMap.Mix(inSamples[i].stateMap, volume, inSamples[i].Volume(), style); // same as Mix, but in this case we can also have volume < inSamples[i].Volume()
Esempio n. 16
        // try this for multiparameter optimization:

        // Golden Section Minimizer
        public static Value Argmin(Value function, Value lowerBound, Value upperBound, Value tolerance, Netlist netlist, Style style, int s)
            if (!(lowerBound is NumberValue) || !(upperBound is NumberValue))
                throw new Error("argmin: expecting numbers for lower and upper bounds");
            double lower = (lowerBound as NumberValue).value;
            double upper = (upperBound as NumberValue).value;

            if (lower > upper)
                throw new Error("argmin: lower bound greater than upper bound");
            if (!(function is FunctionValue))
                throw new Error("argmin: expecting a function as first argument");
            FunctionValue closure = function as FunctionValue;

            if (closure.parameters.parameters.Count != 1)
                throw new Error("argmin: initial values and function parameters have different lengths");

            IScalarObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction = ObjectiveFunction.ScalarValue(
                (double parameter) => {
                List <Value> arguments = new List <Value>(); arguments.Add(new NumberValue(parameter));
                bool autoContinue      = netlist.autoContinue; netlist.autoContinue = true;
                Value result           = closure.ApplyReject(arguments, netlist, style, s);
                if (result == null)
                    throw new Error("Objective function returned null");
                netlist.autoContinue = autoContinue;
                if (!(result is NumberValue))
                    throw new Error("Objective function must return a number, not: " + result.Format(style));
                KGui.gui.GuiOutputAppendText("argmin: parameter=" + Style.FormatSequence(arguments, ", ", x => x.Format(style)) + " => cost=" + result.Format(style) + Environment.NewLine);
                return((result as NumberValue).value);

            try {
                ScalarMinimizationResult result = GoldenSectionMinimizer.Minimum(objectiveFunction, lower, upper);
                if (result.ReasonForExit == ExitCondition.Converged || result.ReasonForExit == ExitCondition.BoundTolerance)
                    KGui.gui.GuiOutputAppendText("argmin: converged with parameter=" + result.MinimizingPoint + " and reason '" + result.ReasonForExit + "'" + Environment.NewLine);
                    return(new NumberValue(result.MinimizingPoint));
                    throw new Error("reason '" + result.ReasonForExit.ToString() + "'");
            } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error("argmin ended: " + ((e.InnerException == null) ? e.Message : e.InnerException.Message)); } // somehow we need to recatch the inner exception coming from CostAndGradient
Esempio n. 17
        // BFGF Minimizer
        public static Value Argmin(Value function, Value initial, Value tolerance, Netlist netlist, Style style, int s)
            if (!(initial is ListValue <Value>))
                throw new Error("argmin: expecting a list for second argument");
            Vector <double> initialGuess = CreateVector.Dense((initial as ListValue <Value>).ToDoubleArray("argmin: expecting a list of numbers for second argument"));

            if (!(tolerance is NumberValue))
                throw new Error("argmin: expecting a number for third argument");
            double toler = (tolerance as NumberValue).value;

            if (!(function is FunctionValue))
                throw new Error("argmin: expecting a function as first argument");
            FunctionValue closure = function as FunctionValue;

            if (closure.parameters.parameters.Count != 1)
                throw new Error("argmin: initial values and function parameters have different lengths");

            IObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction = ObjectiveFunction.Gradient(
                (Vector <double> objParameters) => {
                const string badResult  = "argmin: objective function should return a list with a number (cost) and a list of numbers (partial derivatives of cost)";
                List <Value> parameters = new List <Value>(); foreach (double parameter in objParameters)
                    parameters.Add(new NumberValue(parameter));
                ListValue <Value> arg1 = new ListValue <Value>(parameters);
                List <Value> arguments = new List <Value>(); arguments.Add(arg1);
                bool autoContinue      = netlist.autoContinue; netlist.autoContinue = true;
                Value result           = closure.ApplyReject(arguments, netlist, style, s);
                if (result == null)
                    throw new Error(badResult);
                netlist.autoContinue = autoContinue;
                if (!(result is ListValue <Value>))
                    throw new Error(badResult);
                List <Value> results = (result as ListValue <Value>).elements;
                if (results.Count != 2 || !(results[0] is NumberValue) || !(results[1] is ListValue <Value>))
                    throw new Error(badResult);
                double cost = (results[0] as NumberValue).value;
                ListValue <Value> gradients = results[1] as ListValue <Value>;
                KGui.gui.GuiOutputAppendText("argmin: parameters=" + arg1.Format(style) + " => cost=" + style.FormatDouble(cost) + ", gradients=" + results[1].Format(style) + Environment.NewLine);
                return(new Tuple <double, Vector <double> >(cost, CreateVector.Dense(gradients.ToDoubleArray(badResult))));

            try {
                BfgsMinimizer      minimizer = new BfgsMinimizer(toler, toler, toler);
                MinimizationResult result    = minimizer.FindMinimum(objectiveFunction, initialGuess);
                if (result.ReasonForExit == ExitCondition.Converged || result.ReasonForExit == ExitCondition.AbsoluteGradient || result.ReasonForExit == ExitCondition.RelativeGradient)
                    List <Value> elements = new List <Value>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < result.MinimizingPoint.Count; i++)
                        elements.Add(new NumberValue(result.MinimizingPoint[i]));
                    ListValue <Value> list = new ListValue <Value>(elements);
                    KGui.gui.GuiOutputAppendText("argmin: converged with parameters " + list.Format(style) + " and reason '" + result.ReasonForExit + "'" + Environment.NewLine);
                    throw new Error("reason '" + result.ReasonForExit.ToString() + "'");
            } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error("argmin ended: " + ((e.InnerException == null) ? e.Message : e.InnerException.Message)); } // somehow we need to recatch the inner exception coming from CostAndGradient
Esempio n. 18
        public static SampleValue Equilibrate(Env env, Symbol outSymbol, SampleValue inSample, Noise noise, double fortime, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            inSample.CheckConsumed(style); // we will consume it later, but we need to check now
            double initialTime = 0.0;
            double finalTime   = fortime;

            string sampleName = (outSymbol.Raw() == "vessel") ? "" : "Sample " + inSample.FormatSymbol(style);

            KChartHandler.ChartClear(sampleName, "s", "M", style);

            List <SpeciesValue> inSpecies = inSample.stateMap.species;
            State initialState            = inSample.stateMap.state;

            if ((noise == Noise.None) && initialState.lna)
                initialState = new State(initialState.size, lna: false).InitMeans(initialState.MeanVector());
            if ((noise != Noise.None) && !initialState.lna)
                initialState = new State(initialState.size, lna: true).InitMeans(initialState.MeanVector());
            List <ReactionValue> reactions = inSample.RelevantReactions(netlist, style);
            CRN crn = new CRN(inSample, reactions, precomputeLNA: (noise != Noise.None) && KControls.precomputeLNA);

            KChartHandler.SetMeanFlowDictionary(crn.MeanFlowDictionary(), style);
            // List<ReportEntry> reports = netlist.Reports(inSpecies);
            List <ReportEntry> reports = inSample.RelevantReports(style);

            Exec.lastExecution.lastCRN = crn; KGui.gui.GuiOutputSetText(crn.FormatNice(style));

            Func <double, double, Vector, Func <double, Vector, Vector>, IEnumerable <SolPoint> > Solver;

            if (KControls.solver == "GearBDF")
                Solver = Ode.GearBDF;
            else if (KControls.solver == "RK547M")
                Solver = Ode.RK547M;
                throw new Error("No solver");

            Func <double, Vector, Vector> Flux;

            if (noise != Noise.None)
                Flux = (t, x) => crn.LNAFlux(t, x, style);
                Flux = (t, x) => crn.Flux(t, x, style);

            bool nonTrivialSolution =
                (inSpecies.Count > 0) &&  // we don't want to run on the empty species list: Oslo crashes
                (!crn.Trivial(style)) &&  // we don't want to run trivial ODEs: some Oslo solvers hang on very small stepping
                finalTime > 0;            // we don't want to run when fortime==0

            // INTEGRATE
            (double lastTime, State lastState) =
                Integrate(Solver, initialState, initialTime, finalTime, Flux, inSample, reports, noise, nonTrivialSolution, style);

            if (lastState == null)
                lastState = initialState.Clone();
            lastState = lastState.Positive();
            List <SpeciesValue> outSpecies = new List <SpeciesValue> {
            }; foreach (SpeciesValue sp in inSpecies)
                outSpecies.Add(sp);                                                                                                // the species list may be destructively modified (added to) later in the new sample
            SampleValue outSample = new SampleValue(outSymbol, new StateMap(outSymbol, outSpecies, lastState), new NumberValue(inSample.Volume()), new NumberValue(inSample.Temperature()), produced: true);


            foreach (ReportEntry report in reports)
                // an equilibrate may pick up the reports of a previous equilibrate, so we reassign the report even if it has already been assigned
                // this does not really affect lexical binding because a second report with the same name will get a new symbol
                // P.S. this was changed so that an equilibrate no longer picks up reports of previous equilibrate, so the issue should not arise
                if (report.timecourse != null)
                    env.AssignValue(report.timecourse, KChartHandler.ToTimecourse(report.timecourse, report.flow, style), reassign: true);

            inSample.Consume(reactions, lastTime, lastState, netlist, style);
Esempio n. 19
        public Value Apply(Expressions expressions, bool infix, Env env, Netlist netlist, Style style, int s)
            // arity/infix is assigned by the parser, and infix is supplied here from FunctionInstance->Apply
            // for infix operators known to the parser, arity = arguments.Count should be correct, but other function applications will not determine arity
            // the tricky case are "-" and observe, which are treated as Ennary operators, with arguments.Count = 1 or 2
            List <Expression> arguments = expressions.expressions;

            if (this is OperatorUnary op1)
                if (arguments.Count != 1)
                    Bad(arguments, style);
                Value arg1 = arguments[0].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                if (arg1 == Value.REJECT)
                return(op1.Apply1(arg1, infix, style));
            else if (this is OperatorBinary op2)
                if (arguments.Count != 2)
                    Bad(arguments, style);
                Value arg1 = arguments[0].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                Value arg2 = arguments[1].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                if (arg1 == Value.REJECT || arg2 == Value.REJECT)
                return(op2.Apply2(arg1, arg2, infix, style));
            else if (this is OperatorTernary op3)
                if (arguments.Count != 3)
                    Bad(arguments, style);
                Value arg1 = arguments[0].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                Value arg2 = arguments[1].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                Value arg3 = arguments[2].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                if (arg1 == Value.REJECT || arg2 == Value.REJECT || arg3 == Value.REJECT)
                return(op3.Apply3(arg1, arg2, arg3, infix, style));
            else if (this is OperatorEnnary opN)
                List <Value> argN = new List <Value>();
                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
                    Value argI = arguments[i].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                    if (argI == Value.REJECT)
                return(opN.ApplyN(argN, infix, style));
            else if (this is OperatorUnaryExt opExt1)
                if (arguments.Count != 1)
                    Bad(arguments, style);
                Value arg1 = arguments[0].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                if (arg1 == Value.REJECT)
                return(opExt1.Apply1(arg1, infix, env, netlist, style, s));
            else if (this is OperatorBinaryExt opExt2)
                if (arguments.Count != 2)
                    Bad(arguments, style);
                Value arg1 = arguments[0].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                Value arg2 = arguments[1].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                if (arg1 == Value.REJECT || arg2 == Value.REJECT)
                return(opExt2.Apply2(arg1, arg2, infix, env, netlist, style, s));
            else if (this is OperatorTernaryExt opExt3)
                if (arguments.Count != 3)
                    Bad(arguments, style);
                Value arg1 = arguments[0].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                Value arg2 = arguments[1].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                Value arg3 = arguments[2].EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                if (arg1 == Value.REJECT || arg2 == Value.REJECT || arg3 == Value.REJECT)
                return(opExt3.Apply3(arg1, arg2, arg3, infix, env, netlist, style, s));
            else if (this is OperatorEnnaryExt opExtN)
                List <Value> argN = expressions.EvalReject(env, netlist, style, s + 1);
                return(opExtN.ApplyN(argN, infix, env, netlist, style, s));
            else if (this is OperatorPseudoTernary opPara3)
                if (arguments.Count != 3)
                    Bad(arguments, style);
                return(opPara3.ApplyPseudo3(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], infix, env, netlist, style, s));
                throw new Error("Apply");
Esempio n. 20
        private static void Execute_Worker(bool doParse, bool doAST, bool doScope, bool autoContinue, bool chartOutput)
            lastExecution = null;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (TheParser.Parser().Parse(KGui.gui.GuiInputGetText(), out IReduction root))
                if (doParse)
                    Netlist netlist = new Netlist(autoContinue);
                        Statements statements = Parser.ParseTop(root);
                        if (doAST)
                            SampleValue vessel       = Vessel(KControls.SelectNoiseSelectedItem != Noise.None);
                            Env         initialEnv   = new ValueEnv("vessel", Type.Sample, vessel, new BuiltinEnv(new NullEnv()));
                            Scope       initialScope = initialEnv.ToScope();
                            Scope       scope        = statements.Scope(initialScope);
                            if (doScope)
                                Style style = new Style(varchar: scopeVariants ? defaultVarchar : null, new SwapMap(),
                                                        map: remapVariants ? new AlphaMap() : null, numberFormat: "G4", dataFormat: "full",  // we want it full for samples, but maybe only headers for functions/networks?
                                                        exportTarget: ExportTarget.Standard, traceFull: false, chartOutput: chartOutput);
                                KChartHandler.ChartClear("", "s", "M", style);
                                KDeviceHandler.Sample(vessel, style);

                                netlist.Emit(new SampleEntry(vessel));
                                DateTime evalTime = DateTime.Now;
                                lastExecution             = new ExecutionInstance(vessel, netlist, style, startTime, evalTime);
                                lastExecution.environment = statements.EvalReject(initialEnv, netlist, style, 0);
                                if (lastExecution.environment == null)
                                    throw new Error("Top level reject");

                                if (style.chartOutput)
                                    foreach (ParameterEntry parameter in netlist.Parameters())
                                        KControls.AddParameter(parameter.symbol.Format(style), (parameter.value as NumberValue).value, parameter.distribution, style);
                                    KGui.gui.GuiParametersUpdate(); // calls back KControls.ParametersUpdate, but only on Win/Mac

                    catch (ExecutionEnded) { lastExecution.EndTime(); KGui.gui.GuiOutputAppendText(lastExecution.ElapsedTime()); }
                    catch (ConstantEvaluation ex) { string cat = "Does not have a value: "; netlist.Emit(new CommentEntry(cat + ": " + ex.Message)); KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(-1, -1, 0, cat, ex.Message); }
                    catch (Error ex) { netlist.Emit(new CommentEntry(ex.Message)); KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(-1, -1, 0, "Error", ex.Message); try { KGui.gui.GuiProcessOutput(); } catch { }; }
                    catch (StackOverflowException ex) { netlist.Emit(new CommentEntry(ex.Message)); KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(-1, -1, 0, "Stack Overflow", ex.Message); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { string cat = "Something happened"; netlist.Emit(new CommentEntry(cat + ": " + ex.Message)); KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(-1, -1, 0, cat, ex.Message); }
                KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(TheParser.Parser().FailLineNumber(), TheParser.Parser().FailColumnNumber(), TheParser.Parser().FailLength(), TheParser.Parser().FailCategory(), TheParser.Parser().FailMessage());
Esempio n. 21
        public Env ExtendValue <T>(Pattern pattern, T argument, Netlist netlist, string source, Style style, int s) where T : Value    // bounded polymorphism :)
            Env env = this;

            if (pattern is SinglePattern)
                SinglePattern parameter = pattern as SinglePattern;
                env = new ValueEnv(, parameter.type, argument, netlist, env);
            else if (pattern is ListPattern)
                List <Pattern> subPatterns = (pattern as ListPattern).list.parameters;
                if (!(argument is ListValue <T>))
                    throw new Error("A list pattern is bound to a non-list value: '" + source + "'");
                List <T> subArguments = (argument as ListValue <T>).elements;
                env = env.ExtendValues(subPatterns, subArguments, netlist, source, style, s + 1);
            else if (pattern is HeadConsPattern)
                List <Pattern> headPatterns  = (pattern as HeadConsPattern).list.parameters;
                Pattern        singlePattern = (pattern as HeadConsPattern).single;
                if (!(argument is ListValue <T>))
                    throw new Error("A list pattern is bound to a non-list value: '" + source + "'");
                List <T> subArguments = (argument as ListValue <T>).elements;
                if (headPatterns.Count > subArguments.Count)
                    throw new Error("In a list pattern variables exceed values: '" + source + "'");
                List <T> headArguments = subArguments.Take(headPatterns.Count).ToList();
                List <T> tailArguments = subArguments.Skip(headPatterns.Count).ToList();
                env = env.ExtendValues(headPatterns, headArguments, netlist, source, style, s + 1);
                env = env.ExtendValue(singlePattern, new ListValue <T>(tailArguments), netlist, source, style, s + 1);
            else if (pattern is TailConsPattern)
                Pattern        singlePattern = (pattern as TailConsPattern).single;
                List <Pattern> tailPatterns  = (pattern as TailConsPattern).list.parameters;
                if (!(argument is ListValue <T>))
                    throw new Error("A list pattern is bound to a non-list value: '" + source + "'");
                List <T> subArguments = (argument as ListValue <T>).elements;
                if (tailPatterns.Count > subArguments.Count)
                    throw new Error("In a list pattern variables exceed values: '" + source + "'");
                List <T> headArguments = subArguments.Take(subArguments.Count - tailPatterns.Count).ToList();
                List <T> tailArguments = subArguments.Skip(subArguments.Count - tailPatterns.Count).ToList();
                env = env.ExtendValue(singlePattern, new ListValue <T>(headArguments), netlist, source, style, s + 1);
                env = env.ExtendValues(tailPatterns, tailArguments, netlist, source, style, s + 1);
                throw new Error("Pattern");
Esempio n. 22
        public static SampleValue MassCompileSample(Symbol outSymbol, SampleValue inSample, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            //inSample.Consume(null, 0, null, netlist, style); // this prevents simulating a sample and its massaction version in succession
            List <ReactionValue> inReactions = inSample.RelevantReactions(netlist, style);
            CRN inCrn = new CRN(inSample, inReactions);

            Gui.Log(Environment.NewLine + inCrn.FormatNice(style));

            (Lst <Polynomize.ODE> odes, Lst <Polynomize.Equation> eqs)             = Polynomize.FromCRN(inCrn);
            (Lst <Polynomize.PolyODE> polyOdes, Lst <Polynomize.Equation> polyEqs) = Polynomize.PolynomizeODEs(odes, eqs.Reverse(), style);
            Gui.Log("Polynomize:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.PolyODE.Format(polyOdes, style)
                    + "Initial:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.Equation.Format(polyEqs, style));

            (Lst <Polynomize.PolyODE> posOdes, Lst <Polynomize.Equation> posEqs, Dictionary <Symbol, SpeciesFlow> dict, Lst <Positivize.Subst> substs) = Positivize.PositivizeODEs(polyOdes, polyEqs, style);
            Gui.Log("Positivize:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.PolyODE.Format(posOdes, style)
                    + "Initial:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.Equation.Format(posEqs, style));

            Lst <ReactionValue> outReactions = Hungarize.ToReactions(posOdes, style);

            Gui.Log("Hungarize:" + Environment.NewLine + outReactions.FoldR((r, s) => { return(r.FormatNormal(style) + Environment.NewLine + s); }, "")
                    + "Initial:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.Equation.Format(posEqs, style));

            SampleValue outSample = new SampleValue(outSymbol, new StateMap(outSymbol, new List <SpeciesValue> {
            }, new State(0, lna: inSample.stateMap.state.lna)), new NumberValue(inSample.Volume()), new NumberValue(inSample.Temperature()), produced: true);

            netlist.Emit(new SampleEntry(outSample));
            posOdes.Each(ode => {
                Flow initFlow = Polynomize.Equation.ToFlow(ode.var, posEqs, style).Normalize(style);
                double init; if (initFlow is NumberFlow num)
                    init = num.value;
                    throw new Error("Cannot generate a simulatable sample because initial values contain constants (but the symbolic version has been generated assuming constants are nonnegative).");
                if (init < 0)
                    throw new Error("Negative initial value of Polynomized ODE for: " + Polynomize.Lookup(ode.var, eqs, style).Format(style) + " = " + init + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.Equation.Format(eqs, style));
                outSample.stateMap.AddDimensionedSpecies(new SpeciesValue(ode.var.species, -1.0), init, 0.0, "M", outSample.Volume(), style);
            outReactions.Each(reaction => { netlist.Emit(new ReactionEntry(reaction)); });

            substs.Each(subst => { ReportEntry report = new ReportEntry(null, OpFlow.Op(, "-", subst.minus), null, outSample); outSample.AddReport(report); });
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Symbol, SpeciesFlow> keypair in dict)
                ReportEntry report = new ReportEntry(null, keypair.Value, null, outSample); outSample.AddReport(report);

Esempio n. 23
 public virtual void Execute2(Value arg1, Value arg2, Netlist netlist, Style style, int s)
     throw new Error("OperatorBinary");