Esempio n. 1
        /// Executes the query.
        //  Preprocesses the query text entered by the user
        //  and queries the index.
        //  Calculates the total time to run the query
        //  and sets some text variables for later use.
        public int RunQuery(string text, bool preproc, out string qText)
            // start timer...
            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            // get the query settings from the collection
            IRQueryParams queryParams = myCollection.GetQueryParams();

            string[] queryFields      = queryParams.Fields;
            float[]  queryFieldBoosts = queryParams.FieldBoosts;

            // build field boost dictionary
            IDictionary <string, float> boosts = new Dictionary <string, float>();

            for (int i = 0; i < queryFields.Length; i++)
                boosts.Add(queryFields[i], queryFieldBoosts[i]);

            // setup searcher, query and parser
            Query query;

            parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30,
                                               queryFields, analyzer, boosts);

            // preprocess query (if required)
            if (preproc == true)
                query = PreprocessQuery(text, parser);
                // no preprocessing
                query = parser.Parse(text);

            // print query text to form
            qText = query.ToString();

            // execute the search
            searchResults = searcher.Search(query, maxResults);

            // end timer and calculate total time
            DateTime end      = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan duration = end - start;

            queryTime = duration.Seconds + (float)duration.Milliseconds / 1000;


Esempio n. 2
        // set the query parameters for this IRDocument type
        public override IRQueryParams GetQueryParams()
            string[] fields          = { "title", "words" };
            float[]  fieldBoost      = { 1.0f, 1.0f };
            bool     removeStopWords = false;
            int      nGrams          = 3;
            float    nGramBoost      = 0.2f;
            bool     addSynonyms     = false;
            float    synonymBoost    = 0.5f;

            IRQueryParams querySettings = new IRQueryParams(fields, fieldBoost,
                                                            nGrams, nGramBoost,
                                                            addSynonyms, synonymBoost);
