Esempio n. 1
        // Shows a list of all available target-vessels and returns true, if the player has selected one:
        public bool DisplayList()
            scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, GUI.scrollStyle);
            string green = "#00FF00";
            string red   = "#FF0000";

            // Build a list with all valid vessels:
            List <Vessel> validTargets = new List <Vessel>();

            foreach (Vessel vessel in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
                if (!TargetVessel.IsValidTarget(vessel))
            if (selectedIndex >= validTargets.Count)
                selectedIndex = -1;
                targetVessel  = null;

            if (validTargets.Count == 0)
                // No valid targest available:
                GUILayout.Label("No valid targets in orbit.");
                // Show list with all possible vessels:
                List <GUIContent> contents        = new List <GUIContent>();
                List <int>        filteredIndices = new List <int>(); // Target-vessels which fall out of the defined filters will get noted here.
                int index = 0;
                foreach (Vessel vessel in validTargets)
                    bool filterThisTarget = false;
                    if (!TargetVessel.IsValidTarget(vessel))
                    List <string> descriptions = new List <string>();
                    descriptions.Add("<color=#F9FA86><b>" + vessel.vesselName + "</b></color><color=#FFFFFF>");

                    // Orbital-Parameters:
                    descriptions.Add("<b>Apoapsis:</b> " + GUI.FormatAltitude(vessel.orbit.ApA) + ", <b>Periapsis:</b> " + GUI.FormatAltitude(vessel.orbit.PeA) + ", <b>MET:</b> " + GUI.FormatDuration(vessel.missionTime));

                    // Docking-Port Types:
                    List <string> dockingPortsTranslated = new List <string>();
                    foreach (string dockingPortType in TargetVessel.GetVesselDockingPortTypes(vessel))
                    if (dockingPortsTranslated.Count > 0)
                        descriptions.Add("<b>Docking-Ports:</b> " + string.Join(", ", dockingPortsTranslated.ToArray()));

                    // Resources:
                    double capacity = 0;
                    foreach (PayloadResource availableResource in TargetVessel.GetFreeResourcesCapacities(vessel))
                        capacity += availableResource.amount * availableResource.mass;
                    if (capacity > 0)
                        descriptions.Add("<b>Resource Capacity:</b> " + capacity.ToString("#,##0.00t"));

                    // Crew:
                    int seats = TargetVessel.GetCrewCapacity(vessel);
                    int crew  = TargetVessel.GetCrew(vessel).Count;
                    if (seats > 0)
                        descriptions.Add("<b>Crew:</b> " + crew.ToString() + "/" + seats.ToString());

                    // Maybe apply additional filters and show their attributes:
                    List <string> filterAttributes = new List <string>();;
                    if (filterVesselType != null)
                        bool   isValidType = vessel.vesselType == (VesselType)filterVesselType;
                        string color       = isValidType ? green : red;
                        filterAttributes.Add("<b>Type:</b> <color=" + color + ">" + vessel.vesselType.ToString() + "</color>");
                        if (!isValidType)
                            filterThisTarget = true;
                    if (filterHasCrewTrait != null)
                        int traitCount    = TargetVessel.GetCrewCountWithTrait(vessel, filterHasCrewTrait);
                        int requiredCount = 1;
                        if (filterHasCrewTraitCount != null)
                            requiredCount = (int)filterHasCrewTraitCount;
                        string color = traitCount >= requiredCount ? green : red;
                        filterAttributes.Add("<b>" + filterHasCrewTrait + "s:</b> <color=" + color + ">" + traitCount.ToString() + "/" + requiredCount.ToString() + "</color>");
                        if (traitCount < requiredCount)
                            filterThisTarget = true;
                    if (filterAttributes.Count > 0)
                        descriptions.Add(String.Join(" ", filterAttributes.ToArray()));

                    contents.Add(new GUIContent(String.Join("\n", descriptions.ToArray()) + "</color>"));
                    if (filterThisTarget)
                        filteredIndices.Add(index);                   // If there were filters, which did not match, we still show the target, but don't allow to select it.

                int newSelection = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(selectedIndex, contents.ToArray(), 1, GUI.selectionGridStyle);
                if (newSelection >= 0 && !filteredIndices.Contains(newSelection))
                    // The player has selected a payload:
                    selectedIndex = newSelection;
                    targetVessel  = validTargets[selectedIndex];
            return(targetVessel != null);
Esempio n. 2
        // Shows a list of all available crew-members which the player can choose to transport and returns true, if the selection is valid:
        public bool DisplayList()
            var targetCrewCapacity = 0;

            if (targetVessel != null)
                targetCrewCapacity = TargetVessel.GetCrewCapacity(targetVessel);
            else if (targetTemplate != null)
                targetCrewCapacity = targetTemplate.GetCrewCapacity();

            if (missionProfile.crewCapacity == 0 && missionProfile.missionType == MissionProfileType.TRANSPORT) // We only care about the seats on the transport-vessel during transport-missions.
                GUILayout.Label("There are no available seats in the selected mission-profile.");
            else if (targetCrewCapacity == 0) // If the target has no seats, we can't transport anyone.
                GUILayout.Label("The selected target-vessel can not hold any crew-members.");
                // Target-vessel summary:
                var    targetOverload = false;
                string headline;
                if (targetVessel != null) // Existing vessel (in- & outboud transfers possible)
                    // Display capacity and transfer deltas:
                    var targetVesselCrew = TargetVessel.GetCrew(targetVessel);
                    if (targetVesselCrew.Count + crewToDeliver.Count - crewToCollect.Count > targetCrewCapacity)
                        targetOverload = true;
                    headline = "<b>" + targetVessel.vesselName + ":</b> " + targetVesselCrew.Count.ToString() + "/" + targetCrewCapacity.ToString();
                    var transfers = " inbound: " + crewToDeliver.Count.ToString("+#;-#;0") + ", outbound: " + (-crewToCollect.Count).ToString("+#;-#;0");
                    if (targetOverload)
                        transfers = "<color=#FF0000>" + transfers + "</color>";
                    GUILayout.Label(headline + transfers);

                    // Display Crew that is stationed on the target vessel:
                    foreach (var kerbonaut in targetVesselCrew)
                        var details = " <b>" + + "</b> (Level " + kerbonaut.experienceLevel.ToString() + " " + kerbonaut.trait + ")";
                        if (missionProfile.oneWayMission || MissionController.GetKerbonautsMission( != null || missionProfile.missionType != MissionProfileType.TRANSPORT)
                            GUILayout.Label(" • " + details);                                                                                                                                                               // Do not transport kerbals, which are flagged for another mission or there isn't even a return-trip or transport happening
                            var selected = GUILayout.Toggle(crewToCollect.Contains(, details);
                            if (selected && !crewToCollect.Contains(
                            else if (!selected && crewToCollect.Contains(
                else if (targetTemplate != null) // New vessel (only inbound transfers possible)
                    // Display capacity:
                    if (crewToDeliver.Count > targetCrewCapacity)
                        targetOverload = true;
                    headline = "<b>" + targetTemplate.template.shipName + ":</b> ";
                    var seats = crewToDeliver.Count.ToString() + " / " + targetCrewCapacity.ToString() + " seat";
                    if (targetCrewCapacity != 1)
                        seats += "s";
                    if (targetOverload)
                        seats = "<color=#FF0000>" + seats + "</color>";
                    GUILayout.Label(headline + seats);

                // Display Transport-vessel summary, if this is a transport-mission:
                var transportOutboundOverload = false;
                var transportInboundOverload  = false;
                if (missionProfile.missionType == MissionProfileType.TRANSPORT)
                    if (crewToDeliver.Count > missionProfile.crewCapacity)
                        transportOutboundOverload = true;
                    if (crewToCollect.Count > missionProfile.crewCapacity)
                        transportInboundOverload = true;

                    headline = "<b>" + missionProfile.vesselName + ":</b> ";
                    var outbound = "outbound: " + crewToDeliver.Count.ToString() + "/" + missionProfile.crewCapacity.ToString();
                    if (transportOutboundOverload)
                        outbound = "<color=#FF0000>" + outbound + "</color>";
                    var inbound = "";
                    if (!missionProfile.oneWayMission)
                        inbound = ", inbound: " + crewToCollect.Count.ToString() + "/" + missionProfile.crewCapacity.ToString();
                        if (transportInboundOverload)
                            inbound = "<color=#FF0000>" + inbound + "</color>";
                        inbound += ", inbound: -";
                    GUILayout.Label(headline + outbound + inbound);

                // Display crew-rowster:
                foreach (var kerbonaut in GetCrewRoster())
                    var details = " <b>" + + "</b> (Level " + kerbonaut.experienceLevel.ToString() + " " + kerbonaut.trait.ToString() + ")";
                    if (MissionController.GetKerbonautsMission( != null)
                        GUILayout.Label(" • " + details);                                                                 // Do not transport kerbals, which are flagged for another mission
                        var selected = GUILayout.Toggle(crewToDeliver.Contains(, details);
                        if (selected && !crewToDeliver.Contains(
                        else if (!selected && crewToDeliver.Contains(

                // Check if the selection is valid (it neither overloads the target nor the transport):
                if (!targetOverload && !transportOutboundOverload && !transportInboundOverload)